Oxford Phonics World 5 SB

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» > ainterg, Do WS NS Multi-roms hy ae © > Ze » ee So Julia Chang eR A peu TE Tae ar ir ur er or ar... car farm park star ir ur .bird girl nurse purple er or. . teacher sister doctor tractor Story 7) ou ow oj oy 00 u = PPbscuasssseet:iits39a3 teameerrennt 12 ou ow . mouse house cow brown. oi oy. . coin soil toy boy 00 . book foot bush pull a rsa cc cs bisa nanananemnnices 5adk 584d sash bs Leen 19 Review 1 song’2° Game Oz). au_aw all wa or oar Y Bove rssna351 32353 scmemmmemmad 24 .20 au aw. . sauce August prawn draw all wa . - ball tall water walk or oar. . horse fork roar board Story .. a) are air ea ear ear eer Y Pc peeveirisysesescuemand 32 are air........ square share chair hair ea ear. bread head bear pear . ear clear deer cheer dp4 Review 2 Song ‘4 Game 40 eae, he she tiger child ou. . cold hotel uniform music panda gorilla banana umbrella . chicken pencil lemon surprise monkey love son honey Review 3 Song Game @ t kn wr mb e rh st is € # sear & knife knee write wrong lamb comb glove live thino rhubarb whistle castle a7) ture sure tion sion ous ful Qo ture sure...... picture nature treasure measure tion sion...... station competition television excursion ous ful. . famous dangerous beautiful helpful d Review) 4 song Game @ Picture Dictionary Student Cards.... Certificate % eo 24 4 44 44 SS OSG, 4 4S 4S 4S SM BAK OSB MAK 6 Listen, point, and read. 05 : & cap 62a car * & fan a SS pan wf park stamp * star oO Say, match, and write. star car park farm oS There’ 's a car a ae een and a star in the park. a, An la iii ey fo A, ft AY Lb Ah An Arti, 6 Say, read, and circle. $4 ts Cgirl> nurse bird purple glue nose bed pillow oO Listen and write. Then number. 09 1. The “Nurse has a hat. 2qThe ——~—CSWantstobeaa 3. This is a The = takes her purple bird to the nurse. 6 Listen and connect. iz * doctor desk i * nurse apr . eteacher _ 4. - § . ° sister . etractor - Me" » mother efarm oO Circle and write. 1 Zs er er teach or tract or : “@ er s er t f doc or do} sist or o ————— EE ut A (2 e Listen and ehant. Then read.( The ——— the ee ana my sister ride a tractor. Aa La ae he, An li, Qouom Were you right? ~ Read. 1. shirt 2. hurt 3. finger y. shark 5. actor 6. dirt BET) os: Fete] New words: race slow tire dirt answer | ~ Sight words: from who will ) ou ow Listen and learn. - Cy mouse Listen, point, and read. mouse house KE 6 Read and connect. ih * OWN « 2c »° OUSE 3. bre * OUSE 4me °OW « ° oO Listen, unscramble, and write. 20 Ne el ee AG usohe eumso rbnwo ocw 4p4 e Listen and chant. Then read. 21 The mouse and the cow live in a brown house. if hi? es 0-H Po -ws Listen and learn. é oi oy ea n 6 Listen and circle the ones with the same vowel sound. 3ii < 24 oO Listen and write. 33 a A little ; A big The is brown. The is red. wae e Listen and chant. Then read. 2¢ The boy can see a aor and a coin in the soil. he An Lh Ahh Mn Mole tn 4 An 4a le An 4 Lh An he 4, An, 00 u = Listen and learn. bush Listen, point, and read. [3 4 book foot bush pull a Wid ph ph op 1S oy ory pods ar ° Say, crcleva and write. u oOo fo b sh t+ bk pl oO Say, connect, and write. I. feouesd heSoot 3. b: oor I Tpull a — — a bush with my foot. ty & 4A Mn hh 4 4 An Lb 4 le Ae 4 le Mlle 4, Aa ou ow Ol Oy OO U 6 Listen, circle, and write. 