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Real Excellence Online


Effectiveness. Efficiency. Convenience


CIVIL ENGINEERS Final Preboard Examination

Saturday, November 05, 2022 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the
letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES

NOTE: A times B is represented by AxB or A*B. A raised to the power of n is

expressed as A^n.

1. A cubical container that measures 2 m on a side is tightly packed with

eight balls and is filled with water. All eight balls are in contact with
the walls of the container and the adjacent balls. All of the balls are
the same size. What is the volume of water in the container?
a. 5.5 m^3 c. 2.5 m^3
b. 3.8 m^3 d. 4.2 m^3

2. Which number has four significant figures?

a. 0.0023 c. 0.02323
b. 232.30 d. 2300

3. A basketball coach has a total of 10 players. In how many ways can he field
a team of 5 players, if the captain ball is always included?
a. 105 c. 252
b. 210 d. 126

4. A spherical snowball is melting in such way that is surface area decreases

at a rate of 1 cm²/min. How fast is its radius shrinking when it is 3 cm?
a. -1/36pi c. -1/48pi
b. -1/32pi d. -1/24pi

5. There are 10 points on a circle. A straight line segment is drawn between

each pair of points. How many intersections are there within the circle if
no 3 lines are collinear?
a. 35 c. 255
b. 45 d. 210

6. A spider and a fly are located at opposite vertices of a room of dimensions

1, 2, and 3 units. Assuming that the fly is too terrified to move, find
the minimum distance the spider must crawl to reach the fly.
a. 6 units c. 2√5 units
b. 3√2 units d. √14 units

7. Three dart players threw simultaneously at a tic-tac-toe board, each

hitting a different square. What is the probability that the three hits
constituted a win at tic-tac-toe?
a. 4/21 c. 2/21
b. 2/7 d. 4/7

8. A college freshman borrowed Php 2,000 from a bank for his tuition fee and
promised to pay the amount for one year. He received only the amount of
Php 1,920 after the bank collected an advance interest of Php 80.00. What
was the rate of discount?
a. 4.17% c. 3.67%
b. 4.00% d. 4.25%

9. An object 6 cm high is placed 12 cm away from a concave mirror whose focal

length is 36 cm. What is the height of the image?
a. 8 cm c. 4 cm
b. 9 cm d. 3 cm

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CIVIL ENGINEERS Final Preboard Examination
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10. Dr. Shaun Murphy, who is always in hurry, walks up an upgoing escalator at
the rate of one step per second. Twenty steps bring him to the top. Next
day he goes up at two steps per second, reaching the top in 32 steps. How
many steps are there in the escalator?
a. 50 c. 40
b. 80 d. 60

11. A curve banked at 8° will accommodate traffic traveling s mph, if the

radius of the curve is r feet, according to the formula s = 1.45√r. If
engineers expect 65-mph traffic, what radius should they specify?
a. 2,110 ft c. 2,001 ft
b. 2,010 ft d. 2,111 ft

12. A contractor can buy a dump trucks for Php 800,000 each (surplus) or rent
them for Php 1,189 per truck per day. The truck has salvage value of Php
100,000 at the end of its useful life of 5 years. Annual cost of maintenance
is Php 20,000. If money is worth 14% per annum, determine the number of
days per year that a truck must be used to warrant the purchase of the
a. 200 c. 198
b. 199 d. 197

13. An open water of navigable depth is called:

a. shoal c. significant depth
b. skewd d. fairway

14. The foundation of the building is to be 12.50 m x 14.75 m. If an old

metallic tape known to be 15.025 m long is used in settling its corners,
what measurements must we make?
a. 12.521 x 14.775 c. 12.479 x 14.775
b. 12.479 x 14.725 d. 12.521 x 14.725

15. An engineer’s chain was used to measure a line, there were 8 tallies
recorded, the rear chairman had 6 marking pins and the distance from the
last pin to the end of a line was 52.2 links. What is the length of the
line in meters?
a. 2637.866 m c. 8127.244 m
b. 3427.425 m d. 6132.465 m

16. The average of six scores is 83. If the highest score is removed, the
average of the remaining scores is 81.2. Find the highest score.
a. 92 c. 93
b. 94 d. 91

17. Waves of this type have very long periods, typically from 30 sec up to the
tidal period of 12 hrs 25 min and are mostly found in enclosed or semi-
enclosed basins such as artificial port basins or bays.
a. swell waves c. breaking waves
b. seiching waves d. wakes

18. If the local time at a place whose longitude is 81°37’ West is 9:37:45 AM,
determine the standard time in another place whose longitude is 123°35’20”
a. 11:18:34 PM c. 10:37:45 PM
b. 11:04:13 PM d. 10:52:06 PM

Situation 1 - A +5.2% grade meets a -2% grade of a vertical summit parabolic

curve at station 2+230 with an elevation of 194.60 m. The parabolic curve
is 450 m long.

