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DCS/16277 I 71/DU

A Graduation Project Report Submitted to the School of

Computer Studies

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the

Diploma in Computer Science


Kampala International University

July 2009


We Nakalanzi Majorine and Luyiga Rehema do hereby declare to the best of our
knowledge that this graduation report project is our original work and that it has never been
submitted to any University or any other institution

The literature and citations from other people’s work have been duly referenced and
acknowledged in the text, footnotes and bibliography.

~ ‘~,

Nakalanzi Majorine (Student)

Luyiga Rehema (Student)

Supervisor: —‘ ~
Mr. Matovu Moses (Lecturer)

Date: 4

To our parents who have given us an opportunity to pursue our educational goals.
To our supervisor Mr. Matovu Moses who showed us the way when we went wayward.
To our lecturers who have shared with us the knowledge that has made it possible to
complete this project.
To all our family members who have continually supported us in our every pursuit.
And most of all to God through whom all things are possible.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and management of Spear Motors
who availed to us all the necessary resources and ensured that this project is a complete



Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Contents V

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms vi

List of Table vu


1.1 ~

1.2 Background of Case study

1.3 Problem Statement 2

1.4 Aim of the study 2

1.5 Objectives of study 2

1.5.1 General Objective 2

1.5.2 Specific Objective 2

1.6 Scope of study 3

1.7 Significances of the study 3

C~H~AI~’I’E~R. 2........., ,, •,‘‘e’’’


2.1 Introduction 4

2.2 Database Model 6

2.2.1 Relational Model 7

2.2.2 Network Model 8

2.2.3 Relational Operations 8


3,0 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ...,..,.............................~.. 9

3.1 Data Collection Method 9

3.2 Analysis of Existing System 9

3.3 New System Design 10

3.4 System Testing 18

3.5 Security 18

3.5.1 Hardware Requirement 18

3.5.2 Software Requirement 18


4,0 IMPLEMENTATION ,,,.,,.,,,.,,,,.,.,,,.,,,,,,.,..••,,,,....,..,, ,...,,,,,.,.,,.,, 19

4.1 User Guide 19

4.2 User-Level Authentication 20

4.3 Functionality within the Database 21

4.4 Features of Database 23

4.4.1 Filter 23

4.4.2 Sort 23

4.4.3 Delete 23

4.5 Conclusion 24

CHAPTER 5..... ...,,... ,.“,, ..,..,......., . ., . ., . . . .., ..,................•.


5.1 Conclusion 25

5.2 Recommendations 25

5.3 Limitations of the study 26


PC Computer

00DB Object Oriented Database

RAM Random Access Memory

NTW Network

SQL Stmctured Query Language

SM Spear Motors

CSDS Car Sales Database System

CS Computer Science

MSDOS Microsoft Disc Operation System

DBMS Database Management System

ID Identification


FIG description page

1 Data flow diagram 10

2 Car table 11

3 Car sold table 11

4 Customer table 12

5 Order table 12

6 Price table 13

7 Employee table 13

8 Debt table 13

9 Department table 14

10 Entity relationship diagrams 15

11 User level authentication 20

12 login form 20

13 MDI form 21


This project entails the development of a Car sale database system for Spear Motors, a
local company faced with the problem of storage and manipulation of data regarding its
customers. The database created will help the company to efficiently collect the necessary
data pertaining to their customers as well as pictures of vehicles that are for sale and also
to show the price lists of their cars.

L2 Background

Spear Motors Uganda Ltd is a local company located along Jinja road Kampala in
Uganda. The Company started in 1999 by Mr. wavamuno with the objective of
promoting Socio development through infrastructure empowerment. The company uses
manual system to keep and process customers’ data, Employees, Departments available in
the company and data on cars which leads to loss of information and wastage of time.

SMs’ operations are directed from its Head Office in Uganda situated at Nakawa junction
along Jinja road . P.O. Box 12677, Kampala Tel: 256 41 235366/235383 email:
~ Fax:25641235369.

L3 Problem Statement

Spear Motor Uganda Ltd faces a problem of proper keeping, referencing and searching of
company’s records.

The manual handling of records means that the various departments in company such as
sales, purchase, marketing, and others face a problem of delays in data processing.

