Essay On Threat To National Security

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Threats to National Security

The Republic of the Philippines faces different security challenges including

internal and external threats. It is necessary to identify each of them to create
a proactive actions and countermeasures.

The internal security threats such as the presence of the Communist Party of
Philippines – New People’s Army – National Democratic Front (CPP-NPS-
NDF), the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the Moro National Liberation
Front (MNLF), the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), the Organized Crime, and so

The external security threats are as follows: the multilateral disputes over the
Spratly Island, the smuggling of firearms and contrabands, illegal migration
and the occasional movement of a foreign terrorist through the porous borders
of our southwestern frontier, natural disasters and environmental issues, and
the like.

A few years ago, the government has been tested on its readiness and
firmness in addressing the aggression of the Maute group to seize Marawi
City. The incident greatly affects the internal security which causes a great
loss in economic and other environmental issues. Fortunately, the
administration had a sound judgment in resolving such predicament.

Recently, the Philippine government faces a new global challenge which is

the Covid 19 Pandemic. Such kind of external threat is not written in the book
worldwide and is not in the mind of every Filipino. However, with the good
governance of our beloved former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, the Covid-
19 Pandemic is gradually tamed down because of his strategies in battling the

At present, the country is combating various Organized Crimes. The

proliferation of illegal drugs has become rampant in almost every corner of
society. In fact, jails nationwide are already congested with Persons Deprived
of Liberty (PDL) charged with drug cases under RA 9165.

To help defeat the threat of these organized crimes, one has to be patriotic
and I myself would show care to my nation by reporting an incident of drug
propagation to curtail their activities. Additionally, as a jail officer, it is my duty
to safekeep these lawless elements and assist them to engage with the
developmental activities such as drug intervention programs to provide them
methods on how to stop using drugs.

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