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Companies in the Indian automotive industry are always searching for methods to
enhance their operations using a variety of industrial technologies. Just-in-Time is one of the
industry's most prominent approaches used to establish the norm. However, JIT must be
evaluated in order to improve industry standards, quality, working environment, kind of work
system, and inventory levels. Simply JIT is a corporate concept that emphasises time and cost
reduction, as well as the elimination of poor quality in manufacturing and non-manufacturing
processes. Sometimes referred to as lean or short-cycle manufacturing. In a variety of sectors,
JIT tools and methods have been extensively used. Several sectors have attempted to
establish unique business strategies in order to maintain a favourable market reputation in
today's competitive market.
Automobile manufacturing companies must investigate the importance of low-cost,
high-quality goods, a reduced time to setup, waste reduction, and zero inventory. For JIT's
basic components and instruments, an assessment of the JIT system for the targeted industry
is necessary. However, these methods are often used to shrink the skills gap. To take
advantage of available skill and demand, businesses must be inventive in their JIT
evaluations. There are several studies on the assessment of JIT in management literature,
however evaluations of JIT in the automobile sector are few. This research enhances the
automobile industry's assessment system and contains an overview of JIT's fundamental
components and tools which makes the research relevant.
The aim of the master thesis is to assess the factors affecting future of sustainable just
in time as a tool for inventory management on automobile field in India.
The key objectives are as follows:
 To conduct a detailed literature assessment on factors affecting future of just in time
as a tool for inventory management on automobile field in India.
 To conduct an online survey to determine the variables influencing the future of just-
in-time as a solution for inventory management in the Indian automobile industry.
 To undertake a factor analysis with the purpose of identifying particular factors that
have an impact on just-in-time inventory management in India's vehicle industry.
 To offer recommendations for the future on the basis of the data that will be supplied.
The research questions are as follows:
RQ1- What are the variables that will influence the future of just-in-time inventory
management in the automobile industry in India?
RQ2- What can be done for improving the quality of inventory management in the
automobile industry of India?

In recent years, the traditional principles of quality and customer pleasure have been
brought into doubt. These concepts have been called into question because: Alterations have
also been occurring continuously in the preferences and perspectives of customers. The "Just
in Time" idea, which is based on the premise of creating just what is required at the time, is
one of the many advancements in manufacturing processes and management that were
pioneered by Japanese manufacturers. This concept is just one of several. The term "just-in-
time" (JIT) manufacturing refers to a set of processes that are designed to lessen the amount
of waste produced by a product while also raising the level of that product's overall quality.
(Huang 2014).
These organisational strategies include the whole logistical flow of products,
beginning at the moment of purchase and continuing all the way through to the point where
they are delivered. Some of the components of just-in-time manufacturing include shared
product design with customers and suppliers, a shift toward single sourcing, close proximity
of suppliers and customers to each other, reduced set-up times, preventive maintenance
(including the use of analytical tools to identify sources of defects), and plant optimization
layout (re)configurations. In recent years, businesses located all over the world have started
to focus more of their emphasis on just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing methods (Frati, 2010).
The concrete advantage of JIT is the accomplishment of high production and quality
standards. To get the most potential advantage from JIT deployment in Indian businesses,
Indian managers must first prioritise probable JIT methodologies. It is crucial for a
manufacturing facility to embrace the advantages of just-in-time delivery in order to maintain
operations lean and adaptive to changing market circumstances in light of the increasing
variety of products for sale, as well as customization and fluctuating customer expectations.
The Indian Automobile Industry: Approximately 40 million vehicles are on the roads of India
at any one moment. Automobile sales in India surpassed 100,000 units per month for the first
time in February 2009. The Indian automotive sector has a bright future due to the present
low penetration of private autos, rising affluence, and increasing affordability of private
vehicles, as well as the importance of exports. Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki, and Mahindra &
Mahindra are among a handful of Indian automobile manufacturers whose local and
international operations have expanded in recent years. The following paragraphs describes in
detail regarding the factors affecting the future of JIT in automobile sector in India.
2.1. Staff Involvement and Commitment

JIT companies depend on the seamless collaboration of all workers, who are entrusted
with a high level of autonomy and responsibility for resolving issues and completing the
quality-production process. JIT requires the proper mindset, employee participation, and
continual development because of this. Commitment to work, also known as work
commitment, is the passion an individual feel for the responsibilities allocated to him or her
at work. It is a person's sense of obligation toward the aims, purpose, and vision of the
organisation with which he or she is affiliated.
High levels of employee satisfaction in a business are associated with high levels of
job commitment and staff engagement. This leads to greater company performance, which in
turn increases profitability, productivity, staff retention, and the general quality of the work

2.1.1. Staff Participation

Participation in the workplace instils workers with a feeling of pride and job security.
Companies with superior attitudes and efforts achieve more success. Employees are able to
produce new ideas and improve their problem-solving abilities, and the degree of
accountability for all employees has been elevated.

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