BIOCHEM Ceriño, Novee Jane A.

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Genetics & Inheritance Lab

Pre-Lab Exercise
Name: Ceriño, Novee Jane A.

1. Define the following terms:

a. Genetic trait: Is a specific characteristic of an organism. Traits can be determined by genes or the environment, or more commonly by interactions between
them. The genetic contribution to a trait is called the genotype. The outward expression of the genotype is called the phenotype.

b. Gene: A gene is a basic unit of heredity and a sequence of nucleotides in DNA that encodes the synthesis of a gene product, either RNA or protein. During
gene expression, the DNA is first copied into RNA. The RNA can be directly functional or be the intermediate template for a protein that performs a function.

c. Allele: An allele is one of two, or more, forms of a given gene variant. For example, the ABO blood grouping is controlled by the ABO gene, which has six
common alleles. Nearly every living human's phenotype for the ABO gene is some combination of just these six alleles.

d. Genotype: The genotype of an organism is its complete set of genetic material. Genotype can also be used to refer to the alleles or variants an individual
carries in a particular gene or genetic location.

e. Phenotype: The phenotype is the set of observable characteristics or traits of an organism. The term covers the organism's morphology or physical form and
structure, its developmental processes, its biochemical and physiological properties, its behavior, and the products of behavior

f. Homozygous: Homozygous is a genetic condition where an individual inherits the same alleles for a particular gene from both parents.

g. Heterozygous: Having two different alleles of a particular gene or genes.

h. Dominant: Is the phenomenon of one variant of a gene on a chromosome masking or overriding the effect of a different variant of the same gene on the
other copy of the chromosome. The first variant is termed dominant and the second recessive.

i. Recessive: Relating to or denoting heritable characteristics controlled by genes that are expressed in offspring only when inherited from both parents, i.e.,
when not masked by a dominant characteristic inherited from one parent.

2. Describe how you will "mate" in Part II of the exercise.

Genetics & Inheritance Lab
Data Sheets
Name: Ceriño, Novee Jane A.

I. Human Genetic Traits. Table 1: The dominant trait is the first listed of each pair.
Trait Your Phenotype Class Data
Mid-digital Hair
No Mid-digital Hair √
Tongue Rolling
No Tongue Rolling √
Widow's Peak
Straight Hairline √
Free Earlobes
Attached Earlobes √
Brown Eye Color √
Blue Eye Color
No Dimples √
PTC Taster √
Hitchhiker's Thumb √
Straight Thumb
Longer Second Toe
Longer Big Toe
Palmaris Longus Muscle √
Two Wrist Tendons √
II. Monohybrid Cross:
Make a hatch mark to keep count of each genotype that is produced during your matings.

Table 2

Number of Offspring
Genotype of Mating Homozygous Dominant Heterozygous Homozygous Recessive
Pair: WW X ww (WW) (Ww) (ww)
No. of your F1
No. of your F2
3 5 2
Total No. of class F1
4:4 4:4 4:4
Total No. of class F2
1:4 2:4 1:4

Your genotypic ratio: = 1:1:1:1 ( all white)

Class’s genotypic ratio:

W Homozygous F1 Mating Total Genotype
Me lab partner:
Maricar Cesar

Punnet square WW- homozygous (Dominant) WW ww Ww 1st

ww- homozygous ( Recessive) Ww = 10
W W Ww 2nd All white
w Ww Ww Legend: W- White Ratio:
w - Blue Ww 3rd 1:1:1:1

w Ww Ww Ww 4th

Ww 5th

Allele Frequency: 2 × 50 = 100 “Ww” Ww 6th

100% W genes
W-100/200=0.5(or 50%) Ww 7th

∴ The similarity of allele frequency for “w” in this Ww 8th

Population is 0.5(or 50%)
Ww 9th

Ww 10th
W Homozygous F2 Mating Total Genotype
Me lab partber:

Ww Ww WW 1st
Punnet square WW- homozygous (Dominant) Ww 2nd Ww-5
Ww- heterozygous Ww-2
W w ww- homozygous (Recessive) Ww 3rd 8- White
2- Blue
Legend: W- White ww 4th
w - Blue
w Ww ww WW 5th

