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ID NO: 0220/09



MAY, 2019
Table of Contents

Contents page

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…...I

Table of content ………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………….II

List of table-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II

Acronyms ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….V

Chapter one

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………............................................................1

Back ground of the study………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………..1

Statement of the problem ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1

Research question……………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………..2

Objective of the study ………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………2

General objective of the study ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2

Specific objective of the study…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….2

Significance of the study …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3

Delimitation of the study ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Limitation of the study ……………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………………3

Operational definition …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3

Chapter two

Review related literature ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

Definition of agriculture …………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………4

Feminization of agricultural trends and driving force.………………………..……………………………………………………4

FAO,s approach to gender equality ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

IFAD gender perspective ……………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………5

Importance of women in our society ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...5

Economic empowerment of women ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….5

The role of adult education to women economy …………………………………………………………………………………….6

Level of women participation …………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………6

Agricultural productivity …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6

Accessibility to productive resource and service ……………………………...…………………………………………………….6

Empowerment and capacity building ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..7

Sustainability and self-reliance ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..7

Women in agriculture……………………………………………………………….................................................................7

Role of women in agriculture ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

Women’s access to key economic resources …………………………………………………………………………..................9

Women’s agricultural activities …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11

Women’s and sustainable development in Ethiopia………………………………………………………………………………12

Access to control over resource benefits among rural women’s …………………………………………………………..13

Socio cultural factors that affect women’s in agriculture……………………………………………………………………….14

Chapter three

Research design and methodology………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15

Research design ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15

Sources of data ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15


3.4Sampling techniques ………………………………………………………….......................................................16

Sample size …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

Data gathering instrument……………………………………………………...................................................................16

Questioner ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16

3.6.2Interview ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17

Data collection procedure……………………………………………………...……………………………………………………………..17

Methods of data analysis …………………………………………………………...............................................................17

Chapter Four………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18

4.1Data analysis ,Presentation and Interpretation……………………………………....................................18

4.2Forms of women activity on agricultural practice…………………………………………………………………..18

4.3Role of government to promote the participation of rural women on agricultural


4.4Attitudes of society women participation………………………………………………………………………………20

4.5Factors affecting the participation of rural women on agricultural practice……………………………21

Chapter Five………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..21

5.Summary ,Conclusion, and Recommendation………………………………………………………………………….22





List of Tables

Table 1: Sample Size………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16

Table 2: Forms of government activity on agricultural practice………………………………................................18

Table 3: The role of government to promote the participation of rural women on agricultural

Table 4: The attitudes of society on women participation------------------------------------------------------------21

Table 5: Factors affecting the participation of rural women on agricultural practice--------------------------22


IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization

UNESCO: United nation education, Scientific and cultural Organization

USAD: United States Academic Decathlon

EEA: European Economic Area

EEPRI: European Economic Policy Research Institution

UNDP: United Nation Development Program

UN: United nation

UNECA: United nation Economic Commission for Africa


The purpose of this study was to assess the rural women participation on agricultural activities
in Duguna Fango woreda.The objective of this study to describe the participation of rural
women in selected woreda. Descriptive survey design was used and both qualitative and
quantative type of data percent was employed. The total of population in this study is 310.The
simple of study population was 93 and selected by simple random sampling techniques.
Secondary sources of data gathered from written report and related literature to the study. Data
collection tools were interview. Close ended question for respondent structure interview for
woreda agricultural office head. The data gathered was analyzed and discussed by using
frequency and percent. The finding of the study show that women were participating in the
different agricultural activities. But they passed some challenges questionnaire and such as look
of support from family. Look of income,tradition,family burden and etc. The expected outcome of
this study is closely related to the study objectives so researcher expect from this study to
develop possible strategies to improve rural women participation in agriculture.

My first and for most heartfelt acknowledgement is goes my God. Then I would extend my
deepest gratitude to my advisor Gosa A. (M.Sc.) for his guidance and constructive criticism on
my proposal and report. I want to express my deepest and respect to all my parents and my friend
who helped me by dividing his knowledge to me and financially. I would also like to take this
opportunity to address my thanks and appreciation to those individual who helped me in one way
or another during the study

Finally, I am also great full to all my colleagues and friends for their love and respect fullness
during our campus stay.
This chapter deals with the back ground of the study statement of the problem basic question the
general and specific objective. Significance of the study scope of the study and definition of
1.1. Background of the Study

Participation of women in community has a great for community development and also for the
improvement of women in society to make equally that of men in every aspect. But whole over
the world women participation is not satisfactory in every socio economic and politically life of
the societies (UN.2004).

