Limitless Exclusives The Oath Bound Blade

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The Oath Bound Blade

A scalable magic item for a Paladin
The Oath Bound Blade
The Oath Bound Blade
Limitless Adventures Design Team
Andrew Hand: Editing
Michael Johnson: Writing, Graphic Design, Art Direction
A Note on Our Sample Limitless Loot

The purpose of this product is to make your life as DM easier.

The Oath Bound Blade is designed to provide an item that your paladin can modify and empower from level 1
through level 17+. It's not necessary to use it this way in your campaign, just one way to use it. You could consider it
a series of items to drop into your campaign. This blade was written as a weapon your player could make their own,
bringing it with them on their entire journey, not tossed aside for one more point of attack bonus, or an interesting
additional effect. A favored weapon should be allowed to grow and change with the character through their history.

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Every Limitless Adventures product will contain something new; a unique creature, spell, item, god, or optional rule that is
previously unpublished. These novelties are set apart in blue text boxes.

Adventure Awaits
Most Limitless Adventures include a special Further Adventure section that gives you hints on where to take the

adventure after an encounter is resolved or location has been visited. This is our first module that includes hooks that
introduce the Oath Bound Blade to your party.

Each origin of the Oath Bound Blade is tied to one of the three paths a Paladin may take at level three. This gives you
some thematic choices if you know your player's choice and wish to give them the blade at level 1, or may provide some
additional background if they are unsure which way they will choose.
Further Adventuretm
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1 Limitless ©2016
The Oath Bound Blade
Adventure Awaitstm
A Gift of Devotion the wayside, in the filth, an old blind beggar sits with his bowl, dressed in rags. An old
crutch, wrapped in dirty cloth, is propped on a missing leg. He holds the empty bowl up and
shakes it as the party approaches. He looks deep in the paladin's eyes and smiles with rotten
festering teeth. 'A meal for an old man? Please, I haven't eaten in days.'

If anyone other than a paladin attempts to place something in the bowl, he quickly moves it - or covers it with his
hand, apologetically ("I know my child here will take care of me."). Once paid, the man nods and offers the paladin his
crutch, even if just for a moment, and asks for a blessing. The cloth falls away to reveal the blade. The beggar laughs,
but has no recollection of the event. If magic is used to determine his origin, either have a bit of celestial be detected -
or have the old man sneeze, causing the spell to fail.

The Luck of the Ancients

...the party tramps through the fallow field, the rough terrain knotted with weeds and
bracken that snag and pull at your clothes. Although the bushes and trees are sparse, only a
few years fallow, the vines growing along the ground make the going slow. You (the paladin)
take one step into a shin-deep hole, which causes you to fall forward. Throwing your arm out
to catch a branch nearby, he steady yourself and stand up. Looking down, you notice the
branch is metal, a longsword half buried in the earth - tiny tendrils of morning glories wound
around the pommel.

A stroke of luck should bring a more neutral or nature-based Paladin to their goal: reaching out a hand and finding the
blade already there. If a player rolls a 1 on battle, break their blade, and have them trip over the Oath blade nearby the
same round - it should still be wrapped in vines to hint at its origin.

The Avenger's Destiny

... You can see a figure at the top of the next rise, a quarter of a mile away, slumped against
a tree. He appears to be talking with someone, waving his arms, pleading, gesturing around
with his sword. His movements tell of his exhaustion. Finally, he nods - the plume of his
helmet dancing in silhouette against the sky. He turns, sees the party, and waves. He
attempts to stand, using his sword as a brace, and falls. He waves again. As the party
reaches the bottom between the hills, he pulls himself up onto one knee - dusts himself off,
bows his head, and holds the sword out with both hands. When the party is still a few
hundred feet away, he gently places the sword on the ground before him and slumps over

The knight bled out beneath the tree, but his will pushed him to offer his sword to the next to take it up in vengeance
against the forces of darkness. He cannot be stabilized, as he is dead. Revivify will not work because his soul is at rest,
and he does not wish to return. Speak with Dead may reveal that he was a Paladin of the path of vengeance, and he
sought to pass on his weapon before he passed.

2 Limitless ©2016
The Oath Bound Blade
Levels 1 - 4
The Oath Bound Blade, Level 1, common
"The Oath Bound Blade is a simple, well crafted longsword with a fine gold thread woven into the
braiding of the pommel. Where the crossguard meets the blade is the Paladin's holy symbol. The end
of the hilt contains an empty steel loop, appropriate for mounting a gemstone. Any non-paladin
character holding the blade will feel an uncomfortable prickling sensation in the palm of their

Oath's Sign
longsword, common

Oath's Sign is this initial form of the Oath Bound Blade, a longsword (1d8 slashing / 1d10 versatile) of simple functional design
that may also function as a Paladin's holy symbol. Because of its design, it is worth 30gp - but the uncomfortable nature of the
prickling sensation would tend to make it unlikely that anyone would buy it. While made with celestial magics to allow it to
transform and grow with the user, it does not inflict magical damage.

The Oath Bound Blade, Levels 1-2, uncommon

Oath's Bond
longsword, uncommon

Oath's Bond may act as the Paladin's holy symbol, as well as allows the player to use an action to cast True Strike once per
long rest. Additionally, on a critical hit, the blade will flash a bright light that will blind the opponent on a failed Wisdom save
using the Paladin's Spell Save DC. Oath's Bond is considered a magical weapon for inflicting damage.

