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a aTTTUDE CONTROL ‘ The satellite orientation in space is referred tothe atitude ofthe satelite + In satellite most ofthe equipment are used for the purpose of atitude control + Attitude control includes the proper orientation of antenna towards the earth station + The disturbance torques, such as the gravitational field of the earth, moon may affect or alter the attitude, To find the deviation or shif, inffared sensors are used, these are referred to as “horizon detectors”, and a. corresponding control signal is generated which sctivates a restoring torque. ¥ Generally this attitude contro! takes place in the satellite; sometime it is Possible to transmit the contol signals from earth, The controlling torques are generated by two ways. 1. Passive attitude control 2, Active attitude control ting dri pa co ay i te PAS a sees spin stabilization” & gra a see rm sein The spaviy wi” 0 see eto we conte! , ete ate are applcd in response 0 the dis goittiona field ofthe coma yg in communication satellites, in this echie rer ven sd sep deve el op, tbe contol eyes 1 Trocecamengnete ci works onthe pple tt the eats magnet ae ng on caret caring coh and this ean be contol Fi coating te eer 1 oneoftte example of momentum whee! conto is thre axis stabilization ‘Spinning Satelit \ 4 This typeof stabilization i applied tothe cylindrical type of satellites. # Sulit ae mechanically balanced in panicular axis, and then spinning avs that wis Spin axis of geostationary satellites are parallel to the N-S axis of the earth | Ce fe Cooter ‘Fl 41 Spa atone pesatinary ob, re Sone Sener — ———__ ¥ In the absence of disturbance torques, the satel! atin relative tothe earth, ie wend rmietan its correct 7 When the disturbance arise, it will affect the overall slit. the spin rte wll decrease and the angular min also change. ¢ The disturbances may be from number of ways, it may be extemal or internal ¥ The gravitational force of the sun and moon, solar radiation are the examples ¥ Sometimes the disturbances may be intemal, ie., movement of the satellite ‘antenna, motor bearing friction also gives rise to disturbance. ¥ The impulse-type thrusters, or jets can be used to increase the spin rate, and to shift the axis back to its correct N-S orientation. ¥ In the spin stabilization entire satellite rotates about an axis. If an omni directional antenna is used then it will also rotates with the satellite. Ifadirectional antenna is used (which is used in communication satellites), then the antenna must be made despun. This gives rise to dual spin construction. Ancelectric motor drive is used for despining the antenna sub system. CA Telaraty wt | ‘command aries | antenna | retectoe Des sh! Sola cot eves Fig. 42. From the above Fig.4.2 the antenna is mounted on a despun shel, it also consist of communication repeaters. Siteting ( w ———— a assembly is known 08 “Bearig and Poy, ¥ The above complete Assembly IHAPTA). cee eee ante AtabeatiOn ~ ATO ne previous Seton the —— ide wily Forte tee ig ‘Ping satellite was shown to TT Fig. 27 Atermatve momentum whet aaton temas n7 Soettve Sabi fad it Be OS et gg Powe nd is apa is wed me i ae at Kron as ody stabilize sti. *] he Mvbec i ame oh i, ic OU» pean Providing he map el formar tn. The to he mot, ee tty fe ate “ 44.2. Three Axis Stabilization © The three axis are. roll, pitch and yaw (RP Y) axis. ¥ Ail the three axis pass through the centre of satellite, . Movement of the saelie about the rll xis moves the antenna fog py and south, ¥ Movement of the pitch axis moves the foot print east and west, ~ Movement about yaw, rotates the antenna foot print. —_ Rot ace | | | | | } Pig. 4.5. ¥ The body of the satellite remains fixed to the earth, so the 3 axis stah}; also referred to as “body stabilization”. Sabilizaicg, ~ There are separate stabilizing elements for each ofthe three axis. Active ay ‘control is used here. ating “Te g elements may be control jets, fired to correct the atti muy be the reaction wheels. atte A reaction wheel is normally stationary but it reacts when a the orientation or attitude. torque tends to aia ~ But always the disturbance torques cause a cumulative i met Momentum, a some point the wheel get increase Y It reaches the maximum : momentum. ‘angular velocity and cannot tke any mat ¥ Some mass expulsion devices are used to unload the wheel, #¢., to remove the momentum from it. ¢ This mass propulsion system consumes part of the satellites fuel supply. 