36 [i i, 3. oi CO OU 00 Oj OU con bk 4, 5. 6. u oi Ow 00 OU oy ou u oy bron b “hse Somer Listen, circle, and write. 3i Were you right? 1. 00 OU CY 2. U O| OW x 3. 0y CUCO 4. U OW Oj © Look and listen. Read along. ae SS | Aboy and a mouse play with toys in a farm house. It is cold outside. A Z brown cow wants to join the boy and the mouse in the house. Hello, boy. Hello, mouse. The soil and the bushes are cold. | Can I sleep in your house? ar ir ur er or ou ow oi oy dg © Look and listen. Sing along. 33 ” —_ SU Big purple tractor In the hot, hot, sun. Big purple tractor, Summer fun! There is a big purple tractor on our farm That works and works all day. With huge, black tires, it digs brown soil. It’s loud and slow, And it pulls our hay. We drive the big purple tractor from our house a0 7 To the apple tree. oe Happy boys and girls pick the red apples. am Me wd Then we bake pies ° For our family. 1. Are you in a house? 2. Do you have a coin in your bag? 3. Can you see a park from your window? 4. Are you a boy or a girl? Your partner Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Boy Girl Boy No No No Girl ar ir ur er or ou ow Oi Oy COU & oO Say and circle. m ° e yO e e b u rE} Find four more words in the puzzle. Circle and write. 1. The ~ hasa Review 1 eo ALA 4 44 44 4S OSM, 4 4S 4S 4S SM BAK OSB MAM ar Fh s TTR VTIV TCU TV TCV C VC OV “ — — 2 —_ Unit 3 ) au aw all wa or oar y ) Listen and learn. @ | i sauce ro eo ( a Joes prawn *) Listen, point, and read. Lioy 6 Listen and circle. 37 qu @ aw a X aw ej » ow — 4 bas a (YZ : ow *) @.8 a28 au * Au ee ou ' Ou Circle and write. ou 2 ou 2. ow au au aw Ss m Zz se dr a ow 5. BBS Au & aw , aw Ou i) au bron ~ gust pron ae e Listen and chants Then read. 328 OV ‘Tr I I draw and eat prawns with sauce in August. ) au aw all wa or oar : J Listen and learn. 39 ass ball) rst all == = 00 water 28 Listen, point, and read. iio eiis ball tall water walk Unit 3 =z oe sg G3 Sop Su tow 1 O oy ory By BS uy e AA 4A 44 44 4S OG, 4 4S 4S 4S SM 4K OSB Ae 6 Connect and write. 1. wae eal te eter 4. eal be elk 4 wae eter wae alll o Read and number. 1. Isee a ball in the water. 2. The tall man has a ball. 3. Tlike to walk in the water. 4. The tall girl can walk very fast. & e Listen and chant. Then read. iii, siti igo ent gd The tall boy can walk with a ball in the water. ey An 44 Ar th Ya A li Yn 44 An MY le An 4a Lh A lhe My Ar the “ou ew oS au aw all wa or oar = yj © Listen and learn. ii © Listen, point, and read. ij3 horse fork roar board __ 28 . " Lory Ley oy 19-5 Leos coy By 1 8 uy Cos 6 Listen and connect. What does the horse want? iii I draw a horse and a fork on the board and roar! ye Ee ahaa tctr ential aie au aw all wa or oar «~ © Listen, circle, and write. 46 I \ 2. al all or ow all ou au P= =k Sto to Ts" ce 4. 5. 6. am — ‘August au wa oar oar oy or All Ou Au ter gust 7. @ 8. a . BB aw wa all or all ou dr ere pec 1. wall 2. sport 4. saw 5. wand Unit 3 FS up RM ow py oi Were you right? 3. laundry b 00 ‘aw \ ——————— Look and listen. Read along. It is August. My brother and sister play The fish are too fast, but the with a ball and an oar on the beach. prawn is slow. I catch the T walk in the water with a net. prawn in my net! i My mother can cook the Look! This prawn has brothers and prawn, and I can eat it sisters. It likes to play in the water, with sauce and a fork. just like me. Goodbye, prawn. New words: oar beach cook Sight words: goodbye eC ES ss Leet 5 9 all are air ea ear ear eer 6 Listen and learn. 