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Micro 40k Kriegsspiel

You are remembermancers chronicling a crusade

Abstract - Its like kriegsspiel but in 40k

Narrative Dice - Using FFG Narrative dice, hahaha shameless ripoff

Making a warband A unit’s Type will affect its size, organization, and abilities
in combat. As specific spells, and stratagems affect
A superior officer specific units, as well as different rules for combat for
Give him a name, title, personality traits and flaws, different units. Think about the kind of unit you wish to
missions for you to do, and units for reinforcements field carefully as your entire warband depends on it.
○ Unit’s are organized into specific types,
Creating a Commander these types can be classified as
○ Infantry (Light, Regular, and Heavy)
1. Pick your race ○ Fast attack (Cavalry, Skimmers,
○ Humans Motorcycles, Chariots, beasts, etc)
■ +1 Fate Point ○ Heavy Support (Tanks, Heavy Gunlines,
■ +1 green die to all attributes Walkers, large beasts)
○ Astartes ○ Flier (Air insertion vehicles, winged
○ Primaris creatures, Jump Pack Infantry, Drop
○ Orks Infantry, Bombers, Air superiority fliers)
○ Eldar ○ Support (Artillery, Logistics Vehicles,
○ Mechanicus Medical Support Units, Psionic Units, Elite
Crack Teams of Heroes, etc)
○ Superheavy Support (Land Raiders, Titans,
2. Pick your Commander's name and title Knights, Great Daemons, biophage titans,
3. Rank - which is 1 at the beginning etc)
Your rank determines your attribute and skill maximums,
as well as your unit cap. You increase rank after you win Specialization
a number of battles equal to your rank score and When you make a warband, you can also choose a
successfully completing a campaign. specialization to compliment the entire unit and give it a
4. History specialization. This adds a bit of story and mechanical
Your backstory, pretty self explanatory flavor. The available specializations are
5. Unit Type & Specialization
○ Drill & Discipline - This Unit gains a +.5 when adjacent to a unit with this
Cohesion and Morale bonus for each specialization.
commander rank. In addition, once per ○ Guerrilla Warfare - Before the battle has
campaign phase this unit can re-roll failed begun, this unit may make a maneuver skill
morale saves. check DC 7 to deploy anywhere on the
○ Counter - When this unit is attacked and the battlefield while stealthed. In addition if this
attacker fails, you can have the attacker unit has done no actions during the current
subtract an additional ability die from their round while stealthed, any Detection saves to
attack, potentially increasing the damage. detect this unit is with disadvantage.
○ Stealth Warfare - If this unit attacks ○ Hive and Urban Warfare - This unit can
successfully while stealthed, they add an double its movement while in a Hive/Urban
advantage die to the attack roll. Hex, it gains +1 attack when attacking an
○ Lightning Strike - This unit can perform a enemy unit in a Hive/Urban Hex, and +1
forced march and still attack. Defense while in a Hive/Urban Hex.
○ Trench Warfare - This unit can build trenches 6. Factions
at half the cost and twice the speed. When making a commander, select a faction and a keyword,
Secondly, add an additional +1 defense this limits what kind of equipment, abilities, units, and
objectives your warband can take.
bonus and +1 attack bonus when attacking
○ Imperium
an enemy unit that occupies a trench hex.
■ Imperial Guard
○ Close Combat - Once per round, when this
■ Astartes
unit engages in melee, it can roll two dice and
■ Sisters of Battle
select the highest one for it’s attack roll.
■ Custodes
○ Ranged Combat - During a battle this unit ■ Inquisition
adds +1 to all ranged attacks. ■ Admek
○ Shock & Awe - When this unit attacks an ■ Imperial Navy
enemy flank, they roll two dice and pick the ○ Chaos
higher when attacking. This is selected before ■ Lost and Damned
rolling the advantage die for attacking a flank. ■ Chaos Astartes Unified
In addition an enemy unit takes an additional ■ Chaos Guard
morale damage when it fails it’s morale save ■ Khorne
■ Slannesh A disposition is what kind of character is most likely to be
■ Nurgle found in the ranks of this unit.
■ Tzeentch Loyalty is how loyal the unit is to their faction, and can
○ Xenos increase or decrease on a -5 to +5 scale, loyalties can start on
■ Tau 0 or -2 to +2
■ Eldar 12. Consumables
■ Dark Eldar Consumables are special equipment used for a unit to assist
■ Harlequins with a battle or campaign.
■ Necrons 13. Vehicles
■ Orks 14. 5 pieces of equipment, Weapons & Armor
■ Tyrannids
■ Gene stealer cults
■ Minor Xenos
■ Leagues of Votann

