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% Past passive % aan, the or no article °& Vocabulary: disasters {c] Look at the photo below. ‘What kind of disaster do you think itis? Where and when do you think the disaster happened? Listen to the first part of an interview and check your ideas. [2] Match the words with the photos. Write 1-6 in the boxes. 1 anuclesebomb 2 a volcano 3 atsunami 4 an earthquake 5 aflood 6 ahurricane [B] The event in photo Fis diferent from the others. Why? ‘check that you understand: GD orrdsin the box. Then he words to complete the summary of the story from Exercise le, The huticane it New Orleans on August 2.2005, and’ 1500. people were Abt 500 people were? li a agncn heart foi taba pee core Alot of money was a otal of about” dalrs billion w Listen to the second part of the interview and check your answers. © crammar ‘# Past passive [a] Look at the example, Underline other examples of the past passive in the summary in Exercise Id Then complete the rule. One thousond five hundred people were killed IB] complete the sentences. Use the simple past passive form of the verbs. 1) This photo was taken (ae two years ago. 2. She's realy upset because her “_{steal) lastnight. bicycle 3 These houses __(buld) in ‘the Th century. 4 This book ____—-— (tte in 2007 $ Computers _____—(rotese) in ‘our school until 1997 LE] Rewrite the sentences. Use the past pasive or resent passive. 1 Someone found the stolen cr late lastnight. The stolen car wos found late lastnight. 2 They obbed the house at midight. The house 3. People often confuse me with my older brother. | lam 4 nour town people drop alt of litter onthe streets, Alot 5. They made a movie about the earthquake. | Amovie : 6 They call her ‘the Queen of Music” Se u | 7 They completed the Empire State Building in 1932. 8 Someone broke our classroom window last night © pronunciation | Pronunciation section starts on | page V4 | [2] Work with a partner. Student A: Look at your questions on this page. Student B: Turn to page 117 and look at your questions. Ask and answer the questions. Use the past passive. TB] When you've finished, your teacher wil gve you ! ‘the answers. Compare your results with other pairs. Student A t | 1) When / the Berlin Wall / knock down? t When was the Berlin Wall knocked down? =f 11989 or fa 1979? | 2. Where / the Statue of Liberty / build? In Paris or in New York? 3 How / city of Pompeil / destroy / year 79 AD? By a voleano or a tsunami? 4, How many people / kill / biggest earthquake inhuman history? 230,000 or 830.0002 = see eeGome [8] Read the text quickly to find the answers to these quest 3 How can the 11 What kind of storm isthe text about? jons. 2. What kinds of damage can the ton cause? 4 Why does Match topics 1-5 with paragraphs A-g inthe text. Write AE in the boxes, rewhere inthe world. But there’ ‘of disaster that occurs ony in areas of the where it can get very cold, It damages ues) ‘homes and powerlines and can be deadly a snowstorm ora rainstorm, Ice storms oc there are three layers of air in the atm a First, there's atop layer thats very old. Here it starts to snow: Then the sow hits 2 layer of warmer ais where it meltsard ture into rain, Finally there's a third Lier of very cold air near the ground, Because of this layer of cold air, the ‘ain nstanly turns to ice when it his the ground © An ice storm covers everything with a half a “centimeter or more of ice. This may not sound lke much, bat ie is very heswy. This amount of ice fn an clectrie powerline ora tee branch can add 15 £0 30 kilograms of weight to every meter: Under this weight, power lines break, and ce branches ‘snap. They may fll on homes and cars, damagi 100 per 2 Avery bad storm 4 Abeautful storm ve storms be dangerous or people? he witer say the storms can also be beau, Why ice is dangerous [A disaster we don't always hear about 000 oO “The science of ice storms [Answer the questions. ‘What do all the disasters mentioned in the text have in common? Why does the rain tun to ice when it hits the ground? How much can half a centimeter of ice ‘ona powerline weigh? How long did the 1998 storm in Canads last? How can the storm cause damage to homes? Find words or phrases inthe text with these meanings. 1 batm or break something (caragaph A) tum froma sold oa liquid (paragraph 8) a thickness or quantity of something fon top of another thing (Garagraphs 8 and C) part of a tree that goes out from the center (caragraph c) cause to fall (earagraph 0) insite (paragraph 6) grammar a/an, the or no article [J] Complete the rule. Write the, no article, aor an Aine: us NER once rie eS Example: had a banana and an app aa Use__+ noun when itis ‘or person you are talking ab Example: The banana was very apple was horrible. le ape ieee | a eee Example: Bananas 2° good for you | ke apples. aii LE] Complete the sentences with a, an, the or ~ (n0 article). 1 really like = _ bicycles! have two: ‘green one and gray one. | got green bike as a birthday present when | was 1. bought ray bike with my own money 2 tread new plane yesterday. 3,000 people, but they will finish making F. 3 My father drives old car He loves it cents very week he gets one calls from oe ee cw war tuys wel he fad phone cal from... woman In Chicago. My father did't know woman, but she offered him $20,000 for ......catt 4 Lastright had dream. My dream was about «dogs ~ a lot of them! There was og that tried to bite me and Iran aay. Some people say that. dreams tell you n_ things about yourself Perhaps this dream means that Im afraid of _ dogs! newspaper story about plane can carry story didet say when ‘ 2 4 [a] Two students are describing an imaginary dream. Complete the ialogue with a/an, the or ~ (no article). ‘A: Last night, Idreomed that | was somewhere in'_a. forest. B: In?___ forest there were a lot of strange things. First | savy» house house was made of chocolate. When I walked closer, *___woman opened the door. B: woman was very old and she was wearing’... glasses. She said, “You can eat some of the chocolate, but you have to give me* present 1k: I didn't know what to give her. But then remembered. | had? photo of my dog in my pocket. B: (gave it to” woman and she looked at it. Suddenly there were "spiders everywhere. A Thate”___. spiders so 1 was alittle scared, but then Ihad”_ idea [B] Work with a partner. Invent another dream. Use the picture above and the dialogue in Exercise 7a to help you. The student who says the last sentence is the winner. wr [or

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