Spread Sheet of Plate Girder-Is800-2007

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Moment and Shear capacity of plate girder

Plate Girder dimensions

Wc(Width of compression flange) 200 mm fy 250 N/mm2 ∈ 1

Tcf(Thickness of compression flange) 10 mm E 205000 N/mm2
Wt(Width of tension flange) 175 mm μ 0.3
Ttf(Thickness of tension flange) 10 mm G 78846.154 N/mm2
dw(Depth of Web) 800 mm
tw(Thickness of Web) 6 mm T/t 0.0125
d1/t 0.21875
Length/Span of Member 5m
Effective Span LLT 5m d/tw 133.33 c/tw 200
LLT/ry 91.77
Analysis Bending Moment Major Axis 0 kNm
Analysis Bending Moment Minor Axis 0 kNm
Shear Force Major Axis 0 kN
Shear Force Minor Axis 0 kN
Analysis Axial Compression Force 0 kN
r1 +ve r1 -ve
Slender Slender
Classification of Flange 9.7 Semi Compact
Classification of Web 133.33 Slender Web will not be considered in flexural design

Section Classification Slender

Section Type Welded
Beam Type Normal

Section Properties for Flexural Calculation

Area of Cross Section 3750 mm2
Ixx 615125000 mm4
Iyy 11132812.5 mm4
Zexx 1500304.878 mm3
Zeyy 111328.125 mm3
Zpxx 1620000 mm3
Zpyy 176562.5 mm3

Section constants for Flexural Calculation

βf (Ratio of moment of Inertia of flanges 0.598830409
Iw (Warping Constant) 1.75472E+12 mm6
It(Torsion Constant) 125000 mm4
Constant C1 as per Table42, IS800-2007 1

Flexural Calculation
Mcr 369.9047203 kNm
λLT 1.00696605
ΦLT 1.204696995
χLT 0.535907296
fbd 121.7971128 N/mm2

Mbdz(Design Bending Strength Major axis) 182.73 kNm OK

Mbdy (Design Bending Strength Minor axis) 25.30 kNm OK

Shear Design
Intermediate Transverse Stiffeners No
Intermediate Stiffeners spacing 1200 mm
Kv 5.35

d/tw(133.33) Limiting
Shear Governed by Web Buckling
Max Value(67)

Shear Capacity as per Plastic Shear Resistance

Shear Governed by Web Buckling N/A kN
Shear Governed by Web Buckling N/A kN

Shear Capacity as per Web Buckling-Simple Post Critical Method

tcre(Elastic Critical Shear Stress) 55.76079948 N/mm2
λw (Web Slenderness Ratio 1.608885711
τb 55.76079948 N/mm2

Shear Capacity Major axis 243.32 kN

Shear Capacity Minor axis 190.09 kN

Shear Capacity as per Web Buckling-Tension Field Theory

Axial Force in Flange 0 kN
fv(Yield Strength of Tension Field) 165.965848 N/mm2

Shear Capacity Major axis 295.51 kN

Check for Combined Interaction

Section Strength
Mndz 182.73 kNm
Mndy 25.30 kNm

Interaction ratio (Section Strength 9.3.1) 0

Overall Member Strength
Pdz 1195.94 kN
Pdy 361.34 kN
Mdz 182.73 kNm
Mdy 25.30 kNm
Kz 1.000
Ky 1.00
KLT 1.00
Cmz 0.9
Cmy 0.9
CmLT 0.9

Interaction ratio-Z(Member Strength 0.0000

Interaction ratio-Y(Member Strength 0.0000

Serviceability Requirement
Transverse Stiffener Provided Yes
Longitudinal Stiffener Provided No One level(0.2d from Compression Flange),
Two Levels (0.2d from Compression Flange & Neutral Axis)
Transverse Stiffener Spacing 1200 mm

Web Serviceablity Condition(d/tw<200∈) 133.33 OK


Flange Buckling Requirement(d/tw<345∈) 133.33 OK


Design of Stiffeners
1. Intermediate Transverse Stiffener
1.1-Section requirement
Spacing of Stiffener 1200 mm
Thickness of Stiffener 12 mm
Outstand of Stiffener(beyond web) 200 mm OK
Outstand of Stiffener taken in design( 168 mm
Min stiffness of Stiffener( 40001472 mm3 OK
Min Stiffness Requirement 115200mm4

1.2-Buckling Check
Factored Shear Force adjacent to Stiffener 200 kN
Force on Stiffener -21.2 kN
Capacity of both Stiffener 916.36 kN OK

2-Load Carrying Stiffener

External Load on Flange 600 kN
Bearing Width 200 mm
Capacity of Web 48.19 kN NOT OK
Provide Load Bearing Stiffener

2.1-Section requirement
Thickness of Stiffener 8
Outstand of Stiffener(beyond web) 100 OK
Outstand of Stiffener taken in design( 100

2.2-Buckling Check
External force 600 kN
Force on Stiffener 551.81 kN
Capacity of both Stiffener 363.64 kN NOT OK

2.3-Bearing Check
Bearing load transferred 454.55 kN NOTOK

3-Bearing Stiffener
External Load on Flange 600 kN
Bearing Width 200 mm
Capacity in bearing at Web and Flange 306.82 kN NOT OK
Provide Load Bearing Stiffener

3.1-Section requirement
Thickness of Stiffener 20
Outstand of Stiffener(beyond web) 200 OK
Outstand of Stiffener taken in design( 200

3.2-Bearing Capacity of Stiffener

Bearing Capacity of Stiffener 1818.18 kN OK

4. Longitudinal Stiffener
2.1-Section requirement
Location of Stiffener At 0.2d from Compression Flange
Thickness of Stiffener 8 mm
Outstand of Stiffener(beyond web) 100 mm
Outstand of Stiffener taken in design( 100 mm
Min stiffness of Stiffener( 5827733.333 mm3 OK
Min Stiffness Requirement 1036800mm4

Location of Stiffener At Neutral Axis

Thickness of Stiffener 8 mm
Outstand of Stiffener(beyond web) 100 mm
Outstand of Stiffener taken in design( 100 mm
Min stiffness of Stiffener( 5827733.333 mm3 OK
Min Stiffness Requirement 172800mm4

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