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1 Static Testing

Static testing is a Verification activity. Testing of a program is done without

executing the program Tester has a checklist to check whether the product is as
per the set standards of the organisation Thess standards can be for Coding,
Integrating and Deployment. Reviews, Inspection's and Walkthrough's are date
testing methodologies. [2] In static testing code is not run to uncover bags, but
verity by experts to find any flaw. Static testing is often implicit, as proofreading,
plus when programming tools/text editors check source code structure Or
compilers (pre-compilers) check syntax and data flow as static program analysis.
Static testing find errors and ambiguity in documents. [4] A variable with an
undefined value, inconsistent interface between modules and components,
Variables that are declared but never used. Unreachable code (or) Dead Code,
Programming standards violations, Security vulnerabilities beges Syntax violations

2 Dynamic Testing

[1] Dynamic testing is validation activity. Tester has Software Requirement and
Specification (SRS) to check whether the product is as per requirements of the
user. [2] The software is tested executing it on computer. Unit Tests, Integration
Tests, System Tests and Acceptance Dynamic Testing methodologies. [3] In
dynamic testing code is executed to find bugs, or to confirm that it's working well.
[4] Dynamic testing takes place when the program itself is run. Dynamic testing
may begin before the program is 100% complete in order to test particular
sections of code and are applied to discrete functions or modules. [5] Typical
techniques for this are either using stubs/drivers or execution from a debugger

Q. Difference Between Static and Dynamic Testing

Static Testing –[1] Static testing is a form of software testing where the software
't actually used.

[2] s generally not detailed testing, but checks mainly for the city of the code,
algorithm, or document. It is primarily tax checking of the code or and manually
reading of the e or document to find errors.
Dynamic Testing

[1] In dynamic testing the software must actually be compiled and run. [2]
Dynamic analysis refers to the examination of the physical response from the
system to variables that tax checking of the code or and manually reading of the
are not constant and change with time.

Q. Define software Testing? What is software testing?

[1] Software testing is a process, or a series of steps, designed to evaluate

the functionality of a software application with an intent to find whether
the developed software met the specified requirements or not and to
identify the defects to ensure that the product is defect free in order to
produce the quality product. [2] One of the primary causes of poor
software testing is the fact that most software tester or programmers begin
with a false definition of the term.

Q. Why "software testing" is required?

[1] The purpose of testing can be quality assurance, verification and
validation, or reliability estimation. [2] Software testing is a trade-off
between budget, time and quality. [3] To point out the defects and errors
that was made during the development phases. [4] To ensure the Quality
of the product. [5] The purpose of testing is NOT to use up all the
remaining budget or schedule resources at the end of a development. [6]
The goal of testing is to ensure that the software performs as intended, and
to improve software quality, reliability and maintainability.

Q. What is a test case? State its specification parameter? What are the
things that test case specification shall identity
[1] A test case is adocumentation which specifies input values,expected
outputand the preconditiond for executing the tset.
[2] It is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine
whether a system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly.
[3] IEEE Standard 610 (1990) defines test case as follows. [4] A set of test
inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a
particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to
verify compliance with a specific requirement.
Boris Beizer (1995) defines a test as,
[5] A sequence of one or more subtests executed as a sequence because
the outcome and/or final state of one subtest is the input and/or initial
state of the next. The word 'test' is used to include subtests, tests proper,
and test suites.
 Objectives behind writing and executing the test cases are:

1. Find the defects in software products.

2. Verify that the software meets the end user requirements.
3. Improve software quality.
4. Minimize the maintenance and software support costs.
5. Avoid post deployment risks.
6. Compliance with processes.
7. Help management to make software delivery decisions.

 Test case specification parameters are as follows:

Test Case ID
Test Scenario
Test Case Description

Q. List any 4 advantages of acceptance test before launching any software

It is a phase of software development in which the software is tested in the
"real world by the intended audience. It is also called as application testing
or end user testing. [2] User Acceptance Testing (UAT) can be done as in-
house testing in which volunteers use t the software by making the test
version available for downloading and free trial over the Web. [3] The
experiences of the early users are forwarded back to the developers who
make final changes before releasing the software commercially. It is the
formal means by which we ensure that the new system or process does
actually meet the essential user requirements. [4] Acceptance testing
allows customers to ensure that the system meets their business
requirements. In fact, depending on how your other tests were performed,
this final test may not always be necessary. [5] If the customers and users
participated in system tests, such as requirements testing and usability
testing, they may not need to perform a formal acceptance test.

However, this additional test will probably be required for the customer to
give final approval for the system.

 Advantages of Acceptance Testing

[1] The functions and features to be tested are known. [2] The details of
the tests are known and can be measured. [3] The tests can be
automated, which permits regression testing.
[4] The progress of the tests can be measured and monitored. [5] The
acceptability criteria are known.

 Disadvantages of Acceptance Testing

[1] Requires significant resources and planning.

[2] The tests may be a re-implementation of system tests.
[3] It may not uncover subjective defects in the software, since you are
only looking for defects you expect to find.

 The types of Acceptance Testing

(a) The User Acceptance test: Focuses mainly on the functionality thereby

the fitness-for-use of the system the business user. The user acceptance
test is performed by the users and application managers,
(b) The Operational Acceptance test: Also known as Production acceptance
test validates whether the system meets requirements for operation. In
most of the organization the operational acceptance test is performed by
the system.

Q. Describe how to perform security testing

Q. How to perform security testing? State elements of security testing
[1] Security Testing performed to verify if the application is secured on web
as data theft and unauthorized access are more common issues.
[2] During Security Testing, password cracking, unauthorized entry into the
software, network security are all taken into consideration. It is done to
check the security objectives of a program. This testing might not be
required in some cases.
[3] It is also an advanced testing technique and complex to apply. To
conduct this tests requires highly skilled person having security domain

 Security Testing Include

[1] Test for unauthorized access to secure pages should not be permitted.
[2] Restricted files should not be downloadable without appropriate
[3] Check sessions are automatically killed after prolonged user inactivity.
[4] On use of SSL certificates, website should re-direct to encrypted SSL

 Verification and Validation

[1] In the context of testing, Verification and Validation are very widely and
commonly used terms. Most of the times, we onsider the terms same, but
actually the terms are quite different.
[2] There are two aspects of V and V tasks:

[3] Confirms to requirements (Producer view of quality)

[4] Fit for use (consumer's view of quality)
[5] Producer's view of quality, in simpler terms means the developers
perception of the final product.

 Testing of Client/Server Computing Systems

[1] Testing of Client/Server software cannot be planned from the

perspective of traditional integrated testing activities because this view
either is not applicable at all or is too narrow and other dimensions must be

[2] The following are some specific considerations needing to be addressed

in a Client/Server testing plan
i) Must include consideration of the different hardware and software
platforms on which the system will be used.
ii) Must take into account network and database server performance
issues with which mainframe systems did not have to deal.
(iii) Has to consider the replication of data and processes across networked
(iv) Client's user interface and client's interface with the server.

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