The company also faces the problem of data loss, data inconsistencies and data!
information insecurity.

1.4 Aim of the study

The aim of creating a computerized database system to store data for efficient retrieval,
handling of information as well as reducing the amount of paper work in the company.

1.5 Objectives of the Study

1.5.1 General objective

1. To carry out analysis of the problem

2. To design the system
3. To test and coding the system
4. To implement the system

1.5.2 Specific objectives

The objective of the study would do the following to protect Car Sales system:
1. Automate the current manual tasks in the company
2. To centralize and secure data storage.
3. To reduce the amount of paperwork in the company
4. To increase the efficiency by having fast access to information.

1.6 Scope of the study

This study will encompass all aspects of Car Sales database system for Spear Motors,
The company consists of around 20 Employees of which each of them has got different a
role in the company but we interviewed 5 employees and they said that their data entry
was mainly manual and records were stored using file cabinets. The filling cabinet system
made it difficult to reference through past records and the criteria of search made the
process slow and too manual.

Issues most likely to be questioned are the current system integrity and reliability.
Management will also have to give their in put as the final decision on whether to give the
go a head on a new system rests in their hand.

1.7 Significance of the study

o The database will enable the company to cut costs arising from manual filing
materials and equipment.
o The system will implement security measures of the stored data through
authentication, by use of passwords to log into the database for example.
o The system also will lead to efficient handling of information.


2.1 Introduction

According to Silberschatz .Korth, He defined database as designs to manage large

bodies of information, management of data involves both defining, structures for storage
of information and providing mechanisms for the manipulation of information. A database
system ensures that safety of information stored despite system crashes or attempts at
unauthorized access.

According to C.J . Date, a database can be defined as a computerized record keeping

system. The database its self can be regarded as kind of electronic filling cabinet that is, as
respectively for collection of computerized data files. The user of the system will be given
facilities to perform variety of operations on such files.

According to Rob Carlos, a database can be defined as an organization of components

that define and regulate the collection, storage, management and use of data with in
database environment. Database is composed of five major parts that is:
o Procedures
o People
o Data

According to Martin James, database is the collection of data design to be used by

different programmer. The collection of inter-related data stored together with controlled
redundancy to serve one or more application in an optimal fashion, the data are store so

that they are independent of programs which use the data, common and controlled
approach is used in adding new data, modifying and retrieving existing data within the

According to Phillip J. Pratt Joseph, database is structure that can house information
about multiple type of entities as well as relationship among the entities.

According to Jeffery .A iloffer, Joey. F. George, Joseph . S . Valacich, database is

shared collection logically related data designed to meet the information needs of multiple
users in an organization.

According to Ramez Elmasri, a database can be defined as the collection of related data.
A data means facts that can be recorded and that have implied meaning for example,
consider the name, telephone numbers and address of all the people you know you may
have recorded this data in an indexed address book, or you may have it on a diskette using
a personal computer. This is the collection of related data with an implicit meaning.

According to David kronenke, He defined database as a large collection of information

organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data.
Database are arranged by fields, records and files. A field is a small piece of information; A
record is a group of related field; A file is a group of related records stored under the same
or one name. The software used to handle and query database is known as database
management system (DBMS). The concept of a database is the idea of collection of facts,
or pieces of knowledge. Facts may be structured in the number of ways, known as data
model. Data model is an integrated collection of conceptual for describing data in an
organization with soul purpose with making it understandable.

For instance, one model is to associate each fact with a records representing an entity(such
as person) and to arrange these entities into tree or the hierarchical data model. Another
model is to arrange facts into sets of values which satisfy logical predicates also known as
the relational model.

However, in practice, many database administrators and programmers use the term
“database” to cover both meanings.

Database management system range from the extremely simple to the highly complex.
Differences among DBMSes include whether they are capable of ensuring the integrity of
the data; whether they may be used by many users at once; and what sorts of conclusions
they can be programmed to computer from a set of data. The first database management
systems were developed in the 1960’s. A pioneer in the field was Charles Bachman. The
data models arose at that time:
• The network model
• The hierarchical model

These were later up graded by the relational model, which was contemporary called flat
model designed for very small tasks. Another type of relational model is the object
oriented database(OODB).

