IBDP Grade 11 RCA Exam 2022-2023 Grade 11 Thummala Manvith 2022-09-22

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Indus International School,

Hyderabad (004220)
IBDP Grade 11 RCA Exam
Prepared: September 22, 2022

Student Name: Manvith Thummala

Grade: Grade 11

Dear Parents,
Education at Indus International School Hyderabad is about actively combining challenging and enriching
experiences with academic rigour and creative opportunities. We want our students to have the courage to push
back the boundaries of their experience and to explore the possibilities that are available to them. Whilst we are
looking forward to their academic results, there is so much more to the education we provide. It is, therefore,
important that parents wholeheartedly support the ethos of the school.
Whether it is in the classroom, developing creativity, thinking critically, whilst participating in school events, on the
sports field or when serving others, we want our students to experience the excitement of discovering they are
capable of achieving far more than they ever felt was possible. We have high expectations of our students and
they, in turn, have high expectations of themselves.
On this note, we would like to present the Grade 11 RCA report card of this academic year. Let’s work together to
create an environment for the holistic development.
Kind Regards,

Ms Aparna Achanta Ms Swetha Kothapalli Ms Vishaka Labar

Principal Vice-Principal IBDP Coordinator
IB Learner Profile

Inquirers We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and
with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

Knowledgeable We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We
engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.

Thinkers We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We
exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate
effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Principled We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity
and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

Open-minded We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others.
We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a
positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

Risk-takers We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to
(Courageous) explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and

Balanced We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives — intellectual, physical, (spiritual)
and emotional — to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognise our interdependence with
other people and with the world in which we live.

Reflective We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths
and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

Manvith Thummala
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Indus International School, Hyderabad (004220) — IBDP Grade 11 RCA Exam 2022-2023
Summary of Achievement
First Term RCA
2022-23 2022-23 2022-23 RCA Grade
Subject (20) (80) (100) 2022-23

English A Language and literature SL

11 36 47 4
Shalaka Patkar

Manvith’s analysis shows adequate knowledge and understanding of the text. Interpretations are generally
supported by references to the text. The analysis shows some textual analysis and evaluation of how the author
uses stylistic and structural features to shape meaning. The analysis shows some coherence, focus and
organisation. The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is sometimes accurate, varied
and effective.

Spanish ab initio SL
10 42 52 4
Pawan Kishore

Manvith needs to develop a wider range of vocabulary and communicate some relevant information. He uses a
basic range of grammatical structures with some errors which sometimes hinder communication. I suggest that he
read so that he develops more fluency in the language and expands his vocabulary as well. He needs to actively
participate in the class.

Economics HL
14 67 81 7
Rupesh Chakraborty

Manvith is a active member of the economics discussion in the class. His performance is up to the mark in RCA
examination. He has used nice diagrams for better analysis in PPC and circular flow of income. He has developed
economics concepts nicely which has helped him to perform better in extended response. He has to read news
articles for better read of economics real world issues for further improvement.

Physics SL
8 28 36 3
Venu Gopal Peddinti

Manvith is one of the studious students in the class. He responds to the questions positively and working on
improving his performance. He has done better in AFL tasks relatively and needs to improve his performance. He
should take initiative and participate in classroom interactions. He has to work on his basic concepts of
calculating percentage and absolute uncertainties, equations of motion and the applications of projectile motion.
He needs to practice the topic-wise past paper questions from the resources shared and should focus on his
problem-solving skills. He is suggested to underline the keywords in the question and identify the concept to
answer. Systematic planning and execution will help him to improve his scores.

Mathematics: applications and interpretation HL

16 29 45 4
Maheshreddy Bushi

Manvith has secured 12 (out of 25) in Paper 1 (Calculator) and 6 (out of 25) in Paper 2 (Calculator). He has
achieved a grade of 4. He has performed well on paper 1 but he struggled to attempt problems from paper 2. In
order to improve in paper 2, he needs to practice the questions from the past papers. He should also learn how to
apply the GDC for calculations and solving questions. I believe he can justify his actual ability by planning properly
and working hard to achieve the target.

Manvith Thummala
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Indus International School, Hyderabad (004220) — IBDP Grade 11 RCA Exam 2022-2023
2022-23 2022-23 2022-23 RCA Grade
Subject (20) (80) (100) 2022-23

Visual Arts HL
5 28 33 2
NR Pradeep

Manvith is an enthusiastic learner and a good thinker. During this RCA his works (Still life composition & Process
portfolio) demonstrate where he is, and what are areas, he needs to work on to achieve the higher purpose. His
work & studio habits reflect his passion and a positive attitude towards artmaking. However, he must practice his
media application skills, and this is possible only when he dedicates extra time outside the school contact time to
explore the media and practice painting skills and techniques.