Ww 6th

Allele Frequency: 1× 25 = 25 “Ww” Ww 7th

+2× 25 =50 “Ww”
75% “W” genes ww 8th
+1× 25=25 “ww”
=100% WW 9th
75% Dominant
25% Recessive Ww 10th

W=75/100 = 0.7(or 0.75%)

w = 25/100 = 0.2(or 0.25)

∴ The similarity of allele frequency for “w” in this

Population is 0.2(or 0.25%) While thw WW and Ww is 0.7(or 0.75%) since this is a Dominant.
III. Natural Selection Against the Recessive Phenotype
Table 3: Your Individual Genotypes
Heterozygous: Me - Ww
Maricar Cesar - Ww
Your Genotype

Original Genotype WW Punnett square ww Original White

Genotype of 1st W w
WW 1 WW 5
Genotype of 2nd WW Ww
Ww w
Ww ww
Genotype of 3rd
Heterozygous: Me - Ww
Genotype of 4th Novee - Ww
Genotype of 5th Genotypic ratio: 1:4 or 25% WW (homo) - Dominant
WW 2:4 or 50% Ww (Hetero) - Dominant
Genotype of 6th 1:4 or 25% ww (homo) - Recessive
Phenotypic ratio: 3:4 or 75% - Dominant
1:4 or 25% - Recessive
Table 4: Class Genotypes

No. of people with genotypes: No. of Individual Alleles Allele Frequency

AA Aa aa A a A a

Original Genotype

Genotype of 1st Generation

Genotype of 2nd Generation

Genotype of 3rd Generation

Genotype of 4th Generation

Genotype of 5th Generation

Genotype of 6th Generation

Genetics & Inheritance Lab

Lab Report

1) (2 pts) Hand in all data tables

I. Human Genetic Traits

2) Is it always the case that more people in a population will have the dominant trait over the
recessive trait? Why or why not? Use your data to support your answer.

- Since each parent provides one allele, so the possible combinations are AA, Aa and aa, in the other hand the offspring is either AA or Aa
will have a dominant trait. Dominant is the majority of the population to expresses this trait over the recessive so that, this rule comes from the
fact that why dominant allele is always wins.

3) How closely did your individual data match the class data? Based of my individual data 75% is my dominant trait while the class data or my
partner is 25% recessive traits.

II. Mendelian Genetics: Monohybrid Crosses

4) Why did all the F1 individuals look the same?

- Since both parents provide the same dominant and recessive allele and the result of the genotypic ratio is 100%. So that the similarity of
allele frequency for w and W in this population is 0.5(or 50%).

5) What happened to the recessive trait from parental Æ F1 Æ F2 generations?

- During the F1 generation the recessive trait are not blended since F1 generation is the first filial of the offspring from both parents. F1 crosses
showed the trait controlled by the allele. While during the F2 generation the recessive traits are remained separate and the recessive trait will be
generated through in breeding of F1 individuals, so that the result of every generation in the F2 are 3:1 offspring exhibited the dominant trait or
the recessive trait. 75% of dominant trait and 25% of recessive trait.

6) How close were your group’s F2 generation data and the class data to the expected ratio?
What could you have done to make these data more accurate?

III. The Gene Pool: Allele Frequency

7) How does the frequency for each allele and each genotype change over the generations?

-When individuals with certain genotypes survive better than others, so the allele frequencies may change from one generation to the next. No
mutation happened if new alleles are produced by mutation or if alleles mutate at different rates, in this process, allele frequencies in a
population will not change from generation to generation. For example, if the frequency of allele A in the population is p and the frequency of
allele a in the population is q, then the frequency of genotype AA = p2, the frequency of genotype Aa = 2pq, and the frequency of genotype aa =

8) Explain the effect that natural selection appears to have on allele frequency in a population.

9) Why doesn't selection against aa individuals lead to the complete loss of the "a" allele from
the population?

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