Oath's Sign may be converted to Oath's Bond by means of a large pearl (100gp) that is bonded to the hilt, using a specialized

The Oath Bound Blade, Levels 3-4, uncommon

Oath's Path
+1 longsword, uncommon ; Attunement required

Oath's Path may act as the Paladin's holy symbol, and is transformed in appearance once attuned by a 3rd level or higher
Paladin. A Paladin wielding Oath's Path may cast Warding Bond once per long rest on any creature that can be touched by the
blade, up to 10ft away if the target reaches out to touch the blade.

Oath's Path can be created from Oath's Sign or Oath's Bond via a ritual of attunement after reaching 3rd level and choosing a
path. During this ritual, only one previous spell ability of the sword may be retained when it becomes Oath's Path. The ritual is
revealed to the Paladin during the process of choosing a path and leveling. Components may be necessary, and additional
questing may be needed.

Oath of Devotion - "The crossguard transforms into closely-layered, stylized wings. Engraved rays streak up the blade from the
holy symbol."
Green Knight - "The crossguard becomes embossed with tiny leaves; engraved vines of ivy and oak leaves run up the length of
the blade."
Avenging Knight - "The ends of the crossguard terminate in points. The etched weld and fold of the metal is revealed up the
length of the blade in a manner reminiscent of flames."

3 Limitless ©2016
The Oath Bound Blade
Levels 5 - 16
If the player finds one of the higher-level versions of The Oath Bound Blade later in the campaign, please choose one
additional ability from the following: True Strike, Blinding Flash (see Oath's Bond), or Warding Bond to add to the
blade - giving it some history in the hands of another paladin.
The Oath Bound Blade, Levels 5+, rare

Oath's Ward
+2 longsword, rare ; Attunement required

Oath's Ward may act as the Paladin's holy symbol, and is transformed in appearance once attuned by a 3rd level or higher
Paladin. A Paladin wielding Oath's Ward may cast Death Ward once per long rest on any creature that can be touched by the
blade, up to 10ft away if the target reaches out to touch the blade.

Oath's Ward may be created from Oath's Sign, Oath's Bond, or Oath's Path via a ritual of attunement. During this ritual, only
one previous spell ability of the sword may be retained when it becomes Oath's Ward. The ritual may be revealed to the Paladin
as a boon, continued revelation of the sword's history. Attunement requires mounting an appropriate 500gp gemstone into the
hilt (destroying any previous gemstone in the process) and a DC 15 Charisma Save. Failing the save destroys the gemstone, and
the transformation fails. The transformation may be reattempted once per day with a new gemstone.

see Oath's Path for additional appearance information.

The Oath Bound Blade, Levels 11+, very rare

Oath's Light
+2 longsword, very rare ; Attunement required

Oath's Light may act as the Paladin's holy symbol, and is transformed in appearance once attuned by a 3rd level or higher
Paladin. A Paladin wielding Oath's Light may use a bonus action to speak a command word, causing the blade to shine as per
the daylight spell. Any target hit while this ability is activated takes an additional 1d6 radiant damage. Another bonus action
may be used to end this effect.

Oath's Light may be created from Oath's Sign, Oath's Bond, Oath's Path, or Oath's Ward via a ritual of attunement. During this
ritual, only one previous spell ability of the sword may be retained when it becomes Oath's Ward. The ritual may be revealed to
the Paladin as a boon, or continued revelation of the sword's history. Attunement requires mounting an appropriate 1000gp
gemstone into the hilt (destroying any previous gemstone in the process) and a DC 17 Charisma Save. Failing the save destroys
the gemstone, and the transformation fails. The transformation may be reattempted once per day with a new gemstone.

see Oath's Path for additional appearance information.

4 Limitless ©2016
The Oath Bound Blade
Levels 17+
If the player finds the Oath's Wrath version of The Oath Bound Blade later in the campaign, please choose one
additional ability from the following: true strike, blinding flash (see Oath's Bond), warding bond, or death ward to add
to the blade - giving it some history in the hands of another paladin.
The Oath Bound Blade, Levels 17+, legendary

Oath's Wrath
+3 longsword, legendary ; Attunement required

Oath's Wrath may act as the Paladin's holy symbol, and is transformed in appearance once attuned by a 3rd level or higher
Paladin. A Paladin wielding Oath's Wrath may use a bonus action to speak a command word, causing the blade to shine as per
the daylight spell. Any target hit while this ability is activated takes an additional 2d6 radiant damage. Another bonus action
may be used to end this effect.
Once per long rest, a Paladin wielding Oath's Wrath with the daylight ability activated may create a burst of radiant energy in a
10 foot radius. Any chosen creature in the area must succeed on a Constitution Saving throw or take 8d6 radiant damage and
be blinded. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes half damage, and isn't blinded. Paladins with 17 or more levels
in the paladin class increase the radius to 30 feet.

Oath's Wrath may be created from Oath's Sign , Oath's Bond , Oath's Path , Oath's Ward , or Oath's Light via a ritual of
attunement. During this ritual, only one previous spell ability of the sword may be retained when it becomes Oath's Ward. The
ritual may be revealed to the Paladin as a boon, or continued revelation of the sword's history. Attunement requires mounting
an appropriate 5000gp gemstone into the hilt (destroying any previous gemstone in the process) and a DC 19 Charisma Save.
Failing the save destroys the gemstone, and the transformation fails. The transformation may be reattempted once per day with
a new gemstone.

see Oath's Path for additional appearance information.

5 Limitless ©2016
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