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The Conductometric Titration of Latices


Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and
Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Received June 25, 1979; accepted October 29, 1979

The conductometric titration of latices as a means for distinguishing and evaluating the various
surface groups contributing to electrical stability and electrokinetic properties has been examined
in some detail. The extension of the procedure to include back-titrations indicates that the con-
ventional identification of weak-acid endpoints is often wrong or misleading. The stoichiometric
endpoints are obscured by the changing distribution of ions between bulk and surface during
titration by concurrent dissociation and double-layer effects. It is proposed that a practicable
identification of the weak-acid endpoint in conductometric titrations is obtained by the extrapola-
tion of the curve for excess alkali back to its intersection with a horizontal line drawn through
the strong-acid endpoint conductivity. A similar extrapolation procedure is proposed to deter-
mine the stoichiometric endpoints of weak acids from the back-titrations.

INTRODUCTION metric titration of latices and other colloids

(11-13). The authors have considered the
Polystyrene latices are potentially model
nature of the surface and the structure of the
colloids. Emulsifier-free polymerization and
double layer.
copolymerization procedures can produce
It is noted in the recorded work that
latices of different sizes and with different
conductometric titrations of latices are more
kinds and amounts of functional groups in
difficult to interpret than those of free
the surface (1-4). Surface-charge character-
acids. For example, the plots are frequently
ization of these systems, however, is
curved so that conventional extrapolation
methods may be inappropriate or impossible.
Conductometric titration of latices is con-
It is our purpose to examine the conduc-
sidered a basic technique for surface-charge
tometric titrations of a number of latices
determination (5, 6). Stone-Masui and
and to determine how stoichiometric end-
Watillon (7) have described the conducto-
points can be established in an appro-
metric and potentiometric titrations of
priate and reliable manner.
several polystyrene latices. Everett and
Giiltepe (8) and Yates (9) have studied the MATERIALS AND METHODS
effect of neutral electrolytes on potentio-
metric and conductometric titrations of Latices
carboxylated and emulsifier-free latices, re- All the latices used in this study were
spectively. Wu (10) has studied the effect made by emulsifier-free polymerizations (4).
of various neutral electrolytes, added to the After removing the excess monomer and
latex, on the conductometric titrations of methanol, the cleaning was achieved by
strong-acid latices. diafiltration (14) followed by ion exchange
Recently, there have appeared several (15). The removal of monomers, oligomers,
theoretical and review articles attempting polyelectrolytes, and neutral electrolytes
to explain the potentiometric and conducto- was monitored by criteria discussed else-

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Copyright© 1980by AcademicPress,Inc,
Journal of Colloidand Interface Science, VoL 77, No. 1, September1980 All rightsof reproductionin any formreserved.

where (16). The number-average particle
diameters of the latices were determined 69
E 2.5
from the analysis of their transmission elec- IJJ
tron micrographs. The characteristics of the Z
latices used in this study are summarized O
in Table I. z
Titration Procedure 1.0

Conductometric titrations were performed fl- 0.5
on 100-ml samples of cleaned latices or TITRANT
model mixtures, except for latex LS 1-2
FIG. 1. Forward and back conductometric titrations
(200 ml), at 25°C. The titrations were of a 0.5 mequiv HCI-0.5 mequiv crotonic acid mixture.
done in a stirred vessel with continuous
bubbling of Nz using a conductivity dip
cell and a Radiometer Model CDM3 con- sum of the products of the concentra-
ductivity meter. tions of all ions and their equivalent
conductances (17).
Reagents The conductometric titrations of cleaned
latices show features different from those
All the reagents used in this study were of free acids. Figures 2, 3, and 4 show the
analytical grade. NaOH, Ba(OH)2, and HCI following titrations:
solutions were freshly prepared and stand-
ardized a short time before the titrations. (a) a high-surface-charge copolymer latex
(L 28) with both strong-acid (SA) and
RESULTS weak-acid (WA) functional groups,
(b) WA high-surface-charge copolymer
The conductometric titration of a mix-
latex (L 27), and
ture of strong and weak acids is shown
(c) S A - W A homopolymer latex (LS 1-2),
in Fig. 1. The slopes of the titration curve
are compared in Table II with predicted respectively. The titrations of latices com-
slopes calculated from the algebraic sum of pared with those of free acids show the
the equivalent conductances of the ions following characteristics: smaller SA slopes,
involved in the reactions. The initial, lower initial WA slopes, nonlinear WA
endpoint, and final conductivities obtained slopes, and indistinct WA NaOH endpoints.
during the titrations are compared with The conductometric titrations of latices
predicted values (Table liD. The conduc- can be modified by the addition of neutral
tivity at each point is calculated from the electrolytes (KC1) (Fig. 5) and strong acids