In Africa the history of women participation in socio economic activity is very less when it is
compared with that of other continents. Especially in agricultural activity men are dominantly
cultivating and owning the land (world bank. 2006).

 participation of women has great role for community development in every country for
example for sub-saran African country it has great role for its development (UNESCO.
 and also in Ethiopia’s history the participation of women on agricultural perspective is also
not satisfactory they are decide their the opportunities to participate on agricultural activity
(FAO. 2003).

1.2. Statement Of The Problem

Globally the participation of women on agricultural activity is not satisfactory when it is

compared with that of men although their participation has great role on socio-economic
development and also to improve their own livelihood yet now the participation of women on
agricultural activity is not sufficient (IUSAD. 2011).

In Africa the role of women is mostly concentrated within the house it impact on participation of
women on agricultural practice with the society. The community thinks the traditional women
are weak and they have to do less job than the men (IF AD. 2000)
According to (FAO. 2003) the sub-Sahara African country women are not participating on
economic activities of society especially on agricultural activity their participation is less and it
has great impact countries GDP (growth Domestic product).

 In Ethiopia women are also not participating on agricultural activity. Because they are
not given chance to share the job opportunity and attitude of community being great
burden for them (Take l. 2004)
 The research initiated to conducted this research because of this research was different
from the above in that it was focused on assess participation of rural women in
agricultural activity in Duguna Fango woreda.

1.3 Research Question

1. What is the role of government to promote the participation of women on agricultural


2. What is the attitude of community about women participation on agricultural activity?

3. What are the factories that affect the participation of role women on agricultural activity in
study area?

1.4. Objective of the study

1.4.1. General objective.

General objective of the study is to assess the agricultural participation of women on Duguna
Fango Woreda.

1.4.2. Specific objective

 To identify the role of government on participation of rural women in agricultural activity

 To examine the attitude of community on women participation in agricultural activity.
 To assess factor affecting rural women agricultural participation on study area.
1.5. Significance of the study

After it was conducted it would be important for rural women of Duguna Fango woreda to raise
their awareness and also to change the attitude of community about women and also it would be
served as sours for another research

1.6. Delimitation of the study

The study was conducted on the participation of women on agricultural activity. It was
conducted on Duguna FangoWoreda the scope of study was delimited by considering the time
and finance.

1.7. Limitation of the study

During considering the study, the researcher passed some challenge. The respondents did not
fully voluntary to provide response at the scarcity of the time and money also the other limitation
which passed the researcher.

1.8. Operational definition

Participation: - is a process in which two or more parties influence each other in the making
of decision. In the decision making each individual member has equal power to determine the
outcome of decision.

Agriculture: - is the practice of planting edible plants and raring of livestock to use if for
cash-crop and sell-crop

Rural Women: - the term rural woman refers to the women who are living in rural area by
supporting their family with economic activity and also do not have enough opportunity to the
This chapter focuses on reviewing various literatures and research finding. With review of
different scholars on the participation of rural women in agricultural activity which are assumed
to have relevant to the study and concept of the participation and participation is discussed
interims of different approaches.
2.1. Definition and the concept of participation.

The concept of participation is that it is joint consultation indecision making goal. Setting profit
sharing team work and other sum measure through w/c affirm attempts to foster or increasing. Its
employee’s commitment. To collect objective and also agricultural participation also mean
activity which is partially taken on economic activity of agriculture of one country (Glass.jj.

. 2.2. Feminization of agricultural

Feminization of agriculture refers to women’s increasing participation in agricultural labor force

weather as independent producers. A sun recovered family workers or as agricultural wage
workers. (F. A.O. 2007).

2.2.1. Feminization of agriculture trends & driving forces

According to fro. While the proportion of the labor working in agricultural declined over the
1990. The proportion of women working in agriculture increased particularly in developing
countries. In the same continents such as Africa and Asia almost half of the labor force is women
this trends has been called feminization (UN, 2005)

2.2.2. FAO approach to gender equality

FAO advocate gender equality and promotes the economic and social empowerment of rural
women’s by actively focusing attention on the discrimination rural women face daily, FAO
supports government effort to ensure that their policies and program prompt and support women
as equal contributions to agricultural and rural development. (FAO, 2006)
2.2.3. IFAD’S gender perspective

In its operation IFAD aims to expand women access and control over fundamental assets capital
and, knowledge and technologies strengthen women’s agency. Their decision making role in
community affairs and representation in local institutions and improve well-being and case
workloads by facilitating access to basic rural services and infrastructures. IFADs action is
guided by the principle that development in activities should incorporate the priorities and needs
of both women and men and give the equal opportunities to access benefits and service. (IFAD.

