PPL RPP 3 Family 7

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Putri Hapsari S.

SMP Lab Satya Wacana, Salatiga

Phase/ Grade: D/ 7(B and C)

Time Allocation: 2x40 minutes


A. Elements of Achievement
Elemen Menyimak – Berbicara
By the end of Phase D, students use English to interact and exchange ideas,
experiences, interests, opinions, and views with teachers, peers, and others in an
increasing variety of familiar formal and informal contexts. With some repetition and
rewording, they comprehend the main ideas and relevant details of discussions or
presentations on various general interest topics. They engage in a discussion such as
giving opinions, making comparisons and stating preferences. They explain and clarify
their answers using basic sentence structure and verb tenses.

Elemen Membaca – Memirsa

By the end of Phase D, students independently read and respond to familiar and
unfamiliar texts containing predictable structures and familiar vocabulary. They locate
and evaluate main ideas and specific information in texts of different genres. These texts
may be in the form of print or digital texts, including visual, multimodal, or interactive
texts. They identify the purpose of texts and begin to make inferences to comprehend
implicit information in the text.

Elemen Menulis – Mempresentasikan

By the end of Phase D, students communicate their ideas and experience through
simple, organized paragraphs, demonstrating a developing use of specific vocabulary and
simple sentence structures. Using models, they plan, create and present informative,
imaginative, and persuasive texts in simple and compound sentences to structure
arguments and to explain or justify a position. They include basic information and detail
and also vary their sentence construction in their writing. Students express ideas in the
present, future, and past tenses. They use time markers, adverbs of frequency, and
common conjunctions to link ideas. Their attempts to spell new words are based on
known English letter-sound relationships and they use punctuation and capitalization with

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
- 1.1 After following this learning process, students are expected to be able to:
1.1.1 Identify the family structure through family tree correctly.
1.1.2. Identify descriptive text about family correctly.
1.1.3 Describe their own family into a descriptive text.

C. Profil Pelajar Pancasila:

1. Critical thinking.
2. Creative.
3. Independent.
4. Be pious and have a noble character
5. Teamwork.
D. Sarana dan Prasarana 1. Sarana
The facilities used in learning Descriptive Text are:
- Whiteboard
- Markers
2. Prasarana
The infrastructure used in Descriptive Text and learning is
- Realia (Printed Material),
- Printed Assessments.

E. Target Peserta Didik

The target students in this learning module are the general students from grade 7 phase D.

F. Assessment
- Individual and Group discussion

G. Model Pembelajaran yang Digunakan

Bahasa Inggris | SMP Satya Wacana | Fase D | 7 | Family Tree and Descriptive Text |
Modul Ajar

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Class/ Semester : 7 SMP/1

Meeting : Pertama (1)

Time allocation : 2x40 minutes/ 2 JP

Description: This module will guide students to identify descriptive text and try to share their
ideas about their friends' characteristics. This module is designed to be used effectively in on-site

A. Achievements Elements
● Reading-writing
B. Learning Model

C. Learning Objectives
o 1.1 After following this learning process, students are expected to be able to:
1.1.1 Identify family member using appropriate vocabulary.
1.1.2. Identify the relationship between family members appropriately.
1.1.3. Describe their own family by drawing their family’s family tree correctly.
D. Meaningful Understanding
In this meeting the students will be identifying and sharing their opinion about the text
description. After that, they will make a text description and present it in front of the

E. Pancasila Student Profile:

The character profiles of Pancasila students developed in this module are:
- Critical thinking.
- Creative.
- Independent.
- Be pious and have a noble character
- Teamwork
F. Stimulus Question
1. Do you still remember about extended family?
2. Who are included in your extended family?
3. Have you heard about British royal family?
4. Do you know the family structure of the royal family?
G. Learning Activities (80 minutes)


1 Pre-Teaching/opening: 5 minutes ● The class begins with greetings.
● Checking students’ attendance.
● Review previous material.
● The teachers tell today's topic and the
learning objectives.
● Then the teachers tell the rules to join
today’s lesson.
● Announcing to the students about
tomorow’s exam.
● The teacher motivates the students.
1 Brainstorming 5 minutes Ask the students using stimulus question

1 Main-Activity 65 minutes ● Gives students the handout. (Royal

family’s family tree)
● Teacher write 15 questions regarding the
family tree on whiteboard.
- Who are The Queen’s children?
- Who are Isla’s cousins?
- Who is William’s youngest child?
- Who are Anne’s nephews?
- Who is The Queen’s son-in-law?
- Who is Andrew’s younger
- Who is Harry’s mother?
- Who are Louise’s uncles?
- Who are Charlotte’s sibling?
- Who is Anne’s ex husband?
- Who is Charles granddaughter?
- Who are Mark’s ex wife?
- Who is Harry’s spouse?
- Who is Andrew’s niece?
● Students write the questions and answer
it into their book.
● Teacher review students’ answer.
● Gives students the second handout.
(Masha’s family)
● Students read the text and answer the T/F
● Students identify the text.
● Points to identify: Age, Job, Hobby.
● Teacher explain about informing
someone’s age (my father is...years old)
● Students explore more about Jobs and
Hobbies through game.
● Game: Speed game
● Class divided into two groups.
● Teacher will ask the students to mention
jobs that they knew as many as possible.
● Every correct answer will be given 1
● The group with bigger points will be the
● Teacher repeat the same game in
mentioning people’s hobbies.
● Students write their family’s descriptive
● Teacher collect students’ works (T/F
questions and descriptive text)
1 Post-activity/ closing 5 minutes  Teachers will reviews the material
 Teacher checks students’ understanding
 Teachers appreciate all the efforts
students have given in the class.
 Reminding the students about tomorrow’s
 Farewell greeting.
H. Assessment
I. Refleksi Peserta Didik dan Guru
At the end of the lesson, the teacher and students reflect on learning using the google
1. Teacher reflection
- What difficulties were found in carrying out today's material teaching?
- How do you solve the difficulties found?
- What steps are taken if the learning objectives have not been achieved?
- What changes will be made to achieve the learning objectives at the
next meeting?
2. Student reflection
- What obstacles did you encounter during the lesson?
- What steps were taken to overcome these obstacles?

B. Lampiran 2- Assessment
- Profil Pelajar Pancasila Assessment Journal (kritis, mandiri, bergotong-

Rated aspect
3 2 1
Able to obtain and Able to obtain and
analyze the analyze the Unable to obtain and
Acquire and analyze information information obtained analyze the
reasoning. obtained very well. quite well. information obtained.

Able to participate
Participation in group very well in doing Able to participate Unable to participate
work. the required tasks. fairly well in groups. in groups.
Able to produce Able to produce
Produce original original work very original work quite Unable to produce
work. well. well. original work.

Assessment criteria:
Good ( G ) = 3
Fairly Good ( FG ) = 2
Need Assistance (NA ) = 1

- Rubric Skill’s Assesment

Present the infromation clearly with

Content supporting details.
2 Present the information clearly
1 Present no clear information.
3 Good vocabulary spelling.
Vocabulary 2 Few errors in spelling the vocabulary.
1 Many errors in spelling the vocabulary.
content score+ vocabulary score
Final score : x 50

- Formative Assesment

C. Lampiran 4-Glosarium

D. Bibliography

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