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I don't believe that there is such a thing as politically motivated violence.

Violence can be structural or direct violence. Oppression of State we
live with. It does not matter which political party has the majority in
government. The Natural Environment, the State organizations and the
merchant institutions create the layers of State oppression. What we call
political violence is better defined as identity needs of the person and a
contributor to violence, but not the only enabler. Acts of violence are
caused by a cascading effect of enablers in the society. If you look back
to how we got here today, you see a timeline of situational events that
created the present conflict in the country between the left and the right.
Number one the inequality in the country. The enablers of inequality are
again, The Natural Environment, Department of Justice, the Congress
and Executive Branch. Our government failed us. The merchant class
also is to blame. The Donald Trump Administration was heavily
represented and relied on rich merchants for domestic and foreign public
policies creation. We have a microchip sources crisis because the
merchants in that industry placed personal fortunes ahead of national
security concerns (the no. 1 source for advance chips is in Chinese
Territory occupied by Chinese Westernists. dumb, dumb, dumb).
Cargill Corporation is the poster child for the Corporate Watch
organization. The Tech Industry market in the country is controlled by
Amazon, Google, Apple and Facebook. Google and Amazon domination
is almost complete. Google controls more than 95% of the market. If
you want to sale your product on the internet you must do it through
Amazon or your business fails. What this got to do with "political
violence" your research and follow the violence during
protests, white supremacists’ threats and violence because their freedom
needs are not being met. Antifa groups, Black Lives Matter protests,
police high frequency of direct violence (a form of State oppression)
against citizens (primarily citizens and noncitizens of color). Citizens
arming themselves because State Security forces can't be trusted or are
not enough to feel safe. These examples of signs that lead to conflict are
not isolated to disenfranchised communities and need immediate
attention. The Biden Administration is trying to deal with the crisis-
Infrastructure, inflation, Chips Acts, Supply Chains Human Rights First

policy. Supreme Court most diverse ever, etc. But is it going to reverse
the violent events we have been experiencing all over the country. I am
pessimistic because we are falling short on meeting our goals to deal
with the existential threat that we all face in Global Warming. The
onion layered model of violence enabler clearly show us that for our
society to be less violent and more peaceful, we must have all hands-on
deck to fight Global Warming. Not only in the United States, but all
around the World. Technology is part of the solution, but the answer to
the crisis is a lot simpler than most people realize. We must practice
Conservation; we must have a smaller human population on the planet.
We must transition to a hydrogen economy Globally. All these actions
must be accomplished by 2030-50. However, the probability is very
high that we are not going to meet our goals for interventions completed
and we will fail to prevent millions from dying both because of Human
created climate change and the spike in conflict leading to violence that
result because of the spinoff of climate change: scarcity and inequality.
This is the existential threat if the first layer of the onion model of
violence in a society is not resolved- Global Warming.

The other existential issue that enables violence is the dual identity of
our Society of being a Republic and an Empire at the same time. Many
Americans are supportive of our Republic, but not our Empire. The
enormous military budget and reserves for intervention abroad need to
be re-directed to fight Global Warming. To accomplish the shift in
Paradigm, we need to change our ideological message from pushing
Democracy and the Neoliberal Model to an ideology of Violence
Reduction and Peace Domestically and Internationally. Domestically
we have many neighborhoods, communities, county, city and State
programs funded by the States and Federal government. But the focus is
only on interpersonal relations, civilian groups enablers, enforcement
and the creation of jobs. The job creation does not require living wages
jobs an important creator of inequality and enabler of crime and
violence. Merchants’ financial transactions and conduct are monitor by
the Department of Justice, Treasury Department, intelligence offices,
Commerce Department, private and not for profit institutions in the

community. The record of Conservation of the Natural ecosystems by

Merchants large and small falls short of expectations and are
contributors or part of the recipe of conflict and violence. The activities
of Merchants both legal and illegal are the drivers of violence enablers
in the natural and economic environments here and the World.

