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MATRIC NO: 180541002

ORCID ID: 0000-0034-1814-4042






Aquaculture production is developing increasingly in the world and, as years go by is becoming

a viable alternative to the exhaustion of resources from catching fish. Currently one-half of all
food fish supply comes from aquaculture. The increase in aquaculture production meets a
growing demand for fish, but also corresponds to a reduction in catches by industrial and small-
scale fishing. For ACP Group States, important progress has been done to promote aquaculture
however with differing stages of development depending of the investments and capacities of
each county and region stretching from commercial phase of development to the initial stage of
growth. For these countries, aquaculture sector often encounters problems, among which are
institutional constraints, poor management practices and environmental risks such as water
pollution, propagation of diseases to fish-farm populations, excessive use of antibiotics and
harmful effects on biodiversity

In order to operate your farm effectively, you must constantly inspect your fish ponds, keep
accurate records, and prepare ahead of time for farm operations. You can choose when to
fertilize your ponds and how much to feed your fish based on this information. You may plan the
stocking, transfer, and harvest of your fish as well as assess how well additional foods are being
used and how quickly your fish are growing. Above all, you may be fully educated on the costs
and benefits of fish farming.

Identifying the appropriate strategy for your situation is crucial. The management system will
typically be more intricate the larger and more commercial the farm, and the more technically
skilled the employees. The management system's suitability for your farm and proper
implementation, however, are of utmost importance. Setting up a complex system has no use if it
is not utilized fully or appropriately.

As you already know from a previous manual (see Section 1.8, Construction, 20), there can be
significant differences in farm size, level of production, and culture system. This manual's main
topic, small-scale fish farming, can be done by:

Commercial, semi-commercial, and subsistence farmers are all types of farmers

Fish production by subsistence farmers often takes place in conjunction with other part-time
agricultural endeavors. Their primary goal is to provide their family with protein-rich diet. Any
extra fish can be traded with neighbors or sold at the neighborhood market to make money.

Commercial fish farmers see their operation as a small business. Their major goal is to make
money by making a profit when they sell seafood.


Utilizing regenerative aquatic resources, fisheries management seeks to provide long-term

biological, environmental, and economical advantages. Because the target creatures (such as fish,
shellfish, amphibians, reptiles, and marine mammals) typically create an annual biological
surplus that may be exploited with wise management without affecting future productivity, wild
fisheries are categorized as renewable.

Fishing management, which draws on fisheries research and may include the precautionary
principle, takes actions that safeguard fishery resources so that sustainable exploitation is
possible. Modern fisheries management is frequently described as a governmental system of
appropriate environmental management laws based on clearly defined goals and a variety of
management tools to carry them out. These tools are put in place by a system of monitoring
control and surveillance.


The Technical Guidelines (FAO, 1997) suggest that fisheries management institutions have two
major components: the fisheries management authority and the interested parties. The fishers and
fishing companies would usually be the major participants amongst the interested parties. The
fisheries management authority is that entity which has been given the mandate by the State (or
States in the case of an international authority) to perform specific management functions. In
many countries that authority would be a Department of Fisheries or, within a broader
Department, a Division of Fisheries. However, a fisheries management authority does not have
to fall directly within central government, and could be, for example, provincial, local, parastatal
or private. Any one of these arrangements can function effectively, given an adequate legal
framework in which to operate and the resources necessary to fulfil their function. Who, then,
within this authority is the fisheries manager and to whom is this Guidebook addressed? In fact,
despite the fact that we have deliberately used the term in the title, we suggest that in modern
fisheries management, there is rarely a single individual who fulfils the functions of "fisheries
manager". The head of the authority, for example, a Director of Fisheries, may have overall
responsibility for implementing fisheries management and, as well as being accountable and
responsible for the advice passed on from his or her Department to the political decision-maker,
may act in an overall coordinating role. However, this individual is unlikely to, and generally
should not, have sole responsibility for receiving information, formulating advice and making
and implementing decisions. Fisheries management is a complex and multi-faceted discipline
and requires input from a range of perspectives. It is therefore inappropriate to expect any
individual to fulfil this function on their own. In addition, as discussed above and reflected in
Paragraph 7.1.2 of the Code of Conduct, fisheries management should involve the legitimate
interested parties in the management procfuction.

The goal of fisheries management is to produce sustainable biological, environmental and

socioeconomic benefits from renewable aquatic resources. Wild fisheries are classified as
renewable because the organisms of interest (e.g., fish, shellfish, amphibians, reptiles and marine
mammals) usually produce an annual biological surplus that with judicious management can be
harvested without reducing future productivity.[1] Fishery management employs activities that
protect fishery resources so sustainable exploitation is possible, drawing on fisheries science and
possibly including the precautionary principle.

This is the small scale sector, usually organised by family unit. It is labour intensive and made up
of 4 sub-sectors:
a) Riverine and Lake Canoe fisheries
b) Flood pond fisheries based on the exploitation of flood plains. This is seasonal.
c) Coastal Canoe fisheries (along the coast and its made up of fishermen scattered along the coast
d) Brackish water Canoe fisheries (along the creeks, lagoons, estuaries)


This is the cultivation of fish in controlled environment for food purposes. It involves selection
of sites for fish pond construction, proper construction, stocking and feeding of cultured species,
management of pond water, pond bottom and harvesting of fish after culture period. This sector
of the industry is very versatile and active involving many stakeholders and professionals such as
pond engineers, fish health experts, nutritionists and geneticists.

This is the use of high technology in form of equipments in the harvest, delivery and distribution
of fish and fish products. It is capital intensive and requires the use of highly sophisticated
technology. It involves a highly organised processing and marketing facilities.The Industrial has
2 main sectors, vis (a) Inshore and (b) OffshoreThe inshore is within the territorial shore of
Nigeria while the Offshore is in the distant water fishing zone of the country.


I assessed my data and information on the internet, and I found a jornal that was published on
the internet which I found vital content on information, I found the jornal reliable as a major
source of information my work.

Secondly, I sourced my information on the 30th of September 2022.


Aquaculture in the Philippines is moving toward intensification and the use of coastal waters for
cage and pen fish farming as a result of the rising demand for food fish, the fall in capture
fisheries productivity, and the exhaustion of mangrove areas available for fishpond growth. As a
result of this change from low density to high density cultivation, the demand for feeds has
increased far more than the demand for fertilizers.

The current shortage of the majority of locally accessible feedstuffs is made worse by their
seasonal availability and the incidence of natural disasters. Given the swift expansion of the
poultry and cattle agricultural industries, the issue is expected to get worse.

MATRIC NO: 180541003


GOOGLE SCHOLAR: Adebayo Adewale













Water pollution is a menace that has affected not just fisheries, but mankind for decades. It has
become a worldwide pandemic, and keeps increasing as the years go by. Water will continue to
play significant roles in the daily activities of mankind. The importance of clean and safe water
I'm fisheries cannot be overemphasized. This review aims to discuss the effects of water
pollution in fisheries activities, its causes, effects and possible solutions.

Keywords: Water, pollution, causes, effects, solutions, treatment


The effect of water pollution in fisheries has lead to the gradual decrease in the production of
fish in today’s world. Sewage from urban areas, waste from industries, oil spillage from ships are
the main source of water pollution. When large pollutant such as heavy metals, pesticides, oil
spillage are released to the water body, it affect the assimilation of the fish by reducing the level
of oxygen in the water body which leads to high fish mortality rate and also cause the migration
of fish from a toxic environment to a less toxic environment.

This study aims to :

1. Know the definition of water pollution

2. The sources of water pollution
3. The effects of water pollution to fishes
4. Solution in controlling water pollution

Definition of Water Pollution

Water pollution can be defined as the unacceptable deterioration of water body by the
contamination or the addition of substance either physically, biologically or chemically done
indirectly or directly by man.

Sources of Water pollution

In order to fully understand the effect off water pollution in reference to fisheries, the sources of
water pollution can be classified into the following;

1. Oil spillage: Oil pollution is one of the major problems of water in the world. Sources of oil
pollution are oil spillages from pipes, operations from refinery, disposal of oil waste material,
natural silage of oil from underwater oil reservoir, tankers carrying oil.

2. Agricultural Wastes: The pollution from agriculture incudes the un-dissolved fertilizer and the
remaining poisonous pesticides. Agricultural waste are difficult to control in most part of the
countries due to either by proper channel to transport or unawareness. Most of the fertilizers used
are contains phosphate, nitrates and potassium.
3. Domestic sewage: These are waste from households, school, hostels in which majority of them
are not treated which contains diseases, bacterial and they are passed to the water.
4. Solid waste: These are solid household rubbish such as paper, can, plastic which are displace
around by humans and Cartier about either by wind or water during rainy season into the sea.
5. Acid rain: Acid rain is caused by the presence of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in
rainwater in which both sulphur and nitrogen are present in the atmosphere. The normal ph for
rain water is between 5.0 and 5.5, while that of acid rain is below 4.5.

Changes in the parameters of water due to pollution

1. Light penetration: Due to the high turbidity of the water, the penetration of lights is reduced.
2. Turbidity: Due to the presence of overload of both the organic and inorganic nutrient released
from wastes, the turbidity of the water increases.
3. Temperature: The temperature of the water may increase when the water is use to cool the
power station.
4. CO2: The co2 level increase as a result of the organic matter not properly decomposed in the
5. Dissolved Oxygen: The dissolved oxygen is reduced when
(i) the turbidity of the water level is high
(ii) Heavy sewage are transferred into the water, the microorganisms helps to break it down
which uses up the dissolved O2

Effect of water pollution on fisheries

1. Eutrophication: This is the gradual increase in the concentration of phosphorus, nitrogen

pottasium in the water.. Due to the increase in the organic load pollution in the water and
increase the rate of aquatic ecosystem which almost result in the high growth of pyhytoplaktons
in the water. In the presence of high growth of phytoplankton on the water, there will be severe
competition of oxygen which will lead to the death of fishes in the water.

2. Diseases: Due to the Exposure of concentration of the pollutant, the organisms may
become more prone to disease. . It is possible that some organic pollutants will provide an
environment suitable for the development of disease producing bacteria and viruses which will
affect the fish.

3. Migration: This is the movement of an organism from one place to another. The high
concentration of pollutants will interfere with the movement pattern of fish thereby changing the
composition of population.

Control of water pollution;

1. Water pollution control legislations: It’s different from country to county. In Nigeria,the
following Water pollution control legislations are there.

The Water Resources Act is targeted at developing and improving the quantity and quality of
water resources. The following sections are pertinent:
Section 5 and 6 provides authority to make pollution prevention plans and regulations for the
protection of fisheries, flora and fauna.
Section 18 makes offenders liable, under this Act, to be punished with a fine not exceeding
N2000 or an imprisonment term of six months. He would also pay an additional fine of N100 for
everyday the offense continues.
2. Dilution: Dilution is the most easier method of waste disposal, whereby diluting the
polluted water area to such an extent that the harmful effect of the pollutant is made ineffective.

3. Recovery of byproducts: Recovery of byproducts like mercury from chloro-

alkali industry effluents, sodium hydroxide from sulphate waste, calcium oxide from sulphite wa
ste, oil from hydrogenated vegetable oil and soap, and so on, should be practiced.


The information used in preparing this study were sourced secondarily using search engines like
Mozilla Firefox, Google and research sites like Google scholar, Research gate.

The research adopts explored opinions and views from different authors to draw effect of water
pollution in fisheries.

The study was carried out at the Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria between 27th to


Table 1: Table showing the nation wide statistics of the occurrence of marine pollution between
1969 and 1974 in from Okinawa to Japan ..

The ‘I’ indicates the pollution caused by oil spillage or petroleum product, while the ‘II’
indicates other types of pollution apart from oil spillage and the ‘T’ indicates the sum total of I
and II

Water Treatment Method

Treatment of water can be expensive due to the amount of water, it is advisable to determine the
amount of water needed for treatment. There are three basic type of water treatment which are;

1. Primary Treatment
2. Secondary Treatment
3. Complete Treatment

1. Primary Treatment: There are several methods of primary treatment which are
chlorination, ozone treatment, ultraviolet treatment and membrane treatment

I. Chlorination: The use of chlorine can be added to either fresh water or sea water which
minimize the slime development and helps to control odor

Figure 1: chlorination treatment

Advantages of Chlorination

1. It reduces or lower the pH if the water

2. controlling and testing is simple and the method is not an expensive method

Disadvantage of chlorination

1. Chlorine gas are inflammable which can combine with other chemicals to form explosive
2. The automatic system control are very costly
3. Chlorine expands rapidly on heating, therefore the cylinder must have fusible plugs set at

Ozone treatment: This method needs constant supply of oxygen, special equipment and
experienced operators, although this treatment is relatively simple. The ozone bubbles are
generated by passing the oxygen through an ozone generator. It is then passed through a gas
diffuser at the bottom of an absorption column in the opposite direction to the flow of raw water.

Figure 2: Ozone treatment

Advantages of Ozone treatment

1. it reduces the turbidity of the water by the organic component

2. it’s more effective than chlorine especially in feacae bacteria
3. It’s easier to control

Disadvantage of Ozone treatment

1. To get rid of ozone, water needs to be aerated before use

2. Pure oxygen may not be readily available for use
3. ozone water is corrosive to metal because ozone breaks down quickly to oxygen

2. Secondary Treatment: This consists of sedimentation and filtration followed by

chlorination. They include cartridge filtration m, rapid sand filteration.

1. cartridge Filtration: This system is constructed to handle water of low cloudiness and
remove any particles at 5- 100 micron range


1. Change of cartridge is simple

2. Once the cartridge is heavily clogged, the flow stops


1. The cartridge may not be readily available

2. Increase in cloudiness overloads the system

Rapid sand filteration: This system includes gravels, sand of decreasing coarseness above the
gravel. As the particles builds up on top, the flow decreases until it stops .

Figure 3: Rapid sand filtration


1. Operation is simple
2. Cost of filteration is minimal


1. pumping loads increases as sediment build up


Therefore, water pollution is indeed a very serious concern because it not only has an impact on
health and but also can have negative effects on various industries and agriculture. It is therefore
highly important to devise methods to reduce the level of water pollution.


MATRIC NO: 180541004




RESEARCH GATE: Adefuye Simon Peter Oluwadamilola


COURSE-TITLE: Report-writing, project-and feasibility report

TOPIC: Impact of climate change on aquaculture


Prof. Lawson

Prof. Akintola

Dr. Elegbede

Dr. Saba
Table of contents

1. Absract
2. Introduction
3. Literature review
4. Materials and method
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
This topic of work is warning for the need for effective and progressive response to the threat of
climate change while taking into account the particular vulnerability of food production systems.

Climate changes could result in increased flood, disease, parasites infestation and harmful algal

It gave a total summarisation of the climate and weather effects if the African region. The long
term effects of climate on an ecosystem and region. It also achieves the status of this sub sector
to the total fish supply with a view to identifying the major impact of climate change on


Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. Weather can change from hour-
to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year. A region's weather patterns, usually
tracked for at least 30 years, are considered its climate.

