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Computer Evelvbion & Renfermanae B- 6-2 /, coe = 2 == Topics - " 4. Define - SOENTAC ; #) EDVAC - es, Vor Neuman Machine: ane Dereribe the edencedk Strucure of 1AS Compulen- | /12- Deerbe the extended strucune of TAS Compiden: Us Derentke TBM sytem) 1BM 360- e ye . 12- 6-29 Sun Lee=Q ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. TE wor fins programmable electtonie general punpere . digi leompden., compdel jn 4945. £2 ENIAC had all of them I, : |}ax one package: Tt con able fo nohe a Longe clin» ‘ol numeniee problem dhnowgh programming - é | DyAc RRechtonie Disencle Variable avjonatic Compder. loon Bohn ond programs Frat could manipulate the dak hi would be stoned cithin EDVAC memory. Central Processing Unit (CPU) Arithmetic- logic unit (CA) i control unit (CC) Figure 2.1 Structure of the IAS Computer CAmithde for, Advance Stel 4 think] ALYg to Ls Matn, andl 7 oy | fur: | 92 ALU ai ropa, Fayre oe We eel (10 3, Corral (nid baw Ss, Ef YW. 7 lo fig Sdrucune of he IAS Conpder {Man Memory :- main memory hich hones posh ‘doh on jnsdructions - 4 ALUi>, ALU in capable of opening binary Qaba He insruetion 113. Co marca vit A control unit ishioh sheen e) menony. And eae jhen to be oxearteck: Arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) AC k—_{__™a f if Arithmetic-logic circuits IR MAR Control circuits 2 Control * signals Program control unit Input- output equipment Instructions and data memory Addresses Fetch Coudel Gruchne of IAS Compshee= | Anise, Laie Unit Addnesner Bg Exponded Sirudune of 18S comple — — puilen Regier JMenony_ putter Regisler (HBR) Contin a » tgont fo be in memory on rent fo the 110 unit, on ln wel fo cocciver & word from memony on. from $e 1/0 yng Nemeny. Addn» Reyinber (MAR) :- Cpecities the addres in menory OF he word Jo be onitlen tron on read info he Mer. [Inbrudlion Regier (rR = Corum He 2. bi being. exeouded: oui tr sen (00) Erpleyel Jo holll oponanily he igh-hand jimdruction from a worl jn memony,« Program Courlen (P2):- Corks the athens of fe ved instruction pain fo he fetched from memony. Accumulator (AC) Uo Multiplien Guabied! (HQ): Employed fo heldl Femporarily operands on cenit of ALY of ' fF 4 LAS a QA-22, 35-39%, Ton. 700 5275 EK opcode jnshuction

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