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Muscles of the

Dr. Sherif Fahmy
Muscles of the Back
A- Superficial Muscles:
Trapezius and Latissimus dorsi.
B- Deep Muscles:
Rhomboideus major & minor, levator
Dr. Sherif Fahmy
Orientation of Muscles of
the Back
Trapezius m. Levator
scapulae m.
dorsi m.
Rhomboideus (Rhomboid)
minor m.
Rhomoboideus (Rhomboid)
major m.

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Superficial muscles Deep muscles

Trapezius Muscle
Trapezius m.
Orientation of Skeleton
of the Back
External occipital

Superior nuchal line

Spine of C7

Spines of thoracic

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Origin of Trapezius muscle
External occipital protuberance

Medial 1/3 of Superior nuchal

Ligamentum nuchae
Spine of C7
(Nuchal ligament)

Thoracic spines & Dr. Sherif Fahmy

supraspinous lig.
Insertion of Trapezius
Posterior border of lateral 1/3
of clavicle

Medial margin of

Upper lip of
crest of spine

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Tubercle at the crest near
the root of the spine
Middle fibers
Upper fibers

Tubercle at crest
of the spine near Posterior border of
the root of the lateral 1/3 of clavicle

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Medial border of
acromion & upper lip
Lower fibers
of the crest
Nerve Supply
Spinal accessory nerve.
Action of Trapezius
Action of upper fibers

Action of middle fibers

Action of lower fibers

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Action of Trapezius
Upper fibers:
➢Elevation of scapula & suspends shoulder.
➢Upward rotation of scapula (abduction of arm above
90 degrees).
Middle fibers:
➢Retracts scapula.
Lower fibers:
➢Upward rotation of scapula (abduction of arm above
90 degrees).
Dr. Sherif Fahmy
Triangles Related to Trapezius
Trapezius Posterior
triangle of neck


Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Latissimus triangle
dorsi m.
Latissimus Dorsi
Teres major m.

Latissimus dorsi

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Teres major m.

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Inferior angle

Lower 4 ribs
Lumbar fascia
Internal oblique &
transversus abdominis
Lower 6 thoracic muscles
spines Iliac crest
Insertion of latissimus dorsi
m. into bicipital groove
Teres major

Posterior axillary fold dorsi m.

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Triangles related to Latissimus dorsi
1- Auscultation triangle.
2- Lumbar triangle.
triangle Latissimus
dorsi muscle
Dr. Sherif Fahmy

External oblique m.
Lumbar triangle

Iliac crest
Nerve Supply of latissimus dorsi muscle:
➢Nerve to latissimus dorsi (thoraco-dorsal nerve)
➢Adducts, extends and medially rotates the arm at
shoulder joint e.g. in rowing (‫)التجديف‬, swimming.
➢Pulls the trunk upward in climbing (helped by sterno-
costal head of pectoralis major muscle).
➢Deep (forced) expiratory muscle in cough & sneezing.
Deep Muscles of The Back
Deep Muscles
1- Levator scapulae.
2- Rhomboideus (Rhomboid) Minor.
3- Rhomboideus (Rhomboid) major

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Medial Spine
Dr. Sherif Fahmy
Levator scapulae m.
Trapezius m.

minor m.

major m.

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Deep Muscles of the Back
Transverse processes of upper
4 cervical vertebrae
Levator scapulae m.

Rhomboideus minor m. Nuchal ligament, Spines of C7

& T1
Spines of T2-5)

Rhomboideus major m. Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Nerve supply of deep muscles of the back
All are supplied by:
-Dorsal scapular nerve (C5).
-C3,4 to levator scapulae (sensory).
Action of Deep Muscles of the Back
All muscles :
-Downward rotation of the scapula (picking something from the
-Retraction of scapula with middle fibers of trapezius.
-Levator scapulae elevates the scapula with upper fibers of
trapezius muscle.
All downwards rotate of scapula

All retract of scapula

Elevation of scapula

Action of deep muscles Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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