2.2.4. Importance of women in our society

Women who are the most dominant segment of our society are important in our society. The
modern society has stared recognizing the individual identity of women. She is believed to have
her aspiration, abilities and equalities (Gyan. 2015).

2.2.5Economic empowerment of women

Economic empowerment of women means empowering female to economic actives such as trade
agricultural and soon. To empower women to their aspects it is not the only responsibility
government of one’s country. But it is also the responsibility of society at all communities has to
take responsibilities about economic empowerment of women (Web rim, 1946).

2.3. The role of education to women’s economy

Traditionally women are not actively participating on economic activity of the country because
of illiteracy and this affected the economic empowerment of the women with in the society and
after the engagement of adult literacy it brought amazing change on economic activity of the
women and also it promoted the economic participation of women with society (Zimmerman.

And also adult literacy has a great role to improve the livelihood of women in the society by
making them more productive citizen and also by changing the attitude of the community about
the agricultural and other participation (Lukas 1994).
2.4. Level of women participation

This ulna measured by assessing the rate of women’s involvement in farm decision making in
various farm activities such as planting and her vesting and in terms spent in agricultural
activities per day in contrast to time in non-agricultural activities.

2.4.1. Agricultural productivity

This involved analyzing the types of crop grown and the average crop production per season
farm assets owned by farmers: monthly farm income: as well as factors contributing to increased
or decreased crop production.

2.4.2. Accessibility to productive Resource and services

This involved the analysis of land ownership: land size: capacity to finance or obtain credit:
availability and accessibility to markets: ability to attend agricultural training programmers and
seek services from extension agents.

2.4.3. Empowerment and capacity Building

This would be measured by examining women’s involvement in farm decision making: Farmers’
capacity to articulate need and express opinions: agricultural skill and new technology adopted
by female farmers: and assets acquired from farm income

2.4.4. Sustainability and self-reliance.

This involved assessing female farmer ability to sustain the project and themselves with farm
produce their ability of crop with challenges: the profitability of agricultural production: as well
as the capacity to purchase agricultural in puts for the next cropping season.

2.5. Women in agriculture.

Women are the back bone of development of rural and national economics the comprise 43% of
the worlds agriculttural labor force which rises to 70% in some countries(OKAY, A, 2001).

- In Africa 80% of agricultural production come frome small farmers. Who are mostely rural
women.Women comprise largestb percentage of the work force in the agricultural sector but
do not have access and control over land produtive recourses (FAO. 2006).
- Rural women insulted of beng treated as move beneficiaries. Should in other words be
viewed as experts, formal knowledge participation in polic3 that benefit rural women can
ensure truth full answer being given to women.
- Networks in rural areas especially rural womenorganization are partiners to be involvede in
the conception of development programs (JFAD, 2005).

2.5.1. Role of women in agricultural

The role of women agricultural development has been very well orginized in the last couple of
decdes by international development agencie, national government and researchers (FAO, 2001).
The same document further indicated that while the contributions of both female and male
farmers ar substantailand enssencial to gricultural development the gender division of
agricultural activities has constrain women’s access to extention service in developing countries
is predominantly focusing to mail farmers only.

