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Vega, Kimberly Clarisse


BSN1 Ms.
Kathleen Corcolon


Short Answer Questions. Write 3-7 sentences. an excess of statements will cause
deduction from the
total points.

1.You are completing the admission assessment for Mr. Tee, a 70-year old patient
admitted to the medical surgical floor with acute kidney injury. He speaks Tagalog and
some English aside from his native language. What actions should be undertaken to
ensure that you are providing culturally responsive care to Mr. Tee? Analyze your style
of approach to assess how to integrate culturally congruent and competent care into
your nursing practice. (14 pts)
By assessing them I must know what languge he preffered what language him
comfortable so that I can communicately to him. Also I must know where he from and
what the cultural in his place to avoid some misunderstanding. I must know what his
personality and the important is what his beliefs. So that he will be fine with me since
hes my patient. When the patient comfortable to his nurses the healing process it
became faster. After I found out what Mr. tee belifeses and cultural practices I must use
to provide some health management. So that we are uniting he will heal sooner.

2. As a nursing student, why is it necessary to consider Psychodynamic theories in the

nursing field?
(7 pts)
Is it important to know the Psychodynamic theories because one of the factor to help
your patient is know their behaviors and emotions. Because sometimes or mostly some
patient not emotionally healthy maybe they are having a hard time like stress and that
will affect to their healing process. As nurse we should not only take care of pur patient
physical appearance, but also their feelings or emotions. In the healing process of the
patient we must consider the body and mind must be in harmony. And in order to help
our patient we need to find out what their problem is, or why they behave like that. To
find out we need to talk to them to make them feel they are not validated their feelings
and we will take care of them as nurse. Also in here we will know their personality so
that we will know what they like and not so we can take care them carefully.

3. Why is the application of theory of disease and causation important in the nursing
profession? (7pts)
Of course as a nurse we have the responsibility to keep our patient in possibility disease
that they might have. In order to help our patients we must know what of the theory of
disease and causation. We will know how to avoid some diseases and some
misconceptions about diseases. As nurse we must know a lot about health and
everything that we knew we must teach it to our patients to maintain their healthy body.
Also we must educate other people about health in our society. We have the
responsibility to find out the causes of diseases so that we can prevent it. Through this
we can help many people in the diseases.

4. How does your body responds to stress? (7pts)

All people are having stress and me everytime I feel stress about something usually i
watched movie or playing games. Playing games has big part of my life I grew up with
my cousins and we always play like video games and more and as we grow up I
became more addictive but it doesn’t mean that in a bad way. I play games to escape
my problem but not actually escaping my problem but to take a break but sometimes
playing games is became a stress to me.Watching movies is one of my stress reliever i
always watched movie to the point the i feel like i have no more to watched and it really
help me to get out the stress feelings because everytime i watched movie i feel like im i
the movie. But usually the most thing that i do everytime i feel stress is I go to my
canvas. I paint a lot but I don’t like my paint every time. I just paint to relieved my stress
and it will ended up an art which is good. And it makes me happy also that some people
like my paint and it is funny that it will create through my stress feelings. Painting and
playing games are works for me when having a stress and it really helps me to calm
that how I handle my stress.

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