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Dear parents,

I take immense pleasure in welcoming you to the folds of Indus School of Leadership (ISL).

Indus School of Leadership provides experiential leadership training to the students and teachers of all Indus Schools,
other educational institutions and corporations.

Indus School of Leadership is the only institution of its kind that provides opportunities for practical and outdoor
leadership education through the Discovery Course; a first-of-its kind in India. The safety standards for the material
and accessories are certified by ACCT (Association for Challenge Course Technology), USA. The leadership curriculum
and delivery methodology is modelled in collaboration with Project Adventure, USA.

We at ISL are following all COVID safety protocol for own safety as well as your ward’s. (Annexure ‘D’)

Back pack

The back pack for the camp must essentially carry the items as per Annexure ‘B’. You are also requested to fill up
the Medical information form attached as Annexure ‘C’ and the Trip application form attached as Annexure ‘D’.
Read and understand the COVID protocol (Annexure ‘E’)

With regards,

Program Coordinator

Annexure ‘B’ Kit List

List of Items to be carried by the participants to the camp.

Sl. No. Items to be carried

1 Filled in and signed “Trip Application Form” and “Medical Information


2 Cap / Hat

3 Sunglasses

4 Sufficient Toiletries

5 Full-Sleeved Shirts / T-shirts

6 Long-Legged Trousers

7 Socks (one a day) and sneakers

8 Mosquito repellant cream

9 Extra pair of shoes

10 Notebook and Pen

11 Sunblock and moisturizers

12 Personal Medication

13 Personal Water Bottle and coffee mug (steel)

14 2-cell Torch with spare cells

15 Book, (for reading in leisure time / journey)

16 Rain coat

17 Mask, hand sanitizer, face visor

18 RT-PCR report (negative not older than 72 hours)

*Everyone is requested to carry a medium-sized lockable air-bag / tote-bag only. Also, please label all the belongings and take
utmost care of your belongings, as the school will not be liable for the loss of any personal belongings at the camp.
Annexure ‘C’

Medical Information Form

Name of the student ________________________________________________________________

School _____________________ Grade _____ Program dates: From ________To ________

If required, your signature on the form also gives the physician, selected by Indus School of Leadership (ISL),
permission to hospitalize or provide medical treatment.

Please use an extra sheet if you wish to bring anything to the notice of the trainers / doctor.

Blood Group: Motion Sickness: Y - N

1. Please state clearly if there is anything you wish the Nursing assistant / trainers should know regarding the health
and medical needs of your ward.

2. Please specify if you ward is allergic to any substance, foods or medicines. What remedial actions do you adopt
in case of an allergy?

3. Does your ward suffer from asthma or convulsion? If yes, please mention the medicines your physician
recommended or that is currently being administered.

4. Provide information of any muscle, bone, and ligament related problems or recent fractures, if any?

5. If your ward is currently using any medication, please mention this and ensure that it is carried to the program.

If these questions are answered in full, there shouldn’t be a need for a ‘medical examination’. However, if your ward has not received a medical
examination previously or if there are doubts regarding any medical conditions, it is highly advisable to arrange for an examination by your family

Signature of the Parent/ Guardian/ Head of Boarding ___________________________________________

Annexure ‘D’

Trip Application Form

Name of the student ________________________________________________________________

School _____________________ Grade _____ Program dates: From ________To ________

Personal Consent:

I acknowledge receipt of the general guidelines and have carefully read the same. My signature below indicates
genuine and voluntary desire on my part to enroll my ward for the program.

I fully understand the inherent risks associated with outward bound adventure programs and high rope course.

I will ensure that the COVID protocol (Annexure ‘D’) are being followed and if not adhered to by the student
necessary action will be taken to ensure safety of others.

I also allow Indus School of Leadership (ISL), Bangalore, to use images and footage taken during the program.

I have carefully read the letter above, understood and sign below voluntarily in capacity of a major.

Parents/ Guardians/ Head of Boarding’s name:

Signature of parent/ Guardians/ Head of Boarding’s:


Annexure ‘E’

COVID Safety Protocol

1. Students and staff accompanying the group MUST have a negative RT PCR report not older than
72 hours. ( date of arrival at the camp)
2. The RT PCR report form to be emailed to Program Coordinator 48 hours before arrival.
3. Medical and Trip Application forms (Annexure ‘C’ and ‘D’) to be signed and handed over to
school accompanying staff who will then handover to the program coordinator along with the
RT-PCR report at the campus.
4. Students and teachers to follow latest protocols as promulgated by Govt of Karnataka wrt to
travel in order to avoid any inconvenience enroute. (ISL team will not be responsible during the
travel to and from respective schools)
5. Everyone should carry hand sanitizers, wear masks, face visor throughout the travel journey.
6. Temperature of accompanying staff and students to be checked and recorded in the ‘Temp.
form’ of ISL and carried throughout the program. (Appendix ‘B’)
7. On arrival at campus students and accompanying staff will be checked for temperature and
8. Smaller sub groups will be formed at the campus and these groups will remain constant
throughout the camp. These sub groups will be engaged by only one earmarked trainer through
the camp.
9. Accompanying teachers to ensure that the students adhere to Covid appropriate behaviour at all
10. Students will adhere to the timelines set by ISL incl, meal timings.
11. No outside food will be allowed in the campus. If students are found carrying outside food, the
same will be confiscated.
12. Students to maintain own room hygiene and neatness.
13. Entire campus and equipment are sanitised before the arrival of participants.
14. Washrooms will be cleaned daily by ISL Housekeeping support.
15. Constant monitoring of students for masks and distancing will be enforced. Is student fails to
adhere, he/she will be sent back home with and adverse report to the school head.
16. Students will be provided linen and blanket. However, if one wants to carry own, they are
17. Any ILS symptom will be treated seriously and student will be sent to Hospital with staff for
further test (on student expense) and necessary action.
18. Campus has been placed with handwash and sanitisers at all important locations.
19. A nurse at the campus 24X7 for all basic first aid.
20. ISL has tied-ups with local hospitals in case of emergencies. (Expenses to be borne by participant
if the need arises)
21. All ISL staff have been vaccinated and have periodic RT-PCR tests being conducted.
22. No activities will be conducted outside the campus. This has been done in order to avoid any
contact with outside crowd.
23. No person/ guests etc are permitted in the campus.
24. 24X7 security in the campus
25. Parents will be updated by accompanying staff daily.
Appendix ‘A’

Students’ Temperature Check Form

Name of the student ________________________________________________________________

School _____________________ Grade _____ Program dates: From ________To ________

Parent consent form submitted to Program Coordinator - Yes / No

Any major medical issues that need attention ___________________________________________

Temperature check data:

Date Temp checks Accompanying Nurse’s Sign

(Daily 2 checks on Staff’s sign
(On departing from School)
(On Arrival at Campus)

• Student found with symptoms will be evacuated to nearest hospital for isolation along with
school staff/nurse

Name of Accompanying Staff _________________________

Sign ______________________ Date_______________________

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