CIS599 Week 7 Project Deliverable 4 Design Document

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Cloud Technology and Virtualization

Edmond Labule

CIS 599

Strayer University

Dr. Mark Afolabi

February 22, 2017


For an IT company such as Brontech to merge with a multinational corporation,

following solutions are vital to reducing cost of information technology. With the use of cloud

technology and virtualization, companies engaged in internet-based technologies are growing

faster than other regarding securing, storing vital information and sensitive data. This paper

discusses the importance of cloud technology and virtualization, as well as some of the risks

involved. In narration, it is important to ensure why to use cloud technology and virtualization

within the company and assessing how much the company can save in hardware infrastructure.

When implementing cloud technology and virtualization, not everyone might be compelling with

the idea, therefore defining the reduction of human capital will show how much effort needs be

elaborated. With such deployment, creating a diagram to illustrate how all network connections

with taking place to display the use of cloud technology and virtualization. Finally, providing

solid reasons to partners and solution providers about cloud technology and virtualization to

ensure their ability to help secure a substantial competitive advantage.

Brontech’s Need of Cloud Technology and Virtualization

According to Beckham (2011), cloud technology and virtualization works in connection

with each other to help maximize current company’s resources and control cost. Cloud

computing need virtualization to work and function properly, but virtualization is not cloud

computing. The combination of virtualization and cloud computing helps build a cloud


Cloud Technology: Cloud computing is a technology, but also a methodology. With the

merger of Brontech with a multinational company, Brontech will use the technology of cloud

computing can and often includes products of virtualization to be able to present computer

services. With cloud technology such as IaaS, Brontech will have complete access to the cloud

provider’s infrastructure, as well as storage space, network, operation systems, and others.

Brontech can provide elasticity, automated management, scalability, and self-service capability.

Brontech is more like to use a private cloud because it is its virtualized environment which will

give the users more control and the flexibility of managing the systems. Brontech will also

implement cloud technology because it is an excellent means to access the cloud over a secure

network or internet. The use of cloud computing also enables Brontech to implement grade

applications such as customer relation management or be able to host services such as voice over

IP (VOIP). The use of cloud is most likely to occur from a provider because both companies will

only pay for the storage they occupy. Cloud computing provides compelling benefits such as

easy installation, access to sophisticated software, and also the ability to test the functionality of

software before making purchases. Because both companies intend to build its network with a

fast, reliable connection, there will be cost savings when implementing cloud technology.

Virtualization: Brontech will use virtualization to separate physical infrastructures to

create dedicated sources because virtualization is the underlying technology to power cloud

technology. With virtualization, it is possible for Brontech to run multiple operating systems and

multiple applications at the same time on the same server, divvy up resources of a single server

to create a separate virtual environment (virtual machines). Each virtual machine can run on its

operating system as well as any other business applications that may be necessary to both

companies. Brontech will use VMware to enable cost reduction, flexibility, to increase efficiency

and utilization of previous computer hardware. Brontech will implement the use of storage

virtualization, which can pool network resources from various storage devices into one single

device to share with every employee of the company no matter their location. Most importantly,

with the use of virtual servers and storage devices at good running state, it is less likely to

purchase new hardware, which is a significant cost saving for both businesses.

Both cloud computing and virtualization operates on a one-to-many model because

virtualization makes one computer to do tasks like many separate computers, whereas cloud

computing allows many different companies to have access to one application.

Expected Cost in Hardware Infrastructure

Hardware infrastructure, a category of IT infrastructure consist of desktop computers,

printers, etc., but the savings of hardware is relatively easy to compute. For cost savings of

hardware infrastructure in the cloud, computing will depend on the return on investment because

ROI will enable both companies’ financial savings on hardware. If Brontech relies on hardware

in a public cloud, replacing an onsite equipment is less likely to occurs and therefore less

purchase for new hardware. With such, it leads to cooling cost and much-reduced power, as well

as create space in the data center. According to IBM (n.d.), if a company deploys the medium-

sized cloud, it will lead to sixty-two percent in savings within a year comparing to if the

company has onsite systems whereas fifty percent savings compared to on-site implementation

(Schwartz, 2011). Because of the existence of cloud computing, hardware vendors in the public

cloud IaaS market are dropping their prices because the price of hardware that provides power to

the cloud is falling faster the price of cloud computing itself. Brontech can save on hardware

infrastructure because as vendors are getting more hits on their hardware price, cloud providers

are passing the savings onto its customers.