6 Listen and draw squares. ar ORG a ate oO Read and number. 1. The girl has long hair. 2. The square is blue. 3. This is my blue chair. 4. We like to share a chair. (QO ooo —d wa We share a big square chair and brush our hair. SHE d=) Bee, Ba) are air ea ear ear eer & 6 Listen and learn. 6 Listen, write, and match. 55 oO Look at the picture in Activity @ and write. pear head bread bear 1. The is on a chair. 2. The bear has a big aqhe——SS yellow. 4, The mouse is eating the 4g4 e Listen and chant. Then read. 5¢ The bear has a pear and bread on his head. 6 Listen and number. 5< wae = er TP 1 Q = a oO e Listen and chant. Then read. ¥ I I cheer when I see the ears on the deer. ea 4» 4 Ale MY Art, 4 La lh Pann atad adnan a are air ea ear ear eer 6 Listen, circle, and write. 61 | é . ball | & air ear ea are ear air b SQu Cc 2 UY OR ear ea are eer ea air br doch ch i. eer are 2. eer air 3. are €a 4. are ear ool 7 ‘aw py 9 all ir oe Look and listen. Read along. This is Clare, and that is Clark. Clare has small ears and long hair. Clark has a big head and short hair. je” a Clark has some bread. Clare has a pear. Clark wants the pear, and Clare wants some bread. Clark and Clare sit on a chair. Clare and Clark have a bear. They share the chair, the beor, They both want the bear. Mother the bread, and the pear. says, “Don't fight! You must share.” Mother gives a cheer. short ht both must ives au aw all wa or oar are air © Look and listen. Sing along. ou > er Dad takes my brother and me, So the man can cut our hair. My brother is short. He sits on a board. Tm tall. I sit in the chair. The man sprays water on our heads, And then he cuts our hair. Dad takes my brother and me, So the man can cut our hair. It’s August so he cuts it short. Now we can see our ears. This time my brother does not cry, And we all give a cheer. Yay! Er yeeview 2 Z Dy J ouy 1c owe ar wa Ue «yore ® 44 4 44 44 44 464 4 44 4 44 4 4S 44 4S ea ear ear eer oe Listen and circle. 65 I. sauce horse square head 2. ball bear hair walk 3. chair prawn cheer draw 4. deer clear August water 5. roar share ear fork 6. bread bear prawn tall e Read and check. Then ask your partner and check. Your partner |. Are you tall? Yes No Yes No 2. Do you walk to school? Yes No Yes No 3. Can you draw a horse? Yes No Yes No 4. Cana bear drink water? Yes No Yes No 5. Do you eat bread with Yes No Yes No a fork? au aw all wa or oar are air ea ear oO Listen, read, and write. 6¢ .Ican 2. The hasabig 3.1 a with my sister. 4. The oo jumps overqg e Look, write, and match. abcdefghijkIlmnopqrstuvwxyz 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1. 6 15 18 Il 2. 19 1721 | 18 5 3. 23 1 20 5 18 9 1 213 5 2185 1 4 81 9 18 Review 2 7 u 6 au ‘aw py 9 all a or ar py Bare ir e 24 4 44 44 4S OSG, 4 4S 4S 4S SM BK OSB MAM ear eer There is \ abear on a chair, a a Tam not tall. \@ | Idrawon | \ the board. oY Ahorse cannot roar. je 2 dgd e Listen and chant. Then read. 35 It’s wrong to play with a knife on your knee. ey An 44 An lh Ya A fi Yn 44 An bY le An 4 Lh A lhe My Ar ti, ; I ~\. re = -mber = — © Listen and learn. = ST, | «a lamb f — 6 Listen, point, and read. Q wy eo Vo la co q 6 Listen and circle the silent letter. Then match. 