Latex Data a

Temperature Particle
Latex Monomers (°C) diameter (nm) Method of cleaning

LS 1-2 Styrene 70 342 Ion exchange (15)

L 27 Styrene, itaconic acid 60 1003 Diafiltration (14) and ion exchange (15)
L 28 Styrene, itaconic acid, NaS Sb 60 283 Diafiltration (14) and ion exchange (15)

a All polymerizations were initiated by K2S~Os.

Styrene p-sulfonic acid sodium salt.

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 77, No. 1, September 1980


C o m p a r i s o n of the Predicted and Observed Slopes of the Conductometric Titration Plots of

H C 1 - C r o t o n i c Acid ~ Mixture at 25°C (Fig. 1)

Predicted slope Observed slope

Titration Slope code Ions involved (cm2 S equiv-~) (cm2 S equiv 1)

Against N a O H (forward) Strong acid (SA) ( - ) H ÷, ( + ) N a ÷ -295 -282

Weak acid (WA)f ( + ) N a ÷, (+)C4H50~- +83 +78
Excess NaOH ( + ) N a +, ( + ) O H - +240 +237

Against HCI (back) -Excess NaOH ( - ) O H - , (+)C1 -121 -121

Weak acid (WA)b (-)C4H50~-, (+)C1- +44 +63
E x c e s s HCI ( + ) H ÷, (+)CI +416 +418

Crotonic acid has a dissociation constant K = 2.03 × 10-5 (17) and the crotonate ion ( C H a - - C H ~ C H - -
C O O - ) is a s s u m e d to have the same equivalent c o n d u c t a n c e as the butyrate ion, 32.6 c m 2 S equiv -1 (17).

(HC1) (Fig. 6). The nature of the base The measurement of surface conductance
used has been found to affect the features of polystyrene latices at different ionic
of conductometric titrations of latices; strengths has been carried out in this
Ba(OH)2 changed the features of the SA study and elsewhere (19). The data are
slope significantly (Fig. 7). summarized in Table IV.
The surface conductance (As) of latices
was obtained from Street's equation (18), DISCUSSION

Ko ~sSs (~
gl - + -- - - ,The differences between the titrations of
F F 1-6 latices and of free acids (compare e.g. Fig.
2 or 4 with Fig. 1) are due to the im-
K1 = latex conductance, mobility of the functional groups on the
K0 = serum conductance, surface of the latex particles and to the
F = formation factor; for sphereF = (2 + ~5)/ reduced mobility of counterions in the
(2 - 26), double layer. A comparison between the
Ss = specific surface area (cm2/cma), and slopes of conductometric titrations of free
6 = the volume fraction of latex. acids and of latices is shown in Table V.


C o m p a r i s o n of the Observed C o n d u c t a n c e s with T h o s e Calculated from the Concentrations and

Equivalent C o n d u c t a n c e s (17) of the Ions Present


Calculated Observed
Point symbol Basis of calculation (mS cm -1) (mS em -1)

Initial point [H +] = [C1-] 2.075 2.070

SA-WA [Na +] = [CI-], [H +] = [C4H~O2] a 0.745 0.730
WA-NaOH [Na +] = [CI-] + [C4H50~] 1.019 1.020
NaOH-WA [Na +] = [C1-] + [C4H50~-] 1.677 1.650
WA-HC1 [Na +] = [C1-], [H +] = [C4H50~] a 1.920 2.030

a Concentrations calculated on the basis of a dissociation constant o f c r o t o n i c acid o f 2.03 × 10-5. Crotonate
ion has an equivalent c o n d u c t a n c e estimated to be 32.6 c m 2 S equiv -1 (17).