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts
may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate
change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil and gas), which produces heat-
trapping gases.

Overall, glaciers are melting at a faster rate. Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean around the North Pole
is melting faster with the warmer temperatures. Permafrost is melting, releasing methane, a
powerful greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. Sea levels are rising, threatening coastal
communities and estuarine ecosystems. Rising temperatures increase the risk of irreversible loss
of marine and coastal ecosystems. Today, widespread changes have been observed, including
damage to coral reefs and mangroves that support ocean life, and migration of species to higher
latitudes and altitudes where the water could be cooler.

Climate change is an adverse environmental phenomenon that is causing enormous concern

all over the world. Nigeria is recognized as being vulnerable to climate change. Climate change
and global warming if left unchecked will cause adverse effects on livelihoods in Nigeria, such
as crop production, livestock production, fisheries, forestry and post-harvest activities.

Climate change is significantly disrupting fisheries and aquaculture across the globe.

Caribbean fisherfolk are on the frontline in the battle against climate change, fighting to maintain
their catches, their income and their livelihoods.
At stake is our food security, our fishing heritage, the well-being of coastal communities and an
important contribution to the emerging blue economy.

The following are effects of climate changes in the world:

1. Hotter temperatures.

2. Changes in primary production of fish larvae

3. Increased drought.

4. A warming,rising ocean.

5. Loss of species.

6.Water surface temperature rise.

7.Increased water salinity.

8.Ocean acidification.

9.changes in fish distribution.

10.Fish poisoning.

11.sargassum influx events

Aim of this topic;

1.To enlighten people about climate change and it’s effects.

2.To improve knowledge on fishery and its impact on the world.

3.To help win the fight against food insecurity and starvation .

4.To save the marine ecosystem from being destroyed.

5.To build a climate proof infrastructure.

CHAPTER TWO: Literature review.

Examples of reported impacts of climate change in the world.

• Lake Chad’s reduction in size from 25 000 km2 in 1960 to 2 500 km2 has considerably
impacted crop and fish production, and forced inhabitants to migrate to wetter areas (Chad).

• The likely disappearance of more than half the coral cover will affect local populations that are
dependent on those resources and who already live in poverty (Djibouti).

• Very significant decrease in agricultural yields, in fishing and aquaculture production, total or
partial destruction of social infrastructure (schools, basic health centres) and aggravation of
household poverty as well as food insecurity following cyclone events and social conflict caused
by water scarcity (Madagascar).

• Communities are experiencing climate change impacts such as eroding shorelines and
riverbanks, shortage of water, depleted fisheries stocks, reduced food production, large-scale
flooding, increase in outbreaks of vector- borne diseases and sea level rise (Fiji).

• As a result of climate change, in rural outer islands the people have limited access to
employment opportunities, effective transport, communication, and community services such as
education and health – these factors, combined with a high dependency on subsistence
agriculture and coastal fisheries, make rural communities vulnerable (Kiribati).

CHAPTER THREE: Materials and methods

The materials and method used for this study was gotten from other sources.They described
actions taken to be implemented in order to adapt to climate changes,and develop well designed
strategies to address them.It also mentions how climate change impacts local communities,
including migration and livelihood diversification, decreasing food production as a result of
changing fish abundance, and the aggravation of fishers’ poverty.It was last done as at
September 12 ,2017.It was submitted to the United Nations frame work convention on climate


During climate change alteration causes like biodiversity and specie distribution,changes in the
duration of biological functions,reduced productivity in food web structures and triggered
invasion of various species.
Climate changes would threaten sustainable development,and could compromise aquaculture’s
ability to feed the world thereby causing hunger and starvation.If we do not face these problem
head in it would cause undesirable consequences to our habitat.

Humans whom are the cause of climate changes are also trying their best to stop harm causing
climate changes in the world.

I hope my work has impacted knowledge on how we can make the world a better place for us to
live on and a sustainable environment where our marine ecosystem would thrive.

Allison, E.H. & Bassett, H. 2015. Climate change in the oceans: human impacts and responses.
Science, 350(6262): 778–782. (also available at aac8721).

Bavinck, M., Chuenpagdee, R., Jentoft, S., Kooiman, J., eds. 2013. Governability in fisheries and
aquaculture: theory and applications. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer Science. 382 pp.

Béné, C., Devereux, S. & Roelen, K. 2015. Social protection and sustainable natural resource
management: initial findings and good practices from small-scale fisheries. FAO Fisheries and
Aquaculture Circular No. 1106. Rome, FAO. 61 pp. (also available at

Béné, C. & Friend, R. 2011. Poverty in small-scale fisheries: old issue, new analysis. Progress in
Development Studies, 11(2): 119–144. (also available at

Béné, C., Macfadyen, G. & Allison, E.H. 2007. Increasing the contribution of small-scale
fisheries to poverty alleviation and food security. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 481. Rome,
FAO. 125 pp. (also available at A0237E00.htm).

Charles, A. 2012. People, oceans and scale: governance, livelihoods and climate change
adaptation in marine social–ecological systems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
4(3): 351–357. (also available at cosust.2012.05.011).

Cinner, J.E., Adger, W.N., Allison, E.H., Barnes, M.L., Brown, K., Cohen, P.J., Gelcich, S.

et al. 2018. Building adaptive capacity to climate change in tropical coastal communities. Nature
Climate Change 8: 117–123. (also available at 017-0065-x).



MATRIC NUMBER: 180541008

RESEARCH GATE : Adebola Adewale

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1914-4042
Linkedin: Adewale Adebola
GOOGLE SCHOLAR: Rashidat Adewale













Aquaculture is a method of farming that has been practiced over the years the world over.
Increase in the demand of aquaculture resources has led to the expansion of the aquaculture
industry in all intensities; intensive, semi-intensive and extensive. As great as the contributions
of aquaculture to the ecosystem and environment may be, the detrimental effects cannot be
ignored. This literature reviews seeks to discuss those undesirable effects caused by aquaculture
on the environment, i.e, the environment-aquaculture conflict, as well as giving possible
recommendation to curb those effects.

Keywords: Aquaculture, effects, environment.



Aquaculture is an act that involves raring, breeding or cultivation of fish or other aquatic species
in a regulated or largely regulated environment, typically for commercial gain. An aquatic
environment is one which is surrounded by water, including all living and non-living organisms.

Just as the environment plays a major role in impacting aquaculture, so does aquaculture have its
effects on the environment. It is a two-way interaction, in which neither of them is independent
of the other, and they have numerous effects on each other. The heritage of aquaculture stems
back from thousands of years ago, although the methods have changed over time now, compared
to what is done today. China is believed to be the cradle of the commencement of aquaculture
which involved the breeding of the common carp (Cyrinus carpio).

Fish may be classified as one of the least expensive sources of protein in the world, and with
increasing rate of the demand of aquaculture the world over, so is the increasing impact on the
environment. Both economically and scientifically, the connections between aquaculture
practices and the environment are highly crucial. As a result, over the past decade, a sizable
international research community has emerged.

In addition, it is no news that aquaculture unarguably plays essential roles in the economic
development of a nation, food security and also in reducing exploitation of natural resources,
thereby increasing long-term sustainability of natural resources. This does not mean its negative
impacts should be ignored. Aquaculture is therefore considered a double-edged sword, because
its positive impacts are as substantial as the negative ones.

Although aquaculture isn’t the only activity affecting the environment, an increasing demand in
the aquaculture industry has led to decision-making process to raise awareness on the negative
environmental consequences of aquaculture.

For this purpose, we shall discuss how aquaculture has induced negative repercussions on the
environment in further chapters.

Aquaculture is practiced in various intensities; Intensive, Semi-intensive and Extensive. It could
also be practiced using different culture systems, e.g Recirculatory Aquaculture System (RAS),
cage culture systems, raceways, ponds, etc. The negative influences of aquaculture on the
environment cannot be overemphasized, and they are stated as follows:

Accumulation of Nutrients and byproducts

Several instances can lead to the build-up of nutrients in the environment; ranging from uneaten
feed to dead and decaying matter, and also the fish faeces being released into the water body.
The subsequent accumulation of these nutrients over time become toxic, thereby affecting other
aquatic organisms. Examples of these nutrients include nitrites, ammonia, nitrates, etc.

Disease Transmission
When fish are cultured using the intensive method, they become more vulnerable to the spread of
diseases and parasites. This becomes greater problem when the open cage system is used. The
migrating species which pass through the route in which those aquaculture systems are suited are
at risk of getting contaminated, and by implication, they go into the oceans and continue spread
the disease.

Destruction of Mangrove Forests

Over years, aquaculture has been responsible for the demolition of mangrove forests in some
countries like Ecuador, Indonesia and Madagascar, this is because of the clearing of lands needed
to carrying out aquaculture. This has led to grave consequences, because it provides nutrients and
shelter for many species of aquatic organisms. They also serve stop coastal erosion,
encroachment desertification.

Pollution of Drinking water

Generally, fish generate a lot of waste steming from defecation, to wasted feed, etc. As a result,
the practice of inland fisheries could lead to the pollution of water bodies required for
consumption by humans.

The points listed above are few of the ways in which Aquaculture may poses a threat to humans
and the environment at large. Other ways include; acidification of soils, disturbance of other
wildlife, excessive use of freshwater resources, etc.



The study took place between 26 of September, 2022 and 2 of October, 2022 in Lagos State
th 1st

University, Ojo local government, Lagos State with two other satellite campuses located in Epe
and Ikeja, Lagos State. Two of these three campuses (Ojo and Epe) engage in aquaculture


The materials used in this study were gotten from secondary sources (online) with academic
research websites such as Google scholar, Research Gate, etc to carefully review, reflect and
write on different views of people that have written about the negative impacts of aquaculture on
the environment, thereby using their opinions draft out facts concerning the topic, thereby giving
a comprehensive literature review.


Based on the information stated earlier, it could be denoted that despite the several roles played
by aquaculture in our economy and nutrition, it also has substantial amounts of discouraging
consequences on our ecosystems and environment as a whole.

Furthermore, higher intensities of aquaculture practices result in higher the environment's effect.
Therefore, more effective measures should be implemented to lessen aquaculture's negative
effects on our ecosystems and the environment. The following is a list of a few.

The use of EAI procedures in all aquaculture activities:

Environmental Impact Assessment, or EAI in full, is described as "a tool used to determine the
environmental, social, and economic implications of a project prior to decision-making" by the
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). Due to the variety of species, this method
can be used to assess the environment and forecast the potential effects of aquaculture on a given

The use of Integrated Fish Farming as an alternative:

Fish or aquatic animals are raised alongside other land animals or plants in a practise known as
integrated fish farming. The waste products may be used as either feed or fertilizer, depending on
the form of integrated fish culture. Integrated fish culture may be practiced in different ways,
such as with poultry, plants or even aquaponics, etc.

Application of vaccination to curb diseases:

This method might be expensive, but the cost of discarding it could cause grave consequences on
the environment. Research has shown that the application of vaccinations in aquaculture has
attained great feats.
Consequently, it could be noted that several measures could be adopted to curb the negative
impacts of aquaculture on the environment, some of which have been stated above, others which
include, better farm management practices, quality control activities, government regulations and
so on.


Aquaculture is a crucial part of the world economy, but despite the fact that its various
advantages cannot the ignored, its disadvantages should also be considered. The intensity
determines the impact, therefore the aquaculture-environment relationship is a linear one.

It could therefore be said that the aquaculture-environment conflict cannot be fully nullified, and
therefore aquaculture is not an activity that ensures long-term sustainability of resources. This is
because no matter how positive the impact of aquaculture may be, the negative impacts in the
long-run are not negligible.

As a result, further research should be made regarding how aquaculture could be profitable and
still ensure maintenance of the ecosystem resources.
Dosdat A. IFREMER (n.d.). Station Expérimentale d’Aquaculture, Palavas-Les-Flots, France.
Environmental impact of aquaculture;

Kenneth D. Black (2001). Environmental impacts of aquaculture.

Marcel Martinez-Pochas and Luis R. Martinez-Cordova (2012). The Scientific World Journal.
World Aquaculture: Environmental Impacts and Troubleshooting

Maria Cretu (2016). Environmental Impact of Aquaculture. A Literature Review. Innovate Eco
(2022).Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture.

Michael Dabi and Sheena Edem Anita Dzorvakpo (2015). The International Journal of Science
&Technoledge (ISSN 2321-919X). The Impact of Aquaculture on the Environment: A
Ghanaian Perspective.







GOOGLE SCHOLAR: Oluwakayode Agboola

LINKEDIN: Kayode Agboola







Climate is volatile because after examining some important climate elements it showed that
nature forces have commanded change over centuries.

There is an important need to urgently comprehend where climate change is highly possible to
minimize livelihood possibilities for fishes and where there is urgent need to besiege in alternate
rural and urban initiative.

The International Food Policy Research Institute [2] examines scenarios, results and policy
options to promote sustainable food production in an era of climate change.

Fish is the main provider of protein for over 3 billion people, fish is also an important provider of
vitamins and fatty acids which are essential to the human body.

Fish is one of the most traded food commodities. Fish trade supports economic growth processes
by providing an important source of cash revenue to service international debt, funding the
operations of national governments, and importing food for domestic consumption, thus
contributing to national food security and diversification of diets. However, the benefits gained
from the sector are often ignored or understated in national economic planning. This is mainly
because well over half of the fish produced in SSA are from small-scale artisanal fisheries which
are often not accounted for in national statistics and thus their contribution to the economy and
food security remains invisible.

Aim of this study: This study aims to create awareness on the dangers that lies in every possible
action that can favour excess greenhouse emission which will ultimately lead to climate change.
Also, the aim of this study is for its readers to understand the aspect or areas where climate
change will possibly have a huge impact in fisheries.

Significance of this study: Climate change and its effects regarding fisheries is a critical aspect
that has to be looked into. The importance of this study is to have knowledge about the effects
climate change pose on fisheries in general. This study also puts in place ideas towards reducing
actions that influences the increase of these greenhouse gases.

The imparts of climate change on fisheries spans through diverse pathways which are seen
under direct and indirect effects. Climate change is significantly disrupting fisheries and
aquaculture leading to resulting changes or effects arising from aquatic ecological systems,
economic and social system. These effects on fisheries which a change in climate has resulted to,
are caused by activities or actions undertaken by man including power generation, deforestation,
food production, powering buildings etc. These actions result in the release of several substances
that can hamper the ecosystem over time. This then is the primary source resulting in climate
change as certain greenhouse gas emissions like methane and carbon dioxide serves as main
causes for this change which is usually evident over a long period of time.


