Health Issues

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What are your views and thoughts on current and emerging social and public health problems in India
and what would be your suggestions/recommendations to policy makers to address these problems to
avoid major concerns in future?


Health is a state of complete physical, social and mental wellbeing. It may be many types but importantly
categorized into 3 like physical health, mental health and social health.

“The health of people is the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state
depend. India is passing through demographic and environmental transition which is adding to burden of
diseases. There is triple burden of diseases, viz. communicable, non-communicable and emerging
infectious diseases. This high burden of disease, disability and death can only be addressed through an
effective public health system. Public health is the science and Art of preventing diseases, prolonging life
and promotes individual’s health through organized efforts and informed choices. It deals with the group
of people rather than the individual. The main dimensions of public health are -health promotion, disease
prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, disability limitations and rehabilitations. The current major
public health challenges understand the nature of problem, urban and rural differentials, responsibility for
health, Indian system of Medicine, population problem and these leads to the major problem of the
country as its effects are adverse. diseases are the most abundant problem of India as the 50% of people
of India is suffering from disease all the time this is due to so many y factors like water managements,
sewer management , neighbor sanitization , medical untidiness and other air water soil and radiation
pollution also effect the public health of our India. As the India is developing country people are running
towards better with fewer efforts which leads to so many hazardous problems which affect the individual
and the people nearby them.

Public health can be improved by many factors-

1. Start being healthy at work-
Being healthy at work means to be active at the working place so that you can encourage the
other people also for the good public health.
2. Volunteer at a local social services
Policy maker should allow the people to engage voluntarily in the local social services to serve
the country for those who cannot effort to have a good health physically, mentally
3. Reducing using personal vehicle
Policy make should make the rule to reduce the use of personal vehicle as we know the Indian
population is increasing day by day and if everyone uses their personal vehicle then the air
pollution rate and the respiratory problems will reach to extreme though we affect the health of
our self and also the other people.
4. Taking care of your surrounding health

If we are talking about social health it is individual’s ability to interact and form meaningful relationships
with others. Social health is assigned as the engaging with people in your community, being yourself all
time, creating healthy boundaries that help with communication. The major social Health challenges or
problem faced in India is due to unemployment, diseases , negative thoughts, loneliness etc.

Unemployment is the most important factor and problem of India which effect the social health of an I
individual adversely as the negative thoughts and comparing thoughts make the individual ill and
unhealthy .

Social health can be improved by many factors-

1. Surround yourself with good people.

Being socially positive is the best way to be healthy therefore there should be a policy to have
regular psychological counseling of the individual as the dental checkups to check make the
society socially positive.
2. Practice self-care
Every individual should practice self-care by maintaining the positive thoughts being away from
negative people and the private sectors as well as government sectors should have policy for the
employees for taking me time in working ours to cope up with stress.
3. Engage in hobbies and extracurricular
Different sectors should encourage people to enjoy their hobbies so that they can overcome from
every health issues either mental or physical. The government should form NGOs for the poor
people also to help them from getting rid of their negative thoughts for particular period in a
month so that they can be able to have a good and healthy social life.
4. Stick to a healthy routine
5. Continue working in a better communication

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