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Activated Sludge

Activated sludge refers to a flocculent

culture of organisms developed in
aeration tanks under controlled
conditions, according to WEF.

Activated sludge is typically brown in

color. Activated sludge is also known as
waste activated biosolids or waste
activated solids.

The sludge consists of a mixed blend of

microorganisms, 95% of which are a
variety of mostly aerobic species of
bacteria, according to Science Direct.
Activated sludge also contains
populations of fungi, protozoa and higher
forms of invertebrates.
According to Dokuz Eylill University, the
basic function of the activated sludge
process is to establish and maintain a
viable population of microorganisms.
There are several stages necessary for

Aeration Tank

An aeration tank provides the required

detention time and ensures that the
activated sludge and the influent
wastewater are thoroughly mixed.

Mechanical or Diffused Aeration

Mechanical aeration systems use agitators

or mixers to mix air and mixed liquor.
Diffused aeration systems use pressurized
air released through diffusers near the
bottom of the tank.
Settling Tank

Activated sludge systems are equipped

with plain settling tanks designed to
provide approximately 2 to 4 hours of
hydraulic detention time.

Return Sludge & Activated Sludge

The return sludge system includes pumps,

a timer or variable speed drive, and a
flow measurement device. An activated
sludge system consists of the same
components but in some cases, the waste
activated sludge withdrawal is
accomplished by adjusting valves on the
return system.
The Activated Sludge Process
The activated sludge process is designed
to speed up the rate of decomposition of
waste material in water and was first
developed in 1914, according to the
International Water Association.

The activated sludge process was first

tested at the Manchester - Davyhulme
Wastewater Treatment Plant, in a
"mobile" pilot-plant. Most parts of the
pilot-plant unit were made of wood, but
the installation already exhibited most
characteristic features of the activated
sludge process used today. This includes
the continuous-flow arrangements with
separate clarifiers and activated sludge
recycle and the fill-and-draw
arrangement, also known as a sequencing
batch reactor (SBR), according to the
International Water Association.
The activated sludge process is a means of
treating both municipal and industrial

The activated sludge process is a multi-

chamber reactor unit that uses highly
concentrated microorganisms to degrade
organics and remove nutrients from
wastewater, producing quality effluent.

The goal is to maintain aerobic conditions

and to keep the activated sludge
suspended. To achieve this, a continuous
and well-timed supply of oxygen is
re uired.
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Floes of bacteri a are suspen ded and

mixed with wastew ater in an aerated
tank, and the bacteri a use the organic
polluta nts to grow and transfo rm it to
energy, water, CO2 and new cell materia l.
The floes can be remove d in the
second ary clarifie r by gravity settling and
some of this sludge is recycle d from the
clarifie r back to the reactor . The effluen t
can then be dischar ged to final polishin g.

Activated sludge sewage treatme nt is
ideally comple ted in a central ized
treatme nt facility and the treatme nt of the
sludge can occur in most climates. Colder
environ ments reduce the treatme nt
capacit y, howeve r.

According to the Pennsy lvania

Depart ment of Enviro nmenta l Protect ion
(DEP), the conven tional activat ed sludge
process is suscept ible to failure from
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