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Difference Between Survey and Experiment

Comparison Chart


Meaning Survey refers to a technique of Experiment implies a

gathering information regarding scientific procedure wherein
a variable under study, from the the factor under study is
respondents of the population. isolated to test hypothesis.

Used in Surveys are performed when whereas in the case of

the research is of descriptive experiments are conducted in
nature experimental research.

Samples The survey samples are large 1. On the other hand,

as the response rate is low, samples required in the
especially when the survey is case of experiments is
conducted through mailed relatively small.

Suitable Surveys are considered suitable 2. As against this,

for for social and behavioural experiments are an
science important characteristic
of physical and natural

Example of Field research refers to the 3. As against this,

research conducted outside the experiments are an
laboratory or workplace. important characteristic
Surveys are the best example of of physical and natural
field research. sciences.

Data Field research refers to the 4. As opposed to

collection research conducted outside the experiment, the data is
laboratory or workplace. obtained through
Surveys are the best example of several readings of the
field research.


Survey Method
The essence of survey method can be explained as “questioning individuals on a topic or topics and then
describing their responses”[1]. In business studies survey method of primary data collection is used in order to
test concepts, reflect attitude of people, establish the level of customer satisfaction, conduct segmentation
research and a set of other purposes. Survey method can be used in both,  quantitative, as well
as, qualitative studies.

Survey method pursues two main purposes:

1. Describing certain aspects or characteristics of population and/or

2. Testing hypotheses about nature of relationships within a population.

Survey method can be broadly divided into three categories: mail survey, telephone survey and personal
interview. The descriptions of each of these methods are briefly explained on the following table [2]:

Survey method Description

Mail survey A written survey that is self-administered
Telephone survey A survey conducted by telephone in which the questions are read to the respondents
Personal interview A face-to-face interview of the respondent
Major survey methods and their descriptions

 Alternatively,  from the viewpoint of practicality, the most popular variations of surveys
include questionnaires, interviews and documentation review. The main advantages and disadvantages
associated with these primary data collection methods are explained by Denscombe (2010)[3] in the following

Method Purpose
Questionnaires Conducted in order to gather large size of information in a short
period of time
Interviews Conducted in order to reflect emotions and experiences, and explore
issues with a greater focus
Documentation Conducted in order to study issues that have developed over a
review specific period of time

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