2.2 Database Model

Various technique are used to model data structure, Certain models are more easily
implemented by some type of database management systems than others. For any one
logical model various physical implementations may be possible. An example of this, is

relational model.

2.2,1 Relational model
The relation model is a mathematical model defined in terms of predicate logic and set
theory. It was introduced in an academic paper by E.F. Codd in 1970 as a way to make
database management systems more independent of any particular application. Although
the basic idea of a relational database has been very popular, relatively few people
understand the mathematical definition and only a few, In common English usage, a DBMS
is called relational if it supports relational operations, regardless of whether it enforces
strict adherence to the relational model.

The following is an informal, non-technical explanation of how “relation” database

management systems commonly work:
A relational database contains multiple tables, each similar to the one in the flat database
model. However, unlike network databases, the tables are not linked by pointers.

Instead, keys are used to match up rows of data in different tables. A key is just one or
more columns in one table that correspond to columns in other tables. Any column can be
a key, or multiple columns can be grouped together into a single key. Unlike pointers, it is
not necessary to define all the keys in advance; a column can be used as a key even if it
was not originally intended to be one.

A key that can be used to uniquely identify a row in a table is called a unique key.
Typically one of the unique keys is the preferred way to refer to row; this is defined as the
table’s primary key. When a key consists of data that has an external, real-world meaning
such as a person’s name or car’s serial number, it’s called a natural key.

If no natural key is suitable, an arbitrary key can be assigned such as by giving employees
ID numbers. In practice, most database have both generated and natural keys, because
generated keys can be used internally to create links between rows that cannot break, while
natural keys can be used, less reliably, for searches and for integration with other
databases. For example, records in two independently developed databases could be
matched up by ID numbers, except when the ID numbers are incorrect, missing, or have

2.2.2 Network model

The network model allows multiple database to be used together through the use of
pointers or references. Some columns contain pointers to different tables instead of data
.Thus, the tables are related by references, which can be viewed as a network structure. A
particular subset of the network model, the hierarchical model, limits the relationships to a
tree structure, instead of the more general directed graph structure implied by full network

2.2.3 Relation Operations

You request data from a relational database by sending it a query that is written in a special
language, usually a dialect of Access. Although Access was originally intended for end-
users, it is much more common for Access queries to be embedded into software that
provides an easier user interface.

In response to a query, the database returns a result set, which is just a list of rows
containing the answers. The simplest query is just to return all the rows from a table but
more often, the rows are filtered in some way to return just the answer wanted.

Often, data from multiple tables gets combined into one, by doing a join. Conceptually, this
is done by taking all possible combinations of rows, and the filtering out everything
except the answer. In practice, relational database management systems rewrite or optimize
queries be to perform faster, using a variety of techniques.

As a result, relational database can be used by multiple applications in ways the original
designers did not foresee, which is especially important for database that might be used for
decades. This has made the idea and implementation of relational database very popular
with businesses.



This covers a range of activities associated with the process of developing a computer
based on data base management system.

3.1 Data collection method

~ Interview , We interviewed staff and managers privately, One by One of which

most of them outlined their duties and the problem they facing, giving
recommendations on what they thought would improve on their efficiency in their
department. The information we obtained by this method was more accurate
because the every interviewee gave opportunity to give their options or
suggestion’s about the company, and disadvantage was costly in terms of transport.

0 Observation, We observed the whole process of data recording as clients were

coming to purchase the vehicles and we noticed poor back up of data and a lot of
manual work. This method helped us to noticed how they are keeping their

3.2 Analysis of existing system

Spear Motors already has a few computers running on windows operating system and
Microsoft office application programs. The availability of competent staff that are
reasonably skilled in the use of PC based soft ware will also be an advantage to the
development of this project. The creation of more computers and skilled manpower will
lead to reduced manual labuor. There fore recruitment of specific computer professional is
planned except during the period of system development.

