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(atpsitworw.facultyfocus.eom/) FACULTY FOCUS ING STRATEGIES FROM MAGNA PUBLICATIONS Designing Blended Courses the ADDIE Way W ruyss.zen 7 Jnnleecerewnpaitne feculyfocuscomauthorfnniler are) itor’ Note:The following is an excerpt fom Ten Sie Blended Course Design. (htps/fwwwefaculeyfocus com/white-paperft strategiestosimprove-blen se-design/) Blended learning does not simply involve shifting portions of face-to-face instruction online. Utimately, a blended course will require reconceptuslization of the entire learning process. That’ where ADDIE comes in The ADDIE method is an acronym that stands for analysis, design, development, imple ‘ool for designing blended courses. sntation, and evaluation. [tis critically important Analysis structors need to analyze their courses. Faculty members often want to skip this step. It is easy for instructors to assume that if they know the content, they know what works and what doesn't. However, students bring baggage tothe classroom, and that baggage can affect the success of various insteuetional tools and methodologies. Sometimes students come to class with misconceptions about the instructor, the content, or the course format. Beyond that, they may have knowledge that they haven't uncovered or connected to the course at hand. Most af higher education is delivered in silos, and students learn in silos. Even students who have met prerequisites for a course may not display adequate comprehension ofthat prerequisite content. This surprises some instructors who expect students to display the knowledge they have acquired in other courses. ‘That is why itis important for instructors to at least gota handle on what students might know and what they might not know before they arrive in class as well as what course content i likely to be most vexing for them, Prior course evaluations will offer guidance on where students have struggled, and that is where instructors will want to focus some ofthe online components ofa blended courte. Without proper analysis, instructors would not know which concept needs emphasis, They mi students and gloss over concepts that are more challenging. 3 overemphasize topics that come easly to Design Creating detailed learning objectives is one of the most challenging pedagogical activities that instructors face, Too often instructors use words such as “know” or “understan!” or “learn” in their learning objectives. However, those words are limiting. Active verbs are much more powerful and effective, and actual objectives should be far more specific and detailed. Soli learning objectives not only allow instructors to ‘map out content and create syllabi, but they also help teachers determine wich technologies will enhance specific learning goals, Once instructors have good learning objectives, they should determine which instructional technologies are available at thei institutions and use those options to divide courses into the fece-to-ace and Development Developing the course takes a lot of work no matter what kind of technology is employed. Multimedia activities, games, online quiz banks, and blogs all take time to develop. However, instructors will want a substantial amount of onlin information available fr students to access to keep them engaged, Instructors will need to take their time developing the various course components, end they will want to have everything complete by course launch. Some instructors can get away with making things up as they 4. mafpesitofaccicoese dat sharoes not work ina blended course. The whole design should be fully developed atthe outset. Its Fine to make changesas the course evolves it does not have to be perfect right away However, it shouldbe a finished produet that canbe refined and iesproved and not an unfinished product that needs tobe completed as the term unfolds. Since itis hard to predict exactly how long it will ake to develop an entire blesded course, itis wise to begin far in advance, it wil take at least an entire semester, sometimes e whole year, to develop a new course. It helps to begin with the big pieces, the ideal course components and the essential elements, With that shell in place, instructors cen then fil in refine, and improve the course over several semesters. Implementation One timing strategy thal works well sto develop a course over an academic year and then implement it inthe summer, Summer terms generally have lower enrollment, which means fewer students will experience a course during its first run. Also, many faculty members have fewer overal obligations when they teach inthe summer, and this could offer extra time for tweaks and improvements valuation ‘The last ADDIE phase isthe evaluation phase, Assessing a blended course is critical. Instructors will want to know what students have accomplished, how much time they're spending on various online components, and how beneficial they found the games and other features. is important not only to gather the information but also to aet on it. This isthe only way to improve the course. It is also valuable formation to provide accreditors and administrators, Online technology actually makes assessment simpler, and the information makes it easier to improve a blended course. FoRMORE ON BLENDED COURSE DESIGN SEE TEX STRATECICS TO IMPROVE BLENDED COURSE DESIGN» (ITH/WFACULTYFOCUS.COMWHITEPRPERSEN STRATEGIES TO sil Post Views: 3,110 [BENEFITS OF BLENDED LEARNING (1ITTPS://WWW.FACULTYFOCUS.COM/TAG/BENEFITS-OF-BLENDED-LEARNING/) BLENDED LEARNING (HTTPS: //WWW.FACULTYFOCUS.COM/TAG/BLENDED-LEARNING/) BLENDED LEARNING COURSE DESIGN (HTTPS://WWW.FACULTYFOCUS.COM/TAG/BLENDED-LEARNING-COURSE-DESIGN/) DESIGNING BLENDED COURSES (HTTPS: //WWW.FACULTYFOCUS.COM/TAG/DESIGNING-BLENDED-COURSES/) ‘TEACHING BLENDED LEARNING COURSES (HTTPS://WWW.FACULTYFOCUS.COM/TAG/TEACHING-BLENDED-LEARNING- COURSES) ALSO ON FACULTY Focus How Faculty ving Exams in Class Momer used corset tho Wowish oadessthe “Dees anyo Sizeusion boas can limitations ofghing exams grown inc ama he noon hat andoferfve reasons io. share?" 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