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 77, No. 1, September 1980

oE 3.0
E° 50
E 03

t~ 2.0 ,,, 4 0
:D O 3O
1.O t:l

O ~- . 01 meq. O
O O 2O
o O
----- 0.O
tl.I m 10 1meq.

F~o. 2. Conductometric titrations of a cleaned S A -

WA functional copolyrner latex (L 28); successive TITRANT

forward and back-titrations respectively with NaOH FIG. 4. Conductometric titrations of a S A - W A

and HC1 are shown. emulsifier-free homopolymer latex (LS 1-2).

The slopes corresponding to excess rea-

(c) increase of SA slopes with the addition
gent in the latex titrations are the same as
of free strong acid (HC1) prior to the
those for the free acids. It is, however,
titrations (Fig. 6),
apparent that the stoichiometric determina-
(d) the SA slopes become nonlinear when
tion of strong-acid (SA) and weak-acid (WA)
the titration is performed with
groups on the latex is different from that
Ba(OH)2 (Fig. 7), and
of free acids. In the case of free acids,
(e) SA is not indicated by a separate slope
the extrapolation of the titration branches
when back-titrated with HC1 (Figs.
gives the expected endpoints. The SA and
2, 4, 5, 6, and 7).
WA titrations of latexes are discussed
separately. In order to explain the above features, we
have assumed that the cleaned latices are in
Strong-Acid Titrations the acid form, i.e., the only cations present
are protons and these exist as counterions
The following features of SA titrations
to the surface acid groups. According to
have been observed:
these assumptions, the observed initial con-
(a) very small SA slopes in the absence ductance is ascribed to surface conductance
of electrolytes (Figs. 2 and 4),
(b) increase of SA slopes with electrolyte
concentration (Fig. 5), ~32D

~ 1.5 ~1.0
i--i Z
Z C)
0 ID
E ~ ~ o '~meq
Ol meq nl
O 0-
09 0
° 0.~


~- 0 FIG. 5. Conductometric titrations of a S A - W A

functional copolymer latex (L 28) at different KC1
FIG. 3. Conductometric titrations of a weak-acid concentrations: (a) no electrolyte, (b) 1.50 x 10.4 M,
functional copolyrner latex (L 27). (c) 3.00 x 10.4 M, and (d) 2.60 x 10-~ M.

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 77, No. 1, September 1980

_- y o , o t 1
-- 2 . 0 ~ 1.0 oo5
? W
zO ~ 00~.012 014.!
~ 1.5
C.)~ ~)2,meq -
g 0.5
8 _o
~ ,
u. 1.0 !8~(o.12,, ' ,
CO O.'.'~meq
0.5 [
! 'i TtTRANT
TITRANT FIG. 7. C o n d u c t o m e t r i c titration of a S A - W A func-
FIG. 6. C o n d u c t o m e t r i c titration of a S A - W A func- tional c o p o l y m e r latex (L 28) with Ba(OH)2; the inset
is an e n l a r g e m e n t o f a part o f the forward titration.
tional c o p o l y m e r latex (L 28) with 0.5 m e q u i v HCI
tween the surface and the bulk. If we assume
and the slope that is obtained by titration is a diffuse layer only, this distribution can be
explained by Boltzmann's law, i.e.,
due to the effect on surface conductance of
the replacement of H + by Na ÷ as the counter- -etO
[H +] -- [H+]be - - , [2]
ion in the surface layer. It is noted that the KT
initial conductances measured (Figs. 2 and
4) are o f the order of independently meas- -e#,
[K +] = [K+]be - - , [3]
ured surface conductances at low electrolyte KT
concentrations ( - 0 . 0 1 mS cm -1) (Table IV).
+ eq,
With the addition of neutral electrolyte [CI-] = [ C l - ] b e - , [4]
(KCI) to a cleaned latex in its acid form, the KT
K ÷ and C1- ions distribute themselves be- where the concentration at a point having an


The Contribution o f Surface C o n d u c t a n c e , as E x p r e s s e d by (h~SJF)(05/(1- qS)), Eq. [1], to the L a t e x