12.20 For a satellite circuit the carrier-to-noise ratios are uplink 23 dB, downlink 20 dF, ATES 4 iB. Calrulate the overall carrier to-naise ratio in decibels, Setwtien From Eq. (12.62). X_ 10-** + 10 +10 = ooo19 e c =| = —10 lng (L001) FI = 17.3 dBHz ‘Fig. 221. Sky-notse temperature for clear air ‘systems before they are used inthe construction of the satellite, Redundancy of key components is often built in so shat if a particular part of subassembly fails, another can perform its functions. In addition, hardware and software on the satellite are often designed so that ground] controllers can reconfigure the satellite to work around a part that has failed. 2.17.2. DESIGN UFETIME ‘The Milstar constellation has demonstrated exceptional reliability and capability providing vita! protected communications to the war fighter”, said Kevin Bilger, Vie* President and general manager, Global Communications Systems, Lockheed Mar ‘Space Systems in Sunnyvale, ee Seen od Sain rv ia ‘Milatae’s robust system offers our nation workiwide connectivity with flexible, dependable and highly secure stelite communications” ‘The five satelite Milstar consellaion has surpassed 63 years of combined successful operations and provides a protected, global communications network for tbe joint forces ofthe U.S military. In ation, ican warsmit voice, data and imagery and offers video teleconferencing capabilities. ‘The system isthe principal survivable, endurable communications structure thatthe President, the Secretary of Defense and the Commander, U.S. Strategic Command use 0 maintain postive command and control of the nation’s strategie forces. In addition to this 10-year milestone for Flights. each of the fist two Milstar satellites have been on orbit for over 16 yeas far exceeding their 10 year design life. ‘The next generation Lockheed Matn-built Advanced EHF satellites, joining the Milstar constellation, provide five times faster dat rates and twice as many ‘connections, permitting transmission of strategic and tactical military communications, such as realtime video, battle field maps and targeting data Advanced EHF satellites are designed to be fully interoperable and backward compatible with Milt. Headquartered in Bethesda, Md, Lockheed Manin is a global security company that employs about 123,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufSctur, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services ‘The primary electrical power for operating the elecwonic equipment is obtained fom solar cells. Individual cells can geserate ely small amounts of power and eretore arrays of ets in series paraliel connection ae required. (Cynical solar arays are used with spinning stelites, tas the army are only paral in sunshine at any given time. ‘Another typeof solar pal is the rectangular aay or soar sil. must be folded uring the launch phase and exended when in geostationary obit 109 ‘Stele Commotion ‘The full components of solar cells are exposed #9 sn light and the sail rotate to ‘rack the stn, they capable of greater power output than cylindrical array. ‘To maintain service during an eclipse, storage batteries must be provided. Figure22, shows the cells panels for the HS 376 satellite manufactured by Hughes ‘Spoce and Communications Company. The dimension of this satellite is 216 cm in ameter and 660 em long when flly deployed. yt yor Fig 2.2 Sette eclipse time so function ofthe current day ofthe your During the launch sequence the outer cylinder i telescoped over the Inner one 19 reduce the overall length. Only the outer panel generates electrical power during this phase. “The panels produce 940 W de power atthe beginning of life and drop 10 760 W at end of 10 years. [During eclipse, power is provided bry two nickeleadmium (NCA) long-tie toteries, which wil deliver 830 W. At the end of lif, battery, recharge time is ls an 16, no Garter ato a ean pe HS 37698 CA i paid cecal The rays ae pc a ssi a an reine ch ple ain now gher powers canbe achieved wih slr pn ange inte fom of tog erative transponder. 3.6 Satellite Antennas 3.6.1 Basic Antenna Types and Relationships Four main types of antennas are used on satellites. These are 1. Wire antennas: monopoles and dipoles. 2. Horn antennas, 3. Reflector antennas, 4, Phased array antennas.

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