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1. The 15th century saw one of the greatest inventions in the history of humankind.

In 1450
Johannes Gutenberg, a citizen of the German town of Mainz, was able to digitalized books.
2. What was the main use of the compass when it was first invented? TO KEEP THE ARMY
4. _______ invents the telegraph, which allows messages to be sent quickly over a wire.
5. What important invention did the ancient Chinese invent before Johannes Gutenberg din
6. Which of the following is NOT true about science and technology in the Philippines
7. He is the Father of Pharmacy in the Philippines. He worked extensively on the medicinal
plants of the Philippines and their uses. LEON MA. GUERRERO
8. Galleon trading was done during which period in the history of the Philippines? SPANISH
9. Throughout the Spanish regime, University of the Philippines remained the highest
institution of learning. FALSE (UST)
10. Due to the growth of scientific research, the following offices were organized by the
American authorities except MANILA OBSERVATORY
11. He declared that species survived through a process called “natural selection”. CHARLES
12. The time period from the 1500s-1700s that challenged the old views of the world
13. The stage in Freud’s Psychosexual Stages where there is a bowel and bladder control
from 1 to 3 years old. ANAL STAGE
14. Astronomer who proposed that planets revolve around the sun. NICOLAUS COPERNICUS
15. _______ the old-world view where the earth was in the center of the universe and where
the sun is the center of the universe. HELIOCENTRIC; GEOCENTRIC
16. A form of alternative medicine during the Chinese civilization. ACUPUNCTURE
17. Dominantly occupied by Muslims. MIDDLE EAST CIVILIZATION
18. What is inserted in the body during acupuncture? NEEDLES
19. Mayan, Inca, Aztecs are 3 major civilizations of _______. MESO-AMERICAN CIVILIZATION
20. The most popular ball game where players struck the ball with their hips and not
allowed to use their hands. POK-TA-POK

21. William Harvey, a renowned English physician of the Enlightenment period is credited
with what scientific discovery? THE DISCOVERY OF HUMAN CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
22. At a time when people had to make their own clothes at home or pay someone else to
sew them by hand, Elias Howe invented the _________. SEWING MACHINE
23. What are two of the great feats of civil engineering accomplished by the engineers of
24. Prior to the scientific revelations of the Enlightenment period, most European
astronomers derived their ideas from what Classical figure? CLAUDIUS PTOLEMY OF
25. The one that invented dynamite. ALFRED NOBEL
26. There was a decline in the development of science and technology during the post war
between America and Japan in the Philippines. This was due to the following except THE
27. Evolution by means of natural selection. DARWINIAN
28. A phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the
mechanism of natural selection. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST
29. _______ came up with the heliocentric theory, and _______ proved it to be true with the use
of his telescope. COPERNICUS; GALILEI
30. Considered a 365-day calendar cycle and 260-day ritual cycle. AZTEC CALENDAR
31. Aryabhata was an Indian astronomer who introduced trigonometric functions and
Algorithms of Algebra. TRUE 
32. He was the founder of mathematical Analysis. MADHAVA
33. Johannes Gutenberg made printing press widely popular, but it was first introduced in
what country in 11th century? CHINA
34. Safety break was invented to prevent parachutes from falling if a cable breaks. FALSE?
35. Development of Science and technology during the Japanese regime halted as a
consequence of the war. TRUE
36. A model where the sun is the center of the universe. HELIOCENTRIC
37. “Quipa” is used by the Incas in collecting data and record keeping. FALSE
38. Which of the following is true about the science and technology in the Philippines during
the American regime? THE GOVERNMENT CREATED…
1. Royal palaces are guarded by: Giant Statues
2. The very first style of writing introduced by Sumerians is: Cuneiform
3. The two rivers referred to in Ancient Mesopotamia are: Tigris and Euphrates
4. Who ruled after the Persians in the Babylonian empire? Alexander the Great
5. How many laws does the Code of Hammurabi have? 282
6. Invented to do the digging a lot more efficiently. Plow
7. Power from water was generated through the use of a ___________ in Roman civilization.
Water Wheel
8. Akkadians are named after: City State
9. Hellenic science reached its peak by the doings of Aristotle and Archimedes. False
10. Showed mankind just as a food gatherer. None of the these
11. The number of kingdoms in Egypt: Three (3)
12. The following are major Mesopotamian civilizations EXCEPT: Kryptonian
13. Epic of Gilgamesh was written in: Cuneiform
14. Which doesn’t belong to the group. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
15. After Akkadians came the: None of these
16. Science and Philosophy under Greeks was either ignored to a rather downward state. It's
also relegated. False
17. Agriculture was already in existence during the old stone age. True
18. To the Arabs, ancient science was a precious treasure. Al-Quran, the sacred book of
Islam, praised medicine as an art close to almighty Allah. True
19. Hippocrates and his school insisted that disease was not natural. False
20. In the 8th century Iranian Jabir ibn Hayyan of Kufa transformed alchemy from scientific
discipline into an occultist art. False
21. The experts’ findings sent Darwin to more-heretical depths. At the Royal College of
Surgeons, the eminent anatomist _______ found that Darwin’s Uruguay River skull
belonged to Toxodon, a hippopotamus-sized antecedent of the South American capybara.
Richard Owen
22. Associated with gothic churches in the 12th century, this architectural innovation
allowed buildings to have much more higher ceilings, thinner walls, and larger windows.
Flying Buttress
23. The ___ is the impulsive (and unconscious) part of our psyche which responds directly
and immediately to basic urges, needs, and desires. Id
24. Darwin formulated his bold theory in private in 1837–39, after returning from a voyage
around the world aboard ________. HMS Beagle
25. The ___ develops to mediate between the unrealistic id and the external real world. It is
the decision-making component of personality. Ego
26. Which of the following terms were not coined by Islamic scholars? Calculus
27. The following happened during the Middle Ages EXCEPT: Cold War
28. One important stimulus was the monarchs' growing demand of coinable precious metals;
mining made giant strides to meet this demand. This was formed through old chemistry.
29. Epic of All are main Mesopotamian gods EXCEPT: Digong
30. The victims of Black Death often experience: High Fever and Vomiting
31. It's called the ‘Middle’ Ages because it is after the fall of what empire? Roman
32. The manuscript of Commentariolus was basically complete when Rheticus came to visit
him in 1539. False
33. The ________'s function is to control the id's impulses, especially those which society
forbids, such as sex and aggression. Superego
34. Alfred Nobel invents dynamite. True
35. Thomas Newcomen invents the first steam engine. True
36. Engine type fired by oil or gasoline. Internal Combustion
37. The increase in the number of factories and migration to the cities led to pollution,
deplorable working and living conditions, as well as child labor. True
38. Safety break was invented to prevent parachutes from falling if a cable breaks. False
39. The Industrial Revolution led to inventions that included the following except. Paper
40. The Industrial Revolution marked a period of development in the latter half of the ____
century. 18th Century
41. The Industrial Revolution was the third period in history during which there was a
simultaneous increase in both population and per capita income. False
42. They are commonly generated as a result of individual genius or luck. They are called
micro inventions. False (Macro inventions)
43. It is the trading zone or crossroads for Persian, Indian, and Byzantine cultures. Abbasid
44. Around 25 million people had died in Asia by the time the plague reached Constantinople
in 1347. True
45. Built from sunbaked bricks. Great Ziggurat of Ur
46. Majority of Ancient Mesopotamia is in today’s: Iraq

1. Confucianism's focus on a orderly human world conflicted mainly with the following
2. In the Middle Ages, the sun was considered to be the stationary center of the universe,
with the Earth, the Moon, and the planets turning around it in spheres of their own.

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