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Part 1: Rearrange the sentences in the following paragraph in a logical order.
a. People nowadays, young and old, are benefiting from technology advances.
b. In addition, a lot more people are using email and the Internet on a daily basis.
c. First, there was a particularly strong growth in the sale and use of mobile phones.
d. For example, sales of communications technology grew dramatically in Japan in the 1990s.
e. Telephone bills, as a result, rose by nearly 10% from 1995 to 2000 even though
overall household expenditure fell.
f. Another example is that business people in their 50s, are spending more on
communications technology because they do not want to be left behind.

Write your order here.

1. a 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Part 2: Write the topic sentence for the following paragraph.


Along with a cover letter, it is the first impression a prospective employee makes on a potential
employer. Therefore, it is important that a résumé provide as much relevant information as
possible while remaining brief. A résumé should be no more than one full side of a sheet of
paper. All too many candidates make the mistake of submitting several pages which, more often
than not, don’t even get a second glance. Besides, a résumé must be neatly printed, with at least
three-quarter inch margins on all four sides. Use underlining, capital letters and asterisks to
highlight important information. A résumé should be single-spaced with an extra line between
blocks of information.

Part 3: “Happy Family Holidays” is a newly-established company based in your city. It deals
in package holidays, and its aim is to attract American families to visit your country or city by
offering them experiences that they cannot have at home.

An important part of your job as Publicity Officer for Happy Family Holidays is to make contact
with hotels in your country or city, inviting them to join your new venture. You will be asking
them to make their facilities, which you will sell directly to tourists as part of a package,
available to your company at a special price.

You will need to pay attention to the benefits that these hotels can have if they join you. Assume
that the hotels to which you are writing are hotels of good quality that have not been involved in
offering package holidays before.
Write a letter to a hotel of your choice, introducing Happy Family Holidays, and trying to obtain
their cooperation in your venture. Begin your letter with Dear …..,

Dear Sir/Madam,
We appreciate you for taking the time to meet with us to discuss our business partnership.
Following our meeting on 1st January 2023, I hereby write this business proposal letter. We are
glad to be in business with your company VisionCor to provide facilities for tourists. We will
sell your products directly to tourists as part of a package, available to our company at a special
Our companies share a mission in the service industry and we believe that this joint ambitious
venture will be beneficial to both companies.
We hereby wish to propose a business partnership with your company. Our company has a
strong customer base in hotels.
Our most impressive recent accomplishment is attracting more than 8,000 customers in the first
month of this year and this number has been maintained in the next 3 months. We understand
that you are developing a great challenge in expanding your market in the US and we strongly
believe this partnership will help in addressing this problem.
Your company understands the mission of our company and we invite you to join us. Our
companies are in the same business, we understand your needs and challenges hence the
partnership will benefit us both.
We are looking forward to welcoming your company as our new business partner.
Yours Sincerely.
Phuong Nguyen

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