19. Determine the length of curve per 1° change in grade.

a. 62.5 m c. 56.2 m
b. 140.6 m d. 104.6 m

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20. Compute the elevation of the highest point on the curve.

a. 191.35 m c. 184.15 m
b. 195.85 m d. 188.85 m

21. Compute the stationing of the point C whose elevation is 185.35.

a. 2+056.14 c. 2+181.14
b. 1+956.14 d. 2+107.14

22. The salary of an employee’s job has five levels, each one 5% greater than
the one below it. Due to circumstances, the salary of the employee must be
reduced from the top (fifth) level to the second level, which results in
a reduction of $122.00 per month. What is the employee’s present salary
per month?
a. $570 c. $900
b. $440 d. $680

23. The clearance to an obstruction of a simple curve having a radius of 420

m is 6.5 m. Determine the sight distance of the horizontal curve.
a. 180.45 m c. 147.78 m
b. 172.62 m d. 162.45 m

24. Steven is twice as old as his brother, Jason. In 5 years, Jason will be
the same age as his brother was 10 years ago. How old is Steven?
a. 24 years old c. 15 years old
b. 12 years old d. 30 years old

25. The volume of earthworks between STA 3+140 and STA 3+160 was computed to
be 887.1 m3 based on the given cross-section notes. However, at STA 3+160,
the depth of cut at the center was missing. Determine the missing data if
roadway is 10 m with sideslope of 1.5:1.

Station 3+140
+4.2 +0.8
11.3 6.2

Station 3+160
+2.2 +2.6
8.3 8.9

a. 3.55 m c. 3.85 m
b. 3.60 m d. 3.90 m

26. Data on a traffic accident recorded on a certain intersection for the past
4 years has an accident rate of 9,200 per million entering vehicles. If
the total number of accidents is 802, find the average daily traffic
entering the intersection during the 4-year period.
a. 48 c. 51
b. 60 d. 70

27. In the well known song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, a person gives his
sweetheart k gifts on the kth day for each of the 12 days of Christmas.
The person also repeats each gift identically on each subsequent day. Thus,
on the 12th day, the sweetheart receives a gift for the first day, 2 gifts
for the second, 3 gifts for the third, and so on. How many gifts were
a. 364 c. 360
b. 78 d. 82

28. Find the swell in percent of a sand and gravel soil that weighs 1,569
kg/m^3 in its natural state and 1,341 kg/m^3 after excavation.
a. 17.00% c. 15.43%
b. 14.53% d. 16.00%

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29. A chemical plant having a capacity of 24.956 MGD was built at a cost of
Php 7,910,699.50. If a same structure was built with a capacity of 2.429
MGD, what would be its cost? Use a factor equal to 0.84.
a. Php 1.475M c. Php 1.575M
b. Php 1.117M d. Php 1.274M

Situation 2 - A 1:3:5 mix is required for a 71.46 m^3 volume of concrete. Assume
1 bag of cement to be 0.0288 m^3. Use 25 liters of water per bag of cement.

Material Specific Gravity Density

Cement 3.14 1,518
Sand 2.67 1,629
Gravel 2.51 1,560

30. Determine the required number of bags of cement.

a. 365 c. 405
b. 395 d. 385

31. Determine the required volume of sand in m^3.

a. 44 c. 34
b. 39 d. 29

32. Determine the required volume of gravel in m^3.

a. 73 c. 57
b. 65 d. 48

33. Determine the required volume of water in m^3.

a. 9.13 c. 10.13
b. 9.88 d. 9.63

34. Evaluate 2000C2 + 2000C5 + 2000C8 + … + 2000C29.

a. 4.952 x 10^64 c. 2.773 x 10^64
b. 5.025 x 10^64 d. 6.852 x 10^64

35. What is the minimum number of persons in a room to provide at least an even
chance that two or more were born on the same day of the week?
a. 3 c. 4
b. 4 d. 8

36. Two leveling rods placed at a distance of 50 m and 100 m respectively from
the instrument gives an intercept of 0.488 m and 0.980 m. Determine the
stadia interval factor.
a. 100.00 c. 98.37
b. 99.15 d. 101.63

37. Aerial photography having an average scale of 1:8,000 is required to be

taken with a 153 mm (6”) focal length camera over a terrain whose average
elevation is 150 m above mean sea level. Determine the required flying
height above mean sea level.
a. 1,444 m c. 1,374 m
b. 1,524 m d. 1,224 m

38. Your perfectly reliable friend asks for a loan and promises to pay back
Php 150 two years from now. If the minimum you will accept is 8%, what is
the maximum amount you will loan for him?
a. Php 126 c. Php 119
b. Php 139 d. Php 129

