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Formula Sheet Binomial Theorem BINOMIAL THEOREM FOR POSITIVE INTEGRAL INDEX The rule by which any power of binomial can be expanded is called the binomial theorem. If mis a positive integer and x, y € C then Get yar tga yl et MC ty + oe MGady = SIC ay! ey Here, "Co. "Cy "Cp, us "Cy are called binomial coefficients and "CG, for0Srsn. rin)! SOME IMPORTANT EXPANSIONS 8 lxny y= cy O Ge Eyl ata MEP tt IMO = SM GA = tai a Myx Gat tM Cal tet MC ox = © Caaf = MO = MG alt MC? toe FAG A bat DG = LCD G a ms (ety) +(x yl" =2"Cyxty + "yxy? ty +c tye and (x+y)"—(x- yy" =2["G,x" ty! HOA + Mg VF] ¢ The coefficient of (r+ 1)**term in the expansion of (1+ x)"is"C, ‘© The coefficient of x" in the expansion of (1+ x)" is"G, GENERAL TERM © The general term of the expansion is (r + 1)!" term usually denoted by ,,, ="C,x"" y" ‘¢ Inthe binomial expansion of (x + 9)", the p"™ term from the end is (n ~ p +2)" term from beginning, NUMBER OF TERMS IN THE EXPANSION OF (a+b+0" AND (a+b+c+d)" (a+b + 0)" can be expanded as {(a + b) + <)" = (a BYE PCa + DYNO! Fe HC ct (n + 1) term +n term + (n~ 1) term +. + 1 term ‘Total number of terms = (n+ 1) + (n) +. #1 _ln+Din+2) 2 Similarly, number of terms in the expansion of (n+1)(n+2)(n+3) 6 (atb+c+dy" MIDDLE TERM ‘The middle term depends upon the value of n. * When 1 is even, then total number of terms in the expansion of (x + y)"is m + 1 (odd). So there Ch is only one middle term i-e., & a iy term is the middle term. i a Gyan yr 2 ‘* When m is odd, then total number of terms in the ‘expansion of (x + y)"is n + 1 (even). So, there are Y ‘ih two middle terms ie, mat) and (2) are to middle terms. melt Cyax > ¥ > and ‘* When there are two middle terms in the expansion then their binomial coefficients are equal. '* Binomial coefficient of middle term is the greatest binomial coefficient. GREATEST TERM AND GREATEST COEFFICIENT © Greatest term : If T, and T, . be the r and (r+ 1)® terms in the expansion of (1 + x)", then ft, a nortl "Gx ih "Cx Let numerically, 7, , 1 be the greatest term in the above I, expansion. Then T12 Troe Bhan, THU 21 or rs ttl) , Gx) Now substituting values of n and x in (i), we get 1 m-+ for r< m, where m isa positive integer and {isa fraction such that 0 < f< 1. ‘When i is even Ty , is the greatest term, when 1 fs odd Ty, and Thy. are the greatest terms and both are equal ‘To fnd the greatest term (numerically) n the expansion of (1+ x) Ai) (n+) (Calculate m=|=ES (ii)_Ifmisinteger, then Ty and Try, are equal and both are greatest term, (Gii) If mis not integer, then Ti) 1 isthe greatest term, where [-] denotes the greatest integral part © Greatest coefficient (i) If mis even, then greatest coefficient is "Cy. Gi) If m is odd, then greatest coefficient are "Gyan and "Cusp 2 2 PROPERTIES OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS In the binomial expansion of (1 + x)", (4 2 = Cy AGH ta MGA to Cyt i) Let us denote the coefficients, "Co, "Cj. "Ca um BC re #Cn nits Cy by Co, Cis CG, Cy respectively then the above expression can be expressed as (a= OG = + Gx+ ets FORTH a + Gyr, Cy are known as binomial where Co, Ci, Ca « coefficients. PROPERTIES 2 M=GQHG He © G-G4G-G+ Cyt Cyt Cet. = Cyt Cyt Cot +Gy ant . siric, and so on. © CGC gta Cy oy = (n—r)l (ntryt + G=Geee, te Gy Cy + 2C, + 3C3 + C.-26)#30,- Cot Cy + 3Ca tt (MF IIC, = (n+ 2)2"—* 0, ifn isodd GGG -G+ fam "Cyypif nis even USE OF DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION IN BINOMIAL THEOREM ‘© Use of differentiation : This method applied only when the numericals occur as the product of binomial coefficients (i) If last term of the series leaving the plus or minus sign be m, then divide m by n if q be the quotient and r be the remainder. ie,m=ng+r ‘Then replace x by xin the given series and multiplying both sides of expansion by x’. (i) After process (i), differentiate both sides, wrt. x and put x= 1 or -1 or i or ~i ete. according to given series. (iii) If product of two numericals (or square of numericals) or three numericals (or cube of numerical) then differentiate twice or thrice. ‘* Use of integration : This method is applied only ‘when the numericals occur as the denominator of the binomial coefficients. IF (1+ x)" = Cy + Cyx + Cx? + + Gy x" then, we integrate both sides between the suitable limits which gives the required series. (i) If the sum contains Cy, Ci, Cay os Cy with all +ve signs, then integrate between limit Otol. (ii) If the sum contains alternate signs then integrate between limit ~ 1 to 0 (iii) If the sum contains odd coefficients i.e., (Gos Cz, Cy...) then integrate between -1 to 1. (iv) If the sum contains even coefficients (i.e. Cy, Cy, Cy, = then subtracting (Gi) from (i) and then dividing by 2. (vy) If denominator of binomial coefficients is product of two numericals then integrate two times, first taking limit between 0 to x and second time take suitable limits. AN APPLICATION OF BINOMIAL THEOREM if (VA +B)" =1+ f where and n are positive integers, OS feLthen (1+) -f=K" where A - B?=K>0Oand VA-B<1 © Ifmiseven integer then (JA +BY" +(VA—By" = 14 f +f" Hence L.H.S. and I are integers c.f +f" is also integer = feffads 2 f'=0-) Hence, (I+ fU-= (+ Py" (lA +By"(VA~ BY" = (A - BY"= Ke" MULTINOMIAL THEOREM (FOR POSITIVE INTEGRAL INDEX) If n is positive integer and ay, a, a3. ny © C then riinghanyl | fe tartar tag =D, Where 1, ay Ms,» My are all non-negative integers subject to the condition, m+ +13 + + My = © Thecoeffcient of aa. af, in the expansion of (ay +p + 3 + soe + yy)" iS mina ns BINOMIAL THEOREM FOR ANY INDEX 2 eo ee 2 31 n(n=1)e(n=41) + x! +..terms up to = 7 when m is a negative integer or a fraction, where =1

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