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Rustomjee Cambridge International School and Junior College

Summative Assessment 1 – Term 1 (2022-23)

Subject- Science (practice paper)
Grade: 3 Div: ____

Name: ______________________________ Roll No: ___ Date: _________


1.Select the Quiet sound among the given options.

a. b.

c. d.

2. A _____is a vibration that propagates through a medium in the form of a wave.

a.sound b.air
c. medium

3.Sound travels fastest in ______.

a.solid b. liquid
c.gas d.none of the above.
4.__________ have tightly packed particles in them and hence they allow fast
propagation of sound through them as the vibrations can be carried easily from one
particle to another.

a.sound b.solids
c.liquid d. molecule

5.The coiled tube in the inner ear is called.___

a. eardrum b.cochlea
c.ear canal d. eustachian tube
6. A path that electricity can flow through is called-
a. a wire electric circuit
c. an electric current d. a load
7. A device for closing or opening a circuit
a. switch b. wire
c. bulb d. battery

8. What is the name of thin wire in the electric bulb?

a. filament b. base
c. glass d. Wire
9. The circuit in which electrical contact at any point is broken is called -
a. closed circuit b. open circuit
c. copper wire d. component

10. Identify the conductor-

a. wood b. glass
c. metal d. plastic

Q.2 Match the following:

a.Unwanted sound a.Loud sound
b.Aluminum b.Wrist watch
c.Button cell c.Noise
d.Chirping of birds d.Conductor
e.Traffic e.Quite sound

a- c, b-d, c-b, d-e, e-a.

3. Fill in the blanks.

a. Sound cannot travel in vacuum.
b. Unwanted sound is called noise.
c. The eardrum in the ear is like a stretched rubber sheet.
d. Materials that do not allow electric current to pass through them are called
e. Industrial discharge in river Yamuna is seen in _New Delhi.
f. Kolkata, Chennai,New Delhi and Mumbai are the four Metropolitan cities in

4.Say whether the following sentences are true or false. If false, rewrite the
statement by changing the underlined word.

1. Electric current can flow through insulators. False

Ans- Electric current can flow through conductors.

2.In an electric circuit the source of electricity is the sun. False

In an electric circuit the source of electricity is the battery/cell
3. Supersonic is used for objects which travel at a speed greater than the speed of
sound. True
4. The eardrum collects sound waves and sends them into a curved passageway
called the ear canal. False
Ans- The auricle collects sound waves and sends them into a curved passageway
called the ear canal.

5. The speed between you and the source of a sound can influence how loud or soft
it sounds. True

4. Give suitable reasons for the following -

a.Explain why the bulb would not glow in the arrangement shown in fig

Ans - In figure, screw driver is in the circuit. One end of the screw driver is of
metal whereas another is of rubber/plastic. Rubber/plastic is an electric insulator.
Hence the bulb will not glow in the given arrangement.
b.Take a plastic or tin can. Stretch a piece of rubber balloon across one end of the
can and fasten it with a rubber band. Put four or five grains of dry cereal on it. Why
do the grains jump up and down?
Ans -The grain jump up and down because of the vibration caused by the stretched rubber

C. Would the bulb glow after completing the circuit , If instead of a safety pin we
use an eraser?
Ans. If an eraser is used in place of a safety pin, the bulb will not glow. As an
eraser is an electric insulator, it doesn’t allow the electric current to pass through.

D. Why the handles of screwdrivers and testers used by electricians are usually
made of wood or hard plastic.
Ans. Wood or plastic covers are bad conductors of electricity. So they do not allow
the electric current to pass through it. The wood or plastic cover saves the
electrician from any electric shock when he will be repairing.

5 Answer the following questions.

1. List sources of noise pollution in your surroundings.

Ans-Honking of vehicles, Construction work,Bursting crackers ,thunder,Road
driller etc.
2. What is the function of the Internal ear?

Ans- The inner ear is filled with fluid. It contains the main organ of hearing, a
coiled tube called the cochlea. The vibrations make waves in the fluid of the
cochlea. These waves produce the sound signals that are sent to the brain. The
inner ear also has structures called the semicircular canals, which help to keep the
body in balance.

3.Name the picture shown above. Why is a switch important?

Ans. The picture shown above is a Switch.A switch is important as it causes a
break in the electrical circuit and helps to control the electric flow in the

3. In the figure shown above, will the electricity pass through the circuit (a) or
circuit (b). Give a reason.
In circuit A, switch is open whereas in circuit B switch is closed hence the
electricity will pass through the circuit B.

4. One should never play with electrical wires and sockets.Is the boy in the
picture doing the correct thing? How will you explain the dangers of
Ans -Electricity can be very dangerous, if you do not handle electrical devices carefully. One
should never play with electrical wires and sockets.
6. Sort the following in conductors and insulators.
copper wire,safety pin, wooden scale, glass, plastic,aluminum and paper.

Conductor Insulator
copper wire wooden scale
safety pin glass
aluminum plastic

7. Think and answer.

Q.1 Riya saw electricians working on electric cables wearing thick rubber gloves
and safety shoes with rubber shoes. She is confused why they are wearing it.
Explain Riya.
Ans- Rubber is an insulator. If the electricians wear rubber gloves the current won't
pass and there is no possibility of getting a shock.

Q.2 Four children were walking in a row. The first child could hear the sparrow
chirping clearly whereas the fourth child couldn't hear the sparrow that clearly.
Explain why?
Ans-Sound also depends on distance. The more the distance less clear is the sound
heard. The first child is very close to the bird and the fourth child is far thus the
first child could hear clearly and the fourth couldn't.

Q.3 Seema went to an empty room. She was curious and called out her name.
Immediately she heard an echo of her name. She wondered why this happened?
Ans- She heard an echo which is repeated sound because the sound waves are
reflected back. The sound waves bounced of the walls hence it reflected the sound.

Q.4 Where is electricity made and how does it travel?

Ans-Electricity is made/generated at power station and it travel along the cables.

Q.5 Isha was watching a movie wearing headphones at high volume. Her father
suggested decreasing the volume as it may damage the ear. Explain some effective
ways of taking care of the ear.
Ans- 1.Use earplugs for loud music
2. Don't use cotton buds
3. Keep your ears dry
4. Do not listen music at hight volume and keep the sound low as possible.

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