39. Residual water level (RWL) for sheet pile type is:
a. 1/3 (HWL – LWL) c. 1/3 (HWL – LWL) + LWL
b. 2/3 (HWL – LWL) d. 2/3 (HWL – LWL) + LWL

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40. For a period of 5 years, a certain amount has a single payment compound
amount factor of 1.61. If the principal is Php 10,000, determine its value
after 10 years.
a. Php 16,100 c. Php 25,921
b. Php 32,200 d. Php 12,961

41. Sand falling from a chute forms a conical pile whose altitude is always
equal to 4/3 the radius of the base. How fast is the volume increasing when
the radius of the base is 3 ft and is increasing at the rate of 3 in/min?
a. 9.42 ft^3/min c. 4.71 ft^3/min
b. 6.28 ft^3/min d. 7.85 ft^3/min

42. Line AB passes throught C(25.6, 10.8). If A and B are positive x and y
intercepts, respectively, what is the shortest length possible for line
a. 55 units c. 50 units
b. 40 units d. 45 units

43. After 8:00 PM, a ride in a cab cost Php 25.00 plus Php 3.00 for every fifth
of a kilometer traveled. If a passenger traveled x kilometers, what is the
cost of the trip in pesos, as a function of x?
a. 28x c. 25 + 15x
b. 25 + 3x d. 25 + 0.6x

44. Conjugate hyperbolas are such that the transverse and conjugate axes of
one are respectively the conjugate and tranverse axes of the other. If the
eccentricity of one is 1.25, what is the eccentricity of the other?
a. 1.25 c. 1.12
b. 1.67 d. 0.8

45. A symmetrical cross of thickness 12 cm is to be cut out from a piece of

cardboard of radius 20 cm. What percent of the area of the cardboard is
considered as waste?
a. 36.72% c. 38.58%
b. 28.64% d. 27.12%

46. When 100 coins are tossed, what is the probability that exactly 50 are
a. 0.06 c. 0.07
b. 0.08 d. 0.09

47. A distance was measured on an 8% slope and found to be 2,620.3 m. What is

the horizontal distance in meters?
a. 2,611.96 m c. 2,619.16 m
b. 2,616.19 m d. 2,613.69 m

48. A bullet is fired at a target 1,342 m away. At what point along its path
would the sound of the impact of the bullet be heard 1/4 second before the
report of the gun, assuming that the sound travels at a rate of 335 m/s
and the bullet is traveling at 503 m/s.
a. 128.42 m c. 182.24 m
b. 142.82 m d. 124.28 m

49. Points A and B are on the same horizontal plane as point C which is the
foot of the tower CD. The distance AB is 200 m. The angles of elevation to
the top of the tower CD as observed from A and B are 26° and 36°,
respectively. If the horizontal angle subtended by A and B at C is 90°,
how high is the tower?
a. 72 m c. 77 m
b. 67 m d. 81 m

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50. When a rich sultan died, he left behind 3465 gold pieces to be divided
equally among his children. Each wife has the same number of children, and
this number was 8 less than the number of wives per harem, which in turn
was 4 more than the number of harems and 4 less than the number of gold
pieces each children received. How many children did the sultan have?
a. 231 c. 315
b. 165 d. 495

51. The capitalized cost of a piece of equipment was found to be Php 142,000.
The rate of interest used in the computations was 12%, with a salvage value
of Php 10,000 at the end of a service life of eight years. Assuming that
the cost of perpetual replacement remains constant, determine the original
cost of the equipment.
a. Php 132,075 c. Php 88,687
b. Php 142,000 d. Php 78,953

52. Find the equation of the line normal to the tangent at (4, 0) on the curve
x^2 + 16y = 32 – 4x – y^2.
a. 4x + 3y – 16 = 0 c. 3x + 4y – 12 = 0
b. 4x – 3y – 16 = 0 d. 3x - 4y – 12 = 0

53. The lines OA and OB have magnetic bearings of N 39°25’ W and N 75°50’ E,
respectively. Determine the angle between these lines.
a. 50°04’ c. 115°15’
b. 87°34’ d. 36°25’

54. Simplify the function y = (tanx + cotx)sinx.

a. sinx c. cosx
b. cotx d. secx

55. The reaction time to be used for road safety design is ____ seconds. This
value is applied to the whole range of design speeds.
a. 1.5 c. 2.5
b. 2.0 d. 3.0

56. It is large enough and so configured that an employee can enter bodily and
perform work; not designed for continuous human occupancy.
a. confined space c. open environment
b. working space d. hazardous environment

57. The tires of a car make 65 revolutions as the car reduces its speed from
95 kph to 45 kph. The tires have a diameter of 0.80 m. If the car continues
to decelerate at this rate, how much more time is required for it to stop.
a. 4.1 s c. 7.6 s
b. 6.7 s d. 1.4 s

