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We didn’t know how the way of thinking changes based on our society at the
same time differences between the parts of society also affect the way of


One long period ago my son had a medical problem called HIV.that period of
time people didn’t know about the issue. so they are neglecting, my son.
Because we are living in the lowermost area of the country.

People said this problem only happened by unhealthy sexual behavior. so

they think he was not a good person. they did character shaming. And stop
children’s and men’s play with him.

I also agree that he did not have good character, and always avoid him
touching and speaking with me.

So he feels lonely in his life, even though we also have a fear of his problem
because it has a chance to spread to others through physical relationships,
personally thinks using and a chance to spread to others.

We take him to the city hospital, and he enters the doctor’s room, I am waiting
in reception, and one young person comes with his daughter 10 years old
seating near me.

When the doctor come out of his room he ran to the doctor and start crying
and said please save my daughter, I was too shocked because his daughter
looks very healthy and played with the children very happy.

Doctor something said to her father and go to the operation theater, then he
came and sit near me. I ask him what was the problem and why you are too
crying, His daughter looks good, and he starts crying, and I hold his hand.
He tries to stop crying and starts telling his daughter problem “my daughter
has HIV and there is no permanent treatment for that “, I was totally shocked
and I think how it was possible she was too young.

There is no chance of misbehavior, how it was possible when the attendee

call me I realise myself, and went to the doctor’s room, my son sit right on me.
the doctor explains what is the problem, the stage of his problem and what is
the treatment he has given him.

Finally, I personally ask him about the little girl, how she got that virus problem,
there is no chance for misbehavior at this age how she got a problem, the
doctor looked at me with a smiling face.

And said, “sir, there are many chances to get this virus not only by the
misbehavior, this virus affected person’s blood and spittle mixing with drinking
water or something, whenever we use that there is a possibility of getting HIV”.
this is the way she gets that problem.

Now I realize what is happening in my son’s life and come t my home I spread
that matter to all the people who misjudge my son. And now I care my son
with full love. for more…


All matters/species have good and bad faces, that are only decided by way
of thinking


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