C o n d u c t a n c e at Different p H s and Ionic Strengths A s s u m i n g a Latex of 0.28-tzm Particle Diameter (L 28) and
a V o l u m e Fraction of 0.04

XsS, 4,
F 1-4,
KCI concentration K0 (mS cm-1) pH h~(S) x 10~ (mS cm-1) Latex Reference
5 × 10 -s 0.0075 6.0 1.09 0.0086 WA 19
5 x 10 -4 0.0149 6.0 0.86 0.0071 WA 19
2 × 10-4 0.0298 6.0 0.89 0.0070 WA 19
2 × 10-4 (HC104) 0.0410 4.0 1.07 0.0085 WA 19
2 × 10 -4 (NaOH) 0.025 10.0 0.93 0.0073 WA 19
2 x 10-a 0.0149 6.0 2.38 0.0183 SA 19
9 × 10-4 0.1332 4.4 0.81 0.0063 SA-WA This s t u d y
9 × 10-3 0.1470 5.9 1.28 0.0100 SA-WA This s t u d y
9 × 10-2 1.4127 5.0 6.9 0.054 SA-WA This s t u d y

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 77, No. 1, September 1980

TABLE V The use of Ba(OH)z as the titrant has not

Comparison of the Slopes of Titration and Plots from changed the S A - W A endpoint, but the SA
Latices and Free Acids (Figs. 1 and 2) slope becomes nonlinear (Fig. 7). There are
Free acid differences from the N a O H curves previ-
Latex mixture ously shown since the higher valence of the
(cm~ S (cm2 S
Titration Slope equiv ') equiv -1) barium ion and its probable specific interac-
tion with surface groups can be expected to
Forward SA -9 -282 affect the diffuse-layer structure and the dis-
(vs NaOH) ( W A ) f nonlinear +78
Excess NaOH +243 +237 tribution of counterions between the surface
and the bulk.
Back -Excess NaOH -119 -121 Examination of the back-titrations (vs
(vs HC1) (WA)b nonlinear +63
Excess HC1 +410 +418 HC1) proves the absence of a distinct back
SA slope (Figs. 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7). With excess
HC1 in the presence of added or accumulated
electrical potential ¢ in the diffuse layer is Na +, the H + and Na + are expected to be dis-
related to the concentration in the bulk. The tributed between the bulk and the diffuse
integration of the above forms (from ~ = 00 layer according to Boltzmann' s distribution.
at the surface to ¢ = 0 in the bulk) gives the This distribution should progressively change
total concentration of each species in the as [H +] increases, producing a slope less than
double layer. Since for electrical neutrality that for free acid (426 cm z S equiv-i); slopes
the sum of ionic charges in the diffuse layer of 410 have been observed.
is equal to the surface charge, the presence Estimation of the number of titratable SA
of other counterions (K +) displaces the more groups in the latex requires the existence
mobile H + to the bulk and enhances the bulk and identification of a valid titration end-
conductance. point. In the titration curves related to L a t e x
The displacement of H + from the surface L 28 (Figs. 2, 5, 6, and 7), a consistent end-
by the addition of KC1 may be calculated point is indicated by the end of the initial
from the slopes of the conductometric titra- negative slope. The position of this point is
tion curve by assuming that the conductance unaffected by the addition of neutral electro-
change during titration is due to neutraliza- lytes (Fig. 5) and can be identified in sub-
tion of H + in the bulk and its replacement by sequent back-and-forth titrations (Fig. 2) by
Na +. Figure 8 shows the rise in hydrogen- a more or less abrupt change in slope. How-
ion concentration in the bulk due to displace- ever, the conductance at the indicated point
ment when the KC1 concentrations are in- that is calculated from the amount of ac-
creased. cumulated or added neutral electrolyte un-
The addition of HC1 to latex before the derestimates the measured value by an
titration resulted in a single SA slope; this
slope represents the concurrent titration of
the added HC1 and the SA groups (Fig. 6). ~0"8 t

