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Biol 311 General Genetics

Lab Syllabus – Fall 2013

Week Exercise(s) Pages Due

Course Info & Fly Equipment

Safety Sheet
8/27-30 Human Traits pp 1-10
Human Pedigrees

9/3-6 Introduction to Drosophila pp 11-24 Human Traits Report (3 pts)

9/10-13 Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data pp 25-38 Introduction to Drosophila Report (2 pts)

Genetic Mapping in Drosophila

9/17-20 pp 59-72 Statistical Analysis Report (10 pts)
[GENES: cv, y, f ]

9/24-27 Recombination in Sordaria pp 49-58 Pedigree Report (5 pts)

10/1-4 Lab Midterm Exam (30 pts) Sordaria Report (5 pts)

10/8-11 Plasmid DNA I - Isolation pp 73-80

No Scheduled Lab (Columbus Day)

(Independent fly work, as needed)

10/22-25 Plasmid DNA II – RE digest & gel pp 81-94

Mapping: F1 Data (5 pts)

10/29-11/1 QPCR pp 95-112
Plasmid DNA Report (10 pts)

11/5-8 Ames Test for Mutagenesis pp 113-128 QPCR Report (10 pts)

11/12-15 Human Fingerprinting I pp 129-134

Ames Test Report (10 pts)

11/19-22 Human Fingerprinting II pp 134-138 Mapping: F2 Data (10 pts)
Fingerprinting Report (5 pts)

11/26-29 No Scheduled Lab (Thanksgiving)

Clean Lab Space

12/3-6 Final Mapping Report (25 pts)
Lab Final Exam (40 pts)

* In addition to the two cumulative lab exams, students will take 3 unannounced quizzes, worth 10
points each. Unannounced quizzes may include material from past lab exercises as well as from that
day’s exercise.
Required Materials:

1. Lab manual: Adamkewicz, L., Einhorn, P., and E. Otto, Genetics Laboratory Manual, 7th edition,
Note: Lab manual is sold in the GMU Bookstore. All material to be handed in must be on the printed forms
provided in the manual. All hand-ins must be originals, not photocopies

2. Sharpie marker

Note: For exams requiring calculations, only a calculator is allowed, not a cell phone. You cannot borrow a calculator during
an exam.

Policies: Laboratory experience is an integral part of science education. In the lab, you experience the physical reality that
underlies the words of your texts and lectures. You will also increase your technical competence, working toward the day
when you will function independently in a laboratory. Therefore, attendance in laboratory is essential and required.

If you must miss a lab, obtain your instructor's permission BEFORE the missed day, and if possible, receive permission from
another instructor to arrange to make the work up in another section during the same week. No other make-up work is
allowed. Simply leaving an e-mail, voice mail, or note in your instructor’s mailbox, does not count as permission. Students
who miss a lab without permission receive a grade of zero for all activities they missed including quizzes or exams. A student
who is late to lab which results in missing a quiz, receives a zero for that quiz. Quizzes and exams cannot be made up in
other sections. A student who misses or fails to complete adequately three labs without permission will receive an F in
the course regardless of grades on other work.

Late work is not accepted in this course and will receive a grade of zero. Inadequate or incomplete work, showing lack of
effort, is not accepted in this course and will receive a grade of zero. For the Final Mapping Report, no report or a
substantially incomplete report will receive a grade of F for the course.

Students should be aware that they must perform laboratory tasks outside scheduled class times. The breeding and rearing
of fruit flies does not lend itself to rigid schedules. However, each student will determine his/her own schedule for these
tasks and will have the assistance of lab partners.

GRADING: The points for each lab hand-in are given on the schedule. In addition to specific grades for specific exercises,
you will have two exams and three unannounced quizzes during the semester. Total points are 200, 100 from quizzes and
exams and 100 from work handed in. Your lab grade will contribute 25% to your total grade in the course.

HONOR CODE: The honor code applies to lab as well as lecture. Students will sometimes work individually and
sometimes in teams of two or four. When you are on a team, sharing tasks and data is perfectly legitimate. However, each
student is responsible for preparing his/her own reports and hand-ins without assistance.

COMMUNICATIONS: The University provides each student with an e-mail account. This is GMU’s official outlet for all
communications not made in the classroom. You are assumed to be reading this account regularly and are responsible for all
information sent to you via this medium.

Also, this syllabus and any updated lab materials will be posted in a folder on the course web page in Blackboard.

In addition, your instructor will inform you of his/her office hours. Record them below so that you can reach your instructor
in case of emergency.

Laboratory Instructor’s Name: Ezzat Dadkhah (Kimiya)

Office Hours: W 2:30-4:30 pm, EXPL Hall, R 1102 Telephone:

Classmates' Names & Telephone Numbers:

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