3rd Grade Worksheet

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Q. 1. Choose the correct words to fill the blanks in each pair of sentences.

My mom is watching her favourite TV , I usually have biscuits for breakfast.

1. Cereal, serial

B.Serial, cereal

C.Cerial, serial

Q. 2. Choose the correct words to fill the blanks in each pair of sentences.

we՚re having ice cream for ----------.Camels are used for transport in the ----------

2. desert, dessert

B.dessert, dessert

C.dessert, desert

Q. 3 choose the word that best completes the relationship.

COAT is to SLEEVE as BOOK is to ----------------




Q 4. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

After my mother found out that I had broken the vase, she was ----------

4. Angry



Q. 5 Recipes are usually found in a ----------

5. Phone book

B.Cook book

C.Comic book

Q 6. Choose the odd word out.

6. Shop



Q 7. Choose the odd word out.

7. Aunt



Q 8. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The picture is the wall.

8. on



Q 9. Choose the correct option to complete

each sentence.

I born on 22nd August.

9. Am


Q.10.Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

We --------- to visit my grandparents every year.

10. Go


C.Are going

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence

11. This forest is dangerous, it՚s full of.

11. Wolfs



Q 12. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

Rahul and Priya are always tired in the morning because go to sleep late.

12. We



Q.13.Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

The desks are _____ the board in the classroom.

13. Opposite



Read the questions and answer the following questions.

Blue whales

Did you know that the largest animal to have ever lived still roams the Earth today? Yes, blue
whales are so big that even the biggest dinosaur that ever lived doesn՚t come close in size. Blue
whales can be found in every ocean of the world, including the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the
Indian oceans, and they are simply gigantic! Blue whales generally grow between 80 to 90 feet
long, but there have been reports of lengths of 110 feet. That is longer than three school buses
put together! Blue whales can weigh from anywhere between 150 to 170 tons. In fact, just their
tongues alone weigh more than an elephant! A blue whale heart is of the size of a small car and
the main blood vessel is so big that a human can crawl through it. The heart needs to be that
size because of the 10 tons of blood that have to be pumped around the blue whale՚s enormous
body. Even a baby blue whale, which is called a calf, is of the size of an elephant when it is born.
Blue whales are solitary animals and usually swim alone or in pairs, although they do
sometimes come together in small groups called pods.

Despite their size, blue whales do not eat sharks or other big fish like tuna. Instead, they feast
on tiny shrimp-like animals called krill. Blue whales have big plates full of bony, comb-like
teeth in their mouths called baleen plates. The whale opens its mouth and fills it with salt
water and krill. It filters the water out through the plates and the krill gets caught in the teeth,
which the whale then eats. Blue whales can eat over 8,000 pounds of krill in a single day! Blue
whales are also among the loudest animals on the planet and can produce sounds louder than
a jet engine. They make a range of sounds including clicks, moans, and groans that can be
heard by other blue whales up to 1,600 kilometers away!

Q 14. The blue whale is .

14. Large, but smaller than a school bus

B. Larger than the largest animal that ever lived on the Earth

C. Large, but smaller than some

dinosaurs Q 15. What does a blue

whale eat?

15. Sharks

B. Krill

C. Tuna

Q 16. A blue whale՚s heart is the same size as .

16. An elephant

B. A small car

C. A human being

Q 17. What does the blue whale do with the salt water it takes into its mouth?

17. It turns it into fresh water.

B. It swallows it.

C. It filters it.

Q 18. Which of the following is NOT true?

18. The largest dinosaur ever was smaller than a blue whale.

B. Blue whales can eat more than 5,000 pounds of krill in one day.

C. Blue whales have soft teeth.

Q 19. According to reports, blue whales can grow as long as feet.

19. Eighty

B. Ninety

C. A hundred and ten

Q 20. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Blue whales can only be found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.

B . Blue whales can communicate with each other over large distances.

C. Blue whales prefer to swim in large groups.

Spoken and Written Expression

Q 21. Choose the best response to complete each

conversation. Swati: I think football is the best sport in

the world! Rahul:

20. I agree!

B. I am agree!

C. I am agreeing!

Q 22. Choose the best response to complete each

conversation. John: Can you pick me up on the way to

school? Jasvinder:

21. Certainty!

B. Certain!

C. Certainly!

Q 23. Choose the best response to complete each

conversation. “Rohan? Yes, I think I know him. He՚s the

principal՚s son, ?”

22. Is he

B. Isn՚t he

C. Was he

Q 24. Choose the best option to complete the phrase.

“I don՚t watch movies regularly. Maybe, once in a moon.”

23. Silver

B. Grey

C. Blue

The grand Canyon is located in the southwestern state of Arizona and is considered to be one
of the world՚s most (AA) dazzling sites.

(BB) Carved over millions of years by the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon is
446 km long and 6.5 to 29 km wide. Images of its deep, steep- sided gorge have been(CC)
captured on countless posters, photographs, and postcards. The Grand Canyon was discovered
in 1540 by Garcia Lopez de Cardenas (DD)
a Spanish explorer who was part of a group looking for the legendary Seven Cities of gold.

Q 25. AA

24. Dazzling

B. Shining

C. Beaming

Q 26. BB

25. Constructed

B. Carved

C. Engineered

Q 27. CC

26. Seized

B. Captured

Q 28. DD

27. The

B. A

C. An

Q 29. Choose the linking word that best completes the sentence.

it was freezing outside, I wore a light jacket.

28. Because

B. Despite

C. Even though

Q 30. Choose the linking word that best completes the sentence.

I missed the bus to school in the morning I was really late for class.

29. So

B. Because

C. Although

Achievers Section

Q 31. Choose the word that best completes the relationship:

MONEY is to WALLET as are to WARDROBE.

30. KEYS



Q 32. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: Samira five books this

31. Has bought

B. Bought

C. Was bought

Q 33. Choose the best option to complete the phrase: “Even when Shilpa gets into
trouble, she doesn՚t panic. She՚s as cool as a !”

32. Watermelon
B. Cucumber

C. Ice

Q 34. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:

In December, the weather up in the mountains is freezing.

33. Completely

B. Absolutely

C. Really

Q 35. Choose the best response to complete

the conversation: “Oh my! it՚s already 9

o՚clock! going

to be late, are we?”

34. Are we

B. Will us

C. Aren

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