With addition o f N a + and O H - to the cleaned
latex, in the presence of excess HC1, the 0.4I
Boltzmann distribution of Na + and H + be- ~o.2[ 7
tween the bulk and double layer should pro-
104 10-3 102
gressively change, producing a slope less [KCl]
than that expected for the titration of HC1
FIG. 8. Displacement of double-layerprotons by KC1
alone (295 cm 2 S equiv-1). This has been added prior to the titration of 9.75 × 10-4 M strong-
proven true and a slope of 257 cm 2 S equiv -1 acid groups of SA-WA functional copolymer latex
has been observed. (L 28).
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 77, No. 1, September 1980


C o m p a r i s o n of the Observed C o n d u c t a n c e ( K 0 with the Predicted Contribution of Bulk C o n d u c t a n c e (Ko/F,

Eq. [ ll) M e a s u r e d at the S A - W A Endpoint (Forward Titrations) and at the W A - H C 1 Endpoint (Back-Titration)

Predicted conductance Observed conductance Difference

Latex Electrolyte (equiv/liter) (mS cm 1) Ko/F (mS cm -~) K~ KI - (Ko/F) Figure

(a) S A - W A endpoint

L 28 1.50 × 10-4 (KC1) 0.022 0.026 0.004 5

L 28 3.00 x 10 -4 (KC1) 0.043 0.049 0.006 5
L 28 2.60 × 10-3 (KC1) 0.372 0.382 0.010 5
L 28 5.00 x 10-3 (KC1) 0.600 0.650 0.050 6

(b) W A - H C 1 endpoint

L 28 9.25 x 10-3 (NaCI) 1.081 1.225 0.144 6

L 27 1.00 x 10-z (NaC1) 1.164 1.271 0.107 3
L 27 4.75 x 10 .3 (BaC12) 0.602 0.675 0.,073 7

amount attributable to surface conductance The behavior of this model is shown in Fig. 9
of the latex particles (Table VI). and Table VII. A stoichiometric amount of
We suggest that the S A - W A endpoint NaOH (OA) is added with negligible change
is identified by the intersection of the extrap- in conductance. The conductances meas-
olated SA negative slope--preferably in the ured thereafter are, in sequence, due to the
presence of neutral electrolytes--with the addition of excess NaOH (AB), the neutrali-
initial low WA slope. zation by HC1 of the excess NaOH (BC), the
Since the WA titration curve is not linear, increase in the concentration of NaC1 (CD)
it is not possible to carry out extrapolations as the surface weak-acid groups (in the Na ÷
similar to those used for mixtures of free form) are converted to their undissociated
acids (Fig. 1). Attempts to do so could result form, and finally the addition of excess HC1.
in wrong conclusions. The behavior in the absence of latex--the
direct titration of an equivalent amount of
Weak-Acid Titrations
base by H C l - - i s also shown by ORD of
In the titration of free weak acid (Fig. 1), Fig. 9.
the ions formed during neutralization con- The titration of a latex that is believed to
tribute fully to the conductance. In the ex- have only weak-acid surface groups (L 27) is
ample studied, the WA slope is equal to the compared with the idealized behavior in Fig.
sum of the equivalent conductance of Na ÷
and crotonate ion (Table II). In the case of
the titration of latex weak acids, the situa- o') 3.0
tion is different since the WA groups are im-
mobile (fixed to the surface) and the counter- z
ions are held near the surface. HCI. ~"" /"
Hypothetical titration of ideal weak-acid z
groups on the surface has been based on the O 1.0
following assumptions:
(a) a weak-acid latex, ¢~ 0.0
(b) a very low dissociation constant, and TITRANT

(c) a negligible contribution by diffuse- FIG. 9. Hypothetical titration of an idealized weak-

layer counterions to the conductance. acid latex.