Effects of climate change on Aquaculture globally:

Climate change as it affects the world today has impacted many fish production systems globally.
As written from other sources, imparts of the changes of climate in regard to fisheries affected
areas around the world includes the following

 Exposure to the cyclical and adverse climate imparts of “El NINO” which affects
fisheries as a primary sector. Which was discovered that given the vulnerability of this
sector and the people’s livelihood needed to be addressed on a priority basis, including
small scale fisheries. – Peru.
 Increased coastal floods, drought, storms, erosions and landslide of the last decade have
severely imparted fish production and livelihood – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
 Erratic rainfall, extreme temperatures, drought, rising sea levels, tidal surges and ocean
acidification causing negative impacts in fisheries and other sectors concerning livelihood
of millions of people over many years – Bangladesh.
 Vulnerability of sea level rise, inland flooding and other climate related occurrence
causes impacts on the majority of coastal population which could result in extinction of
some fish species such as whales, turtle dolphins and as well as coral bleaching and
migration of some marine species – Qatar.

Effects of climate change on Aquaculture in Africa:

 Significant decrease in fishing and agricultural production, large reduction in agricultural

yields, aggravation of household properties as well as food insecurity following cyclone
events and social conflicts caused by water scarcity – Madagascar.
 Lake Chad’s reduction in size has caused several impacts on fish production and
aquaculture while pushing the population to migrate to favourable regions – Chad.
The likely disappearance of more than half the coral cover will considerably affect
populations that are dependent on these resources – Djibouti.
The information used in preparing this study were sourced secondarily using search engines like
Mozilla Firefox, Google and research sites like Google scholar, Research gate and Academia.
The research adopts explored opinions and views from different authors to draw facts on the
impact of climate change on aquaculture globally.

The study was carried out at the Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria between 29th to
30TH September, 2022.


Various points derived from the results and analysis of climate change indicates that it poses a
growing threat to fisheries development at large. Gradual warming and related physical changes
as well as from the frequency, intensity and location of extreme events results in major impacts
which develops alongside other global social economic demands on natural resources. Both
during fish capture operations and subsequently during the transport, processing, and storage of
fish, fishing activities add to the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), which are to blame for
human-induced climate change actions.

There are numerous potential drivers and pathways of how climate change affect fisheries. More
study demonstrates that the impacts of climate change might be immediate or delayed,
originating from processes in terrestrial ecological systems or from those in political, economic,
and social systems. The repercussions of climate change as they affect fishing operations, fishers,
and their communities are main emphasis while it should be controlled. The impacts posed by
climate change could be categorized into 3 parts namely: Direct impacts, Ecological impacts and
social economic impacts. The direct impacts of climate change on fisheries could thereby result
in the following: Damaged gears and infrastructure, Increased danger at sea, Loss or gain of
navigation routes, Flooding of fishing communities etc. While the ecological impacts include
changes such as Change in yield, Change in species distribution, Increased variability of catches,
Changes in seasonality of production. Social economic impacts incudes Influx of migrant fishers,
Increasing fuel costs, Reduced health due to disease, Relative profitability of other sectors,
Resources available for management, Reduced security.
Most studies on fisheries contribution to climate change has found that the little contribution of
the sector to climate change does not merit substantial focus on mitigation Cochrane et al. (2009),
and there is limited information specific to fisheries on contributions to emissions. However,
Tyedmers et al. (2005) estimate that fishing fleets use the same amount of oil as the Netherlands
as a whole. Examples, potential mitigation strategies, and some of the emission pathways are
covered in this part.

Different kinds of fisheries employ different fuels, even though the majority of vessels used in
fishing are somewhat motorized and driven by fossil fuels. Medium-sized fishing vessels utilize
diesel because it is less flammable than petrol, while small fishing vessels use gasoline or
occasionally diesel in their outboard and inboard engines. The most environmentally damaging
heavy oil, which powers huge freight ships, is only used by the very largest fishing vessels (more
than 1000 tonnes). This is due to the fact that heavy oil must first be treated with specialist
machinery before being transferred to the engines.

According to recent estimates, the global maritime fleet, including the amount of CO2 emissions
from commercial fisheries is almost the same.

In 2001, around 90,000 ships in the global fleet with a tonnage of over 100 tonnes used about
280 million tonnes of fuel emitting about 813 Tg CO2 and 21.4 Tg NOx (a potent greenhouse
gas) as at the year 2000 (Eyring et al., 2005).

About 23,000 fishing boats and fish factory ships weighing more than 100 tonnes were registered
in 2001, accounting for 23% of the global fleet. According to the emission coefficients derived
by Eyring et al. (2005) for these classes of vehicles, we calculate that the total annual emissions
from large fishing vessels are approximately 69.2 Tg CO2, or 8.5 percent of all shipping

Climate change impacts on small-scale and artisanal marine fisheries: The small-scale sector
is susceptible to a variety of indirect ecological impacts depending on the ecological system on
which the fishery is based. For instance, coral reefs are a source of small-scale fisheries in the
tropical western Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans and are threatened by increased water
temperatures and acidity as well as a number of other more immediate local effects (Cochrane et
al., 2009). The productivity of these fisheries may be threatened by the likelihood of catastrophic
coral bleaching and coral death brought on by rising sea surface temperatures. Because they
frequently live in coastal communities, small-scale fishermen are particularly vulnerable to the
direct effects of climate change. This puts their infrastructure and property at risk from a variety
of direct effects like sea level rise and an increase in the frequency and intensity of storms or
changes in weather patterns may disrupt fishing practices that rely on accumulated knowledge of
the local weather and current systems. Worsening storms can raise the risks of working at sea.

Climate change impacts on large-scale fisheries:

Most notably, the Peruvian anchoveta, which accounts for more than 10% of global landings, is
built on an upwelling environment, making it extremely vulnerable to changes in the climate and
currents. In reaction to El Nino climate disruptions, annual catches of Peruvian anchoveta, for
instance, have varied between 1.7 and 11.3 million tonnes over the past ten years. The
distribution of species and, consequently, production systems are impacted by large-scale
changes. For instance, because current infrastructure (such as landing facilities and processing
plants) won't be conveniently situated adjacent to new fishing grounds as a result of the expected
northern movement of Pacific tuna stocks Cochrane (2009), fish-based sectors may be negatively
impacted. Furthermore, adjustments to the distribution of stocks and captures may take place
across international borders.

In this context, fisheries governance faces significant difficulties due to a lack of stable and well-
defined resource limits. Existing allocation plans may be disturbed by shifts in the distribution of
fish stocks and variations in the number of traditionally fished species and "new" species. For
instance, disputes over management agreements between the United States and Canada have
resulted from changes in Pacific salmon distribution brought on by changes in sea surface
temperatures and circulation patterns (Pacific Salmon Treaty, Miller, 2000). Similar to this, it is
predicted that changes in temperature in the Pacific Islands may cause a geographical transfer of
tuna resources to higher latitudes in the Pacific Ocean, resulting in conflicts over the tuna supply
between industrial foreign fleets and domestic ones constrained to their EEZ (World Bank, 2000).

These issues can also arise on a local level, across traditionally administered areas, or within
territorial rights frameworks. For novel spatial configurations of fish stocks, rigid spatial
management techniques, such as permanently closed areas to safeguard spawning or migrating
areas, management plans based on EEZ limits, or transboundary fisheries management
agreements, may no longer be appropriate. If the seasonality of the target species changes as a
result of different climate regimes, temporal management tools (such as closed seasons) may
likewise lose their effectiveness. The direct effects of climate change, such as sea level rise and
an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather, are also likely to affect industrial
fisheries. Poor weather has the potential to directly affect fishing operations, just as it can harm
shore-based infrastructure and small-scale fisheries.


This article examines the various sectors of fisheries been affected by changes in climate over
time. This article covers the captured, artisanal, small scale, large scale and the aquaculture
sector of fisheries. Already mentioned earlier the effects which are caused by climate change
over time including changes in fish distribution, extinction of some certain fish species over
times, hotter temperatures, ocean acidification, water surface temperature rise, Increased drought
etc are paramount to be looked forward to with prospective solutions. Solutions such as the
reduction of the greenhouse gases and other climate change aids through measures that tend to
reduce the amount of carbon dioxide present.

Allison, E. H., Perry, A. L., Badjeck, M. C., Neil Adger, W., Brown, K., Conway, Dulvy, N. K.
(2009). Vulnerability of national economies to the impacts of climate change on fisheries. Fish
and fisheries, 10(2), 173-196.

Brander, K. (2010). Impacts of climate change on fisheries. Journal of Marine Systems, 79(3-4),

Change, A. D. C., Blair, T., Pachauri, R. K., & Pachauri, R. (2006). Avoiding dangerous climate
change. Cambridge University Press.

Cochrane, K., De Young, C., Soto, D., & Bahri, T. (2009). Climate change implications for
fisheries and aquaculture.FAO Fisheries and aquaculture technical paper, 530, 212.

Pauly, D., Christensen, V., Guénette, S., Pitcher, T. J., Sumaila, U. R., Walters, C. J., ... & Zeller,
D. (2002). Towards sustainability in world fisheries. Nature, 418(6898), 689-695.





ORCID ID:0000 0003 3798 8633.

LINKELDN:Toluwani Ajani

RESEARCH GATE:Toluwanimi Ajani

GOOGLE SCHOLAR:Toluwanimi Ajani.

FIS 407
















Despite the low productivity of the nation's large water bodies—rivers, lakes, and the
ocean—which are currently overfished, Nigeria has a great potential for fish production
from both culture and capture fisheries. However, the former is not fully utilized.
Aquaculture has the ability to increase fish supply sources, lessen strain on artisanal
fisheries, and boost the socioeconomic status of farmers by generating jobs and foreign

There are numerous ways to define aquaculture.

Aquaculture is the deliberate growing of fish in an enclosed, somewhat shallow

body of water where all of their physiological processes may be managed. In
essence, it entails the regulated breeding of freshwater and saltwater species.
Fish harvesting from seawater is not the same as the process of fish farming.
Fishing is the practice of taking fish from the sea; aquaculture is the practice of
raising fish in culture.

According to Ayinla (2012),“ aquaculture is the fastest-growing food-producing

industry in the world. Aquaculture production is expected to double within the
next fifteen years due to market growth in demand for cultured fish, the
approaching biological limits of wild fisheries, and rising global demand for
cultured fish”

According to Adesulu (2001),“ aquaculture is the practice of producing or

fattening fish in enclosed ponds, which is a natural byproduct of water.”

In Nigeria, fish farming first started about 69 years ago. In 1951, Panyam Fish
Farm in Jos, Plateau State, became the first government-sponsored fish farming
operation in Nigeria.

Now, the private sector is in charge. Although aquaculture is practiced throughout

the nation, the South East, South South, South West, and North Central regions of
Nigeria are the most active.

Despite having at least four decades of experience in Nigeria, it is astounding that

aquaculture is still in its infancy (Olanrewaju et al., 2010). Recently, when it
became clear that catch fisheries cannot provide all of our needs for fish, its
potential for fish production was realized.

In order to increase interest in fish farming, this article examines the future of
aquaculture in Nigeria as well as its main challenges.


Over the past 20 years, aquaculture production in Africa has nearly

expanded fivefold in volume and tenfold in value.

North Africa, particularly Egypt, has the highest output levels at the sub-
regional level. Africa's West and East come in second and third place,
respectively, in terms of production levels. The lowest levels of aquaculture
production are seen in Southern and Central Africa. With only 2.7% of the
world's production in 2018, Africa's production levels are still low in
absolute terms, indicating great room for growth. In most African nations,
aquaculture's contribution to national GDP increased between 2009 and
2018, yet it remained insignificant at less than 2% in that year. Capture
fisheries continue to be the primary source of fish on the continent, with
aquaculture producing 16–18% of all fish in 2018. (FAO, 2020a).

Nigeria consumes over 1.5 million tons of fish annually, of which over
900,000 metric tons are imported, making it one of the world's largest fish
consumers. Its domestic fish catch is estimated to be 450,000 metric tons
per year (Jim, 2003; Ezenwa and Anyawu, 2003). Approximately 96,000
metric tons of fish were produced via aquaculture in 2000, compared to only
20,000 metric tons in 1994. (Ajana, 2003).
The yearly demand for fish in Nigeria increased to 2.66 million metric tons as
of 2012, with a supply of 1.32 million metric tons, or roughly half the
demand. Out of which, it is expected that 620,000 metric tonnes are
produced locally and 700,000 metric tonnes are imported. These numbers
demonstrate that aquaculture has the potential to reduce the need for the
importation of fishery goods, boost the number of employment in the
commercial fishing industry, and provide a consistent source of protein in
the future.
The potential production of 2.5–4.0 million metric tonnes through aquaculture is
substantially below the actual production.

Nigeria has an extraordinary potential for fish generation both from the culture
and capture fisheries, sadly the potential for the last mentioned has been
annihilated as a result of overwhelming fishing pressures and worldwide climate
change, Further focus should be given to the aquaculture sector as it is seen as a
highly profitable alternative to meet the needs of self-sustained countries in fish

In order to rekindle interest in fish production, this research discusses the

prospects and challenges of aquaculture in Nigeria (Aquaculture).
The materials used in this study was gotten from second hand information from other
researchers. With thorough search from the internet different journal articles and
academic books were reviewed to put this report together. It’s gives an overview of the
Topic ”prospects and problems of Aquaculture in Nigeria”

This is not an original research article, so therefore it does not present new
experimental results, but provides a current state of knowledge on theTopic.

This research took place between 28th of September to 20th of October at Lagos state



The Nigerian fish farming industry has strong possibilities because of:
High Consumption/Demand

Currently, Nigeria is Africa's largest market for fish goods. According to studies,
there is no other method to close the gap between domestic fish supply and
demand but through fish farming. These studies indicate that Nigeria entered the
fish farming industry in response to a decline in the availability of ocean fish
owing to overfishing, rising consumer populations, habitat degradation, and

High Population of Consumers

With an estimated 206 million citizens and a projected 3 percent yearly

population growth, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh
most populous country overall. In Nigeria, fish is a common dietary item and a
low-cost source of protein. Red meat should not be consumed by the elderly or
those who have certain medical issues. This group eats fish of several sorts in
almost all cases.

Reduced availability of the aquatic natural habitat

The amount of fish in seawater has steadily decreased. According to National

Bureau of Statistics 2020 data, only Lagos and a small number of other states in
the riverine regions still generate fish by fishing, whereas Nasarawa State leads in
aquaculture (fish farming). Aquatic life is poisoned and killed by human actions
such as the population of water bodies. Aquatic life is losing space owing to
urbanization-related land reclamation. Fisheries no longer provide a significant
contribution to the production of local seafood.

Huge Local Production and Supply Deficit

Nigeria eats 2.97 million metric tons of fish yearly, but only produces 1.07 million
metric tons, leaving a massive shortfall that must be filled through imports,
costing $1.2 billion. Only around 313,231 of the 1.07 million metric tons
generated locally are produced by aquaculture, while roughly 759,828 metric tons
are produced through fisheries.

Local fish farmers and investors in the fish industry have a commercial potential
due to the significant supply imbalance of roughly 1.9 million metric tons per year.

