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Critically examine features of underdevelopment of Sub Saharan African countries

High level of unemployment - Unemployment in sub-Saharan Africa stands at around 6%. But
most of the work available is unskilled or low-skilled, in part because the region has the world’s
lowest levels of access to higher education.

Underinvestment in infrastructure - Physical infrastructure across Sub Saharan is a challenge to

productivity, lack of funding for roads, telecommunications, water, electricity and more are
impeding the continent’s productivity.

Underdeveloped agriculture - The main problem for the lack of agro-productivity is the ecology,
especially the climate and its association with the land. Demographic challenges of the labor
force also contribute to the lack of agricultural productivity. The hot climate causes undue harm
to the human body such as tropical diseases as malaria. The end result is a cycle of poverty,
since life expectancy is low the working population is usually young and inexperienced, with few
prospect in life.

Climate - Most of Sub Saharan African falls between the tropics and Capricorn at roughly 23
degrees, such high temperatures has several effect on soil and laborers. The heat affects soil
condition rendering the land less productive. The tropical environment is also much supportive
of infectious disease. Poor health, combined with undernutrition due to the low productivity of
the land increases the burden of diseases.

Leadership Failure - Leadership failure has slowed down the region's economic growth and
development. It has promoted political instability through violent change of political leadership.

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