His portfolio demonstrates a good exploration of the idea and reflective thinking that are required to achieve his
intended purpose. He must develop a habit of 15 minutes of sketching (observational study) every day to gain
observational and drawing skills. Reading art journals/magazines will help to acquire the knowledge of art, and art
in today’s world and also will develop a subject-specific terminology to communicate.

Manvith Thummala
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Indus International School, Hyderabad (004220) — IBDP Grade 11 RCA Exam 2022-2023
Grade Descriptors
Grade Descriptor

The student demonstrates excellent content knowledge and understanding, conceptual and contextual awareness and
critical, reflective thinking. Highly effective research, investigation and technical skills are evident, as is the ability to
analyse, evaluate and synthesize qualitative and quantitative evidence, knowledge and concepts to reach valid
conclusions or solve problems. In collaborative exercises, the student works very well with others, ethically and
responsibly, and with perseverance. Responses are highly insightful, accurate, clear, concise, convincing, logically
structured, with sufficient detail, precise use of appropriate terminology and with appropriate attention to purpose and
audience. Responses are creative, make very effective use of well-selected examples, demonstrate awareness of
alternative points of view and provide clear evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates very good content knowledge and understanding, conceptual and contextual awareness and
critical, reflective thinking. Competent research, investigation and technical skills are evident, as is the ability to analyse,
evaluate and synthesize evidence, knowledge and concepts. In collaborative exercises, the student works well with
6 others, ethically and responsibly, and with perseverance. Responses are mainly accurate, clear, concise, convincing,
logically structured, with sufficient detail, using consistent terminology and with appropriate attention to purpose and
audience. Responses show creativity, make effective use of examples, demonstrate awareness of alternative points of
view and provide evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates sound content knowledge and understanding, good conceptual and contextual awareness
and evidence of critical, reflective thinking. Research, investigation and technical skills are evident and sometimes well
developed. Analytical ability is evident, although responses may at times be more descriptive than evaluative. In
5 collaborative investigations, the student generally works well with others, ethically and responsibly, and with
perseverance. Responses are generally accurate, clear, logically structured and coherent, with mainly relevant material,
using suitable terminology, and are sometimes well developed. Responses show reasonable creativity, use of examples,
awareness of audience and evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates, with some gaps, secure content knowledge and understanding, some conceptual and
contextual awareness and some evidence of critical thinking. Research, investigation and technical skills are evident,
but not thoroughly developed. Analysis is generally valid, but more descriptive than evaluative. The student solves basic
or routine problems, but with limited ability to deal with new or difficult situations. In collaborative exercises, the student
works within a team and generally approaches investigations ethically and responsibly, but requires supervision.
Responses are mostly accurate and clear with little irrelevant material. There is some ability to logically structure
responses with adequate coherence and use of appropriate terminology. Responses sometimes show creativity, and
include some awareness of audience and evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the content, with limited evidence of conceptual and
contextual awareness. Research and/or investigation is evident, but remains undeveloped. There is some ability to
comprehend and solve problems. Collaborative investigations are approached ethically and responsibly, but require
3 close supervision. Responses are only sometimes valid and appropriately detailed. There is some expression of ideas
and organization of work and basic use of appropriate terminology, but arguments are rarely convincing. Responses
lack clarity and some material is repeated or irrelevant. There is limited creativity, awareness of context or audience and
limited evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates little knowledge or understanding of the content, with weak comprehension of concepts and
context and little evidence of application. Evidence of research and/or investigation is only superficial. There is little
2 ability to comprehend and solve problems. Responses are rarely accurate or valid. There is some attempt to express
ideas, use terminology appropriate to the subject and organize work, but the response is rarely convincing. There is very
little creativity, awareness of context or audience and little evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates very rudimentary knowledge or understanding of the content, with very weak comprehension
of concepts and context. Ability to comprehend and solve problems or to express ideas is not evident. Responses are
1 rarely accurate or valid. Organization is lacking to the point that responses are confusing. Responses demonstrate very
little to no appreciation of context or audience, inappropriate or inadequate use of terminology, and little to no
intercultural understanding.

N/A Not Yet Assessed.

Manvith Thummala
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Indus International School, Hyderabad (004220) — IBDP Grade 11 RCA Exam 2022-2023

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