Parallel Processing

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17- 8-28 Por Page - C54 > CHP jg rHoneony.- C47; P-5I8 | op wed bs Pacellel Precenainde teed {- What is parallel processing’? Advantages. cand divachartnges, 2. Pxploin Ihe puralled processing csith mubliple fundional unit- S- Qhanaify amd explain She poncllel procearing compden | MS Flinn: What is pipelining 1 Explain nifhmatic plpebining B. Wal in vedten proeerning 2 Aoolicdion of vector & Dire» Ihe attached und stp array processing - % wha jy y mildiprocering 9 g. Chenadenvstion of milfiproeesning © chowify fhe mul proceaning. 40. Derertbe the cleoniPiccbion of ongoiatin millipucasing Processing» _\\eo Porulle) Peceaming he dorm paral processing weant Improving He pentonmonce of a compen mphem by cannying ond neverch Yok pimboneowlt A High volume of conpdddion im ofken equine in mout agplicdion onead induding real Hime pignal procesning Aomiticdion of Panallel, froeomning Fy Nes. Flirts 3 Precesbon_onginiedion single Ivdnuchion, Single Twhudion, ptuigle Tntnuctin, tlle Tmsdruchion, Single Dub. Stream ——Ludtiple Dan Stren, Single Duby. Seam, MulKiele do sinean (S1SD> (SIMD) (Isp) (NTMD) | Unipnocednene Vector. Arnon, Shaned Memory Proeesron ——Procesron. ; Dismnibiled Henan ply couphedl) (loorely, cowaled) { ka ON Chuteny Mulkiprocenor. AAN onuniform (sme) emony Aecesh Nomad h PDF Poge- 653, COY > 174; Figure - At leh Single Tmabmdtion, Single Oedu, SJtteom_(ST.SD)'- A talale procomor execute 9 aingle fndrudion to openede. on deo shore in ingle memory. SIMD: Laingle machine jratruction control the pimulfaneowy execution of a number of procesding elements « NMISD;- A requence of jda in Inanrniffed log net of eoth of which exeeles a different grabrucdion he quence. [ntmo:: A re of procernon rimulkuneowly. oxeewe different {nstrudlon pequencer of dilfonet deh. nebs, 62 __ aces sun Lee-2 th PDF Poge- GbE iS 0s [ev (a) $T$D CU Cus Ca (@ MISD (eth phared memory) CD SIMD Cuith dighibded menany) IS Dy OS EES EAT uk, “TWetcomedbion Ne Is _* Ds (a pr (2) AIMD CoGh dakuididal menoy) fal Form = Conktol Unit 1S= Insiudion stream PU = Procerning Unit DS= Dala Sineam ND = Memony nit Le Local Memory. G2 Anmay, Procerrati- A prRocerron thot perfoums compudedion on la vark ony of doa D> know ar osmay procersor: Nulli Prcomon. & vedon Procomon ane often fermmh For armay. procerrot. Tt only execs one jnstnudion at a tine on an grag of ata. They work wilh monsive dala nets bo perform. eomputttion » Thene ane hwo Sypes oF dedec FF gnToy procearor- UD Attached ; (GD SIMD anroy, Mocesnor- adtached Arwcoy, Procerso-- To improve the performance. of the hort compdee in vumenica) eompdotional tk. An ouvilony procebor in oftachel fo it - ‘Thne @ ane jwo interfaces of tached anray procesen: wo Inpt-Odpit Interface fo a common procerbor- wD Intedoces vith \oeal, memory, ow High speed enemy, fp . Figpne:- Interconnection of an attached amay procesver | ow Wont compden SIMD SIMD jn g compen cyt rubbigle PROCedning unify ~ operating in panallel . YE dynchtonized $o perform name operation unden of —o the eonhol ete unit. Tt proves nigh single imbridion nlneom and mudfiple data dream» Contd rei] rir PEAT —{ MQ t Moin Rjaure- STMD — " 28-9-22 Mon Lee-3 es _ .||Ner Vector Procesniry- Tn computing o veelor procernor tote’ ANRIY proeerror iy a apn that jmplemenb an induction pe whene Hs imdrucdion ane designe 0 operde. efficienth | and effedivy. on Jonge one dimertional anny of dobar ealleX veelor+ procerniny: IA jection :- 1. Tmaye provesning 2 Prnliticial Ine 3 Dolo Analy» U- Wegdhen For 3: Medinl Diagonarir |( eH aduils ene xx wi [obning Pipdiing elem 40 ovealapning operdions vey | — Moving, dob. on iiruclions into a eonceptudl plpe oth all stoger pertonning rimbtoncourly Cxangle:- While one jmbnuckion i being exeedal , lhe complen i» decoding ned- vantage: 4. Th jnvelved Low energy gemumphion « & needs ver, ne jie mainkoinonee - [Dinadortoge |}A+ Delinginbng on pipeline procenro in eomplex- h ORO debi PHO aay | edhe Pipeline’: Ye peparuker o given anifhmabic problem nko nub problem» Jut con be executed in different pledlire reamed - Hh uve Pon mulligicedion, Mocking prin! operation and vor, —ofhen caleulation- The proeer> on Floschoat Fon Mouking poitt Addition fs ahoun in He diagram = a ¥ wv Segment i Segment a Se gent 3 Segment 4 }# Symmetric Multiprocess -> IPDF Page: 635, 636 -> Figure- 17.5 + 6 Points Explanation-> Addressing to Reliability

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