Below is the Data flow Diagram for car Sales

General manager

sets info mation from employees

Cashier clears the customer

mplo ee checks the bondage house

Car warehouse

Custon er looks at the cars

to cahier

3.3 New system design

The computerized database Car Sales system we have introduced will help the users to
find it easy to input data, access the database and quarries through the permission of an

Database tables (Entities) are :-

o Cars
• Cars sold
• Customers
• Departments
• Employees
• Orders
• Prices
o Debt

Cars Table

Field Name Data type Size Description

Chassis No Number Long integer Chassis Number
Model Text 9
Engine No Number Long integer Engine Number
Car name Text 10
Color Text 7
Fuel Consumption Text 12
Hand drive Text 8
Country of Origin Text 10
Engine Type Text 16
Tire Size Number Long integer
Sitting Capacity Number Long integer
Wheel No Number j Long integer Wheel Number

It provides information about the vehicle, giving details about a particular vehicle. We have
fields in like chassis number, which is used in a primary key to identify the vehicle.

Besides there are other fields like Engine Number which gives you a full description of the
engine profiles by their serials.

Cars Sold Table

Field Name Data type Size Description

Engine No Number Long integer Engine Number
Chassis No Number Long integer Chassis Number
Car Name Text 10
Model Text 9
Color Text 7
Fuel Consumption Text 12
Hand drive Text 8
Country of Origin Text 10
Engine Type Text 16
Tire Size Number Long integer
Sitting Capacity Number Long integer
Wheel No Number Long integer Wheel Number

It shows the cars that have been sold, it also displays the chassis number, which is the
primary key, and other fields such as Engine number, which gives the necessary
information about the vehicle.

Customer Table

Field Name Data type Size Description

Customer ID Number Long integer
Cust Name Text 20
Address Text 16
Fax Number Long integer
Email Text 20
Mobile Number Long integer
Phone Number Long integer

Gives us an insight of the customer who wants a vehicle. Here the customer ID is the
primary key so each customer has a unique Id valid for the importance of data integrity and
of course other fields that helps us to know more details about a customer, like the
Address, Phone, Email and Fax number of the customer.

Order Table

Field Name Data type Size Description

Order No Number Long integer Order Number
Chassis No Number Long integer Chassis Number
Customer JD Number Long integer
Order date Date! Time
Payment Method Text 7
Delivery Time 1 Date!Time
Amount Currency Long integer
Balance Currency Long integer

This Table gives an insight of what a customer! client is interested in It also provides a

field on how a customer !client will meet the payment and when he expects the vehicle to
be delivered here, order number is the primary key when he expects the vehicle to be
delivered , and the chassis number is the foreign key and the amount he would wish to

Price Table

Field type Data type Size Description

[ç~assis No Number Long integer Chassis number
Cost price Currency Long integer
Selling price Currency Long integer

Gives us an insight of the cost price and selling price of the vehicle.

Employee Table

Field Name Data type Size Description

Emp No Number Long integer Employee Number
Emp Other Name Text 8
Age Number 2
Gender Text 1
BOD Date/Time Date of birth
Emp First name Text
Address Text 10
Phone Number Long integer
Email Text 26
Dep ID Number Long integer Department identity
Designation Text 15

It gives information about the employee, we use employee number as a primary key.

Debt Table

~ield Name Data type Size Description

Customer ID Number Long integer
Debt Currency Long integer

Reveals to us the customer who owes the company. This table keeps track of the
information about Debtors and it uses the customer ID as the primary key.

Department Table

[~Id Name Data type Size Description

Dep ID Number Long integer Department identity
DetName Text 10

It identifies the different departments here we use department ID as the primary key, and
the department name for the company

Queries will be useful to perform tasks like making selection from the database for
particular information you are interested in More besides that you can perform updates
append, Delete information you are interested in.

3.4 System Testing

The system was tested for data entry. This include using data with errors to check whether
proper error conditions were displayed along with correct data to check for acceptable

Secondly irrelevant data was used to test whether the system can accept it. This was done
by entering character data types where numbers were required etc.

3.5 Security

Data being a corporate resource must be secured by provides a valid user name and
password to access by the administrator . This provides access to only what you are
entitled to and fire extinguishers should be placed in areas which are easily accessed in
order to help incase of a fire break out.

There is need for special backup to safe guard data, use of floppy drives, Compact disks,
Magnetic tapes in case of hardware and soft ware.

