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An adjective has a definite role to play in a sentence. It describes or modifies a noun, e.g., beautiful girl,
conscientious student, elegant dining room.
A. Adjectives in Context
Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the italicized word.
1. While taking the examination, the student was uneasy.
a. uncomfortable c. irritable
b. sick
2. The conscientious students are very studious.
a. serious c. best
b. diligent
3. My classmate was given a medal for academic excellence.
a. school c. learning
b. scholastic
4. The teachers should try to help the students achieve their maximum potential.
a. utmost c. academic
b. improved
5. The achieving student reached unprecedented results.
a. learning c. results-oriented
b. diligent
6. A school should maintain a harmonious atmosphere.
a. cordial c. orderly
b. studious
7. The school boats of motivated students.
a. carefree c. active
b. inspired
8. The school is known for its committed teachers.
a. excellent c. dedicated
b. hardworking
9. Jose is a voracious reader.
a. avid c. selfish
b. interesting
10. There are updated books in the library.
a. condensed b. abundant
c. current

An adjective has what we call a comparative and superlative form. The comparative form, which compares
two things, ideas, or people, is formed by adding the suffix er to the base form of the adjective or the word
more or less before the base form. The superlative form, on the other hand, adds the suffix est to the base form
of the adjective or the word most or least before the base form. The superlative form compares more than two
things, ideas, and people.
Look at these examples.
Base Comparative Superlative
smart smarter smartest
large larger largest
tidy tidier tidiest
elegant more elegant most elegant
modern more modern most modern
expensive more expensive most expensive
good better best
bad worse worst
Exercises for Comparison of Adjectives
A. Give the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.
1. conscientious more conscientious most conscientous
2. stout stouter stoutest
3. exciting more exciting most exciting
4. religious more religious most religious
5. great greater greatest
6. disappointed more disappointed most disappointed
7. serious more serious most serious
8. big bigger biggest
9. strong stronger strongest
10. efficient more efficient most efficient


B. Below is a list of nouns. Think of related adjectives derived from the given nouns. Write your answers
on the blanks.
Virtue virtuous
1. chastity chaste
2. beauty beautiful
3. drama dramatic
4. humility humble
5. justice just
6. cleanliness clean
7. ambition ambitious
8. kindness kind
9. diligence diligent
10. danger dangerous


Complete the following sentences by using a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun.
Example: They have their work and we have ours.
1. My computer isn’t working. Can I borrow yours?
2. What is Luis hiding in his safe?
3. Ronnie is writing his term paper.
4. I found my bag, but Luz can’t find hers.
5. The radio belongs to us. It’s ours.
Fill in the blanks with the opposites or antonyms of the following adjectives.
1. greedy - generous
2. calm - violent
3. exciting - boring
4. angelic - wicked
5. friendly - unfriendly
6. fine - ill
7. thin - thick
8. fair - unfair
9. noisy - quiet
10. cruel - merciful
11. generous - greedy
12. heavy - light
13. rough - smooth
14. proud - ashamed
15. polite - impolite


Insert the word or expression in parenthesis in the correct place in the sentence.
EXAMPLE: The students prepared a term paper. (well-written)
The students prepared a well-written term paper.
1. The topic revolved around the endangered species. (endangered)
2. The teacher gave them a difficult examination in English. (difficult)
3. They are selecting the best students who will compete in the math olympiad. (best)
4. His helpful classmates offered their assistance to Julian. (helpful)
5. The scholars presented the excellent skit. (excellent)
Encircle the appropriate answer which is closest in meaning.
1. I need to take a breather.
a. I’m tired. c. I’m excited
b. I’m happy.
2. We’re hiring a new employee.
a. We’re dismissing a new employee. c. We’re training a new employee.
b. We’re taking in a new employee.
3. Jerry felt the pinch.
a. Jerry experienced the hard times. c. Jerry lost his savings.
b. Jerry experienced prosperity.
4. I have butterflies in my stomach.
a. I am happy. c. I am nervous.
b. I am flattered.
5. My hands are freezing.
a. I feel uncomfortable. c. I feel uneasy.
b. I feel cold.
6. The evidence was rejected by the investigators.
a. The evidence was questioned by the investigators.
b. The evidence was accepted by the investigators.
c. The evidence was not accepted by the investigators.
7. They were trying out for the team.
a. The evidence was questioned by the investigators.
b. The evidence was accepted by the investigators.
c. The evidence was not accepted by the investigators.
8. Robert underestimated his ability to do the work.
a. He thought he couldn’t do the work. c. He wanted to finish the work
b. He was ahead of schedule.
9. May declined the job offer.
a. She accepted the job. b. She refused the job.
c. She found the job so difficult.
10. Josefa was annoyed by the sound.
a. She found the sound pleasing. c. She didn’t like the sound.
b. She heard the sound.
11. The teacher really means what he says.
a. The teacher is serious. c. The teacher is angry.
b. The teacher is joking.
12. Mario got into an argument with his cousin.
a. He agreed with his cousin. c. He did not like his cousin.
b. He had a disagreement with his cousin.
13. Rowena got up on the wrong side of the bed.
a. Her bed is uncomfortable. c. She woke up in a bad mood.
b. She did not sleep well.
14. I call the shots here.
a. I’m the leader. c. I’m the teacher.
b. I’m the follower.
15. Ruben owes you an apology.
a. He should flatter you.
b. He should say he’s sorry.
c. He should help you.

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