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© code: SAMEERLIVE (© doubts: 6366633813 Differentiation & NS Drei (Theory rae + STITT Cat) 1 Let a be an interior point of the domain of a function ag O80 Sjoga’ Tx 0.4? Hae {fix). The derivative of fix) at x= a is vq) = im £2 S@) S(e)= im SO (i) provided the limit neers exists IE f(a) exists we say that flx) is differentiable at x=a, otherwise it is not differentiable. Farmar for|x|>1 x|>1 a a sinx=cosx Scosx=-sinx dx dx Let fix), g(x) and u(x) be differentiable functions 4 anxesecx aeceasecrtan< fat all points ofa certain interval, f(x) = 0, then the ax de function (x) hasa constant value within this interval a a 3 Chain Rule gy OETA —CosEC CORK ¢ FT cotx=—cosec x (Case I: Ifyisa function of wand wisa function of x, then derivative of y with eset oy dy _dy du Ba aso) =4 2 pant (Gi) Case II: Ify and x both are enna! interms of t,yand x both are differentiable with respect dy _dyldt dx dx/dt a L flogx=1, forx>0 ie ee d a =a" log, a,fora>0 tot, then as pened ST Sum and Difference Rule : Using linear property d da da Fire elo= Zire A eo) Product Rule a da da 0 Zfe-g60= foo go+ 960-4 fo) aw dx - d d Scalar Multiple Rule : —(k f(x))=k— f(x) Quotient Rule: oe d d A (a2 (0) FFG) fo) (gO) ax\ g(x) (ev? provided g(x) # 0. d dw du (i) Fev yur Ere ew METHODS OF DIFFERENTIATION Code: SAMEERLIVE Differentiation of Implicit Functions : If y is ‘expressed entirely in terms of x, then we say that y is an explicit function of x, For example y = sin x, yeesy=x2+x+ Let Ifyisrelated to.xbut cannot be conveniently expressed in the form of y = fix) Dut can be expressed in the form flx, y) =O, then we say that y is an implicit function of (a) Differentiate each term of flx, y) respect to x. (b) Collect the terms containing dy/dx on one side and the terms not involving dy/dx on the other side. (©) Express dy/dx as a function of x ot y or both. ‘Logarithmic Differentiation : If differentiation of an expression or an equation is done after taking Tog on both sides, then itis called logarithmic differentiation. This method is useful for the function having following forms fi) yx Lilt) a(n 95a $200) (where i = 1, 2, 3,. differentiable (i) Case T [fe 8 where flx) and g(x) are functions of x. To find the derivative of this type of functions we proceed as follows: Let y = [2]. ‘Taking logarithm on both the sides, we have log y= g(x)og f(x) and then we differentiate want. x. Hi) 2) B108)-$9(0) “Taking logarithm on both the sides, we have Jog y=log{f(20] + log(60) = logy (0) = loglg)] and then we differentiate wart. x with where g(x) #0 Jy f(s) and gi(x) both are (ii) Case: y= Baur lucite + Differentiation of Infinite Series: Ifyis given in the form of infinite series of x and we have to find out &, then weremove one ormore terms it does not affect the series. @ I y=\ s+ for Vito, then y=/f(x)+y = y’ ilo Wry Gi) Tf y= foo!" then y= f(x)” (ai) y= fle then y= /(x)+2, fix cf FO) ‘+ Differentiation of Composite Function : Suppose 1 function is given in form of fog(x) oF flg(x) Differentiate applying chain rule, ftgeor= seco! 8's) SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENTIATION OR HIGHER ORDER DERIVATIVES + Ify isa function of x and is differentiable with 4 respect tox; then its derivative $* can be found which is known as derivative of first order. If the first derivative 2 is also a differentiable function, then it can be further differentiated ‘with respect to x and this derivative is denoted by @ylde2, which is called the second derivative of 1 with respect to x. Similarly n' derivative of y is denoted by 22 ay" ‘successive derivatives and this process is known as successive