3.5.1 Hard ware requirement

A minimum of 2.0 GHZ Pentium IV processor, 256MB Random Access Memory(RAM),

40GB of Hard Disk

3.5.2 Software requirement

Microsoft access 2003, were the design was mainly carried out.
Windows NT version 4.0 or XP.



The implementation stage of software development is a process of converting system

specification into an executable system. In implementing any computer based database
system the analyst must provide a smooth transition between the existing system(old) to the
new system and help users cope with the normal start up problems. The user acceptance
must also be created so as to avoid possible system sabotage since new users may feel
insecure as the new system may take over most of their duties which may lead to reduction
of manual labuor thus leading to job losses.

For the company productivity a smooth transition is expected and this is done by running
both the existing system and the new system in parallel for a given period of time to allow
direct conversion because it allows comparison of the results form both system.

4.1 User Guide

This is an Access 2003 based Car Sales database Proposed for use at Spear Motors Uganda
Ltd that facilitates storage, analysis and output of relevant car sale department data in a
simple, quick and efficient manner. This is done through use of objects in the database that
are modeled for such purposes.

With this database one is able to produce reports on car and there is flexibility to design
additional custom reports as the need arise in a relatively easy way. Reports are generated
at the end of the day after entering data into the Forms Reports are useful because they
show what has been saved in the database and this information can be used for taking
decisions and making advertisements.
4.2 User- Level Authentication:

On clicking the database icon on your desktop you will get first to authentication stage.

The first logon screen is an optional feature and provides for user-level security and object

User Name

OK j• Cancelj

Enter username andpassword~ which should be at east 6characters.

Note: The passwordfield is case-sensitive.

The window below requires you to enter the database password as given to you by the
system developer. This password can be changed once you are in the system.

Also the user has the ability to disable password requirement once in the system for his!
her machine.

User Name:

~[ OK~j~ Cance’

Enter database password~ which should be at least 8 characters.
Note : the passwordfield is case- sensitive

4.3Functionality within the Database

This is the MDI form you do to get to on successful logon. Its consists of various tables
leading you onto the operations done by a data base end-user.

In our MDI form we have only two operations and that is the File and Exit Under file is
where we find the following forms
Cars sold

~ MDlForml LjI~J~l
File Exit
Order . . .

Price .

Function Form

Once in the database you click on the File tab. This brings up data entry forms.

Car information

This data entry form allows you to enter the information about the car ( see Appendix HI
page 33)

Customer Form

This data entry form allows you to enter customers’ information (see Appendix lii
page 35 )

Order Form

This data entry form allows you to enter information about the order of the car you want to
buy ( see Appendix Ill page35 )

This data entry allows you to enter employees’ information (see Appendix III page 36 )

Price Form

This data entry allows you to enter the price of the car (see Appendix III Page 36 )

Debt Form

This data entry allows you to the price and the balance (see Appendix IH page 37 )

This data entry allows you to the information department ( see Appendix III page 37)

4,4Features of the Database

The database has the following additional features

4.4.1 Filter

You can search for a give record or set of records by setting a filter on any given field.
Simply right click on the selected and define the ‘~fi1terfor” i.e. enter the search criteria.
This option is also available via the Record dropdown menu.

4.4.2 Sort

You can also sort your records in either ascending or descending order based on any field
by clicking on the desired sort field, then click on the sort type icon on your toolbar (the
sort icons have ftc letters A-Z and Z-A with a i arrow pointing out the sort order>. This
option is also available via the Record dropdown menu.

4.4.3 Deletion

Record deletion can be done by going to the desired record and selecting the” Delete
Record” icon on your toolbar or going to the Edit dropdown menu and select “Delete
4~S Conclusion

1. Once the user is done using the database the data can be backed up to ensure data
integrity. The following steps can be carried out to ensure the is backed up Close the
database. If you are in a multi~ user environment, confirm that all users have closed the

2. Using the Windows Explorer, My Compu~er, Microsoft Backup, the MS~DOS copy
command, or other backup software, copy the database file (a.mdb file) to a backup
medium of your choice.



5~1 Conclusion

The database created is able to document a computerized car sales system.