3¢ 1. liv(e}e 2combe | “oe 3.gloves ~& WA . 4 lamb - oO Read and write. 1. Twearq on my hand. al 2A is a baby sheep. 2 3, [ in this house. = 4, Ihave a for my hair. at 4 e Listen and haat Then read. 39 ta I live with a lamb, a comb, and a glove. a, An Fp PE ee 4 An ft 4a he 4a An 4 Ar lh An, An li, — = ) kn wr mb e th st = _ © Listen and learn. p , = AOL} \ 6 a 6 ino ubarb whistle casile fo 6 Listen and circle the silent letter. Then match. 42 i.whistlee ° 2rhubarbe . ip 3.rhinoe GF 4 castles oO Find, circle, and write. fcastleymrhubarborwhistlexrhinow ~~ e Listen and. jehant Then read. 3 oy The rhino tt in the marie has rhubarb and a whistle. he An 4 A th 4a Arf 4a» 4444 An Mn he 4A 4 4 Ar he Ar hae Ws ee 01-0 7 > ————— kn wr mb e ths = == © Read and write. i comb rhino wrong live knee glove write whistle lamb rhubarb castle knife ~ Read. Were you right? = know wrap thumb 2 come listen 6 Look and listen. Read along. The\Combjand\the Dragon aE Iam Henry. I live in a castle. T hear the whistle. A dragon is here! My father is the king. He can fight The king's men don't like dragons. dragons with his knife. 0 I comb the dragon's hair. I put on my glove. I don't have The dragon is as tame as a lamb. a knife, but I have a comb. All the king's men are wrong. The dragon is on its knees. Dragons are good, not bad! - Henry fight dragon hear tame } | here L cmb YY eee hy 1A sy Iga ture ie sure ES tion ED sion fr tz ) ture sure fic ion ous fu —_ 7 © Listen and learn. iié sure © Listen, point, and read. ii Ls 8 ture ture sure sure 72 sy ho - a \ np G we > oO Read and number. |. Imeasure the knife. 2. The treasure is in the castle. 3. like to read books about nature. 4. This is a picture of a lamb. dpd e Listen and chant. Then read. io I measure the picture of the treasure. Le 4p 4 Ah 44 4h, 4a lh ae bf Lt he &» 6 Listen and connect. Where are they going? 52 ~ competition « television * measure » excursion » nature » picture » station I «treasure oO Listen and write. 53 station competition television excursion 1. Itisa to find the treasure. 2. There is a competition on 3. I see a picture of a train 4, It is a school 4g4 e Listen and chant. Then read. 5ii I watch the competition on television. aie eam — —— ) ure sure tion sion ous ful — P © Listen and learn. 53 | famous . ous] full ture sure stion sion a4 4 44 6444 64444 6 Listen and connect. 57 1. crocodile + * helpful « o? ag x nurse * * dangerous * “hk 2. treasures » beautiful » . tigers * dangerous « . 2% 3. doctors ebeautifule > picture « «famous ° ° & oO Circle and write. 4 e Listen and chant. Then read. 5 " The famous singer is beautiful and helpful. = ture sure tion sion ous ful —& 6 Listen, circle, and write. 59 I. 2. ge @: tion sion ture sure ful ous tion sion sure ture ful ous sta trea -beauti Yoo, Listen, circle, and, write. 