58. Evaluate the limit of (x – 5)/(x^2 – 12x + 35) as x approaches 5.

a. indeterminate c. 0.5
b. -0.5 d. 0

59. A projectile is fired with an initial speed of 196 m/s at an angle 30°
above the horizontal from the top of a cliff 98 m high. Determine the time
to reach maximum height.
a. 10.5 s c. 11.5 s
b. 10.0 s d. 11.0 s

60. A lot has a frontage of 120 m long along a road. The other sides which are
both perpendicular to the road are 90 m and 60 m, respectively. It is
desired to subdivide the lot into two parts by another perpendicular line
to the road such that the area of the lot that adjoins the 90 m side is
equal to 1/3 of the whole area. Determine the length of the dividing line.
a. 77.82 m c. 62.46 m
b. 92.46 m d. 81.24 m

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CIVIL ENGINEERS Final Preboard Examination
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61. An engineer selects a sample of 5 iPhones from a shipment of 100 that

contains 5 defectives. Find the probability that the sample contains at
least one defective.
a. 0.23 c. 0.83
b. 0.43 d. 0.63

62. An 80 m spiral curve connects the central curve of radius 200 m. Determine
the spiral angle at SC.
a. 11.46° c. 9.89°
b. 10.12° d. 12.12°

63. John and Peter are both 90 years old. Paul, on the other hand, is half
again as old as he was when he was half again as old as he was when he
lacked 5 years of being half as old as he is now. How old is Paul.
a. 60 c. 80
b. 70 d. 90

64. A circle of radius 1 inch is inscribed in an equilateral triangle. A smaller

circle is inscribed at each vertex, tangent to the circle and to two sides
of the triangle. The process is continued with progressively smaller
circles. What is the sum of the circumference of all the circles?
a. 4pi c. 6pi
b. 5pi d. 7pi

65. In a railroad layout, the centerlines of two parallel tracks are connected
with a reverse curve of unequal radii. The central angle of the first curve
is 16° and the distance between parallel tracks is 27.60 m. Stationing of
PC is 15+420 and the radius of the second curve is 290 m. Compute the
stationing of PT.
a. 15+500.98 c. 15+625.96
b. 15+537.98 d. 15+618.96

66. It provides protective barrier between the worker and the hazard.
a. Personal Protective Equipment
c. Protective Gears
b. Personal Protective Barriers
d. Protective Suit

67. Real Excellence Online Philippines is planning to put up its own building.
Two proposals being considered are: (A) The construction of the building
now to cost Php 400,000. (B) The construction of smaller building now to
cost Php 300,000 and at the end of 5 years, an extension to be added to
cost Php 200,000. By how much is proposal B more economical than proposal
A if the interest is 20% and depreciation to be neglected?
a. Php 19,624.49 c. Php 19,122.15
b. Php 19,423.69 d. Php 19,518.03

Situation 3 - A 40-m steel tape is suspended in the air between a theodolite

and vertical rod, which is placed exactly at the 40 m mark, under a pull
of 12 kg. The slope of the measured line is 2°30’. The tape weighs 1 kg,
standard pull of 8 kg, cross-sectional area of 0.039 cm^2, and E = 2 x 10^6

68. Determine the correction for sag of the tape.

a. 0.0116 m c. 0.1042 m
b. 0.0260 m d. 0.0440 m

69. Determine the horizontal distance between the theodolite and rod in meters.
a. 39.8546 c. 39.9884
b. 39.7952 d. 39.9524

70. What additional pull must be applied to eliminate the effect of sag?
a. 30.6 kg c. 24.6 kg
b. 6.0 kg d. 18.0 kg

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CIVIL ENGINEERS Final Preboard Examination
Saturday, November 05, 2022 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Page 8


71. This is conducted to identify the root cause of the accident so that similar
accidents can be prevented from happening again.
a. Hazard Investigation c. Accident Investigation
b. Accident Analysis d. Hazard Analysis

72. Waves created by large, sudden impacts, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, or

landslides that ends up in the ocean.
a. Tsunamis c. Clapotis
b. Seiching Waves d. Deep Water Waves

Situation 4 - The adjusted latitudes and departures for a closed traverse are
given in the following table:

Line Latitude Departure

AB +400 +1200
BC -300 +500
CD -300 -400
DA +200 -1300

73. Compute the double parallel distance of line CD.

a. -3000 c. +3000
b. -100 d. +100

74. Compute the double meridian distance of line BC.

a. +2900 c. -2900
b. -500 d. +500

75. Determine the area of the traverse.

a. 515,000 c. 689,000
b. 436,000 d. 572,000

*** E N D ***

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