Government Assistance

The value chain of fish farming in Nigeria is more heavily supported by the federal, state,
and local governments than many other agricultural subsectors. The Central Bank of
Nigeria's Anchor Borrowers Program offers greater lending options to farmers who grow
cassava and fish. Through its numerous intervention programs, the Central Bank of
Nigeria has provided a facility to the fish value chain totaling N21 billion. A total of
N500m has been distributed by the bank to 40 businesses and more than 3,000 farmers
nationwide as part of the CDI, or commodities development initiative. Through fish
aquaculture, this intervention has resulted in an annual increase of 200 metric tons
The aquaculture and fish farming industries in Nigeria are reported to be experiencing
the following major issues:


The unfavorable environmental circumstances deter a lot of prospective fish producers

around the nation.

The impact of these wastes on the receiving environment has been a major worry for
aquaculturists, environmentalists, fishery biologists, and the general public as
aquaculture grows more intense and results in an increase in waste output.

The culture system that is frequently used in Nigeria includes water recirculation
systems, earthen ponds, flow through, and stagnant tanks.

All dissolved and suspended solid wastes are continuously released into the
environment during the production cycle in static and flow-through tank culture
systems. However, wastes from earthen ponds are regularly discharged, typically
at the end of the production cycle, and they are made up of a combination of
inorganic and organic particle components (Akinrotimi et al., 2007a). Compared
to tanks and clay pond culture, Gabriel et al. (2009) found that the waste
discharged in the recirculating system is minimal.

According to Akinrotimi et al. (2007b), the effluent from some catfish farms in the
Port Harcourt metropolis of Rivers State, Nigeria, that are continuously released
into the environment cause the surroundings to lose their aesthetic value and
emit a putrid odor. Continuous release of these wastes can result in the
accumulation of some harmful organisms and the spread of epidemic disease.


A huge number of farms in Nigeria have failed to accomplish profitability in one or

more years as a result of significant disturbances in the production process. Due
to the erratic nature of government financial policy, farmers must manage certain
financial risks. Risks to the farmer's use of capital include changes in government
or changes in government policies, both of which are common in Nigeria.

Long-term investments in fish farming suffer from successive federal

governments' practice of altering macroeconomic policies.


Nigeria's largest metropolis, Lagos, is situated in a state where land is quite

expensive. The acquisition of land for aquaculture is a time-consuming, dishonest
procedure. (1994, Ezenwa).

Lack of land for the construction of ponds was cited by Ugwuba and Chukwuji
(2010) as one of the obstacles to aquaculture in the eastern part of Nigeria. The
method of acquiring land differs from region to region in the country, according
to Adeogun et al. Direct acquisition from private owners or acquisition from the
government through the granting of a certificate of occupancy may be required. It
might also be through customary inheritance, family, or group/cooperative efforts.
Land use is influenced by ownership. Systems of land tenure severely restrict the
quantity of land that may be used for aquaculture.


Many potential fish farmers in the country as a whole are discouraged due to bad
quality water and limited source of water. Fish production would be difficult
without a reliable, sufficient, and high-quality water source.

In addition to adequate feed and feeding, water is one of the most important
aspects in fish production. For successful fish farming, water quality and quantity
are essential.

The size of the fish farm will be constrained by the amount of water available.
In Nigeria, tap water from the home water supply, water from streams and rivers,
well water, and water from boreholes are the main sources of water for fish farms.

The biggest issues that Nigerian fish farmers face have to do with pollution from
mining, oil, and industrial activity. Particularly in the oil-rich regions, water
contamination has grown to be a serious problem. The output of fisheries has
been severely impacted by surface water pollution. According to Olowosegun et
al. (2005), oil exploration, dredging of some water bodies, and the disposal of
hazardous industrial waste have rendered the majority of Nigeria's fishing
grounds unusable. There have been reports of significant fish kills in the
aquaculture sector. Furthermore, it has been claimed that pollution has an impact
on the industry's yield level (Akanni and Akinwumi, 2007).


When producing fish seed, whether in a pond or hatchery system, many technical
issues occur. The main ones are: the absence of and inadequate management of
brood stock, particularly with regard to feeding and handling; and the inadequate
documentation of all operations relating to induced spawning, egg and fry care,
feeding, and general management of fingerlings. Poor management abilities have
caused enormous failures for many ardent farmers.


One of the most crucial elements for successful and sustainable fish farming is the
availability of fish seed. Most aquaculture species may be produced year-round in
the tropics, provided there is sufficient demand for the fish and water availability.
To address the issues fish farmers in Nigeria face, it is necessary to provide high-
quality seed and broodstock at a reasonable price.
Standardizing fingerling size and cost is another issue that the Nigerian seed
industry needs to solve. Farmers are sold different-sized fry and fingerlings by
seed providers without any uniformity or assurance of the quality due to the
absence of institutionalized quality control measures. While some hatcheries sell
fingerlings that are 1-2 cm long, others could sell fry that are 5–6 cm long for the
same price. The market takes advantage of the purchasers' ignorance and plight.
The negative impact of this is the high post-stocking mortality rate, which may
deter farmers from continuing their operations.


Transport is also seen to be a significant issue in the marketing and distribution of

fish in Nigeria, in addition to seasonality, scarcity, and preservation methods,
which are the key issues with fresh fish

marketing. The majority of fresh fish vendors traveled by road, some of which are
bush paths and others that are tarred but in poor condition. Fish transportation
now costs more as a result.

This is crucial to the process of producing fish since it is only after the fish has
reached its consumer that the production process can be said to have been


Ajieh (2010) identified one of the problems that contributes to low productivity in
the business as low level of adoption of fishing technology owing to lack of
extension service.

Due to the low level of education of the majority of farmers in Nigeria, the
contact between the extension agent and the farmers is weak. All of the nations
in the region suffer greatly from the absence of an efficient extension service. The
majority of farmers and those who provide them with advice need to have better
educational backgrounds in order to increase the output of fish produced through
Inadequate storage and processing facilities, the high cost of fish feeds, the low
funding of fish farming projects by deposit money banks, and other issues are also

The findings of this study have shed light on Nigerian aquaculture's opportunities
and challenges.

Regardless of the advantages of aquaculture in Nigeria, numerous issues

confronts it’s growth and development such as environmental problems, land
restrictions, water pollution, technical problem associated with production and
management, poor extension services and many others.

Through a number of avenues, aquaculture has a significant potential to improve

food security and nutrition. Through the expansion of low-cost fish availability,
employment possibilities, and money generating, it can enhance local food supply.
Aquaculture will increase the amount and variety of fish while reducing the
excessive demand placed on wild fish stocks. Aquaculture will therefore need new
ideas and orientations to realize its full potential in the nation and become a
realistic and doable undertaking for enhanced fish production.

Production methods must concentrate on the interplay between culture
techniques and the environment if aquaculture is to be viable. It is crucial to
highlight that aquaculture's development as an industry took place at a time
when environmental concerns about it were on the rise.

However, fish farming and aquaculture have a secure future in Nigeria. The
market for fish farming is ready, vast, and growing. In Nigeria, fish farming is a
successful industry.

The following are suggestions for enhancing the state's aquaculture development.
By offering incentives and low-interest loans to prospective farmers, the
government should promote practical and profitable fish farming.

In order to provide farmers with fingerling fish for pond stocking, the government
should set up operational fish hatcheries.

The extended development strategies applied to the state's aquaculture

development ought to be improved.

Therefore, the construction of appropriate extension services staffed by

knowledgeable personnel who can collaborate with farmers has a unique
significance in a strategy for aquaculture growth in the area. Farmers should be
required to attend regular training sessions by the government to keep up with
new information.

The Nigerian aquaculture sector must also investigate the breeding potential of
genetics and contemporary technologies. This will make it possible to grow fish
seed of the highest caliber.

The pH of the water should be between 6.5 and 9.0 and it should be free of any
chemicals that are toxic to fish. The species of fish that can be effectively grown
will be determined, in large part, by the water temperature.

Government should develop a variety of non-fiscal incentives to support fish

farmers, including grants for development, government equity stakes,
government insurance, leasing of facilities and compensation plans, as well as
possible subsidies for building materials, tools, supplies, labor, and price support.
The fish sector will grow faster as a result of this stability. Agriculture policies
must outlast and even outlive the governments that created them in order to
assure a continued and growing influx of investment into Nigerian agriculture.

FAO (2020): state of the world fisheries and aquaculture 2020

Ezenwa,B.I.0.(1194):Aquaculture development in Nigeriap.41-80. In:Andre coche

(ed.) Aquaculture Development and Research in sub-Saharan Africa, National
Reviews. CIFA Technical Paper No.3.Supl.,Rome,FAO,397p.

Adesulu, E.A (2001). Pisdciculture in Nigeria: Essential Production Information.

Eternal Communication Limited. pp. 1-120

Annual Conference of Fisheries Society on Nigeria (FISON), Owerri, 8th-12th Dec.,


Ajana, A. M. (2003). Economic Development of the Niger-Delta: The Role of

Fisheries. A paper presented at the 1st Niger Delta Stakeholder Agricultural Forum,
Organized by NDDC, 3rd April, 2003 in Port Harcourt

Ezenwa, B. and Anyanwu, P.E. (2003). Water Recirculatory System Technology as

a Major Tool for Increased Fish Production by Fish Farmers. A paper presented on
18th Annual Conference of Fisheries Society on Nigeria (FISON), Owerri, 8th-12th
Dec., 2003.


BADAGRY 25th-29th OCTOBER 2010 FSN-AQ 0017







GOOGLE SCHOLAR: Akanbi Adeyemi Micheal







Adeyemi AKANBI

Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Biology, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos.

Abstract-Management of inland Fisheries resources have become very expedient with the rising
pollution globally. As the significant contribution of inland waters to Fisheries resources cannot
be swept aside, countries of the world have developed management systems to ensure constant
replenishment of their inland waters. The need for Nigeria not to be behind the scene in terms of
efficient management of her resources inspired this research.

It is the aim of this research to explore the underlying issues surrounding inland fisheries
management in Nigeria. Four underlying issues were explored; insufficient investment in
technological and infrastructural facilities, harmful and crude fishing practises carried out by
anglers, non-compliance with existing laws and destruction of fish breeding grounds. The result
drawn from the deductions of various authors corroborated the underlying factors causing
mismanagement of Fisheries resources in Nigeria.

However, proper implementation of the recommendations given in this research will reposition
Nigeria back to the counties efficiently managing her inland resources.

Nigeria’s Inland Fisheries resources over the years haven’t been maximised to its full potential;
this is as a result of a combination of various factors such as illegal fishing, overfishing,
inconsistent policies with mismanagement and an uncoordinated approach towards conservation
topping the list (Emmanuel and Friday, 2019).

Despite several efforts to resuscitate this industry by Federal government, State governments and
Private sectors for example stock assessment and restocking of water bodies by the Federal
department of Fisheries; there have continued to be a plummet in the demand to supply gap of
fish and Fisheries resources in Nigeria as a result of the lacuna created by the declining turnover
of this important sector yearly.

Presently, according to the Director of the Federal Department of Fisheries, Mr.Ime Umoh the
current yearly demand for Fish in Nigeria stands at 3.6 million metric tonnes, while the yearly
domestic production from all sources meets only about 1.1 million metric tons; as a result,
Nigeria is presently the largest importer of fish in Africa.
Fisheries management is the integrated process of information gathering, analysis, planning,
consultation, decision-making, allocation of resources, formulation and implementation, with
enforcement as necessary, of regulation or rules which govern fisheries activities in order to
ensure the continued productivity of the resources and accomplishment of other fisheries
objectives. (FAO, 1997)

This study aims to:

Expose her readers to the underlying causes of the problem of management of inland
Fisheries resources in Nigeria.

Find out the reason behind consistent plummet in the turnover of Nigeria’s Aquatic

Research inland fisheries management systems in Nigeria

Recommend or suggest possible solution to the problem of mismanagement of our
Aquatic resources.

To actualise this; the research poses the following questions:

Are there any policy promulgated to ensure management of fisheries resources in


What are the measures that have been taken by various Stake holders over the years to
ensure proper management of aquatic resources in Nigeria?

Why does overfishing occur in Nigeria’s inland Waters?

What systems have been adopted top manage inland fisheries in Nigeria over time?

Significance of the study:

The Fisheries resources of any nation is linked with several value chains which underscores its
importance, not only that Fisheries provide an essential source of food protein, livelihood and
revenue generation.

As Nigeria’s population sporadically keeps increasing, the population pressure places a high
demand on her fishery resources.
This study is therefore timely to understudy the constraints which has hampered productivity in
inland fishery resources and provide possible solutions to the underlying problems which will in
turn will benefit future generations.


Inland fisheries:

Inland Fisheries are any activity conducted to extract fish and other aquatic organisms from
“inland Waters” while inland waters refer to lakes, rivers, brooks, streams, ponds, inland canals,
dams and other land-locked (usually fresh water) waters. (FAO, 2014).

The world’s inland fisheries turnover although poorly reported have been evaluated to contribute
over 40% of the world’s capture finfish fisheries and aquaculture by the Canadian Science
publishing, Abigail J.L et al(2015) and the species realised from it includes Fishes, lampreys,
amphibians, crustaceans and molluscs.

Management of Inland Fisheries globally:

Having realised the significance of this sector various countries of the world over time have
designed strategies and methods to conserve inland fisheries resources within their boundaries.
This study will utilize three countries of the world as representatives of the global perspective;

Beginning with Africa, the Lake Malawi having being understudied by Fisheries managers to
record significant decrease in bio diversity of fishes necessitated the active participation of the
government and commuters as partners.

This resulted to the adoption of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Aquaculture but
haven’t yielded much due to ineffective management and lack of proper monitoring System by
the government (Njaya, 2018).

Meanwhile in what is described as “India’s Blue Revolution” by the Department of fisheries

India in 2020, inland fisheries in India have been up scaled and strengthened by combination of
various strategies under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) which includes;
massive investment by the government of India in seed ranching, establishment of diseases
diagnosis and treatment centres etc. which has led to the tremendiuos boost of her inland
Fisheries output.

The Arapaima fishery of Brazil is a good representation for South America; Arapaima fishery
like her counterpart in India have also witnessed tremendous progress due to the establishment of
a Community Based Model established by the Brazilian Institute Of Environment And
Sustainable Development (IBAMA) and the Mamimarua sustainable development institute
where fisher folks are equipped and enlighten on scientific methods to estimate fish population in
Arapaima to foster sustainability (Castello, 2004).

Management of Inland Fisheries in Nigeria:


Scudder and Connelly (1985) have identified two major categories of management and
traditional riverine fisheries in the Amazon basin, and also in the Middle Zambezi River and the
Kafue floodplains. They termed them inadvertent or unintentional management strategies, such
as water tenure, ritual prohibitions, taboos and magic, and intentional strategies which include
gear restrictions, closed seasons and floodplain intensification.

