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Renovation Planning

Tackling a renovation can be a
daunting task. Even the smallest
project can lead to major set backs
if the proper research and steps
to prepare have not been taken.
Below we have created a plan to
help kick start your next home

The Plan
1. Gather inspiration
2. Make a budget
3. Create a materials list
4. Make a timeline
Gather Inspiration
In today’s world finding project
inspiration is at your fingertips
thanks to the internet. There
are so many great sites to
browse through that will help
you find your vision - Pinterest
and Houzz are two great places
to start. Create boards on
Pinterest to hold all of your
ideas and start pinning away.

Make a Budget
Creating an overall budget of what
you’re willing and able to spend on a
project will help set the main priorities
and give boundaries. Start with your main
objectives and work down from there to
all of your “extras” that are still within the
budget. This will help you determine if
spending more on a certain item is truly
worth it or if you’d rather save to cash
in on the lighting you have been eyeing.
Create a
Materials List
A large part of preparations rest
on making a list and gathering all
necessary materials. It will save both
time and money to be prepared
when purchasing exactly what is
needed ahead of beginning the
project. It is also serves as a stress
reliever as there are sure to be
unknown challenges that arise
throughout the project.

Make a Timeline
Making a timeline will help to hold you accountable for finishing the
entire project in a timely manner. Remember, your objective is to
finish the whole project, and not leave any part behind. A timeline
will make your project a priority in your busy schedule. It also
helps to ensure that each step is taken in the proper order. For
best results, try printing a blank calendar and fill in your daily tasks
and weekly goals.

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