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Group 1 : 7 to 8 years old


1. Fill the following blanks in the conversation (each blank 1 point).
Alice: Hello, ………(1) Alice. What’s your ………..........(2)?
Max: Hi, my ………...(3) is Max.
Alice: Hi Max, ………...(4) are ………(5)?
Max: I’m ……….(6), thanks.
Alice: How ………...(7) are you?
Max: I’m seven ……….….(8) ……….(9).
2.- Fill the blank space with the correct numbers under the picture.

80 + 63
3.- Fill the following blanks with the correct answer.

4.- Translate the following words into Spanish (1 point each blank)
Look - ………………...
Open - ………………...
Close - ………………...
Listen - ………………...
Show - ………………...
Pick up - ………………...
Ask - ………………...
Answer - ………………...
Find - ………………...
Stand up - ………………...
Sit down - ………………...
5.- Match the picture with the correct verb and write the verb in Spanish.

6.- Listen and fill the blanks.

1 2 3

4 5 6

6.- Convert from its singular for to its plural form.

Mouse - ……………….
Book - ……………….
Pen - ……………….
Watch - ……………….
7.- Write the correct name for each color under the picture.

8.- Fill the following blanks with the correct name.

1 2

What is this?

1) It’s a ……………...
3 4

2) ..... a ……………...

3) It …... a ………….

4) It’s a ……………...
5 6

5) It is …... ………...

6) It …. …. ………….
9.- Answer and fill the blank spaces under the pictures.

What color is the ………. color is the What …………. is the

bear? elephant? tiger?

What color is the ……… …………. is the What color is the

zebra? snake? ………….?

10.- Write the four questions learnt in class to ask for the name of things.

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