Both these strategies are common in the northern States of Nigeria (i.e. along the Upper Niger
and the Benue rivers and their floodplains). For instance, in the Anambra and Imo floodplains,
flood ponds are owned by traditional communities living adjacent to them. These water bodies
are handed on from one generation to the next. Fishing rights in some of the ponds are often sold
or rented out to other communities according to agreed terms.

In some northern States, such as Sokoto and Kano States, flood ponds and stagnant pools of
seasonal rivers belong to all the communities and permission to engage in fishing is often
announced by the “Sarkin Ruwa” or the Chief of the Fishermen who has the power to authorize
and to stop fishing in different ponds, and at the appropriate times. This approach, although
related to closed seasons and water area, are directed more at protecting the interests of part-time
fishermen who engage in full-time farming during the rainy season and return to fishing at the
end of the farming season. It is therefore not directed at protecting the fishery, but in making sure
that every member of the community has an equal chance of benefiting from the resource.

A clear example of an intentional management strategy involving gear restriction operates in the
Argungu Local Government of Kebbi State. Here the use of gillnets is prohibited in order to
protect the fishery from over-exploitation and conserve the resource for the popular Argungu
Fishing Festival. Fishermen are allowed to use clap-nets and hooks in fishing. There is however,
no mesh size restriction for the clap-nets


The information used in preparing this study were sourced secondarily using search engines like
Mozilla Firefox, Google and research sites like Google scholar, Research gate and Academia.
The research adopts explored opinions and views from different authors to draw facts on the
management of inland fisheries resources in Nigeria.
The study was carried out at the Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria between 27 th to 29th
September, 2022.

Study Area:

Nigeria’s inland waters covers about 10,000 km which flows through 28 of her 36 States with the
river Niger and Benue being the major inland Waters as shown in Fig 3.1.

Fig 3.1 Map of Nigeria Showing its Inland Waters.


Although, various factors have been adjured to contribute to the current ill state of
mismanagement of inland fisheries resources in Nigeria, some of these factors aggregates to
pinpoint and make us aware of the actual cause of this problem.

Technological and infrastructural deficits, crude and harmful fishing practises, massive seabed
and riverbed destruction due to illegal fishing, dereliction and infringement of laws guiding fish
harvesting are some of these factors.

Nigeria records one of the poorest technological and infrastructural investment in its waterways.
Consequently, illegal fishing activities are predominant along her waters as a result of poor
surveillance making us to lose $70 Million yearly to Chinese and European trawlers (Abolanle,
2021).With highest impact area being the gulf of guinea as it is shared by Nigeria and her
neighbours due to unavailability of monitoring vessels.
Fig 4.1 Showing the Gulf of Guinea and its boundaries.

The inland water resources are being harnessed crudely and in unsustainable manner
characterised by use of explosive devices, poisons, electrofishing techniques etc.

In Kanji Lake for instance Eyo and Ahmed (2005), reported the prevalence of the use of
ichthyotoxic plants parts grinded into powdery form and subsequently poured into the lake.

Fishes in the course of normal respiration eventually ingest these toxins which leads to
suffocation and sometimes disruption of neurotic functions causing death of aquatic organisms
indiscriminate of their ages, sizes, or sex.

In a similar vein, Mayo Renowe community in Taraba State was reported to be constantly
exposed to toxic poisons like Gamalin 20 which causes havoc to the inland resources by not only
killing the fishes but also causing damage to the ecosystem (Oruonye, 2004).
Fig 4.2 Showing dead fish on Nigeria Waters as a result of Fish poisoning.

The inland waters across the nooks and cranny of Nigeria have for long been overfished as no
law enforcing agents check both local and foreign fishermen who explore our resources up to the
point of causing irreversible damage on river beds. To corroborate this assertion, Enaikele and
Olutayo (2010) found out that in Lagos State certain Fishermen make use of gears with small
mesh sizes harvesting fishes below the maximum sustainable yield at different sizes leading to a
massive reduction in the number of fishes in the long run in Lagos Waters.

Meanwhile a peep into compliance with the laws guiding the exploration of inland Fishery
resources in Nigeria reveals that;

The inland fisheries acts of 2004 and the state edicts is not fully implemented in some state
leading to impunity and open access fishery and hitherto exploitation of fisheries resources as
reported by (Enaikele and Olutayo, 2010).
This study investigated the underlying cause of mismanagement of inland fisheries resources in
Nigeria. The exposition in this study is vital for mapping out an all-encompassing strategy that
will lead to efficient utilization, management, conservation and preservation of our Aquatic
resources. The findings of this research reveals the major role government at all levels have to
play to ensure a proper management system as being operated by other developed countries of
the World.

The following recommendations are made based on the findings of this research:

There is urgent need for government at all levels to wake up to the responsibility of
protecting her inland waters.

Not just the government alone commuters and locals should be encouraged to expose
perpetrators of illegal fishing.

There is need for massive awareness creation and enlightenment programs on the effect
of overfishing and illegal fishing in Nigeria communities.

The inland fisheries act 2014 should be properly enforced at all levels.

Eyo AA, Ahmed YB (2005) Management of Inland Capture Fisheries and Challenges to Fish
production in Nigeria .

Oruounye ED (2014) The challenges of Fisheries Resources Management practices in Mayo

Renowo community of Ardo Kola Local government, Taraba State, Nigeria. Global Journal of
Science Frontier Research 14(3): 28-36.

Enaikele MD, Olutayo AD (2010) Explorative Analysis of the Effects of Inland Fisheries Decree
on Sustainable exploration of Inland Fisheries in Lagos State, Nigeria .Journal of agricultural
Extension and Rural Development 8(1): 154-160


MATRIC: 180541015




ORCID ID: 0000-8611-1622


In Nigeria's inland water bodies, the issue of excessive mismanagement of fishery

resources and a lack of attention by pertinent agencies continues to be pervasive.
Discussions about the management and preservation of these resources are now of
utmost importance as a result.

In order to suggest solutions for the sustainable management of inland capture

fisheries, this article examines the management and conservation of inland
fisheries resources in Nigeria. Fisheries management is "the integrated process of
information gathering, analysis, planning, consultation, decision-making, resource
allocation, formulation and implementation, with enforcement as necessary, of
regulations or rules which govern fisheries activities in order to ensure the
continued productivity of the resources and the accomplishment of other fisheries
objectives," to use the definition from the dictionary.

The overexploitation of fisheries in most Nigerian water bodies in recent years has
raised concerns that the socioeconomic advantages to local communities and the
regional economy as a whole would decline. According to estimates, the majority
of the world's major inland fisheries are currently being exploited to the fullest
extent possible (FAO 1995). For instance, the formal East Central State, which
includes the present-day states of Amahra, Imo, Enugu, and Abuja, was once
renowned for its abundance of natural resources, particularly in the area of fish
production. For instance, in the 1980s, these regions generated nearly 40% of the
entire fish sold in Nigeria. However, fish populations are drastically declining over

There is currently no unified Federal Inland Fisheries Management Policy in

Nigeria because there are no Federal Inland Fisheries Laws and Regulations,
supplemented by adequately enforced States Fisheries Edicts in all the States of the
Federation. A few States have taken portions of this draft to promulgate their
Edicts. Despite this disregard, inland fisheries provide around 40% of Nigeria's
overall fish supply. In contrast to the coastal environment, which is static in terms
of its size, more and more impoundments are being built and planned around the
nation for irrigation and domestic water supply. Additionally, inland areas receive
more private investments in fish farming than coastal marine waters. Despite the
fact that the aquaculture industry's present output is

Nigeria is blessed with a variety of inland waters that span its northern and
southern regions. About two-thirds of the nation is covered by the watershed of the
Niger River, and other large river systems include the Benue, Cross, Anambra, Imo,
Kwa Iboe, Ogun, and Osun rivers, in addition to numerous smaller rivers and
rivulets (Olopade et al. 2017). There are many different shellfish and fish species
in these rivers, and they are both very important economically. In Nigeria, there are
also significant lakes, both natural and artificial.

The following suggestions are given in light of the issues outlined above with
managing Nigeria's inland fisheries resources.

The catch fisheries in Nigeria take advantage of the variety of resources that are
present in these inland water basins (both subsistence and artisanal). Although the
inland capture fisheries in Nigeria are small and poorly regulated by the
government, they account for around 82% of domestic fish production, according
to a Federal Department of Fisheries (FDF) report from 1994. The Lates spp.,
Tilapia spp., Citharinus spp., Chrysichthys spp., Mormyrus spp., and Clarias spp.
are a few species that have been exploited (Arawomo 2004).

Nigeria's inland water bodies have seen a rise in captures over the years, and many
species have been classified as overfished as a result. The introduction of new
fishing equipment and technologies, many of which are not being To enable
improved collaboration between stakeholders and the government in order to
achieve sustainable growth of the inland fisheries sector, co-management policies
must be put into place.

The proper and sustainable fishing methods should be taught to artisanal fishermen.
To ensure the collection of correct data for management objectives, research
should be encouraged.

Inland water biodiversity and the environment should both be well protected.
Sustainability should take precedence over economic yield.


The materials utilized for this study was gotten from secondary sources. They are
basically information sources online and reviewed critically and reflected upon to
draw facts between 26, September 2022 to 2nd October 2022 at the Lagos State


The following suggestions are given in light of the issues outlined above with
managing Nigeria's inland fisheries resources.

To enable improved collaboration between stakeholders and the government in

order to achieve sustainable growth of the inland fisheries sector, co-management
policies must be put into place.

The proper and sustainable fishing methods should be taught to artisanal fishermen.

To ensure the collection of correct data for management objectives, research

should be encouraged.

Inland water biodiversity and the environment should both be well protected.
Sustainability should take precedence over economic yield.

Nigeria's interior fisheries offer enormous development and productivity potential.

Only if these potentials are managed sustainably can they be realized.

The government and the general populace must make an effort to safeguard these r

Name : Ojikutu Farouk

Matric no: 180710082

Orcid id: 0000-0003-3465-2106

Research gate: Ojikutu Farouk

Linkedin: Farouk Ojikutu

Google Scholar: Farouk Ojikutu

Course Code: Fis 407

Course Tittle: Report Writing- Project and Feaseability Result

Lecturers in Charge: Prof Lawson, Prof Akintola, Dr. Elegbede, Dr. Saba


The impacts on aquaculture and fisheries sectors from climate change in the
southern part of Iraq will likely to be both positive and negative arising from direct
and indirect impacts on natural resources. The main elements of climate change
that could potentially impact fisheries and aquaculture activities in Iraq are
temperature, rain patterns, shortage of freshwater, circulation, upwelling, sea level
rise and sea water intrusion in the estuarine areas. Impacts on aquaculture
production, aquaculture dependent livelihoods and indirect influences through
availability of feed ingredients are discussed. Global warming is likely to be small
on aquaculture practices. It may be positive by enhancing growth rates of cultured
stocks or negative through impact on water availability, weather patterns,
stratification and eutrophication in lentic waters. Based on current practices of fish
culture in Iraq, that is predominantly based on species feeding low in the food
chain, the greater availability of phytoplankton and zooplankton through
eutrophication could possibly enhance production. The predicted water stress is
thought to result in decreasing water availability in major rivers which can affect
that used for aquaculture. There is a need for 11,500 cum/m3 in extensive fish
culture and 30,100 cum water / ton fish in intensive fish production. Non
consumptive uses of water in aquaculture, such as cage culture and the use of small
lentic waters for culture systems based on naturally produced feed within the water
system are being encouraged. The predicted reduced water availability in Tigris
and Euphrates river system and Shatt Al-Arab Estuary has to be considered in
conjunction with saline water intrusion in the rivers and adjoining wetlands. Sea
level rise and consequent increased salt water intrusion in Shatt Al-Arab estuary
imposes adaptations to the related impacts by operations that culture species with
high salinity tolerance.

The study also discussed the effect of climate changes on the inland freshwater
fisheries and marine fisheries in addition to the adaptive physiological mechanisms
that accompanied such changes.


Direct and indirect effects of climate change are the key factors that could potential
lyhave an influence on aquaculture productivity and lives reliant on the industry.

Temperature changes, freshwater availability, sea level fluctuations, and an increas

e in the frequency of extreme events are all direct effects of climate change on aqu
aculture (such as flooding and storm surges).

Indirect impacts, however, includes,

1. Economic effects, such as feed prices and availability.

2. Stress brought on by a rise in temperature and oxygen requirements.

3. Uncertain freshwater supplies.

4. A rise in the frequency of toxic and disease-related events.

5. Uncertain fishmeal supplies from catch fisheries

Impact of temperature rise

Global warming and a consequent increase in water temperature could impact
negatively aquaculture in temperate zones because such increases could exceed the
optimal temperature range of organisms currently cultured. Such impacts may be
balanced with positive impacts that might occur as a result of climate change, such
as enhanced growth and production in tropical and subtropical zones.

However, positive impacts are unlikely to occur without some potential negative
impacts arising from other climatic change elements (e.g. increased eutrophication
in inland waters). Furthermore, it is likely that diseases affecting aquaculture will
increase both in incidence and impact. Indirect impacts on aquaculture could be
extending to influence the availability of fishmeal and fish oil (Handisyde et al.,

Water stress

Projected water stresses brought about by climate change could have major
impacts on aquaculture in tropical regions, The predicted stress is thought to result
in decreasing water availability in major rivers The amount of water used in food
production varies enormously between different sectors. There is a need for 11,500
cum/m3 in extensive fish culture and 30,100 cum water / ton fish in intensive fish
production (Zimmer and Renault, 2003).

In general, reduction of aquaculture water use could be achieved as pointed out by

De Silva (2003) Verdegem et al. (2006) through:

a. Selection of feed ingredients that

need little water to be produced.

b. Enhancement of within aquaculture- system feed production through

periphyton based technologies.

c. Integration of water with agriculture. d. Non consumptive uses of water in

aquaculture, such as cage culture.

e.The use of small lentic waters for culture-based fisheries (CBF) based on
naturally produced feed within the water system. This will make such water bodies
relatively unsuitable for aquaculture purposes because a minimum period of six
months of water retention is needed for most fish to attain marketable size.

Sea Water Intrusion

In the deltaic regions of Asia, where there are significant aquaculture activities, the
predicted reduced water availability in major river systems must be taken into acc
ount along with saline water intrusion brought on by sea level rise and the anticipat
ed changes in precipitation or monsoon patterns (Hughes et al., 2003). (Goswami e
t al., 2006).

The degree of seawater intrusion in the rivers and nearby wetlands will determine t
he effect level.

2. Evaluation of the agricultural activities that seawater intrusion is likely to cause

to be lost.

3. Significant habitat modification, spawning migration, and seed accessibility for

cage culture

Rise In Sea Level's Effects

In the deltaic regions of the tropics, where there is significant aquaculture producti
on, sea level rise and the resulting increase in salt water intrusion are positive and
negative impacts

Similar to the fisheries industry, the effects of climate change on aquaculture are li
kely to be both positive and negative due to direct and indirect effects on the natura
l resources needed for aquaculture. The main issues are water, land, seed, feed, and
Global warming's effects on aquaculture methods in these systems are probably mi
nimal, and if they are favorable at all, they will be due to faster growth rates of cult
ured stocks.

