History BSN1

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Reading in History

Answer the following:

1. How does examining primary sources help you construct your own understanding of
historical event?

For me by understanding primary sources it helps me to know what happened in the past, by
the first hand eyewitness. I need to know and understand why it happened by using original
evidence. It is help me to exposed the important historical events and be aware the differences
that all written history is based on the author perspective of the past events. Because it could
be change because we have differents opinion just like in the other author for example
something like this happened while in the author is not, it is because we have different
perspective in life and also how they interpret the past events. It is also help me to relate all
the historical events.

2. Why is it important to examine these sources in context?

Its is important to indentify these sources because by insight of this we can relate it in our
present events. If we examine this sources we will know why our present is like this happening.
We should be always aware about everything not just like this is what we do or this is what we
used to do without knowing why. It also important because it help us improve our skills
knowledge in critical thinking and deeper understanding of history as a series human events,
not just like agree to them we should think in our own understanding . As well it helps the
historians to complete the information by relating it tor present events.

3. What is the difference between authenticity and reliability of the document?

Authenticity is the quality of being genuine or real it is proven the fact that something
legitimate or real. Also it is something that is original or true and not a copy of anything else. It
focuses the truthfulness of the origins attributions, commitments, sincerity, and also the
intentions.When it say the authenticity it is the document bearing a signature or seal attesting
that it is genuine and official. If it is an enemy document, it may have been prepared for
purposes of deception and the accuracy of such document, even though authenticated, must be
confirmed by other information.
while in the reability is the quality or state of being reliable the extent to which an experiment,
test, or measuring procedure yields the same results on repeated trials. A reliable source is
one that provides a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, and discussion based on strong
evidence. When it comes the reliable document It is peer-reviewed articles or books -written by
researchers for students and researchers it is examine the authors credential, examine the bias
and determine the bias.

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