7. Two Commander personality traits and one flaw

If you use a personality trait you add an advantage die, you
can’t use your trait again until you use a flaw. When you use a
flaw you
8. 2 attributes to choose
9. Two subordinates
Guys you can boss around and help with your
10. (Two traits and a flaw for your subordinates )
Adds a reroll to a selected skill check, but cannot be used
until using a flaw
11. Unit Creed, Disposition, and Loyalty
A units creed is their main desire as a unit, be it defending the
imperium, having a noice n proppa fight, letting the blood flow,
securing knowledge or artifacts, and so on.
Creating a Unit

How to create a unit

1. Select 5 Attribute Points, max = Rank + 3
2. Select 5 Skills, max = Rank + 3
3. Select Talents and Add Unit/Racial Talents (Wip)
4. Select 10+(Logi x 2) supply points worth of Equipment and Vehicles
5. Add a Unit Disposition, Creed, and Loyalty ranking
6. Add attachments
7. Add Background
8. Assign Commanders

Morale = 2xWP
Cohesion = Strength + Toughness + Fel
Size/MP = Fel x 2 (Size - 1 unit chit on the hex map) MP/manpower= fluff number for tracking casualties
Supply Points = Logi / (Logi x 3), to add to your supply point limit build supply depots, lose 1 supply point each
week equal to your supply cost
Attributes Units start with 1 green die in everything except movement
and armor value.

The Unit attributes are as follows

Strength - How strong and muscular the unit is Skills are what sorts of abilities the units have trained to do.
Toughness - How tough and manly the unit is, after the You combine a skill value to an ability score when making
armor negates damage toughness soaks the additional tests.
Agility - How nimble the average unit is Weapons Skill - Much like the commander’s weapon skill, this
involves making attacks in melee, performing bayonet
Intelligence - How intelligent the unit is and how strong
charges, close quarter air assaults, and other weaponry that
its intel is gathered
typically is shorter than 30m in range. This skill is used with
Perception - How good the unit is at detecting danger the unit’s ranking, their equipment, and the commander’s
Willpower - How good the unit is at resisting the horrors command ability for making melee attacks. Strength or Agility
of war is the attribute that the weapons skill die replaces.
Fellowship - How much manpower and influence a unit
can perform Ballistics Skill - The usage of longer ranged weaponry to
Organization - How well organized the units command perform ranged assaults, usage of effective firing ranges,
structure is, as well as how many units you can practical defensive weapons drills, and creating small
command. entrenchments or emplacements to ensure optimal firepower.
Initiative - How quick command and the units are to This skill is used with the unit’s ranking, their equipment, and
the commander’s command ability for making ranged attacks.
react to the changing of battle
Logistics - How well supplied a unit is and how efficient
Defense Skill - The knowledge of defensive formations, usage
it can use its resources of fortifications or natural landscapes to funnel the enemy into
Movement - How quick a unit can traverse with large effective killing zones, and how to generally make usage of a
formations, and how quick it can get across the map, or smaller force against a larger force. This skill is used with the
how well it can push its limits for speed. unit’s ranking, their equipment, and the commander’s
Armor Value - How well it can resist incoming damage. command ability for determining their defense value.
Stealth Skill - The skill of remaining undetected by natural, used for performing an about face, maneuvering a large group
technological, or psychic means. This allows a unit to remain of men through a narrow choke point, moving through difficult
undetected, whilst undetected it cannot be fired upon until it terrain, or move a unit from one end of a flank all the way
performs an action that will give away its position. across to the other. Whatever the case may be, this skill is
used to perform difficult maneuvering.
Sabotage Skill - the usage of various poisons, chemicals.
Tools. Training, agents, and knowledge to perform sabotage Pilot/Drive Skill - The usage and operation of vehicles or
maneuvers with small units. This can be things like robots that need dexterous handling to maneuver through
assassination, espionage, counter intelligence, demolitions of enemy fire, difficult terrain, or testing the limits of their vehicles.
small key targets, and moving targets quickly and silently.
Deception Skill - This skill is used for when a unit needs to
Tech Skill - This skill refers to the handling, usage, create a deception, a disguise, camouflage, or appear strong
maintaining, and hacking of equipment that is slightly when they are weak, and weak when they are strong. All
advanced or technical, as well as operating robots or devices, warfare is based on deception, so it is wise for your men to
recognizing archaeotech, and how to utilize or operate master this skill.
technical devices.
Awareness Skill - The awareness to know when danger is
Trapmaking Skill - The knowledge of key terrain and building presenting itself is a trained skill worth more than a titan’s
locations, with the knowledge of enemy movements to perform cache worth of geld thrones. Awareness refers to how aware
ambushes, as well as forming traps and other forms of the unit is against unseen threats, non-psionic deceptions, or
dedicated traps on large scale units that don’t involve stealth. traps and ambushes prepared beforehand. A unit aware of this
will try to report to their commander unless their
Engineering/Siege Skill - The knowledge of conducting large Communications is severed.
scale building projects for fortifications, bridges, gun
emplacements, supply lines, and other buildings and Lore Skill - An educated soldier is a more effective soldier,
embankments. As well as the knowledge on how to slowly and Lore refers to any type of relevant knowledge the unit might
methodically remove those luxuries made by the enemy on a possess, this could be from experience, education, or other
large scale, you can use this skill as a Campaign Action to means and methods, but can be used like a regular Lore
replace an attack roll during sieges. check.