Users of the system will find it easy to input data and access the database and queries
through the permission of an administrator thus eased information dissemination.

Reports will be generated showing daily records and what has been saved in the database
and also help mangers to make decisions, advertisements, marketing and sales. The
sofiware can be considered to be shared on a local area Networks within the company.

5.2 RecommendationS

• It’s recommended that in the long run the database be made for all other areas Like
catering for Garages, Sellers of Spear parts i.e. managing stock inventories.

• It is recom.mended that the future the database should be upgraded using Structured
Query Language to handle multiple tasks and very large database preferably using
SQL or Oracle language for more capabilities.

• It is also recommended that a special backup system is setup to cater for any
eventualities such as software and hardware failures that leads to massive data loss.

• Data that is deemed unless ought to be deleted removed so as to create space for
other valuable information.

5~3 Limitations of the study

A couple of problems were encountered during the study


The cost of conducting the study was high.

Computer illiteracy

Many employees had no knowledge of computers, so it took time to explain to them

about the importance of the Database,


It was cumbersome and time consumbg to do the s udy.


e David Kronenke, Database Processing, Fundamentals, Design and Implementation

Prentise Hall 2000

~ Martin James, Principle of Database by prentice-Hall 1976

~ Peter Rob Carlos Caronel, Database Design, Implementation and Management

fourth edition, Thomas Learning 2000

e Phillip ..J. Pratt Joseph.J.Adamski Database m.anagement system and Design Grand
valley state College 1945

Jeffery.A.Hoffer, Joey .F. George, Joseph.S.Valancich Modern System Analysis

and Design third edition 1.959

* CJ .DATE, An Introduction to Database System fourth Edition Volume I

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1986

• Raghu Ramakrishan, Johannes Gehrke. Database Management Systems McGraw

Hill International 2000

• Timothy J.O’Leary, Linda L.O’Leamy, Microsoft access 2000 Mc Graw Hill 2000

• Bob Reseman, Richard Peasley and Wayne Patrick, Visual Basic 6


• Silberschatz Korth. Sudarshan , international Edition 2002 Page 1 , Database

System Concepts fourth Edition.


The following questions are meant to collect information about the existing manual Car
Sales System at Spear Motor Uganda Ltd.

Qn 1: How long did it take you to be served by the Manual System? Tick:
1-5 minutes
5-10 minutes
10 minutes

Qn2: How effective was the Manual System?

Very Accurate

Qn3 : What three difficulties did you encountcr in dealing wth Manual System?
Qn4 : What improvements would you like to make on the Manual System?
Qn5 : If we introduce for a database system, do you like it?
Yes C

Qn6 : Do you find the Manual System cheap or costly to run?


Database Table Design Formats

Car Table

Inset took

Field Name DataT Dose

es~’lo er
Carname Text
Model Text
erd-eNo MuTter
celor Text
Fuelcoreseption Text
Hend&lve Text
CourTtryoforgkl Text
En~etype Text
Treslee tatter
setlngcapaclty tatter

General Loc&m
MeIdSise IC
lnpLt Mask
Defedt value
veldatim RLde the and
field heluIsdt3O~a3iTi~ Øiori~.
also displayed kneljm
In the status barycti
whendescr& the
you select
valdatlon Text tWa field on a form, Press Ft for help on descriptIons.
Recfled No
Aloe. Zero Lenpth Yes
Indexed No
L,fricode Compression Ves
IME Mode NoCortrol
WE Sentence Mode None
Smart Tags

DesI~,vlew. F5=Swltdipenes. F1=Ilelp.

Customer Table

~ Cu
Name Data T
1i2 Number
Cuat Name Text
• Address Text
Fax Number
Email Text
MolAle Number
Field Properties

General Lookaw
Field 9ze L lit or
Decimal Places Auto
Input Mask
Default Value 0 A field name can be up to 64 characters long,
Vabdetion Rule Including spaces. Press Ft for help on field names.
ValIdatIon Text
Required No
Indexed Yes (NoDigtetes)
Smart Tags