The availability of water, weather patterns like intense rain events, and the amplific
ation of eutrophication and stratification in static (lentic) waters, on the other hand,
will all be impacted by climate change.

However, based on present methods, notably in inland finfish aquaculture, which r

elies heavily on species-based low-fat

Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture Activities in Southern


1. Increased food conversion efficiencies and growth rates in warmer waters.

2. Increased food supplies are needed for aquaculture activities to realise benefits
from increased temperatures.

3. Increased length of the growing season.

4. Increased primary production would provide more food for filter-feeding


The negative impacts, on the other hand, include:

1. Problems with non-native species invasions.

2. Declining oxygen concentrations.

3. Possible increase in blooms of harmful algae.

4. Local conditions in traditional rearing areas may become unsuitable for many
traditional species; temperature stress will affect physiological processes such as
oxygen demands and food requirements.

Freshwater aquaculture activities will compete with changes in availability of

freshwater due to agricultural, industrial, domestic and riverine requirements, as
well as changes in precipitation regimes.
5. Increases in precipitation could also cause problems such as flooding.

6. Sea level rise also has the potential to flood coastal land areas, mangrove and sea
grass regions which may supply seed stock for aquaculture species.

Materials and methods

I access my data and information on the internet, I found a journal that way
published on the internet, I want to say I found the journal more realizable as as
major source of information to research students

Secondly I sourced my information on the 30 of September to the 2nd of October

at the Lagos state university.


The globalization of the food supply chain, which is the foundation of the current
global agriculture system, has reduced the variety of crops that are farmed, traded,
and researched. This can be traced back in time as a transition from the biodiverse
hunter-gatherer lifestyle through an agri-pastoral period, agro-forestry, and
intercropping, to the monoculture of crops that is currently practiced. As a result of
the reduction of the 6000+ spoken languages of the globe to just seven major
scientific languages (Mandarin, Chinese, Spanish, English, etc.), spoken by more
than 50% of people, knowledge has been lost. By word of mouth, a great deal of
practical information about numerous plants has been passed down; the loss of
language entails the loss of this information.


Effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems will occur through increased

water temperature, decreased oxygen levels and the increased toxicity of pollutants.
Greatest impacts are likely to occur on coastal species and subtidal nursery areas.
Temperate endemic and tropical species as well as coastal and demersal species are
the most affected rather than pelagic and deep-sea species. Ocean warming has
caused increased vertical stratification, strengthening of coastal currents,
increasing ocean acidification, sea level rise and altered storm and rainfall regimes.

Warming and increasing stratification will alter plankton community composition,

alter their distributions and change the timing of their bloom dynamics so that
transfers to higher trophic levels may be impaired. Benthic and demersal fishes
will shift their distributions southward and may decline in abundance. The abilities
of marine and aquatic organisms to adapt and evolve according to climatic changes
needs more research on the physiology and ecology of freshwater and marine and


[ DOI: 10.18331/SFS2021.7.3.4 ] [ Downloaded from on

2022-10-03 ]








GOOGLE SCHOLAR: Ayomiposi Akeredolu

LINKEDIN: Akeredolu Ayomiposi







Fisheries resources have been keenly sort out for as countries population sporadically continues

to increase. As human activities in coastal areas pose a threat to the long-term viability of

ecosystems as well as to human livelihoods, sustenance, and leisure time they support (Halpern

et al. 2008). As a result, there have been increasing calls in recent years for integrated fisheries

resource management that takes into account "coupled social-ecological systems". However,

Integrated Fisheries Resources Management aim to address the problem of how fish resources in

a country may be most effectively divided amongst competing users within the overarching

framework such that they can be managed in a way that is ecologically sustainable (Davies et al.,


The most well-known aquatic organisms are fish, which are also the only food source collected

from wild populations (Negi and She et al, 2013). With an annual fish consumption of over 1.5

million tons, Nigeria is one of the world's top fish consumers. Nigerian fish farming has its roots

in the traditional African system of reciprocal, communal, technical labour and skilled

transmission, which stretches back about 10,000 years. Approximately 96,000 metric tons of fish

were produced via aquaculture in 2000, compared to 20,000 metric tons in 1994. (FAO, 2002).

People gain several advantages from fishing, including food, income, leisure, and significant

cultural values including feeling of place, identity, and purpose. However, a single fisheries

department or agency is frequently in charge of overseeing the collection of seafood. While

maintaining species populations and fishermen' livelihoods may be part of the fisheries

department or agency's mandate, they sometimes lack regulatory authority over elements that

affect fish quantity, such as development pressures and pollution.

A general definition of integrated resource management that includes fish is the linking of two or

more human activity systems that are properly regulated, with at least one of those systems being

aquaculture. The connections between aquaculture and human activities also include roles in

sanitation (night soil, septage or other types of human excreta reuse, sewage treatment), nutrient

recovery (hydroponic-fish, breweries), and energy recovery in addition to agriculture (Prein,

2002). Fish farming is included in the integrated fisheries resource management concept, along

with raising cattle and growing crops. Due to the efficient recycling of waste or byproducts from

one system, this method of farming offers excellent resource use. It also makes it possible to use

the available farming space efficiently to increase production. This study aimed to examine the

various integrated fisheries resource managements.

Specific Objectives are:

i. To examine the process of integrated fisheries resource management system

ii. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of integrated fisheries resource management


Integrated Fisheries Resource Management

Fisheries management is the process that establishes and upholds the regulations required to stop

overfishing and aids in the recovery of overfished stocks. Resources from the fishing industry are

abundant and renewable in nature. However, in actual fishing operations, these fish resources

need time to "recover" before being exploited again. This indicates that in order to continue

utilizing fish resources for lengthy and sustainable period, management operations must

acknowledge the need of monitoring fishing efforts. A tight policy and management approach

are required due to the size of the marine domain that must be managed and the large number of

fish business people that are utilizing fisheries resources. Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) is

used in this field's theory creation as a science, a policy, and a control policy.

The MSY is the maximum population size that must be maintained to prevent unchecked

overfishing that is dangerously near to the amount that threatens the sustainability of fisheries

resources from reducing future catches. Two models, Schaefer and Fox, make up the MSY

model. They are employed to limit the quantity that may be taken from a particular type of

fishing resource. The neoclassical economic market model makes the underlying assumption that

issues with marketing or attention, such as overexploitation or (even) less, will cause the fish

market system model to fail when it comes to fisheries. As a result, we require a model that also

addresses and governs bio-economic issues arising from fisheries resources, which will be

indicated by the Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) value. The MSY curve has a value or

position called MEY that gives a different value for overall income compared to the entire cost

of producing fish captures.

Fishery Resources and Their Uses

A fishery typically exists to provide sustenance for people and their animals, while its resources

are also occasionally used as curios, aquarium organisms, and for magical and religious purposes

(Pinto et al., 2015). Fishes make up a large fraction of the animal taxa utilized as medicine in

various health systems of various human civilizations, making medicinal use of fisheries

resources a common practice that involves hundreds of species (Alves et al., 2013a,b).

Numerous byproducts of fish, invertebrates, and mammals are used as offerings and magical

amulets because of their symbolic form and function (Neto et al., 2012). As ornaments and

curios, aquatic animals (or portions of them) are frequently employed (Dias et al., 2011).

Resources from fisheries can also be used for fun and pleasure (Maple and Perdue, 2013).


The information used in preparing this study were sourced secondarily using search engines like
Mozilla Firefox, Google and research sites like Google scholar, Research gate and Academia.
The research uses explored opinions and views from different authors to draw facts on integrated
fisheries Resources management

The study was carried out at the Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria between 26 th to 28th
September, 2022.
Development of Fisheries Resource Production in the South China Sea (WPP-RI 711)




1000002004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Riau KepulauanRiau Jambi

50000 SumateraSelatan Kep.BangkaBelitung DKIJakarta

Figure 1: Total Statistics on Capture Fisheries in WPP-RI 711 Source: Processed by
Authors, 2018 JawaBarat JawaTengah
Fisheries- information from five provinces that are collectively consolidated under this
management area are the source of WPP-RI 711. However, there are a number of provinces,
including Riau Province, DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Central Java, where a portion of the
management area is also included in WPP-RI 711. The information acquired demonstrates the
evolution of fish species' output from 2005 to 2016. Fisheries production in WPP-RI 711 may be
observed annually by the graph trend, and this allows us to infer whether management efforts are
successful or not. The best management activity with regard to production can subsequently be
identified according to the group of species shown in Figures 1 and 2.
SmallPelagi BigPelagic Fish Demersa CoralFis Hard-
c l h skinnedAnimals

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Figure 2. Fisheries Production Statistics in WPP-RI 711 in 2005-2016 Source: Processed by
Authors, 2018

Variable values are shown through statistics on the overall production of fishery resources across
a number of provinces that are included in WPP-RI 711. In comparison to the other seven
provinces, the Riau Islands and the Bangka Belitung Islands have the highest output value. West
Kalimantan, South Sumatra, and other provinces are next in order. The two islands, along with
the Provinces of South Sumatra, Jambi, and West Kalimantan, make up the provincial region
whose full management area is included in the WPP-RI 711. Therefore, the value of fisheries
production is split in half and must take into account the number of captures permitted in the two

The goal of Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries (Republic of Indonesia Law, 2009),
which includes support for fish resource management policies, is being met by this action. The
total value of small pelagic fish captures as the primary commodity WPP-RI 711 has not been
overexploited when compared to JTB established by KepMen-KP No. 47 of 2016 (Decree of the
Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016). Penaeid shrimp
and reef fish have, however, been overfished as a commodity.

Marine and Fisheries Resources

Resources, which can also be non-physical, are essentially the value that is contained in a
specific item or aspect in life. The definition of resources is tied to two other factors: institutional
factors, which govern who owns the resources and how technology is employed, and factors
regarding how those resources can be used. For instance, the activity of extracting fish resources
contains institutional components that define the arrangement as well as technical ones relating
to fishing gear, workers, and ships. Failure of these institutional components will result in
excessive extraction and exhaustion, which is ultimately harmful to humanity.

One of Indonesia's greatest strengths is its fisheries and marine resources. Due to Indonesia's
extensive territorial waters, its wealth of resources, particularly in the sector of fisheries, requires
strict regulation, supervision, and control. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that
fisheries resources and products are essential elements of both employment opportunities and
human food sources. If fisheries resources or other biological resources are managed well, their
duration will be practically unlimited. If fishery resources or other biological resources are
properly maintained, they will essentially last forever. The key finding is that biological qualities,
which are also tied to two other factors—institutional aspects, which define who controls
resources and how technology is used—provide the fundamental basis for the protection and
management of fishery resources.

In order to effectively utilize a resource that has been overexploited, careful consideration must
be given to its condition. When compared to the level of utilization, it is evident that the majority
of fishery commodities have undergone overexploitation, with an E value of 1. The government
has determined the JTB or MSY value of fisheries resources according to fisheries groups. To
date, however, fishing activities have continued without a clear ban on violators in an effort to
protect overfished fishery supplies. When fishing efforts are increased suddenly in order to
increase catches, the phrase "in the long run" is used. However, a few years later, the catch will
be lower because the resources were heavily depleted the year before (Sparre, 2009). To ensure
that we get the best possible continuous results, we must therefore calculate the values of FMSY
and MSY.

The concept of Schaefer Model (1954)

Table 1: Number of Catch Data (C), Catch Effort (F) and CPUE Value in WPP-RI 711 for

No Year
(Catch) (Trip) (C/F)
1 2014 37,4450 487 0,0769
2 2015 53,3840 508 0,1051
3 2016 0,2650 25 0,0106
4 2017 1,2910 16 0,0797
Source: Processed from data from the DJPT KKP fisheries for 2014-2017

Based on the regression results between the variables x (value F) in column 3 and variable y
(CPUE value) in column 4 produces the regression equation as follows:
CPUE = 0.0430 - 0,00012 F

That is, any increase in catch effort (trip) will reduce the CPUE value. If there is no fishing
activity, then the shrimp stock in nature is 0.0429 ton/trip. If there is an increase in fishing effort
of 1 trip, the CPUE value will decrease by 0,00012 tons/trip. To get the optimum effort value
(FMSY) in the Schaefer model, with the regression results the value of a = 0.0430, value of b = -
0.00012 and the value of R2 (coefficient of determination) of 42,9%, then we obtain the value of
FMSY as follows:

FMSY = - 𝑎/2𝑏 = - 0.0430 2(−0.00012) = 179,1666 rounded to 179 trips.

This result means that in one year the number of fishing trips should not exceed 179 trips.

The condition of development of production in the majority of fisheries resources in WPP-RI
711 on average has decreased the value of catches each year. But there are also some resources
that show an increase in the value of the catch and are used optimally. Basically, the JTB value
set by the government through KepMen-KP No. 47 of 2016 is not fully working well. Some
important economic resources have experienced overfishing with catch conditions above the
specified JTB value. The level of utilization of resource groups that have been exploited has the
effect of decreasing the value of sustainable potential set by the government in 2017 through
KepMen-KP No. 50 (Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of
Indonesia, 2017). The government is expected to be forceful in deciding on inputs (fishing
licenses, fishing gear, fishing vessels, and webs) and fisheries catch through the Ministry of
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP). The value of MSY should be determined using the
KepMen-KP. To ensure the most effective use of resources and avoid economic overfishing,
research on bio-economic analysis (MEY) must be performed explicitly by academics and the
Davies, J.D., Fulton, E. A., A. D. M. Smith, D. C. Smith, and P. Johnson. (2008).An integrated
approach is required for ecosystem-based fisheries management: insights from
ecosystem-level management strategy evaluation . PLoS ONE. 9 (1):e84242.

FAO. (2002). National aquaculture sector overview. Nigeria. National Aquaculture Sector
Overview Fact Sheets. In FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Rome, Italy.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (2014). The state of world fisheries and
aquaculture: opportunities and challenges. FAO, Rome, Italy.

Maple, T.L., and Perdue, B.M. (2013). Behavior analysis and training. In: Maple, T.L., Perdue,
B.M. (Eds.), Zoo Animal Welfare. Springer, pp. 119–137.

Negi, D.F., and She, R.A. (2013). Sustainable development of marine living and non-living
resources. In M.A. Mohamad (Ed. ), The Malacca Straits Paradox: Balancing Priorities
for a Sustainable Waterway. . MIMA, pp: 159-208.

Pinto, M.F., Mourão, J.S., Alves, R.R.N. (2015). Use of ichthyo fauna by artisanal fishermen at
two protected areas along the coast of Northeast Brazil. Journal of Ethnobiology and
Ethnomedicine,11: 1–32.

Prein, A.E. (2002)Multispecies fisheries management and conservation: tactical applications

using models of intermediate complexity. Fish and Fisheries,15 (1):1-22.