With virtualization, Brontech will be able to save money on labor and server lifecycle

maintenance because it will have fewer physical servers, there will be less to monitor, provision,

and maintain manually. Since Brontech will use less physical systems to provision a server,

labor entries may be less for a virtual machine because the greater technology may not be able to

function at the same rate of virtualization. There is a possibility that virtualization has the

tendency to increase the number of servers for an operating system, but it is more likely that it

will take less time to provision a virtual machine than a physical server will. Most importantly,

reducing the cost to maintain the servers will be reduced because the risk to support old servers

after warranty coverage is drastically reduced (Vanover, n.d.).

Possible Human Capital Reduction from Implementing Cloud and Virtualization


Reduction of human capital from the implementation of cloud and virtualization

technology will depend on companies if they decide to move to private clouds and hybrid

infrastructures. The real creative destruction of cloud computing may come from the IT

workforce even though few may disagree that cloud computing will be disruptive to

organizations, the technology enterprise and how each conduct business. Cloud computing

which happens to be the industrialization in many organizations will result in many lost jobs

because humans will be virtualized just as servers and companies will have fewer data centers.

Nonetheless, the costly proposition of IT is not to support the human workforce, but to replace it

which means jobs that relate to offshoring or outsourcing may become vulnerable when cloud

computing overthrows. Most likely, because data centers are virtualized, the need for people to

maintain these infrastructures will reduce or go away permanently. Computing will go to the

cloud format and becomes an IT utility, and business processes will experience software

outsource which will most likely hit economies especially like the nations that dominate in

technology. Most CIOs believe that their desktops, servers, data centers, and business

applications are widely inefficient because the people of the IT workforce are incompetent in

maintaining this equipment. Many organizations are planning on reducing the cost of IT by

consolidating IT operations, and reorganizing IT because cloud computing and virtualization are

on the rise and will conduct about eighty-three percent of their business in the cloud

infrastructure (Dignan, 2011).

Compelling Recommendation for Solution Providers and Partners

With the massive change and rise of cloud computing, providers such as Amazon,

Google, and Salesforce are showing reasonable interest and momentum in the space. Cloud

computing is for any organization that is willing to be proactive in managing potential downside

because it involves a complete access to different levels of economics, scale, and the ability to

rise rapidly and operates IT systems more efficiently and cheaply. The cloud offers a ramp of

newly computing advances such as non-relational databases, frameworks, and new languages

designed to boost scalability and assume the benefit of innovation and advances. Cloud

computing thus holds the ability to change any organization that finds it reasonable practically.

The innovation of cloud computing will permit organizations to create a new generation of

product and services which are significantly less expensive than the regular competition. In

addition, cloud solutions such as SaaS will deviate less involvement of IT personnel, and

department because businesses will be able to adopt self-serving cloud computing features

(Hardman, 2008).

With technology becoming the strategic enabler for businesses of all sizes, driving cost

reduction, productivity, and innovation are increasingly gaining expertise and experience in

deploying virtualization. Of all types of evolving technology, virtualization is an excellent

compound that allows businesses to increase the use of IT assets, be able to cut cost, improve

resource availability and application, and to simplify support and management systems.

Virtualization provides a comprehensive range of beneficial prospects to help improve the ability

of businesses around the world strengthen service and customer relations (Hardman, 2008).


Cloud technology and virtualization are viewed as two of the most recent and significant

discovery as a means of communication and technology. They both offers many different

advantages to organizations and individuals, as well as IT managers who efficiently use cloud

computing and virtualization to make sensible decisions on data storage, privacy, security, and

integrity. Most importantly, organizations should be aware of the means of sharing vital and

sensitive information and or credentials. With cloud computing and virtualization, organizations

will be able to sustain and make a profit.


Beckham, J. (2011, October 4). Cloud Computing vs. Virtualization: The Differences and

Benefits. Retrieved from


Dignan, L. (2011, October 24). ZDNet: Cloud Computing's Real Creative Destruction may be


IT Workforce. Retrieved from


Hardman, R. (2008, December 2). Computer dealer News: Virtualization Delivers Real

Competitive Advantages. Retrieved from


Schwartz, K. (2011). FCW: Cloud Computing can Generate Massive Savings for Agencies.

Retrieved from


Vanover, R. (n.d.). Virtualization cost Savings: Labor and Maintenance. Retrieved from



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