- Particulary in Ethiopia. While one can observe that in most parts of rural area, women are
intimetely involved in most aspects of agricultural production and house hold nutrition. It is
widely viewed that” women do not farm ( EEA $ EERPRI.2006) we noted tha agricaltural
estention programs that ignore women’s farming role in agricultural. Affect ngetively
agricultural production and conseuently failure to achieve development objectives(FAD.
- The role of women farms have been strongle oscured by the cultural persecption remain
strong even through numerous gricultural tasks are deemed “ women’s work” including crop
and husbandry in the field. Preparng stronge contrains managing all aspect of home gardens
and poutly raising transporting farmsinputs to fields, and procuring water for house hold use
and some of farm uses.
- Crop marketing and the control over revenus form these sales, are often gender
differentiated. And in some cases vary by crop type. Many female farmers bring the
vigetables and fruits. The production of wich they manage, to the market , and may retain the
incomes tonpay fot yhose hold in large scale, such as coffee, teff. And chat, are controlled by
the hous3 hold head ( who is nearly always male in the house holds where the head has as
pour in the house hold) though thre are many cases where small by the head’s spouse.
Tending to live stock is most commonly performed by boys and young men, for livestock
type kept near the home. Women are frequently responsible for providing feed and water for
the livestock and for dairy production and in some area are involved in collacting animal
during from grazing lands. Sole cattle owner ship by women is not common in Ethiopia
where are joint ownership between spouses is found in mny regions. As is the case with
many spheres in agricultural, control over the scale of and proceedes from lives stocks and
livestock product is generally gender ifferentiated, with women tending’s to market small
livestock and poultry as well as dairly products and eggs. The scale cattle and othr livetock i
for the most part in the male dmain. Horticultural production and the riasing of poultry and
small ruminants has been concidered a part of home economics “ until quite recently.
- Leaving women excluding from other kinds of extension advice rtainig and credit. Recentely
extension packages tailored for women have emphasied sheep and goathusbandry and
poultry. DAS access male heads of house hold (in husbund wife households). Provide advice
to the husband even, on women’s activities such as homegardening and poultry rising
impliying that DAS rely on the husband to tpass the advice on to his wife. Some document
further indicate that female house hold head have been accessed by DAS only when the come
to see them to contribute labor tonthe maintenance of community soil and water concervation
works. In principles it be lived that the productively and welfare of rural household on the
maximized when both female and male farther participate in extension activiteis that are
relevant to then roleb as agricultural producers (FAO, 2001). This include that since almost
all agricultural extension activities have been carried out without the participation of female
farmers. Have had negative impacts on both women and their families in general. Involving
female farmers in agricultural extension sevice leads to improve production and income: and
enhanced well being of rural house holds and hence improved nutrition and selficiency.

2.5.2 Women’s access to key economic resources

- In Africa theb first shifting activation where he is the main tool for plowing the land. The
contribution of women is much greater than men, in this sytem women are the dominant
figures of the practice of farming where as men’s role were only confing to cleaning the land.
Women prepare the soil sowing weeding harvesting trashing and transporting farm products
(Boserups, 1999).
- In undertaking different economic activities more than men. Rural women in developing
countries have less property right have no role in economic input and the have remained
economically in secure. Rural bwomen have played significant role in live stock production
in developing countries and the are active participants in the live stock management as
supply of fodder milking protecting an animal (Boserups, 1970).
- Land and property tight for women required urgent attention by policy makers and land
reform practitioners in Africa during the last three decade (UNDP. 2006). The increased
focus on global realization of women empowerment in Africaa generally gets little attention.
This situations are also true to Ethiopia.
- In ethiopia women’s right on land imerged in 1974 during the Derg regme. At the time
women are activity involved in the polotical area. They have their own mass organization
known as the revolutionary Ethiopian women’s Association (REWA). Their right on
proclamation promulgation by he derge regime (Mamo, 2006).
- According to Mamo(2006). The rural land proclamination o 1975 has given women access to
organize themselvsins inpeasant association as had of house hold of if they have independent
- The current government regarding to land right in general has similar position property.
Women have equal right with men with respect to use transform and control of property.
They also receive equal treatment in the in heritance of property right ( walta information
center. 2007).
- There are several articles include in the government constitution and also legal provision that
should be exercised and implemented at different level of government organization private
sector and civil society. However the ground reality dose not much with blue print of the
policy in traditionally and culturally blessed society about women’s right. In Ethiopia in
general and S.N.N.P.R. state in particular, the accessibility of women to key economic
resources such as land and other economic and income generating activities remain for
behind. Even through the government tried to empower women by promoting the right of
women on owning properties and the right to make decision on the economic and income
generating activities equal to mean. At local level social courts and community elders had not
been aware to bring the necessary change in attitude towards the reality. Similarity the local
level political leaders and others officials do not have enough information and have less
knowledge to implement and interpret laws that have been promulgated by the government.
But women’s were not utilizing these opportunity because of their illiteracy and each of
exposure to information to resist men’s dominance, social bias and traditional normal
reproductive sphere is very high. However the position (place) given to women in the society
it is very little. The contribution of women in the improvement of the social economy, the
well-being of human life is more significant than has been traditionally acknowledge
(Bosporus Ester, 1970). This means that women productive and reproductive role are not
getting sufficient consideration and less attention are given to their role in sustainable
development of human well-being. The contribution of women in reducing poverty and
hunger in Africa is more important than that of men. According to the estimation of united
nation economic commission for Africa (UNECA, 1996). Shows that Africa women are
responsible for production o0f 60-80% food. According to (UNECA, 1996). The solution to
overcome poverty. Hunger and chronic food shortage in Africa shall be focused on economic
empowerment of women especially on rural women. In developing countries like Ethiopia
there are

Traditional perceptions and ill attitude among the society toward the women’s right on
properties. These perceptions are deep rooted in the society and greatly affect the women’s role
in the economy. A deep- rooted negative perception of society towards the empower of women,
directly indirectly has been reflected in the government and remuneration schemes. Considering
agricultural w/c is the back bone of economy in the developing countries like Ethiopia the
contribution of women in the agricultural practice from plowing of farm land up to transporting
of products to home stead is extremely important. Besides,

The contribution of Ethiopia women in generally by assisting of their husband in many

economically activities are very high. However all those roles they play had not been
recognized, because traditional the society provides them low status (World Bank. 2002).

