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Identify the following based on the given case study:

1. As HR Manager,
A. Prepare a notice of violation and sanction to Ms. Heart.

Stark Industries
Parent company of Conglomerate of Stark Group of Companies
Office of the Human Resource Department

==========================STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL======================
This communication is strictly confidential. Only the intended recipient must receive and read this and
any information herein must not to be divulge. This is in accordance with rules and regulations regarding
the Company’s Data Privacy. Anyone caught violating shall be sanctioned accordingly.


To: Ms. Heart

Executive Assistant

Cc: Mr. Chiz

Immediate Officer

From: John Michael Eubra (sgd.)

Human Resource Manager

Date: September 13, 2022

Ms. Heart,

It has come to our attention of the reports of some the employees of this company regarding your work
responsibilities and attitude towards work. The said reports were enumerated below:

1. One of our regional officers, Mr. Rambo, expressed worry about the technological issue that
occurred during the Annual Meeting of the Regional Officers. The sound was more noticeable in
room B than in room A on the second day of the Meeting, when participants were assigned to the
two-function room next to each other. He had once called your notice, but you are accused of
having neglected to coordinate it with the responsible agency. The technical issue was still present
when the meeting began; however, this time he attracted your attention rather irritably rather than
shouting at you (which he stressed) and also reported the said circumstance to your employer, Mr.

It is rather surprising that some wrong information was raised to Ms. Annabelle, his boss, in connection
to the said issue.

1. You reportedly did not create any communications or send them according to the three-personnel
review protocol. It resulted in the company waste resources by printing communications with incorrect
information. Due to the aforementioned protocol violation, this also caused another instance where you
had communicated incorrect information.

2. According to a report regarding one of our guest speakers, you apparently only sent him the venue
setup instructions an hour before the scheduled event. This is crucial so that he can modify his
presentation to fit the situation.

3. Report about the delay of arranging of flights of some guests outside the Metro which led to re-routing
of guests and company having to spend more than that of the budget.

If the aforementioned reports are confirmed to be accurate, they will give rise to any sanctions listed in
Section 7 of the Company's Omnibus Rules on Human Resource Actions.

However, given that this company values providing each employee with a fair trial, you are thus obliged
to provide a written explanation of your defense regarding the aforementioned allegations and issues
within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving this memo. You will be deemed to have waived your right to be
heard in accordance with Section 4.c if you fail to comply with this requirement. Omnibus Rules on
Human Resource Actions of the Company.

Further investigation of the said reports will start upon receipt of your written explanation/defense or
after forty-eight (48) hours upon your receipt of this memorandum, whichever is applicable. By then,
any sanction will be raised to you if deemed necessary, based with the result of the investigation and in
accordance with the Section 7 of the Company’s Omnibus Rules on Human Resource Actions.

Please be notified that the reports, this memorandum, your written explanation and any further
communications regarding this will form part of the records of the case.

For your strict compliance.

==========================STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL======================
This communication is strictly confidential. Only the intended recipient must receive and read this and
any information herein must not to be divulge. This is in accordance with rules and regulations regarding
the Company’s Data Privacy. Anyone caught violating shall be sanctioned accordingly.

B. Cite at least 4 training needs for Ms. Heart. Discuss the details of the training.
a. General Training for Executive Assistants:
b. The fundamentals and more advanced abilities required of any Executive Assistant will be covered in this
program, which will also cover: quality work output, effective time management, better organization,
multitasking and job prioritization, and effective business communication skills.
c. Workplace and Business Communications Training:

This training will improve one’s business communication. This is important because of the following
benefits of having effective communication:
 Effective Business Communication Improves Productivity
 It helps provide clarity and direction
 Improves productivity
 Increased knowledge of business practices  Healthier workplace environment

c. Interpersonal Skills Training:

This training will increase their self-awareness and improve the way they relate to others in order to
work more effectively and to sustain high quality working relationships

d. Planning and Facilitating Effective Business Meetings

This training workshop will equip participants with the knowledge to plan, prepare for, participate in,
and facilitate productive and effective group meetings.

2. Types of management leadership styles of the characters

Laissez-Faire Management Style
This type of leadership focuses primarily on assigning tasks to team members and offering scant to no
supervision. Because a laissez-faire leader does not spend their time micromanaging employees, they
often have more time to dedicate to other projects. At the same time, employees appreciate the
autonomy they’ve been given and will often show more initiative than if they were being told exactly
what to do and how to do it.

However, this can lead to a major drawback, leaders can empower employees by trusting them to work
however they'd like, it can limit their development and overlook critical company growth opportunities.
So, it is healthy to once in a while check the way employees’ output.

3. Discuss briefly the effects of leadership styles on the organization.

The organization's leadership style is influenced by how it affects metrics, productivity, employee
morale, and decision-making speed.

Successful leaders explore all of their options, conduct a thorough analysis of the situation, and make
well-informed decisions. An effective leader creates a lasting impact by using the leadership style that is
most suitable for the circumstance.

4. How does leadership style influence organizational productivity?

An effective leader motivates, inspires and guides her subordinates to achieve established goals and

Depending on how leaders make decisions, delegate responsibility, resolve conflicts and interact with
employees, you can influence employee morale, retention, absenteeism and overall productivity.

5. The Impact of leadership on organizational performance.


Leadership has a direct cause and effect relationship upon organizations and their success. Leaders
determine values, culture, change tolerance and employee motivation. They shape institutional
strategies including their execution and effectiveness.

6. Identify diversity issues at work.

 Cultural diversity: This type of diversity is related to each person’s ethnicity and it’s usually the set
of norms we get from the society we were raised in or our family’s values. Having different cultures
in the workplace is more common in multinational companies.
 Race diversity: Race has to do with a person’s grouping based on physical traits (despite the
dominant scientific view that race is a social construct and not biologically defined).
 Religious diversity: This type of diversity refers to the presence of multiple religions and spiritual
beliefs (including lack thereof) in the workplace.
 Age diversity: Age diversity means working with people of different ages and, most importantly,
 Sex / Gender / Sexual orientation: Sex and gender can be used in the traditional sense of male and
female employees. For example, you may sometimes hear the term “gender balance” used by
companies trying to achieve a 50-50 balance between employees who identify as male and
employees who identify as female. But, as gender is increasingly redefined, the term “gender
diversity” may be more appropriate, since there are multiple variations in gender and sexual
 Disability: There are various types of disabilities or chronic conditions included here, ranging from
mental to physical. Companies often make reasonable accommodations to help people with
disabilities integrate into the workplace, such as installing ramps for wheelchairs or providing mental
health support. Some companies also adjust their hiring process to make sure it's inclusive.

7. How to manage diversity in the workplace.

While it’s clear that diversity can be very beneficial to an organization, it’s essential that managers, as
well as the employees in the organization, understand how to manage it for both their own benefit as
well as that of the organization. Conscious steps and initiatives need to be taken within the company to
enable the coexistence and thriving of heterogeneous groups. Without these efforts, diversity could turn
into a liability rather than an advantage.

 Create inclusive policies and practices

 Provide diversity training.
 Facilitate effective communication
 Encourage interaction

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