BRS Questions

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Pyank Reronilaton Stahmenl

1 Repave a BRS ason 31Dec. 2015 from le follonomg infexalon

iDebit balaneo a»per CasQ Book loocoo
i. Choques paidmlb ke Barnk R Aooo but oat of theso_only elgus

. o Rs 650oereditodby
he renpt_eolumn of R GR
iv. On 29Dec,a_tuuslemer
bonkars1:00 dota.
Boek under cast by Rs2000
deposstod R
3o00 drcclly inlo Me Bankh.
V. Clques oRs
9200 Were. issuedol hiah R22edwere presoild
onJan 15".
or payment_
vi. A bilQ_ R7eoco 1eured by bane undrr a rebato ol R200, le
A0ambunt afhi aas credtid in tle ah Boo
Vi. A_chquo oRa2950 deposithd tebank
in Aas bcn dusDonoured

ii. Asa olRScoa_dopositd in thekank hasbaor crdded asKSco

ix.A BIR erR loco Cdieanhd th the kank m Novu 215 ilonsured
on 31Dee2015
X.Abi02 o55oo diesunted ailh the bank s eikred tla
a Beskoithosat veccrding e dseourt ehergps Ks 270
Xi. Clagues tallng A14720 ere issued by tlocomsans and dully

Cal 3Dec.2015 ut kad no

Teorcdad in

preaaniladat he Bank
Eu 26"Dec.,a 'dobtor paid
payment uil ahr hat data.
lopo mlo the ammny's Bank

Tla company
Ri Ne respect
hut eitry as ado in al_Baok of
Repre BR tom dlo
iBalanee as per lasBeok
thoq ues fo Tooo,R3893

trepreenilool for payment to tle bank

ehiguasof RScoa and R
parliulass_D Tally 31, 2014

August 2ol4
R 1527 1SSued

k5oo sent to Ih kank for coletoiu

n July ,

_ere het entired n he lassBook by Jely 31, 2011.

iv. Bll_duscsunled desheneured not reccrdedm lash Deok Rs5o00.
VCHaues 1sucd Rs1bo00of hich cleyues ef R9o0o have baon
preserlidyer pasyment ill_dote.
Achegue for Rs51o0 rectled aas paid hank but
inlb e Same

i -
was 0milod to bo entercd in ask Beok.
Vil. aques ere paid mlo bank m Jul but were crtdted m August
noxt A-R8500; R750o C-R 5ooo
vi1. Cheques 1šSuad n July aere_presanledn Hhugust i
H-R 1500
Chgueer Rslono reeyed froma uslomer enleredm lash Book
but oasnel bankod.
x. he Phs Baek sheos a_dobit of R looo er bank chorgea_and eredit
aK 2000 asInlerest
Iaterest on nvestment K 2c0ocolloclod by_ bank appeared m PassBorle
Q3 Repare BRS for 31 1Mar,2015 fem tle fp.llonim
i Uverdnt_as parasl Beck_CorCredit Bal. as pe lauk Bask)_Ra4050o
i Acheyue of ka5o0o 1ssuCd lo Shaan has
nat hocn torpoumenl
l A post-dalad _elque pr Rloo has becn debrld
in the bane colum
of tho ah Beeki but_under no eircumshn ias t possublh
present it.
iv. au cleques of Rs12oc0 sent lo the bank haye not_bien colLdd
sofar, A cloue ol R 4ooo depositd mthe bane get dilonoured
Durinq themernil, the olal of cheques aorlA Rs97400 were
depositadinto thebane buut ofthese, one chaque of Rlloo0 has
aten enleed into 1ko pass heek on Aprl 5,2015.
V Duin montl, chcqus tor Ra A150 were diauon m taveur
o credtors Out ol these, one credler ere58150 encaslad
hscheguo on Apral 7,2015 hereas ansler cheque fpr 1190 fauwe

Aspar a hacn encalad
instuahons ile hane. on 28"larck
a erediter but byaslako, tle samo has net hecn enleredm
paid eut K 15 5colo
C Beskh.
Acesding o agreament, on 25"Marcl,
th ban R9ooo but Ne same has net
adebior depositedl_chieeta
int bcn enlered 1
tha Cas Beek.
i.TRere 0osa dabut in Ae Beaka R 15c0 m respeetolkank

charges and a credtoR 25oo orinlerest on larrext Ale but

reecrd exsti 1m lasn Beeke.
O 31tMasch,2ol6, 1tRe Bank fusBook ofxja. shoned an
_overdsalt oRlaZoo. from Me
followimg parleulats, prepare aBRS:
issuad blere 31 Marcl, 201kbut prucnthd prpay meil af
tat date ameurlad to Rs 19co.
1. (Ouesvecorded n tlo aNBoek but nel sent to the bank for
coleuen e 3700.
i. A bil of Rs6co_dskonsured on
3c"March,2016and banle paud
nslang elarges Rs 200.
iv.On 20 Mareh,ehcques Aad ben 1ss.ud for R98900
orth R 138oo nly had kecn
huch cheg us l
encasledjlo 31Mareh
V Cheq us ameunling to R 13950fad hcn paid nto Me
bank for collelicn
buit a thRese only R1750 Aad hcen ereditrd in ha foBeok.
V Out athe ckequesameunting tsR178co draon by XY{Co. on
27"Marcl, ehoque fr Rs57eo wa encasled on lpral 3
VIL HeBank
lass Baek sleats eredit

prks17oo represenlii Too
duieet intobank and Rsod collestad
dereetl b
fad noknoledge
e bank
in Tespcet o intorest on inv/estmert. XYE%
oese tansacluons.
ViL Rehan fas clarged Rs5o0as mfrest_on overdraft and the
ivtumatuon e hreR had boon_ receied on hpril 2.

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