Psychosocial DLL Q1 W1

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 22– 26, 2022 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 1st QUARTER


A. Content Standards  Improve fine motor skills; explore resourcefulness and ingenuity

B. Performance Standards

C. MELC/ Objectives
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide/Pages Psychosocial Support Activity Pack/Handouts of the Conduct and Facilitation of PPS Activities
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from Learning
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint Powerpoint Powerpoint
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Greetings with grade 5 learners Greetings with grade 5 learners
presenting new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the Getting to know each other Show a picture of helping hands Ask each one to mimic each
lesson through singing feeling, or to show the feeling
“Kamusta, Kamusta” they’re feeling in the moment by
making that specific facial reaction
at the same time. You can count:
one, two, three - then have each
one show their emotion through
their facial expression
C. Presenting examples/ Teacher invites learners to be in a Ask your learners: Activity: Animal safe
instances of the new lesson comfortable seated position. when you look at your “helping
The teacher invites learners to hands” See page 2-3 for instruction of this
breathe gently, relaxing their chest “what do you think about the
and shoulders as they do so, and people in your life? When you
noticing how their stomachs turn to these persons, how do activity.
expand when they inhale, and they make you feel?
contract as they exhale; they may Emphasize the importance of Discuss about the importance of
even want their learners to check having a support system of safety and what steps they can
if they are breathing correctly by people they can trust, who have take when they don’t feel safe in
putting their hands on their bellies their best interests at heart in their bodies or in their
to check ( and then reminding order to work through difficult environment.
them they can let go of their times.
bellies when the script begins).

Teacher reads the script in a

soothing, soft tone, giving
instructions gently and slowly, to
encourage relaxation. Teacher
needs to keep her eyes open
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity: Cloud relaxation? Activity: Ask learners to trace Activity: Body Mirror
practicing new skills #1 around their hands on either
paper (bond or construction See page 30 for instruction of this
See page 8 for instruction of this paper) or recycled cardboard. activity.
activity. Then ask them to cut this out.
Remind your learners that they How did you feel while doing the
Ask the students can work with a friend if they activity?
need help with this. What did you like about the
How do you feel? How does your activity?
body feel? What did you notice Ask them to make at least 2-3 What did you learn about yourself
about your breath? What do you sets of hands, or a total of at during this activity? How did it feel
think about breathing? How least 6 hand cut-outs. like to take turns during the
important is it? activity? What did you learn about
your body and ability to be the
mirror of your partner?
E. Discussing new concepts and Say: sometimes when we are Let each group present their role Activity: Feelings Circle
practicing new skills #2 stressed our bodies feel tight, and play and then ask the larger
our breath is short; it comes only group for comments, or other
to our chest. One way to relax is to ideas on how to solve the issue.
breathe. It helps all our organs See page 26 for instruction of this
function well, and helps us to be activity.
healthy, when we breathe
properly, all the way to our What did you discover about
stomachs. We may also want to yourself as you were making it or
talk about other emotions and as you look at the chart now?
how this affects our breathing Did the wheel make it easier for
patterns (i.e. when we feel angry you to talk about your feelings?
or scared, our breathing pattern is What helped? - colors, having
short and fast). Breathing deeply is space for different feelings to be in
a way for us to regulate our the same wheel, thinking about
emotions. Shortness of breath can how big the feeling is?
lead to impulsive actions such as While listening to your classmates
shouting or throwing so breathing share, what was going on in your
can help us preempt this. You may mind?
also want to integrate this into How did it feel like to give your
check in activities -- if they’re listening ears to your classmates?
feeling 8 to 10 in the stress What did you learn from your
spectrum, they can do deep classmates?
breathing as a way to regulate. What resources do you have to
deal with your feelings?
F. Developing Mastery Activity: How are you today? Activity: We can work it out Activity: Camera
(Lead to Formative Assessment)
See page 11 for instruction of this As a class, ask learners about the See page 34-35 for instruction of
activity various conflicts they encounter this activity.
in the classroom. Let them share
What was fun about how they work out their What helped you find a solution to
collaborating? problems. the problem you remembered?
What was not so fun about Was there anyone who helped
collaborating? Role play their situation using the you? Who were they?
How was your experience of steps on the poster or What did you learn about yourself
finding a solution to a problem? blackboard. in recalling the challenge you
How did role playing the solution managed to solve?
make you feel? Who or what could help you find a
How does working together solve solution to your current problem?
G. Finding practical application of What different emotions did you What was it like to role play the Activity: Confidence drawings
concepts and skills in daily living. learn about today? Tell a story problem and find solutions?
about when you felt that emotion. See page 38 for instruction of this
What does that emotion feel like How was it to experience activity.
in your body? How do you feel communicating with your peers
when you are moving? How do and trying to manage conflict?
you feel when you are breathing?
What do you think about the
problem solving steps?

How would these help you in

your daily life?
H. Making Generalizations and How did you feel about the Offer learners feedback on your How often do you think about
Abstraction about the Lesson activities observations about how they your positive qualities?
What was the most difficult part? addressed the issues that each a. How do your positive
What did you like most about this group had. Stress the importance qualities/strengths help
activity? of listening, taking turns, you overcome challenges
How do you feel now? What did cooperation, determination and in life or in school? How
you learn about emotions today? patience in problem solving. did you feel hearing your
Remember: It’s okay to feel classmates share about
different feelings, what’s most themselves and their
important is that you don’t hurt positive qualities?
yourself or anyone or destroy
I. Evaluating Learning In a piece of paper write a list of Ask learners to create a poster Activity: Tree of life
“Ways to respond” to their hard they can bring home and share
feelings. this with their family. See page 41-42 for instruction of
this activity.

What would you like to share

about your work? You can share
one or some parts of your tree.
What was this activity like for you?
What did you discover about
yourself in the process?
What do you like about your tree?

J. Additional Activities for Create a puppet using supot ng

Application or Remediation bigas.
A. No. of learners earned
80% in the evaluation
B. Number of learners who
are required additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with the
D. Number of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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