Maneuvers Skill - The performance of marching and drilling to Survival Skill - The skill of survival is essential for the unit
maneuver a unit quickly into a new formation. This could be when supplies are cut off, while difficult to use for large and
needy units, a smaller unit could theoretically survive off the
land if vegetation and animal life is plentiful enough. This skill
is also used for tracking movements over great distances and

Medicae Skill - This skill refers to the usage of medical

equipment, front line triage, and implementation of augments.
This skill can be used to heal units over periods of time during
the Campaign Phase.
Equipment & Constructions AA Direct
AA Indirect
Equipment (cost, damage, ap, type, special traits, weight Tank Cannons
(light, medium, heavy, SuperHeavy)) Las Cannon
Melee Plasma
Ranged Melta
Anti Tank
Flame Vehicles for the Unit - IG Vehicle List?
MLRS Other Field Equipment use the Only War rulebook
The map drawn, orders have been given, and your men stand ready for the signal to be given. To march out and die for the
Emperor’s cause. The Campaigning Phase combines certain aspects of a grand strategy game with that of a typical role playing
game. Armies march out, seek intel, build fortifications, ready the supplies for the siege, or if the luxury can be afforded, to seek
valued relaxation.

The Campaigning phase is similar to how a typical RPG party might set off for adventure, but due to the large amount of organization
and moving of men, it is quite slow for an adventure. However, to simplify the game to prevent rules from bogging down the action
and the story, you’ll only have a few actions and values to keep track of, but at the same time you should try to keep notes as to what
people are doing.

The Campaign Phase is broken into a number of turns with subphases. Each turn lasts a standard 24 hour period, actions
performed will vary in time taken from an hour to weeks, months, or even years if the situation is required. Each Campaign Phase
lasts 168 hours or 7 standard terran days. After those 7 days have passed, then another Campaign Phase begins.

(insert art and witty comment)

When the GM declares the start of the Campaign Phase, you roll initiative using your leadership attribute to determine the sequence
of all actions from all parties. While you are all taking actions, the enemy will be moving and potentially interrupting your plans as
their initiative is kept secret from yours.
Kreigsspiel kinda, use my combat system too
Combat is done by 10 minute interval turns, combat normally lasts 8 hours, with anything above that needing a willpower test.