differentiation. Ify = fx), then the value ofthe n'® order derivative atx = ais usually denoted ay by [<2] or nana (Z| n'* Derivatives of Some Standard Functions +L snarsaaté( coed) dx” 2 All these derivatives are called as . Scolar t)=a! coo rast) rr 2 « etnn= aa where m> me N a"ax+by"", Doubts: 6366633813 Code: SAMEERLIVE a © Stogiar+b)= an 0 Ley nate ax" =a" (logay" e* sin(bx +416) sin(bx-+e) a e% costbx +e) =r"e cost +c+ m9) where r= Va +08; @=tan a DIFFERENTIATION OF INTEGRAL FUNCTION + If gi(2) and gy(x) both functions are defined on {a b] and differentiable at a point x (a, b) and f(t) is continuous for y(a) < ft) < go(6), then alec a Gale SOM flea sa) a = fig) SLOPE OF THE TANGENT AND NORMAL + Slope of the Tangent : Ifa tangent is drawn to the curve y = f(x) at a point P(x, y;) and this tangent ‘makes an angle y with positive x-direction, then (2) =tany= Slope of the tangent. co) 5 Tangent + Slope of the Normal : ‘The normal to a curve at a point P(x, 9) is a line perpendicular to the tangent at P and passing through P. Slope of the normal a x Neem = = =e © Slope of tangent (dy). EQUATION OF THE TANGENT AND NORMAL + Equation of the Tangent : The equation of the tangent to the curve y= flx) ata point P(x, y3) is -(2) «x ro(Z), a) Equation of the Normal : The equation of the normal to the curve y= fl) ata point P(x, y1) is a Wut Wig tlg ANGLE OF INTERSECTION OF TWO CURVES + Theangle of intersection of two curvesis defined as the angle between the tangents to the two curves at their point of intersection. Thus, the angle between the tangents of the two curves y= fi(x) and y= f(x) isgiven by 2) vy 4 ae.) icc nca) Mx 7) ae, 2x91) | * Orthogonal Curves : If the angle of intersection of two curves is a right angle, the two curves are said to intersect orthogonally. The curves ate called orthogonal curves. Ifthe curvesare orthogonal, then =) dx )\adx Jy LENGTH OF TANGENT, NORMAL, SUBTANGENT, SUBNORMAL y + Length of tangent, ES mm, = zm ‘Tangent + Length of subnormal, BC= ytany= INCREASING AND DECREASING FUNCTIONS. * A function fis said to be an increasing function in Ja, BL fx; < xp =9 flay) < Rvp) forall x), x2 €] a,b * A function fis said to be a decreasing function in Ja, Dh ify < xp = Aimy) > flay), W x7 €] a BL. * fl) is known as non-decreasing if f(x) > 0 and non-increasing if f“(x) £0. MONOTONIC FUNCTION A function f is said to be monotonic in an interval if it is either increasing or decreasing in that interval We summarize the results in the table below Doubts: 6366633813 Properties of Monotonic Functions + If lx) is a strictly increasing function on an interval [a, b], then J“! exists and itis also a strictly increasing function + If lx) is a strictly increasing function on an interval [a,b] such that it is continuous, then f-" is continuous on {f(a)sft6)] + If f(x) is continuous on [a, b] such that F020 [f (0 > 0} for each c €(a, b), then fix) is monotonically (strictly) increasing function on {a,b} + If f(x) is continuous on [a, b] such that FS 0[F(©) < 0] for each c €(a, b), then fx) is monotonically (strictly) decreasing function on {a, b}. + IE flx) and g(x) are monotonically (or strictly) increasing (or decreasing) functions on [a, b], then gojtx) is a monotonically (or strictly) increasing function on [a,b]. + fone of the two functions fix), g(x) is strietly (or monotonically) increasing and other is strictly (monotonically) decreasing, then goflx) is strictly (monotonically) decreasing on [a,b]. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM ‘+A function f(x) is said to attain a maximum at x =a if there exists @ neighbourhood (a - 8, a + 8) such that f(x) < fla) forall xe (a-8,a+8),x#0 = flx)- fla) < O forall xe (a- 8a 48), xe0 In such a case, fla) is said to be the maximum value of flx) at x= a. + A function flx) is said to attain a minimum at.x=a if there exists a(a ~5, a+8) such that f(x) > fla) for all xe (a-3,a+3),.x4a = fl) ~ fla) > 0 for all xe (a-8,a+8),x#a In such a case, fla) is said to be the minimum value of flx) at x = a ‘+The points at which a function attains either the ‘maximum values or the minimum valuesare known as the extreme points or turning points and both maximum and minimum values of (x) are called extreme or extreme values. ‘Thus a function attains an extreme value at x= aif la) is either a maximum or a minimum value, Consequently at an extreme point a, fix) ~ fla) keeps the same sign for all values of x in a deleted nbd of a. Code: SAMEERLIVE a GU ices SUFFICIENT CRITERIA FOR EXTREME VALUES (0 DERIVATIVE TEST) Let flx) be a function differentiable at x = a. ‘Then (a) x = a is a point of local maximum of f(x) if (i) f@ =0and (Gi) f(a) changes sign from positive to negative as x passes through a ie., f“(x) > Oat every point in the left neighbourhood (a - 8, a) of a and f (x) < 0 at every point in the right neighbourhood (a, a + 8) of a {b) x=ais a point of local minimum of f(x) if (i) f@) =0and (Gi) f(a) changes sign from negative to positive as x passes through a, ie, f"(x) <0 at every point in the left neighbourhood (a ~ 3, a) of a and f(x) > 0 at every point in the right neighbourhood (a, a + 3) of a. (0) Iff(a) = 0 but f(a) does not change sign, that is, haas the same sign in the complete neighbourhood of 4, then a is neither a point of local maximum nor a point of local minimum, Working Rule for Determining Extreme Values of a Function f(x) Step 1: Put y= flx) dy a Step 1: Find & sept 29 and se hcg Le X= Cy, Cy m= Cy be values of x obtained by putting dy 0.1 €2) mse Ey are the stationary values of x, as a from positive to negative as x passes through ¢,, then ay the function attains a local maximum at x = ¢). 1f 2 changes its sign from negative to positive as x passes through c), then the function attains a local minimum at x = cy. In case there is no change of sign, then x = ¢ is neither a point of local maximum nor a point of local minimum, HIGHER ORDER DERIVATIVE TEST + Find f’(x) and equate it to zero. Solve f(x) = 0 let its roots are x= a, a. + Find f”(x) and at x= a1, (TF Fay) is positive, then flx) is minimum at x=q Gi) IF f(a.) is negative, then flx) is maximum atx=ay. © Matx=ay, fay) =0, then find f(a). IEf"(ay) #0, then f(x) isneither maximum nor minimum at x= ay. Doubts: 6366633813 If f’"(ay) = 0, then find f(x), If f(x) is 4ve (Minimum value) f'"(x) is — ve (Maximum value) + Hatx=ay,f%a,)=0, then find f*(x) and proceed similarly. PROPERTIES OF MAXIMA AND MINIMA (i) Maxima and minima occur alternately, that is between two maxima there is one minimum and (ii) If flx) + © as x a or b and f’(x) = 0 only for one value of x(say c) between a and b, then fic) is necessarily the minimum and the least value. I fx) > ~e° as x > a or b, then flc) is necessarily the ‘maximum and the greatest value. ROLLE'S THEOREM fa function fix) is such that, (i) Tis continuous in the closed interval [a, b] (ii) Ttis derivable in the open interval (a, b) (iii) fa) = 0) ‘Then there exists at least one value ‘c’of xin the open interval (a, b) such that f’(c) = 0. LAGRANGE'S MEAN VALUE THEOREM Ifa function f(x) is such that, (i) Itis continuous in the closed interval [4, b] (ii) Itis derivable in the open interval (a, b) “Then there exists at least one value'c’ of x in the open. LO) interval (a, b) such that —~—*" Code: SAMEERLIVE Dr Weed Doubts: 6366633813

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