2.5.3 Women’s Agricultural activities

- In most societies men’s in agricultural activities is understood to be direct and clear.

However women’s role in agriculture is not clearly recognized. Hence a clear pictures of
women’s of participation in agriculture is needed. Although these is increasing that women
are involved in the world agriculture until recently have been difficult to gain clear picture of
where and under what circumstance women particular in the farm work (Annabel, 1998).
- Although the micro studies documenting the importance of women’s role have arisen steals
national statistics have to under count women’s agricultural labor, due to their definition of
agricultural activities in their in intervening producer.
- Women play important roles to help their family in particular and their community in general
in sewing their food demand, in the world, but the most surprising thing is that the effort that
they exert in the last several years. Women are involved in agricultural and rural
development representing more than half of the labor required to produce food consumed in
developing countries (Etenesh,2005). Once problem here is reaching at common
understanding as to how female farmer is commonly perceived as a co- farmer as marginal
player in agricultural development particularly by those individuals with significant influence
is research, extension and development position (Tsetse, 2000).

2.5.4 Women’s and sustainable development in Ethiopia

- The establishment of the women’s affairs office and insurance of national policy on Ethiopia
women w/c entitles and ensure on women’s right to property, employment and pension could
be mentioned as important miles stones for the current regimes toward the realization of
gender issue and mitigation measures in Ethiopia (UN. 2002:28.) victimization of Ethiopia
women by gender based oppressions and exploitation in all spheres of life lack of adequate
recognition and economic valuation of their contribution denial of their right to have access
to and control over means over means of production and their major shares of category of
the poorest of the poor were reported as the basic reasons why the government of Ethiopia
has given development to the consideration to the multi- faceted problem of Ethiopia women
( Gemechu, 2008:21). The level of consciousness in society of their role played by women in
the development of the country. The deep-rooted cultural bone fits and traditional practice of
a society that prevent women playing their full role in the development process; lock of
appropriate technology to reduce the work load of women at house hold level: shortage of
poverty qualified women development again understand and help motivated and empower
rural women were reported as some of the major constraints hindering the progress of women
in sustainable development in Ethiopia (UN, 2002:28). But these days sustainable
development has a buzz word. According to the world commission on environment and
development ( WCEDx 1987) “ sustainable development is a development that meets the
need of present generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet
their own needs” constancy of natural resource and environmental is necessary condition for
sustainable development. The set of sufficient condition include on appropriate institutional
frame work and governance system for implementation of sustainable development policy
( Gemechu, 2008).

Relationship b/n agricultural production. Natural resource management and

women’s role

- Understanding the relationship among crop production animal rearing, natural as recourse
management. Women role is sustainable development agricultural and rural development
effort (Madhya, 2005:230) confirm that throughout the developing world females are
significantly involved in the use and management of neutral resource. In other word females
clearly out do males in terms of involvement. Yet women’s are always under rep resented in
natural resource decision making establishment of local and improving their decision ability
in natural resource, management.

2.6 Access to and control over resource Benefits among rural women’s
Rural women and men have deferent Ilise access to control over natural or community. Human
and financial resource as well as to public services and facilities. In patriarchal segslem of
society women by large are deprived of direct ownership of resource such as land most in
Ethiopia especially most rural women and men of low class have little control over different
resource in agricultural production of county. Almost all recourses such are controlled of their
husbands, fathers, brothers, in low etc. female headed households are even worse off because
of some structural problem to gender (Birhanu. 2006:34) women’s advancement empowerment
in decision making including women’s participation in natural and interpersonal economic
system management and control of environmental degradation is a key are for sustainable
2.7 Socio-cultural factors that affect women are in agriculture.