66 1. sure ture 2. ture sure q Cu p eda 3. tion sion 4. sion tion ac Vi Unit 8) wre er e thy st ture sure stion sion oe Look and listen. Read along. Kelly is famous. She is on television. Kelly is at the station with _Kelly has a snake. Kelly and her snake like apicture. She wants the nature. They climb mountains, They walk box in the picture. across a bridge. They swing across ariver. There They go into a cave. Kelly can see are crocodiles in the river. It is the box. There is treasure in the dangerous. Kelly's snake is helpfull box. The treasure is beautiful b across bridge = = kn wr mb e rh st ture sure Look and listen. Sing along. There is a castle, a tall, tall, castle, A beautiful castle in the sky. And in the castle lives a famous dragon That can write with smoke, play music, and fly. They say this dragon is tame and happy. He has lots of treasure and likes to share. Let’s pack a lunch and take an excursion To see this dragon that lives up there. gal ture joe sure p58 tion EDI sion jr tion sion ous ful oe Listen and circle. 63 1. comb rhino glove wrong 2. station picture whistle helpful 3. famous knife lamb castle 4. dangerous knee measure write 5. live rhubarb competition glove 6. knife dangerous wrong excursion e Read and check. Then ask your partner and check. Your partner 1. Do you like nature? Yes No Yes No 2. Can you blow a whistle? Yes No Yes No 3. Do you live in a castle? Yes No Yes No 4. Do you like television? Yes No Yes No 5. Are you a helpful child? Yes No Yes No reviews CI ous ful Bieuiccoe kn wr mb e rh st_ ture sure tion sion oO Listen, read, and write. 6 knife write beautiful castle 1.Ican my name. 2. The king lives in a 3. I cut the fruit with my 4. That picture is e Look, write, and match. abcdefghijkIlmnopqrstuvwxyz 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1.13 5 1 19 21 18 5 2.18 8 9 415 3.1920 | 209 15 14 205 125 229 199 1514 7 12 15 22 5 41147 5 181521 19 Review Ye wry mb e thy st ture sure stion sion e 24 4 44 44 44 OSG, 4 4S 4S 4S SM 4K OSB AM a - rhubarb castle knife whistle 3 Ao ae beautiful 2 helpful station dangerous famous excursion a 2 i measure 3 a0 os —% 2 - nature television picture Dictionary =o e+ @ o: 0) 2 § ue (3) ey 6 me a, : “es maser ee Tae GB park star nurse teacher doctor eae August |} prawn tie w Sag G8 uf + + | = ve sé> square bread . re) | Ga ee 0 _) 6 =_ om ml ‘ eee! >) oa — i i % acorn baby fjelevator)} lady surprise 82 rhubarb 86 nature 90 competition ” dangerous 83 whistle 87 treasure 9 television 95 beautiful castle 88 measure eo8 On Se tUOUd P103*O pajajdwos Ajjnyssa>0ns spy Uo OXFORD [New York, NY 10016 USA Great Catendon Street, Oxford, ox 6b, United Kingdom Oxford University Pes is department of de University of Oxon Tore te nsvery sober excelent reer, tri, 1d education by publishing worldvide- Oxford isa registered wade ‘maxk of Oxford University Press in the UK ain ceva other courses ‘© Oxford University res 2015 ‘The moral igh of the asthor have ben asserted san: 978089 46986 4 nteractive ebook Ismn 978039 40;9888Ineractveebook-app version ist published in 2015, No copying or ile sharing ‘This iia poliaionsprotcetes by sterational copyright laws [Nopat of hs digital puoiation may be reprodced Modes, aaped, stored ina retieval system, or ansaid, nan frm or by any means, {any other person or company without the peor permision swans ‘Oxford Universi Press. or as expessy permite by aw. 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Authors Kaj Schwermer, Julia Chang, and Craig Wright, and musician Laurie Thain are experienced teachers and teacher trainers who specialize in phonics instruction. OXFORD Ison sveosaaoei UNIVERSITY PRESS _ 1 Nh lll ‘www.oup.com/eltoxfordphonicsworld 1940596213)

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