Sparre P, V. S. (2009). Introduksi Pengkajian Stok Ikan Tropis. (Pusat Penelitian

dan Pengembangan Perikanan, Ed.). Jakarta: FAO Fisheries Department.









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This chapter seeks to examine the contribution of fisheries to poverty reduction and food
security, and portray the potential impacts of climate change on the already strained
resource in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. Fish is a major source of food for the
majority of poor and vulnerable communities in SSA. The sector also provides jobs to
many men and women and is one of the most traded food commodities in the region. Fish
trade supports economic growth in many developing countries in general and most SSA
countries, in particular by providing an important source of cash revenue to service
international debt, funding the operations of national governments, and importing food
for domestic consumption, thus contributing to national food security and diversification
of diets. However, the benefits gained from the sector are often overlooked in national
economic planning. While the importance of fisheries to national economies is often
understated, the impacts of climate change on the sector and its implications for the
socio-economics of the coastal and riparian communities are difficult to ignore.
Thischapter provides a review of potential physical and biological impacts of climate
change on fisheries by giving specific examples from SSA countries. In addition, the
importance of fisheries to poverty reduction is demonstrated using empirical data from
42 SSA countries. It is clear that the higher the production level and per capita food
supply from fishery products, the lower the prevalence of hunger. Nonetheless, the
fisheries sector continues to lack sufficient attention by policy makers. This is mainly
because well above half of the fish produced in SSA are supplied by small-scale or
artisanal fisheries which are not accounted for in national statistics and thus their
contribution to the economy and food security remains invisible. This chapter intends to
uncover the invisibility of the sector and argues that fisheries should come at the
forefront of the process of adaptation in policy formulation, and sufficient investments
should be made to boost sustainable fish production in the region. It is recommended
that increased and sustained investments in SSA

The underlying objective of this chapter is to highlight the contribution of fisheries to poverty
reduction and food security and portray the potential impacts of climate change on this already
strained resource. Climate change will exacerbate existing physical, ecological, and
socioeconomic stresses on the African coastal zone (IPCC, 2007). It also poses significant and
long-term risks to fisheries in many tropical developing countries in general and Sub-Saharan
African (SSA) countries in particular. The benefits gained from the development of fisheries
are significant. From local to global levels, fisheries and aquaculture play important roles in
food supply, income generation and nutrition (Cochrane et al., 2009). Globally, some 43.5
million people work directly in the sector, with the great majority in developing countries.
Adding those who work in associated processing, marketing, distribution and supply industries,
the sector supports nearly 200 million livelihoods (Barange and Perry, 2010). In SSA, fisheries
are a source of employment for around 10 million people and the main or only source of
animal protein for 20 per cent of the population. Thus, the sector plays a significant role in
boosting the availability of food, thereby tackling risks to food security in several agrarian and
highly food-insecure countries in the region. For example, in Senegal the proportion of dietary
protein coming from fish is as high as 75 per cent (Ndiaye, 2003), in Ghana per capita
consumption of fish is 22 kg per year which is equivalent to 15 per cent of protein derived
from fish (World Resource Institute, 2001), and in Sierra Leone fish supplies 63 per cent of the
total animal protein consumed (Anon, 2004). Fish is one of the most traded food commodities
in the region. Fish trade supports economic growth processes by providing an important source
of cash revenue to service international debt, funding the operations of national governments,
and importing food for domestic consumption, thus contributing to national food security and
diversification of diets. However, the benefits gained from the sector are often ignored or
understated in national economic planning. This is mainly because well over half of the fish
produced in SSA are from small-scale artisanal fisheries which are often not accounted for in
national statistics and thus their contribution to the economy and food security remains
invisible.While the importance of fisheries is often understated, the implications of climate
change for these sectors and for coastal and riparian communities in general are difficult to
ignore Barange and Perry, 2010). Climate change poses significant threats to fisheries on top
ofmany other concurrent pressures such as overfishing, habitat degradation, pollution,
introduction of new species and so on (Brander, 2010). Globally, relative to the level that
would support maximum sustainable yield, 20 per cent of targeted fishery resources are
moderately exploited, 52 per cent are fully exploited with no further increased anticipated, 19
per cent are overexploited, 8 per cent are depleted and 1 per cent are recovering from previous
depletion (FAO, 2009). Changes in biophysical characteristics of the aquatic environment and
frequent occurrence of extreme events will have significant effects on the ecosystems that
support fish. This will affect food security in multiple ways. Firstly, extinction of some fish
species means lower fish production for local consumption. Secondly, migration of many fish
species to aquatic environments with optimal climatic condition will have a tremendous effect
on fishers who are not able to follow fish due to political (borders) and economic reasons.
Finally, since most of the fish harvested for export in many developing countries is supplied
by small-scale fisheries this will lead to reduced fish production thus lower earnings from fish
export, and consequently reduced capacity to import food and exacerbation of national food
insecurity. SSA is given special attention in this chapter because (1) the region is home to
more than 300 million people who live under the poverty line and it is projected to be
inhabited by half of the world’s poor by 2050; (2) there is very limited literature on the
potential impacts of climate change on fisheries in the region; (3) existing economic problems
limit the capacity of the countries in the region to adapt to or insulate themselves from the
impacts of climate change; and (4) most of the people who rely on fisheries for their
livelihoods are poor,thereby contributing to the food security of countries. Nonetheless, as
mentioned earlier, the sector continues to receive minor attention by policy makers. Thorpe et
al. (2004) in their analysis of poverty reduction strategy papers produced by 29 SSAs found
that the fisheries sector has been a significant motor of economic growth or likely poverty
refuge, and yet the sector was effectively mainstreamed in only three national Poverty
Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) namely: Ghana, Guinea and Senegal. In addition, with
increasing evidence of the impacts of climate change on aquatic ecosystems, the resultant
impacts on food security and fisheries livelihoods are likely to be significant, but remain a
neglected area in climate adaptation policies.




2.1. Overview of the Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries Natural climatic fluctuations,
particularly those at medium (decadal) scale, have always affected fisheries as well as their
management performance (Garcia and Rosenberg, 2010). The atmosphere and the ocean will
continue to warm over the next 50–100 years, sea level will rise due to thermal expansion of
water and melting of glaciers, ocean pH will decline (become acidic) as more carbon dioxide is
absorbed, and circulation patterns could change at local, regional and global scales (Bindoff et al.,
2007 in Munday et al., 2008) The major aquatic habitats in SSA include the Great Rift Lakes
such as Lakes Malawi and Victoria; man-made reservoirs such as Lake Kariba; large river and
floodplain systems such as the Nile and Zambezi Rivers; and coastal habitats including estuaries,
mangrove swamps, and deltas (Hlohowskyjl et al., 1996). The diversity of the habitats and the
species they support respond differently to different impacts of climate change.Even though it is
not possible to generalize the impacts of climate change on fisheries in SSA, they share
something in common – climate change is very likely going to lead to fluctuations in fish stocks.
Fluctuations in fish stocks will have major economic consequencesfor many vulnerable
communities and national economies that heavily depend on fisheries (Brander, 2010). The
impacts of climate change on fish stocks in SSA can be classified as physical and biological
changes. Physical changes include sea surface temperature rise, sea level rise, changes in salinity
and ocean acidification. Biological changes include changes in primary production, and fish
stock distribution. These factors when combined together will have adverse impacts on the
already strained resource.

2.1.1. Physical Changes Water Surface Temperature Rise

The oceans play a significant role in regulating global climate. Their heat capacity (and thus net
heat uptake) is about 1000 times larger than that of the atmosphere (Barange and Perry, 2010)
and they therefore absorb significant amount of heat emitted globally. Such changes in ocean
temperatures can change the dynamics of aquatic environmentalist's of the region. Changes in
ocean dynamics could lead to changes in migration patterns of fish and possibly reduce fish
landings, especially in coastal fisheries (African Action, 2007).For example, increased ocean
temperature may affect upwelling along the Gulf of Guinea, which can make the ocean waters
become unsuitable for fisheries, causing a reduction in and possible collapse of fishing activities
(African Action, 2007 in Urama and Ozor, 2010). Inland waters are also equally vulnerable and
could be impacted strongly by climate change (IPCC, 2007). The international Dialogue on
Water and Climate (2004) noted that water stress will increase significantly in those regions that
are already relatively dry,such as SSA. One of the stresses that inland waters of SSA are facing is
increasing water surface temperature. According to Christensen et al. (2007 in Barange and Perry,
2010) warming in Africa is very likely going to be larger than the global annual mean warming
throughout the region and in all seasons, with drier subtropical regions warming more than the
wetter tropics with a consequent decline in rainfall. Rising water temperature also threatens
biodiversity. Generally, fish have a thermal preference that optimizes physiological processes
(Abowei, 2010). If water temperature rises above the maximum tolerable threshold of a species,
then its existence is threatened. Urama and Ozor (2010) provide an example from the Lebialem
Highlands in Cameroon where women have started to hunt for tadpoles and frogs because there
are no fish in most of Bangwa Rivers. However, even the number of tadpoles and frogs have
significantly declined (partly) due to the warming rivers that have increased the amount of
predator fish in an area they have never inhabited before. Sea Level Rise

Globally, sea level has already risen by 10 to 20 cm during the 20th century, largely due to
thermal expansion, and by 2100 a global rise in sea level of between 9 cm and 88 cm has been
predicted, based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s full range of 35 climate
projection scenarios (Church et al., 2001 in OECD, 2010). In coastal areas, sea level rise may
alter the salinity of estuarine habitats, inundate wetlands, and reduce or eliminate the abundance
of submerged vegetation, adversely affecting those species which rely on these coastal habitats
for reproduction and recruitment (Hlohowskyjl et al., 1996). In addition, with high sea levels, sea
ports, existing fishing facilities like jetties and fish storage centers built on the coastal fringes
slightly above the mean high tide line will be subjected to more frequent tidal and storm
inundation (Ibe and Awosika, 1991). Therefore, sea level rise is very likely going to have a
negative impact on fishery production (due to salt stresses on the fish stock and its habitat) and
fish landing, processing and marketing facilities. There are very limited studies done to assess
the impacts of sea level rise in the coastal zones of SSA. There is, however, some information on
the impact of sea level rise in some of the most populous coastal cities in West and East Africa.
For example, Nigeria’s 800 kilometer low-lying coastline from Lagos to Calabar makes the
region prone to seawater intrusion into coastal freshwater resources. This will have a negative
impact on inland fisheries and aquaculture. The people in the coastal areas who used to depend
on fishing have seen their livelihoods destroyed by the rising waters (Urama and Ozor, 2010). In
another report by the UN-HABITAT (2008), a sea level rise in Abidjan is likely to swamp 562
square kilometers along the coastline of the region, as lowland marshes and lagoons dominate
the coastal zone. The same report also predicts that Mombasa, in the East African coastal zone,
could be submerged by a sea level rise of 0.3 meters, with a large area becoming uninhabitable
and less productive due to salt stresses. Increasing Water Salinity

Climate change can cause an increase or decrease in water salinity in multiple ways. While
tropical oceans are increasingly becoming saltier, oceans closer to the poles have become fresher.
This highlights that tropical oceans are very likely to suffer more from the potential impacts of
increasing water salinity relative to waters in higher latitudes. Changes in water salinity have
different effects depending on the tolerance level of the organisms and the nature of their
ecosystem – whether freshwater, marine or estuarine. The salinity of some freshwater
ecosystems are predicted to increase as a result of anthropogenic climate change (IPCC, 2001).
Such physical changes will negatively impact the population of both plankton and bigger prey
fish species by affecting the organisms’ ability to osmoregulate (Schallenberg et al., 2003). Some
empirical studies illustrate that change in salinity has a negative impact on zooplankton
population, particularly in freshwater ecosystems. Schallenberg et al. (2003) depict that
zooplankton communities of low-lying, coastal, tidal lake and wetlands are adversely affected by
small increases in salinity levels. They further warn that such changes in zooplankton abundance
may further disturb the ecological functioning of these valuable but vulnerable ecosystems. As is
discussed in the subsequent section, changes in zooplankton populations or other planktonic
primary and secondary producers disrupt the food chain, thus having a considerable negative
impact on fishery.

1.1.4. Ocean Acidification

Oceans are believed to have the capacity to absorb most of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions
(Caldeira and Wickett, 2003). CO2 is soluble in water and reversibly converts to carbonic acid.
As a result of this chemical reaction, the world’s oceans are acidifying at an alarming rate
(Dupont and Thorndyke, 2009). While this has a positive impact in slowing down global
warming, increased acidity as a result of dissolved CO2 in seawater has negative a impact on
ocean ecosystems. The impact to the ecosystem is difficult to estimate as different species at
different stages of life history respond differently to different pH changes. According to Dupont
and Thorndyke (2009), ocean acidification research is in its infancy and although the field is
moving forward rapidly, good data is still scarce. Although the science base is still limited, there
is a clear need to provide timely advice and a balanced perspective on the possible impacts on
marine fisheries (Le Quesne and Pinnegar, 2011).Quantifying the effects of ocean acidification
on human communities requires assessing the direct and indirect chemical impacts on valuable
marine ecosystem services such as fisheries (Cooley et al., 2011). According to Le Quesne and
Pinnegar (2011), direct effects include changes in physiological processes such as reduced
growth of calcified structures, otolith development, and fertilization success. These may
ultimately lead to direct impacts at the whole-organism level, including reduced growth and
reproductive output, increased predation and mortality, alteration in feeding rates and behavior,
reduction in immunocompetence and reduced thermal tolerance. Indirect effects include
alteration in predator or pray abundance, effects on biogenic habitats such as coral reefs, and
changes in nutrient recycling. While adult fish seem well-equipped to deal with low pH waters,
or higher levels of CO2 in seawater, their egg and larval life stages may not be so fortunate
(Painting, 2011). For example, increased CO2 level in oceans can potentially narcotize male
gametes indicating that acidification may impair fertilization, exacerbating problems of sperm
limitation, with dire implications for marine life (Byrne et al., 2010). Ocean acidification could
potentially slow the growth of plankton and invertebrates that are at the bottom of the food chain.
Thus acidification can alter the productivity at certain trophic levels, thereby disrupting the
complex food chain of aquatic ecosystems with effects on the productivity of fisheries. One of
the very likely socio-economic impacts of ocean acidification in SSA is a decrease in populations
of calcifying organisms such as mollusks. This may have tremendous socio-economic effects
either by (1) lowering export earnings of net mollusk exporting

nations; (2) reducing jobs for many fishers involved in mollusk farming and harvest; or (3)
increasing mollusk prices which may exclude marginal consumers – further widening protein
and wealth gaps between the rich and poor. A study done by Cooley et al. (2011) to assess the
vulnerability of nations to ocean acidification-driven decreases in mollusc harvests, suggests

that countries with low adaptability, high nutritional or economic dependence on mollusks, and
rapidly growing populations will be most vulnerable. These are common characteristics of most
SSA countries. Thus, the region is very likely to be more, if not the most, vulnerable to ocean