The natural world is being destroyed systematically increasing scarcity

of clean air to breathe and no fresh clean water to drink. Merchants also
contribute an important force in a society to the fragility of States, how
large Treasure of authoritarian regimes are to sustain themselves and
American Empire to be able to reach and, in most cases, overreach in
international relations. Organizations like USAID, State Department
Military aid, Intelligence Agencies, World Bank, InterAmerican Bank,
International Monetary Fund and Commercial Banks and other financial
organizations here at Home with interest oversea support the Supply
Chains Administration and Security. How they accomplish the
effectiveness of the Supply Chains involves intervention in foreign
government, economy and natural resources of the host country.
Foreign Country Social sphere is also influence by our Media and
exportation of not only our taxpayer money, but also our culture and
product and services. What our foreign relations experts in the State
Department call Soft Power and Cyber Space commercialization control
for the sake of national security can create fissures, polarization and
inequality in a foreign country incentivizing Westernists dissident
movements in the host country. The result is violence augmentation.
Regime change is not how we achieve a more peaceful World. Certainly
not regime change to create a client state for an empire. A less violent
and more Peaceful World is achieved by every nation cooperating and
funding violence reduction and Human Rights compliance.

Sources of fuel for conflict exist in the interpersonal relations and the
self. But it also manifests itself in a very damaging form when our
natural ecosystems are attacked by forces of nature like a volcano,
earthquake or hurricane. Forces of Nature have driven Human violence
for thousands of years by creating scarcity of natural resources and

Human needs of natural resources and ecosystems when they are

consumed recklessly is an enabler of violence because it adds to the
scarcity of resources for the survival of life. Our civilization and
discovery of how to commercialize physical forces like gravity, wind,
water and light and achievement of greater longevity without controlling
the size of the human population to a sustainable size are at the root of
violence. This must be corrected. Wars must be prevented at all costs
and if they can’t be prevented, they should be short. Wars are extremely
expensive and disrupt supply chains that create hardships to people that
have no stake at all in the conflict.

Political labels of groups and factions in our society only service Power.
It polarizes and divide us when, in reality, we have the same needs
regardless of political party affiliation. Joe Biden recently commented
that we always have had inequality in the country. People are paid
according to their efforts. The problem is that our society has never
being able to provide equal opportunity and discards on average 20% of
our population which live in poverty. Marx was right when he divided a
society into those that own Capital and those that are Labor. The
inequality foments conflict and violence. We need to do a better job of
making sure the Social Contract between government and the People is
improved. Better result for us will come the more we leave behind our
Empire and focus on a real “Good Neighbor” foreign policy of
inclusiveness, greater transparency to the Public and diffusion of
information to the Public with Enablers of violence Reports for our
domestic actors. We do a good job at reporting enablers of violence
outside the country. The United Nation makes sure of that, but, it is a
bias organization that favors the Neoliberal Countries and the United
States and is not too critical of Human Rights violations by the United
States at home or abroad. Just like employees know not to be too critical
of the organizations they worked at. The United Nations knows where
the money to operate comes from.


The general public needs a greater understanding of the chain of events

that lead to violence so that they can be empowered to engage in
prevention of violence. Also, Merchants need to be required to supply
to government analysis of how their operations, products and services
impact positive or negative acts of violence in the Society or the World.
A Matrix should be created by each Merchant every year and submitted
with their Financial Reports to the Treasury Department and its offices
around the country. GAO also needs to conduct and publish analysis of
how government public policy enables violence every year. The States
should do the same. Accountability for enabling violence must be
improved. The guns and ammunition manufacturers size of industry and
sales should be capped. This cap needs to be correlated to spikes and
recession in violence nationally and internationally. Ammunition
volume sold needs to be controlled the same way we control supply and
demand by increasing the price artificially to reduce tools of violence in
the hands of people during periods of high violence, but at the same time
tax the profits to fund violence prevention programs.

Our children deserve a better country and World to live in than the one
we are leaving to them. We fail as a country to maintain the balance
between protection, conservation and preservation of our natural
resources here and around the World. We are the biggest enabler of
violence in the World by trying to westernize or “bring democracy to
others” ideology combined with being the number one supplier of
weapons to conflicts Globally. The list of businesses engage in
corruption, fraud and destruction of the natural World is large. Labor
laws violation abundant. I know we can do better.
1 hour ago

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