Many socio-cultural factors such as societal institution popular cultural foster male female
distinction in many ways. Gone are the days when the media almost exclusively portrayed
women in stereo typical, power less roles. Still research indicated that some gender stereotyping
persists for example. In TV commercial and programs in countries around the world (furnace and
ska e, 1997: Love-dale. 1989: mauling. 1996). the socio cultural based gender division of labor
which burdens females in the help of different stake holders. The role of the religious institutions
and rural organization influencing the behavior of males in the satieties is immerse on top of that
gender sensitizations programs are needed to encourage males and females to here in domestic
tasks. This could take place through non- formal education activities such as extension meetings
and main streaming gender issues in school curriculum of all levels. More ever non- formal
education activities organized for rural farmer’s should taken it of the heavily domestic work
load of females so that such activities are schedules at appropriate time to enable females
(Gemechu:2008 L109).Although the laws unity the 1974 revolution did not dearly deny
women’s era of feudalism (JICA,1997:17). A gender division of labor in rural Ethiopia varies by
farming system “across cultural settings and location based on deferent wealth categories
(Alterable. 2006:18). In most rural parts of Ethiopia gender roles. According to ethnicity, income
Status, location and other factors.
This chapter deals with descriptive of research design data source. Population sample size and
sampling technique, data collection instrument, procedure of data collection, and sampling
technique, and method of data analysis.

3.1. Research Design

For this study the researcher use descriptive survey method because it shows the whole of the
study, in addition to this it is used together information from relatively large number of
The researcher uses this method to describe the current condition of rural women participation in
agricultural activity. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be use.

3.2. Sources of Data.

The study use primarily data source and also secondary data sources. Primarily data sources will
be collect through questioner and interview and also secondary data sources is use from written
report in agricultural bureau of Duguna FangoWoreda which is related with concerned issues

3.3.Population Sampling techniques and sample size

3.3.1. Population
The study was conduct on Duguna Fangoworeda and the numbers of householders are 310 who
are participating on agricultural activity.

3.4 Sampling Techniques

Sample random sampling techniques are employed on this study. The research used this
sampling technique to give equal chance for all.
3.5 Sampling size.

Out of 310 women of the study the researcher to 30% and the sample size is 93.

Table 1: Sample Size

No Items Total Population Sample % Sample Techniques

1 Women 310 93 30% Sample random sampling technique
2 Head 1 1 100% Purposive sampling technique

3.6. Data gathering instrument

Within this study researcher use different data collecting tools and the data include both
qualitative and quantitative

3.6.1. Questionnaire

The researcher prepared questioner with close ended and open –ended questions
and the questionionnere was prepared in three languages in English, Amharic and
also Wolategnha languages and it has distributed to the respondent

3.6.2. Interview

The interview was use on agricultural office head of Duguna Fango Woreda

3.6.3. Data Collection Procedure

Questioners would be develop by researcher and commented by the advisor of the researcher and
it was approved and by the advisor and the respondent asked for permission to answer the
requested question then after the questioner would be distributed to the concerned body

3.6.4. Methods of data analysis

The study would be analyzed by using both qualitative quantitative. Qualitative data was analyze
through narrative survey and the quantitative one will analyze through frequency and percentage
4. Data analysis. Presentation and interpretation
The data collected from individual respondent and woreda office Duguna Fango Woreda on
assessment of participation of rural women on agricultural activities and chapter contained the
analyzation of collected data that is analyzed in graphs and in percentage and also after graph
presentation it is briefly interpreted that data which are collected through questionnaire and
interview. The research questionnaire composes 03 copies which is the sample size of the study.
Table 2 forms of women activity on agricultural practice.
No Activities Yes No
F % F % F %
1 Enset planting 68 73.1% 25 26.8% 93 100%

2 Coffee planting 20 21.5% 73 78.8% 93 100%

3 Crop fertilization 20 21.5% 73 78.49% 93 100%

4 Crop production 19 21.5% 74 79.56% 93 100%

5 Collecting crops 77 20.8% 16 17.2% 93 100%

6 Plaughing 16 17.20% 78 83.87% 93 100%

7 Watering crop 17 18.27% 76 81.72% 93 100%
In above table I, the agricultural activities’ of rural women in the study area was indicated by
Using the response of the respondent the number of women who are participating on Enset
Planting has accounted about 73% of the total number of the respondent the number of women
respondent who are actively participated on inset production is 73.1% (68).This show that
women of the study area are engaged on inset production, On this interviewed person said that
participation of rural women in inset production was erective and also the “participated in other
d/f activities such as cultivating and planting
_ And also 20 (21.1%) of the respondent are engaged on coffee production which an
Area to dominate by coffee production women are engaged on coffee production practiced in
area. And also as it is indicated in above table (1t the number of women w/c are selected to
participate on crop fertilizing accounts above 20(21.5%) this show that the number of women is
less when it is compared with above number of the respondent.
- The women who are engaged on crop production accord 19(20.43%) of the total respondent
and mostly women’s are engaged on the process of collecting the crop w/c account 77 (82.7%)
of total number respondent .This show that the dominant agricultural activities the process of
crop collector
- In agricultural activities the proportion of women or planting the land is the only
Accounted 19(17.2%) this shows that the engagement of women on plating is not available
beside. This interview person Iyasal ledam responded that “the participation of rural women on
planting activities was effective “and also number of respondent who are engaged on watering
crop are 17(18.2%) out of total respondents.
-Forms of women activity on agricultural practice that expressed by respondent who were
participating mainly on inset planting and watering crop on these activities they were
participating effectively because of these practices were familiar and very dominant in the
locality of respondent.
Table 3 The role of government to promote the participation of rule women
on agricultural activity
No Item Yes No TOTAL

