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Up Register mode 5s Regiden oddnesming modo 6: Register indineet mecle % puto jnerement and auko geenement ynode- ip. indexed mode 9. Pore- negintere mode Jo. Relahive mode Lee- 3 [i Ieteten Alves noes An imbue iy idl tp hae id Inherent addner» mode i} ih opecdle indiecdes he adnan oF He cperardt which i» unally Ye content oF CPU regidee Example ‘- liste: Se} the canny flay in the stuhw negiden - 8088, 280, M6620% lg. Abnolute Addnabing Node 9 dixjmtniclions aula igi aordute addrersing mode i* contrim Ae oldma of |Jhe operand + Exomple:- moy @#5000,R8Q ; RQ (S000) - GInncdibe Mode Twbrutlions) never an jmnuctlon contains ‘the operand value dis called immediahe mocle inshchion: Example i- aDD +88; ed u Regier, Wode:= An jmbruddion is” paid! tp have = a d vote Fi # ar neler ote 0b oppo ie gb. N one WAL In Ihe CPU egisler: Example’ ADD 92, R95 Ram RA*RS - : Regivhen Addving Nodes Tn jhe vegan alee mee the effective gdinom of aa fhe oad lew regiaten.- 6 Regulon Iutineh Mose Whenere® on pubnuchion spectfies dhe add @nr of a Pv reginter Hat holds Ihe le of om openand then fe coolg Ne mode ; [> known on negten ane mode’ Rxamples MOV (RR, (R25 (R97 < RKO oe Uda = j 7 Auto Tenement & Alo Decrement Mode + a na uo ale rede | fin am content ' [ps peice [per cpenand ard phen dlgln aman jo ploce» ation $s fhe regiakn content ane cute matically. Inenemenel by rome eonsbart Ke Enamae MOV (R24 .R3 “RO —& RQ A, BE RAL + K ln aulo geenement mode eaccept te confer of the npeaitied aU a regintet. ane finyh Jeenemented by K and Me onulting vive in wel jhe daddnas of Phe Jocenand* Example CLR- (RS) Re < AS-K (RD < O Se Injerel Mole: Ta the Inderal mode fhe wlue of RAL (Reference addr’) jy jneluded in the Smtrchion ank x @ 2A) gegisler conti fhe value Wodifien) elle CPU eye Fox» ealled the jar.» = Examplei- EAs RA + nM BA = RA +X salon Nee? Tn She bane rreginten addlnesnin ing pana meben. ane RP is held in a ppeanahe 3 Booke\ 50? WP-29 POF |) Setudl RISE ERIE meom Reduced Lnuddion Sek Compiler Fe The number of indruebon ip Jer» amcompane to Cie. 2 The oddrerring mode ane len- WE comune Lov poser: 15. U wonky in o fixed jmbmueto Ponmat: 6. U equines mone Ram — The RIS2 procersmon one highly, pipelined - 8 W ophimize> the pertonmances DS focubing on refkoone. i[Diffannce Boheen AIS@ @ CLSC> Cees 1 CLS mean Complex. Trkrudtion Sek Computer. \ the number 4s instrucdion iy JMONE > CoMyoRe eto R1S¢- 2 The addneming mole, ane more- ' 4D consumer high power: ST works in o variable | jatruction formal: [oD requines fer run The C1S@ procemon ane ev» iglinedd & Th optimees the petformore to focurlng On hardware - Boch bmdruction penfoams yo mrery- ebm that F faker revered clack eye fo come RUS Woored mochiner execute one . jwnuction pen dleck eyce- ubige* Book-\=> 6 dypesi- P- 39-80] nia bec between Jhe procesrron 1) Regipter. ‘bo Register. i> Regiaten bo Memony, ui) Menon Requstere- GN) Memeory fo memory, 2ecfahmadie: Inmbuuctions All jnabtuction ret ay AND ADD ond SVBSTRACT ‘lela fxanple'- xextd i ih focus 1 7 an& the main ymemony. Waal hi ak Atoll ite gy | a> , To vegieal Datudion= tre iniulion oc oF alk geacemnon | include boolean AND, OR,NOT ond Exelunive OR operation, on Ja bit by bit borin. Trin induction ra> ao inchide He Pollousing abit insbrution :- © Andtmetic Snitt ; (i) Logical Shift; (i Robed shift; 2-Fe— MY Preanom eortrel Trshuction: A program eon pelea | EE particdan. pequence of imtudion & to exeaded sored on | - jhe nent of computation » Thene gne UY group - 4 Uncoditional Branch Ins drudion 2. Conditional Branch Ins rudion 4. Sub-Rouline Tnahnuction Yo Trhenyet-Hanlling twsbnushion 5. swten_Contnch Iwtruction Wh dediging ryder wth several proceror’ Bein a hypicod yulli- pRoCebron. pyphem evens procerror will be ollowel fo share jingle memory — aa \ Sa fig Book > P- U7 —> Figure (POP serial-26) ® ona

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