Journal o f Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 77, No. 1, September 1980

T A B L E VII cific conductance at this point (K~p) and the

Hypothetical W A L a t e x maximum constant specific conductance
(K~p~ax) o f curve 3, i.e., a = Ksp/Kspn~ax. The
Titration Slope code (cm2S equiv-1) graph showing the degree o f neutralization
thus has the shape o f curve 3.
Forward (vs N a O H ) (Wh)f 0
+Excess NaOH +248 Unlike the case of free WA, a of surface
WA is a nonlinear function of the N a O H
Back (vs HC1) -Excess NaOH -122
added and complete neutralization (a = 1)
(WA)b, + N a C I + 126
E x c e s s HCI +426 is not attained until there is a large excess of
base present. As can be seen from Fig. 10,
the stoichiometric WA cannot be identified
10. Curve 1 shows the experimental data. with the total amount of N a O H added to
Curve 2 shows the conductivity obtained for O L ~ 1.
additions of base in the absence of latex. The The determination of the WA from the
difference, curve 3 (curve 2 - curve 1), is forward titration follows the m e t h o d shown
identified with the N a O H that is consumed in Figs. 2 - 7 . This procedure involves the
in neutralizing the weak-acid groups if weak- extrapolation of the excess N a O H slope
acid dissociation and counterions are as- (250 cm 2 S equiv -1) to intersect a horizontal
sumed to contribute negligibly to the con- line passing through the S A - W A endpoint
ductance. (Figs. 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7). This method is simply
The surface conductances of polystyrene equivalent to the estimation of N a O H con-
latices have been measured both here and sumed upon the addition of the WA latex to
elsewhere (19) (Table IV) and are typically excess base.
of the order of 10-9 S and, at least for the The conductance increase (curve 1 of Fig.
weak-acid latices, vary little with p H or 10) is assumed to be due to N a ÷ and O H - in
electrolyte concentration. Under the condi- the bulk and any change in the conductance
tions of our titrations (~h = 0.04), the sur- attributable to the latex or its counterions
face-conductance contribution to conduc-
tivity is typically 0.008 mS c m - k This mag- 2.5 1.0
nitude is significant in the absence of added 2

electrolyte and we have used its variation

~E 2.0 0.8
to titrate strong acids. We have, however,
assumed that any variation in surface con- 0
z 1.5 0.6
ductance during the weak-acid titration is ~ E
negligible and the shape of the titration curve o 0
is unaffected. g 1.0 0.4 ~
In Fig. 10, OA is believed to measure the
stoichiometric amount of N a O H and WA. i 0.5( 0.2
Curve 3 follows the neutralization of weak
acid through the titration. The final amount 0
0 A 0.5 1.0
of N a O H consumed can be estimated from
NaOH, rneq.
the constant value of conductance of curve
3, i.e., the magnitude OC which, when con- FIG. 10. Analysis of the forward titration of a weak-
verted to [NaOH], is equivalent to O A - - acid latex (L 27). Curve 1 is in the presence of latex,
the stoichiometric amount of surface WA curve 2 is in the absence o f latex, and curve 3 is the
c o n d u c t a n c e difference 2 - 1. C u r v e 3 s h o w s the con-
groups. ductance of N a O H c o n s u m e d in the neutralization of
The degree o f neutralization ( a ) a t any WA. T h e extrapolation m e t h o d for the determination
point is calculated from the ratio o f the spe- of the stoichiometric a m o u n t of WA(OA) is shown.

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 77, No. 1, September 1980

is assumed negligible. This has been dis- 2.5

cussed in connection with Table IV. O9 2

E 2.0
Back-Titrations Z ~ la2
The back-titrations can similarly be ideal- c~
ized and compared with experimental curves
8 1.0 i~,~,E ,
with similar identities (Fig. 11):
I.L -"
Curve 1--experimental WA latex,
Curve 2--without latex, and
Curve 3--difference of (2) and (1).
C 0.5 E" F'