Turn order
1. All players write a pre-battle deployment plan, strategy, and 5 - initiative (Min 1) turns worth of orders
2. All players roll for initiative, ties rerolling
3. All Players write orders for the units from their commander, organized by initiative.
4. The GM compares the orders from each side and decides what sightings and engagements have been made, and at what
5. The GM asks for supplementary information.
6. The GM asks for a test to be made using the commander or units skills and abilities.
7. The GM gives a result of the engagement, and writes a combat report and additional intel order by initiative ranking.
8. The GM gives the reports to the players.
9. Re-Roll again starting a new turn


The system for finding the results of combat in a free kriegsspiel is classically simple. First of all the umpire looks at the position of
each side: how many and what type of troops are involved; how their morale is bearing up; and what orders they have been given.
He next considers the ground on which the action will be fought, and any special tactical problems which either side might encounter;
whether there are any obstacles in the way of an attacker; whether a flank attack might be possible, and so on.
When the umpire has all relevant information at his disposal, he ought to be able to give an informed opinion on the probabilities of
the result. He will not simply say something like ‘The French infantry has successfully stormed the hill’, but will quote possibilities,
such as: ‘The French have a 50% chance of storming the hill successfully; a 30% chance of capturing half of it, while disputing the
rest; and a 20% chance of being totally repulsed. High scores favour the French’. It is important that the umpire is as specific as
possible with these figures, as this forces him to consider all the factors involved in the combat and to think through the full
implications of his decision. He must also be clear whether a high dice roll will be good or bad for the attacker, i.e., whether the top
50% (a die roll of 5-9) or the bottom 50% (a roll of 0-4) will mean the hill has been carried. In this case he has stated that the high
score will be good for the attacker.
GM roles and Rules
The GM is more of a person who throws problems at the players and the players narrate and determine the outcomes of tests by how
difficult you make the tests and their own abilities.
Still WIP
The most important phase for the campaign and a battle, players from war councils, discuss objectives or goals or grand strategies,
look at the campaign map, be informed about the current situation, and the possible outcomes for success and failure. Here as a GM
try to roleplay a scene with your players sitting somewhere, looking at a map and try to inform them on a couple things. Also try to
keep it limited to 10-30 Minutes.
● Background Setting - Who are we fighting, where are we fighting, local planet information like weather, atmosphere, flora and
fauna, history, etc. Try to keep the information to under 1000 words as to not bore the players fully, but answer any
background questions they might have.
● Your Superiors, anyone giving orders should have some information given about them. Like their history, personality, any
background relations with the players.
● The objectives they have for the players. Typically they should be kept short, concise, and easy to understand. With a value
added to the campaign score for meeting these objectives. Usually for small campaigns 15-20 campaign points are needed
for victory, 30-50 for mid level campaigns, and 50-120 for grand campaigns. Beginning a campaign always starts with 5
campaign score, and a 0 results in the campaign being a stalemate, and a -10 being a loss for the players faction and the
Campaign falling to ruin. If no major progress occurs over a campaign turn, then the players incur a -1 score to the campaign,
downtime and disengagements being the exception.
● The Enemy, this can be kept vague or given elaborate description if the lead remembermancer wishes, but try to explain any
possible objectives or commanders they might have if any is known by your group, their strength, if they outnumber your
group or are inferior, strategies and tactics used, specific equipment or units/officers of note, any possible unit types or
previous engagements that the army group has experienced, and where they might be located and heading.
● The Predicted Outcomes for success and failure, this can be given by the lead remembermancer, or discussed with the
players if they wish to have an input into the story.
● - Optional - Have the players introduce their characters by providing an elaborate description using the past tense. Or having
the players roleplay in the scene.
● -Optional - Players can spend a fate point to add a twist to the briefing's information. However nothing in the narrative can be
retconned, only added, so no removing units.

A good rule of thumb as a Lead Remembermancer is to not tell everything about the enemy or the environment, but avoid
misinforming them on purpose (oftenly, a twist here and there is fine, but should have a reason why there was a lie) like
stating there's an advancing tank column, only to be met with Power Armored Infantry.
NPC Commanders and Units
Commander Name and Race Rank Unit Type

Personality Traits Flaw Specializati



Superiors & CO



St ♦ T ♦ AG ♦ INT ♦ Morale

PER ♦ WP ♦ FEL ♦ ORG ♦ Cohesion

INI ♦ Logi ♦ MV ♦ AV ♦ Size


Weapons Name Cost Dam Range AP Type Weight Abilities

Armor Name AV Cost Type Weight Ability





Loyalty Creed Disposition


It would be nice later to add the commander skills, attributes, and psychic powers later

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