Respondent % Respondent % Respondent

1 Providing the training 87 93.5 6 6.5 93 100
Programmer for rural

2 Building training 78 83.9 15 16.1 93 100

To train women of rural
Area of Duguna Fango 100
3 Providing of fertilizer 82 88.1 11 11.9 93 100
4 Gives equal chance or 80 86 13 14 93
Right to cultivate land
for rural women
-According To table (2) 87 (93.5%) respondent said that “yes” on that providing the training
program me for rural women is the rule of government on this 6(6%) responded no therefore this
implies that government has to provide training programmer to motivate rural women on
agriculture activities in rural area of Duguna Fango woreda. And next to this 78(83.9% )
respondents said yes on that building training center to train rural women of Duguna Fango is
also the role of government in this 15(16.1%) said “No” therefore government also has to
provide training center because it is necessary for training to rural women. And also to this
82(88.1%) said “yes” on that government has to provide fertilizers. on this 11(11.9%) said and
answered no this show that this areas are interested on facilities requirement.
-80(86%) respondent said” yes” on that government equal chance to rural women to cultivate
land is also the role of government to motivate rural women of chuko woreda. On this
interviewed person head of agricultural office on Duguna Fango woreda said that woreda has to
support and train the rural women and give equal chance for any activating however. There is the
problem of cultivating land for rural women that is hindering women from participating ”On”
13(14%) respondent answered no
This show that the role of government on rural agricultural participation was good and they
provide different service for the women’s.
-As above suggested by respondents that the rule of government to promote the participation of
rural women on agricultural activities was effectively implemented.
Regarding to this the researcher viewed as that the role of government was implemented
effectively in the study area.

Table 4 The attitudes of a society on women participation

No Items Yes No TOTAL

Respondent % Respondent % Respondent %

1 Good 84 93.5% 6 65% 100

2 Bad 16 17.2% 77 82.8% 100

3 Accepted 80 86% 13 14% 100

4 Rejected 3 3.2% 90 96.8% 100
-According to above a table who answered and said good an attitude of society on women
participation on agricultural activity have accounted 84(90.3)out of total respondent this implies
that there is good opportunity for rural women to participate all agricultural activity b/c most of
respondent answered “good” and “Yes” beside this the interview person Iyasu Ladamo
responded that “the attitude of society on rural woman participation in agricultural is a bad b/c of
they think that women as an inferior”
On the this 16(17.2%)said bad but 77(82.8%)said that it is not bad this implies that the attitude
society to ward participation of rural women on agricultural activity is not bad also 80(86%)said
the participation of women agricultural activity’s in rural women area is accepted on this
13(14%)said it is not accepted 3(3.2%) respondents said that’s rejected but 90(96.6%)respondent
did not agree on this therefor.
The attitude of society is good and comfort table for the participation of women on agriculture
activities in Duguna Fango Woreda.
The attitude of society a women participation that explained on table above the answers of
respondents were indicated that there was positive attitude of society further the researcher
suggested on above explanation the attitude of society was positive on the women participation.

Table 5 Factors affecting the participation of rural on agricultural practice

No Factor affecting rural women participation Yes No TOTAL
on agricultural
F % F % F %

1 Attitude of society 91 93.84 2 2.15 93 100

2 Traditional 89 95.69 4 4.3 93 100
3 Illiteracy 83 89.24 10 10.75 93 100
4 Lack of income 78 83.87 15 16.12 93 100
5 Lack of farm land 44 47.3 49 52.68 93 100
6 Family burden 14 15 79 84.94 93 100
7 Farm material 72 77.4 21 22.58 93 100
8 Awareness of women 80 86 13 13.9 93 100
9 Lack of support 13 13.93 80 86 93 100

10 Lack of interest 77 82.79 16 17.2 93 100

As it is show in above table 4 the number of respondent who answered “Yes” on factors
affecting the rural women on agricultural participation are 91(97.8) on attitude of society
89(95.6%) conditions,83(89.2%) on illiteracy 78(83.8%) on the lack of income,44(47.3%) on
lack of farm land,14(15%)on family burdens 77(77.4%) farming materials. 88(89%) on
awareness of women.13(13.7%)on lack of support.77(82.79%)on lack of interact.