As excess NaOH is titrated, curves 1 and H C I , meq

2 are parallel with a predicated slope of 250
FIG. l l . Analysis of the back-titration of a weak-
cm 2 S equiv -a. As the weak-acid groups are acid latex (L 27). Curve 1 is in the presence of latex,
progressively titrated to their undissociated c u r v e 2 is without latex, and curve 3 is the difference
form, the curves converge to the point F and 2 - 1. T h e extrapolation m e t h o d for the determination
decreases from 1 to 0 (curve 3). of weak acid ( E ' F ' ) is shown.
The conductance due to accumulating
NaCI is calculated from the equivalent con- ing the accumulated NaC1, is drawn from
ductance of NaC1 with corrections for par- this level. However, it is now observed that
ticle volume and dilution where significant, the conductance of the left-hand endpoint
and is represented by the curve CF. (WA - excess HC1) is not fully accounted
It is noted that the forward and back-titra- for by the accumulated NaC1. This suggests
tions bear a mirror-image relationship modi- an increased surface conductance at the
fied by the conductance of accumulating higher electrolyte concentration as observed
NaC1 as the added base is titrated by the HCI by Wright and James (20). This could be
(curve 3; Figs. 10 and 11). taken into account by adjusting the slope of
The stoichiometric endpoints in the back- the baseline and the NaC1 line so that the
titration are estimated from: difference is achieved linearly with the addi-
(a) the intersection (E) of the slope cor- tion of titrant. This rather arbitral7 ~roce-
responding to the titration of excess NaOH dure leads to only small changes in the in-
and the constructed line (slope -- 126 cm 2 dicated endpoints.
S equiv -1) representing conductance due to The use of Ba(OH)2 as the standard base
accumulating NaCI (CF), and results in a conductometric curve that has
(b) the intersection (F) of the NaC1 line similar properties and provides the same
with the extrapolation of the slope corre- endpoints (Fig. 7). The slope corresponding
sponding to excess HCI. to accumulating salt is now calculated from
Figure 3 combines the forward and back- the equivalent conductance of BaC12.
titrations and shows the congruence of the
endpoints obtained by the methods described Effect of Neutral Electrolytes
for a weak-acid latex. The effect of neutral electrolytes can be
The same method, applied to S A - W A seen from the data of Fig. 5 if the neutral
latexes (Figs. 2, 4), shows similarly con- electrolyte conductivity (conductivity at
gruent endpoints for repeated forward and S A - W A endpoint) is subtracted. These
back-titrations. The baseline is now the con- data plotted in Fig. 12 show that the stoichi-
ductance corresponding to the S A - W A ometric endpoints are independent of the
endpoint and the calculated line, represent- amount of neutral electrolytes added.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 77, No. 1, September 1980

1.5 interpretations are possible. The possible

effects of SA groups on the surface potential
could in turn affect the dissociation proper-
ties of the weak acids, but this has not been
r~ 1.o investigated (12, 13).
~< z
(~ I o_
z r-4
The interpretation of conductometric
O _q
0 0.5 <
titration curves obtained with latices has
1.0 ~- often been uncertain, and the procedures
z appropriate for free acids in solution can-
0.5 ~
not generally be applied. The present work
demonstrates that for clean latices stabilized
0 0 ~
C3 by weak-acid groups or by both weak- and
0 0.5 1.0
strong-acid groups, the interpretation is im-
proved by
Flc. 12. The effect of electrolytes (KCI) on the titra- (a) continuing the titration until excess
tion curves and the degree of neutralization (a) of latex alkali is indicated by attainment of the theo-
weak acids (L 28). The titration curves were con- retical slope,
structed by subtracting the conductance at the S A - WA
endpoint from the observed conductance of Fig. 5.
(b) performing a subsequent back-titra-
The degrees of neutralization were the result of analysis tion with strong acid until excess acid is
analogous to Fig. 10. The curves are in order of in- indicated by the appropriate slope of the
creasing KCI concentration. titration curve,
(c) adding neutral electrolytes prior to
The differences in the slopes correspond- titration to steepen the strong-acid slope
ing to the excess alkali are attributed to the and to facilitate the weak-acid neutrali-
equivalent conductance of the ions decreas- zation,
ing with ionic concentration (17). (d) estimating the stoichiometric endpoint
The titration of surface WA groups in- for the strong-acid component from the end
volves the approach of OH- to the charged of the initial decreasing slope and confirm-
surface. This approach is inhibited by a po- ing it with a back-titration endpoint, and
tential barrier that is lowered by the pres- (e) estimating the stoichiometric end-
ence of neutral electrolytes. Thus the neu- points for the weak acid by extrapolations
tralization reaction equilibrium, for a given of the conductometric slopes obtained with
amount of added alkali, is shifted toward excess titrants to intersect baselines that
higher values of the degree of neutralization are derived on the assumption that surface
as the electrolyte concentration increases. groups and their counterions do not con-
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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 77, No. 1, September 1980

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