2.1.2. Biological Changes

Climate change is already affecting the trends of some important biological processes, resulting
in changes in primary production (Taucher and Oschlies, 2011) and changes in fishdistribution
(Sumeila et al., 2011). Climate induced changes in primary production and fishstock distribution
have negative implication on food security in many tropical coastal states ingeneral and SSA in
particular. Changes in Primary Production

The relationship between climate change and future ocean primary production is likely to be a
key constraint on fish and fisheries production (Dulvy et al., 2010). Survival of fish larvae during
the planktonic stage is thought to depend strongly on the availability of sufficient and suitable
food. Therefore, in addition to effects of changes in production, climate induced changes in
distribution and phenology of fish larvae and their prey can also affect recruitment and
production of fish stocks (Brander, 2010). Even though there are some studies done to assess the
impact of climate change on primary productivity of aquatic environments in high latitude waters,
there is very limited study done in the tropics. One of the very few studies available is the case of
Lake Tanganyika. Lake Tanganyika has historically supported one of the world's most
productive pelagic fisheries, which provided an annual harvest in recent years of between
165,000 and 200,000 metric tons, representing 25–40 per cent of animal protein supply for the
populations of the surrounding countries (Molsa et al., 1999). A rise in surface-water temperature
coupled with a regional decrease in wind velocity has increased the stability of the water column
restricting mixing and deep-water nutrient upwelling and entertainment into surface waters
(O’Reilly et al., 2003). This has led to a decrease in primary production by about 20 per cent
over the past 80 years (Bates et al., 2008). According to O’Reilly et al. (2003), a 20 per cent
reduction in primary productivity can be translated as a roughly 30 per cent decrease in fish
yields. The decline in catch was accompanied by breakdown of the previously strong seasonal
patterns in catch, suggesting decoupling from ecosystem processes driven by the weakening of
hydrodynamic patterns. These changes in the pelagic fishery are consistent with a lake-wide shift
in ecosystem functioning (Brander, 2010).Even though there are multiple factors that affect
primary production in aquatic environment, one of the main factors is surface temperature rise.
O’Reilly et al. (2003) suggest that if air temperature increases by about 1.7 degrees, as predicted
for the next 80 years, there will be further increases in thermal stability and reductions in
productivity in these large lakes. They further warn that the human implications of such faint but
progressive environmental changes are potentially dire in this region of the world, where large
lakes are.



Secondary sources were used to obtain the study's materials.

Between September 26, 2022, and October 2, 2022, at Lagos State University, they are
essentially facts drawn from material that was gathered online, critically analyzed, and pondered

3.0 Climate Change Effects

Our analysis demonstrates that there may be short-, medium-, and long-term effects of global
climate change on fisheries and aquaculture at various scales (Barange et al., 2018; Brander,
2010; FAO, 2020). Reduced precipitation, higher evaporation brought on by warmer air and
water, increased oxygen demand, decreased pH, extreme weather events, sea level rise, and
ocean acidification are the main ways that these effects are visible.Out of 39 publications about
the effects of climate change, five papers found that fisheries and aquaculture are directly
impacted by changes in climate through fish physiology, including growth, development,
reproduction, and diseases, and ecology, including organic and inorganic cycles, predation, and
ecosystems (Brander, 2010; Brander, 2007; Cheung et al., 2009; Doney et al., 2012; Merino et al.,
2010). According to Portner and Peck (2010), the physiological reactions of organisms to
environmental disturbances at various levels of the food web may have an impact on productivity
and interactions within the food web.The effects of climate change on marine and estuarine
fisheries, such as elevated oxygen consumption rates and altered fish migration patterns, are the
subject of another set of publications. These effects could have a negative impact on fishing
communities that depend on both coastal and pelagic fish stocks (Munday et al., 2008; Perry et
al., 2005; Pratchett et al., 2008; Roessig et al., 2004). The decreasing fish productivity in lakes
brought on by global warming has also been noted by certain authors (O'Reilly et al., 2003;
Vollmer et al., 2005).Various studies demonstrate how climate change has an economic impact
because it reduces productivity and the availability of seafood. For instance, Dey and Rosegrant
et al. (2016) predict that rising population and per capita income will result in a significant
increase in fish demand. However, the impact of climate change on the availability of fish
renders nations net importers and jeopardizes their ability to achieve food security, which lowers
per capita consumption in many nations. In a different study, Briones (2006) demonstrates that
climatic change can result in a decrease in fish supply that endures even after the shock has
passed, suggesting that climate change may result in long-term productivity losses. According to
Lam et al(2012) .'s projection, the supply of fish protein and marine fish productivity will both
fall significantly inHouseholds engaged in fishing and aquaculture are particularly vulnerable to
the effects of climate change along exposed coasts. These effects include significant increases in
disease transmission rates by insects, significant hazards to maritime safety due to rising severe
weather, loss of fishing/aquaculture equipment and physical capital, and financial losses from the
cessation or reduction of fishery activity (Badjeck et al., 2010; Jallow et al., 1999). Increased
instances of harsh weather can also harm already-installed infrastructure, limit farming potential,
cause crop loss due to flooding, and obstruct market access (Ahmed et al., 2019; Iwasaki et al.,
2009). Damages to community infrastructure, such as hospitals, schools, and sewage systems,
can cause non-voluntary resettlement and displacement, which can disrupt livelihoods (Badjeck
et al., 2010). Climate change has caused,For instance, it was discovered that adverse weather
conditions in Bangladesh encourage people to engage in unlawful enterprises like logging, and
that arresting such vulnerable persons made poverty traps even worse (Ahmed et al.,
2019).Exposure to Climate Change

Fisheries and aquaculture are two natural resource-based livelihoods that are particularly
sensitive to climate change. Climate change's increasingly detrimental effects on livelihoods
have sparked active study in vulnerability assessment (Adhikari & Taylor, 2012; Allison et al.,
2009). Identification of nations, regions, communities, and households that depend heavily on
these industries for their livelihoods can be aided by assessing the susceptibility of fisheries and
aquaculture to climate change. Additionally, this evaluation might help in formulating adaptive
management plans and legislative actions to lessen susceptibility (Ding et al., 2017).

There may be regional and national differences in how vulnerable fisheries are to climate change.
Allison et al. (2009) found that fisheries in Africa, South America, and Asia are particularly
vulnerable to the effects of climate change on fisheries.29 coastal villages' vulnerability is
examined by Cinner et al. in 2013

In order to quantify the marginal effects of the variables used to define livelihood, schemes for
livelihood indexes typically use proven quantitative methods (Adato et al., 2006; Giesbert &
Schindler, 2012). One strategy would be to objectively weigh markers of exposure, sensitivity,
and adaptive capability according to how much they contribute to household wellbeing, paying
particular emphasis to how vulnerable poor households are.Resilience and Adaptation to Climate

For fisheries and aquaculture to be less vulnerable to climate change, adaptation is essential.
There are two basic categories of adaptation measures: productivity shocks. Adding non-fishing
sources of income to local fishermen's households can make them more resilient to output shocks
caused by the changing climate (Badjeck et al., 2010; Shaffril et al., 2017b). In other research,
the necessity of community-based adaptation (CBA) is emphasized (Ahmed et al., 2013; Ensor et
al., 2016; Hagedoorn et al., 2019). CBA is a process that is driven by the community and is
based on its needs, knowledge, and capabilities (Reid et al., 2009). As part of this participatory
approach to adaptation, practitioners and communities must jointly investigate the effects of
climate change and the most effective countermeasures (Ensor et al., 2016).Ahmed et al. (2013)
go over a number of CBA tactics in coastal Bangladesh, such as integrating aquaculture into
agricultural systems and developing salt-tolerant rice varieties to fend off salt-water intrusion
brought on by sea-level rise. Numerous studies continue to look into methods for gathering local
knowledge and awareness of the intricate connection between climate change hazards and
livelihoods (Pringle & Conway, 2012). Other research provide ways to identify adaptation
obstacles brought on by inadequate communication between those who produce and those who
consume climate information (Ensor et al., 2016; Spires et al., 2014).




All life on Earth is impacted by climate change, but aquatic species face particular difficulties.
Water, for instance, carries less dissolved oxygen when it warms compared to cooler water. As a
result, a process known as "deoxygenation" is taking place in the world's oceans, coastal seas,
estuaries, rivers, and lakes.

Many aquatic creatures experience severe stress when dissolved oxygen levels drop to around 2
mg/L, compared to a normal range of roughly 5 to 10 mg/L. Hypoxia is the medical term for this
low oxygen threshold.

Annual revenue from fisheries is $362 billion USD worldwide. Fish biomass reduction as a
result of warming waters is already predicted by scientists. Can effects on fish, however, be
directly measured?

Yes, there are some climate change implications. More and more, a peek into the private lives of
It should come as no surprise that fish have ears and, frequently, a keen hearing sense. The
hearing and balancing systems of modern fish are made up of three pairs of otoliths, which
develop inside tiny sacs beneath the semicircular canals of the inner ears. (Species having
cartilage-based skeletons, including sharks and rays, lack otoliths.)

Otoliths are composed of calcium carbonate, primarily in the form of aragonite, which is the
same substance that makes up clam shells and hard corals. Otoliths range in size from sand
grain-sized to fava bean-sized. They develop as the fish develops over the course of its life,
which is intriguing to fish biologists. In situations where the temperature of the water fluctuates

Due to the fact that these increments—both daily and annual—are connected to fish growth, this
revelation completely changed our knowledge of the early life cycles of fish. Many people
consider fish otoliths to be "lifetime archives" of past ages and growth rates.
The occurrence of fish deaths is a sign of declining ecosystem health and water quality. It could
mean that biotoxins (algal blooms), chemicals (pesticides/herbicides), or microbiological
diseases have contaminated the water. As a result, for a while, environmental water may not be
safe to use for beneficial purposes. The majority of times, natural factors like hypoxia, or anoxia,
toxic algal blooms, illnesses, temperature fluctuations, black water episodes, etc. are to blame for
mass fish extinctions. It is anticipated that climate change would raise water temperatures in a
number of world rivers; therefore, Aquatic organisms such as fish will be stressed.

Fisheries and aquaculture may be directly impacted by climate change by changing the volume
and distribution of fish populations and the worldwide supply of fish for human consumption, or
indirectly by changing the price of fish or the price of commodities and services that fishers and
fish farmers need. Increased parasite and disease incidence, decreased dissolved oxygen, altered
local ecosystems with shifting competitors, predators, and invading species, and changes in
plankton composition can all result from variations in sea surface temperature. increases in
infrastructure and operating costs brought on by a rise in pest, pest species, nuisance species,
and/or predator infestations in aquaculture. impacts on fish stock quantity and species diversity
for capture fisheries.

The distribution and productivity of open sea fisheries alter as a result of climate change. Reef
fisheries' production was decreased by bleached coral and changing ocean temperatures.
Flooding and drought are caused by varying rainfall patterns. Due to the loss of land due to sea
level rise, there was less space for aquaculture. Changes in estuary systems, freshwater fisheries
loss, and species distribution and composition all had an impact on changes in species abundance,
distribution, and fish stock makeup. A shift to brackish water species may result from salt water
intrusion into groundwater, harm to freshwater catch fisheries, and decreased freshwater
availability for aquaculture. Mangrove trees and other coastal ecosystems were lost, which
resulted in a decline in recruitment, stocks, and aquaculture seed. increased risk of wave and
storm surge exposure as well as flooding of inland aquaculture and fisheries. Greater inland

Understanding the nuanced ways in which fisheries and aquaculture have reacted to past climatic
variability as well as other "shocks" might help inform policies that enable adaptation to climate
change. Considering how fishing communities react to natural disasters,

Strategies for enhancing adaptive capacity will be presented in the research outputs, which
governments, communities, or businesses can use to guide their responses to climate change and
other causes. Stakeholders in the fishery and aquaculture sector will have a stronger idea of how
to go about securing both technical and financial support for adaptation as this has been a
Limitation by identifying important policy procedures. Sectoral policies will be more effectively
"climate-proofed" and governments will be better positioned to address climate change by taking
lessons from other mainstreaming experiences.

Growth plays a key role throughout an organism's whole life cycle (West et al., 2001,
Hernandez-Miranda and Ojeda, 2006, Murdoch and Power, 2013). Therefore, a thorough
knowledge of how fish growth responds to associated environmental changes is a necessity for
accurate projections of fish and fisheries reactions to climate change (Smolinski and Mirny, 2017,
Spurgeon et al., 2020). We discovered that the existing understanding of this research topic is far
from full and is largely dependent on studies done on particular places and species based on the
synthesis of data collected from the connected studies. Different climatic zones and ecosystems
(such as those in rivers, lakes, and the oceans) weren't properly taken into account (Fig. 1).


Fisheries and aquaculture are unavoidably challenged by climate change. World Fish intends to
offer fresh knowledge to guide solutions by utilizing a variety of research on consequences,
mitigation, and adaptation, along with practical actions locally, nationally, regionally, and
worldwide. For fisheries and aquaculture systems to be more resilient to the challenge of global
climate change and to ensure a bright future for the people who depend on them, high-quality
research that incorporates resource users, creates strong partnerships, and harnesses political will
is essential. Research is needed to develop and pursue coping strategies and improve the
adaptability of fishers and aquaculturists since increased climatic variability and uncertainty
make it more difficult to identify impact routes and regions of susceptibility.

References include Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low-Lying Islands, Coasts, and
Communities, edited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), published in
2022. Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, The Ocean and
Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, Cambridge University Press, pp. 321-446,
doi:10.1017/9781009157964.006, ISBN 978-1-009-15796-4, S2CID 246522316, accessed 2022-

Michael C. Hogan (2010) Overfishing, topic edition of the Earth Encyclopedia. C. Cleveland,
editor-in-chief of the National Council on Science and the Environment (NCSE), Washington,
DC, Sidney Draggan

Fisheries and aquaculture are included in the FAO's brief on their changing climate policy for the
UNFCCC COP-15 in Copenhagen in December 2009.

"Prince Charles urges for increased fisheries sustainability." Mercury in London 2014-07-14.
Archived from the original. obtained on July 13, 2014.

Wayne Hubert and Michael Quist, eds (2010). Domestic Fisheries

Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability of change (IPCC). Working Group II's Contribution to the
IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report, edited by, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK,
2007, 469–506

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (IPCC).

impacts, vulnerability, and adaptability. Working Group II's contribution to the IPCC's Fourth
Assessment Report was published in 2007 at page 204.

2. Perry RI, Barange M. Aquaculture and inland and marine capture fisheries are affected by the
physical and ecological effects of climate change. Cochrane, De Young, Soto, and Bahri, K., C.,
D., and (eds). Overview of current scientific understanding regarding the effects of climate
change on fisheries and aquaculture. Rome, FAO. 2010;7-106. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture
Technical Paper, No. 530.

3. Nelson G. Agricultural climate change adaptation. In the paper from the International Food
Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Workshop on Climate Change and Fisheries and Aquaculture,
"Options for Decision Makers," it is discussed how much it will cost in the developing countries.

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