Order Table
~Orderta: abLe
Field Name Data V
ChassisNo Number —

CustomerlD Number
OrderDate DateiTime
Field Properties

General Loolwp
Field Size Lo Irte
Deänal PLeces Auto
Input Mask
Default value o A Field name can be up to 64 characters long,
Validation Rule including spaces. Press Ft [or help on field
Validation Text names.
Reqtired No
Indexed No
Smart Tags

Debt Table

Field Name Data T

debt Currency
Field Properties

General Lookup
Field Size Long Integer
Decimal Maces to
Input Mask
Default value A Field name can be up to 64
Validation Rule _______ characters long, Including spaces.
Validation Text PFess Ft for help on field names.
Required No
Indexed Yes licates
Smart Tags

Employee Table

Field Name Data T

Emp No Number
Emp Name Text
age Number
Gender Text
BOD Date/Time
Address Text
Field Properties

General Lothip
Field Size I.onaI,,t~er
Dedmal Places Auto
Input Mask
Caption The field description Is optional It helps you
Default Vahie describe the field and is also displayed h~ the status
Validation Rule bar when you zld~ct this field on a form. Press Ft
Validation Text for help on descriptions,
Required No
Indexed No
Smart Ta~

Price Table

Field Name Data T

Co~ Price Currency
Selling price Currency
Field Properties

General Looleip
Field Size Lon.Ir* r
Decimal Places Auto
Input Mask
A field r~rse cafi beti~ t~I M char ~tar~ lot~,
Default Value C) including spaces. Press Fl for help on held
Validation Rule names.
Validation Text
Required No
Indexed No
Smart TeVS
Department Table

Field Nn Data T
Dept Name Text
Field Properties

General Loolwp
Field Size lon mt
Decimal Places Auto
mnptt Mesk
Default Value A field name can be up to 64
Validation Rule characters long, including spaces.
ValIdation Text Ptc&~ Fl Mt ~ ô~ fl~W AMi~.
Required No
Indexed as 0 licates OK
Smart Tags


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Cist Name de& Ei~ Nwie

Address DSP ID 8Q5
Dept Nrc
Emal Boo
Mobile Address
Phone Phone
chasskNo cEP ID
Cost Price
Sel3ng price

orderNo color
GiassisNo FuelconsumptOi
CintomerlD Nand&ive
OrderDete Cotmtrydorgh
PayementMethod Enoirietypa
Dek,’eryTáne Ifresize
Amount Sittingeepacity
Bahoce Wheelno


Form for Entering Car Details


CarName HandDnve I
Model I I Country of Orgin F
Engine No F I Engine Type _____________

ChassisNo F I TireSize __________

Color F Sitting Capac~y F I

Fuel Consumption [ Wheel No I

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Form for Entering Customers’ Details


c~ ~ ~ ~

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~. ,~ .~__& ~ — ——~~—-~- ,-..~ —

Form for Entering Order Details



Payement Method 4
Defr~etyTime [ I
Chassis No LI Amo~ ~
Customer ID
LI Balance ____________
OrderDate ~ ui U/2OO~

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Form for Entering Employees Details


Emp Name Address I

Emp Other Name r I Phone
Age F Email I I
Gender DepiD I I
DOB Designation

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Form for Entering Price Details



~ -

Chassis No 1556
Cost Price Ii 0000 I
Selling Price 130000 I

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Form for Entering Debt Details



Customer ID [445
Debt [45555 I

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Form for Entering Department Details

~ DEPARTMWLD]A_____________________________ -.


DepiD I5~5 I
Dep N~nie Itorestry I

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Car Report

c~r Report

car Report

z~1sNo C~trna Mode! ~ln~Jo ~!or EktelcOiis~ Hwid CoxInL’y Engine rft~ke ~cop~ri1~y ~1iodno
13 to~da mm 12 due 1a~o tight ~

Page I 1

Customer Report

Customer Report

Customer Report
Customgr JD Cus~Name Adth~u Fax Email M~b1k Phone
2 rttttt~t t~g~gbbg 68S6~ ~ggg 5S~ 455~

Price Report

Price Report

Price Report
Chassis No Cost Price Sellingprice
$1O,COOflO $30.CUO.OD


Employee Repprt

Employee Report

Emp No Enqi N Q’nd ROD .4dthwss Phone EnrOl DEP ID L~gnati

Page: [ i


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