This study was conducted to assess the participation of rural women on agriculture activities and
also specifically to assess the factor that are hindering the participation of rural women on
agricultural activity they study through question and interviews the information was gathered and
analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively and the study focused mostly on the participation
of women and related problem to get adequate information during data collection. selected
responded and kindly lasting this study done in this manner the major factor that hindering the
participation of rural women on agricultural are attitude of society which was responded by
about 97%of respondents and also tradition. Illiteracy .Lack of income and the shortage of farm
materials are the major factor that are affecting rural women participation an agricultural
activities. And additionally awareness of women. lock of support and lack of interest are factors
which are less or more contributing to affect the rural women participation on agricultural
activities mostly in study are women are participation on enset planting coffee planting. Crop
fertilization on collecting crop, on planning the land and watering the crop.
5.2. Conclusion
As it stated on the study the women are activity participation an agricultural activity and this has
great contribution for the development of Duguna Fango woreda but these participation women
are challenged by different by factors mostly the attitude of society on participation of women
are mostly affecting their participation activities.
5.3 .Recommendation
By taking to following recommendation the woreda of study are and communities can improve
the participation of rural women an agricultural activities.
Societies have to avoid back word think why about women participation on agricultural activity
because the women whom participate effectively an agriculture can be effective enough like
Duguna Fango woreda has to create learning opportunity for these women to encourage them
and also it has to give training about agricultural for women.
Communities have to create income generating source for women and also over burden must be
avoided to improve the the particulation of rural women on agriculture.
Women have to be interested to work harden agriculture and to become more effective enough
they should be supported by family or their husband.
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EEA$EEPRI 2006 $FAO, 2000 the role of women in agriculture.
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Glass, 55.1977 the concept and definition of participation.
IFAD, 2000 rural women participation on agricultural practice in sub-saharan Africa country.
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Gemechu, 2008, women’s and sustainable development in Ethiopia.
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Weberim, 1946 the empowerment of women regarding to economic activity
Themeriumn 1989 and look as 1994 the rule of adalt education to women employment.
Maddawalabu University
Collage of Education and Behavioral Science
Department of Adult Education and Community Development
I am the student of the Maddawalabu University Department of Adult Education and Community
Department and conducting research for my senior essay on tittle the of assessment on
participation of rural women on agriculture activity and purpose of this questionaries’ is to
collect data from the respondent and its used for only purpose of the study’: kindly ask your
willing to give answer for the request question thank you for your kindly willingness.


1. Sex Male Female

2. Age 16-30 31-54 55-66

3.Martial Composition marred single divorced windowed

4 Education Illiterate literate

5.Income level 500 500-1000 1000-1500

1500-200 200

Question Answer

Yes No
1 Inset planning

2 Crop fertilizing

3 Crop production
4 Collection of crop
5 Ploughing
6 Watering crop
7 Coffee gathering

PART III what the role of government to promote the participation of rural
women on agricultural activity.
No Item answer

Yes no
1 Providing the training program for ruler women

2 Building training center to train. Women of ruler areas of chuko woreda

3 Providing fertilizers

4 Gives equal chance/right to cultivate land for rural women

ስነ ትምህርትና ስነ ባህር ጽናት ኮለጅ

የጎልማሶች ትምህርት እና ማህበረሰብ ትምህርት ክፍል

እነ የመዳወላቡ ዩኒቨርስት የጎልማሶች ት\ትና ማህበረሰብ ት\ት ክፍል ተማር የሆኑኩት ተማሪ ተስፋነሽ አበራ
የመመረቂያ ጽሁፍ ለመ\ፍ የሰቶች ተሳትፎ በገ\ር እርሻ ሥራ በዱጉና ፋንጎ ወረዳ በሚለዉ
ርዕስ ላይ መረጃ ለመሰበሰብ ወደ እናንተ ወረዳ ስለመ\ዉ በመረጃ አሰባሰብ ወቅት አስፈላጊዉ
ድጋፍ እና ትብብር እንድታደርጉላቸዉ በትህትና እየ\የኩ ስለምታደርጉት ትብብር በቅድምያ

1. ክፍል 1 የግል መረጃ መ\የቂያ

1. ወንድ

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