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fegein tetferrs aiahtors fertres (omea rearr son) terre iow: 17, aeatent rer ats, Ha - 400 020. HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) REGISTERED OFFICE : 17, JAMSHEDJITATA ROAD, MUMBA! 400 020, 17, aorta cre ars, ee ara 3, 11061, Hae - 400020, ATE - 22863900 « at - 2267 2092 « $4 corphaow@npel coin 47, damsel Tata Road, P 0. Box No. 11041, Mumba} - 400 020. Tel: 2286 3800. Fax 2287 2902+ mal corahaod@hpe coin GIN No. L25201Mi1952601008658 August 30, 201 Prof. S. Bhargava Shudewk, oe on Head of the Department bung 2A Shailesh J. Mehta Schoo! of M i “> iit Bombay, eal cr eee omar pAvdods to Murr” 4008 fahispalt aud cain fp imlert ted Att Dear Sir, lA Jong HPCL is a Navaratna PSU and a Fortune Global 500 Company with a ranking of 367 with annual gross sales of Rs.1,97,744 crore during FY 2015-16. HPCL enjoys over 21% marketing share in India as of Mar'16 (PSU category) and has a strong presence in Refining & Marketing in the country. We recorded Profit after Tax of Rs.3863 crore during 2015-16 which was the highest ever net Profit recorded since the formation of corporation HPCL's marketing network in retail segment consist of 13,802 retail outlets spread across length and breadth of the country, well positioned across different market segments i.e urban, rural & highways. Retail business segment, which accounts for 68% of marketing volumes of our Corporation is also the most common touch point of our Corporation with customers. Petro-retailing has been an area of business which touches life of almost every citizen, more particularly in the case of those individual or groups who play a direct and active role in nation’s economic and social activities. Our endeavor has always been to establish ‘meaningful connect with all such individuals and groups from different walks of life since they are either already associated with us or likely to be associated in future With the above objectives in mind, we propose to offer a unique learning opportunity to bright and young minds at premier academic institutions across the country, like yours, by engaging them on different aspects of petro-retailing in our country. We are very positive that such an engagement of students, along with invaluable guidance already available to them from eminent faculties at institutions like yours, would certainly help them gain an early and effective insights in to different aspects of petro-retailing and thus provide them valuable opportunity to understand multiple and complex business areas which, though already much discovered within the industry, are not easily accessible for academic projects and learning in a regular manner. ‘A clear objective of such an effort would be to help the students gain a deeper understanding of different elements of businesses, like ours, and how the concepts being delivered to them in their regular curriculum can be applied to real life business situations in the context of large business organizations like ours, and at the same time understand the relevance of their learning for addressing the interface areas for a large population of any country with a business. eo YW 32: We expect that the sheer size of network, scale of operations of its primary and secondary distributional channels and enormity of our business activity involving a very large population of customers being addressed by our kind of business would create high level, of interests and curiosity amongst the students and thus enhance the learning quotient through this activity, which was very evident in the highest level of entries received on project topic offered by us during an event conducted in the past at one of the premier institute of our country with large levels of participation from all major institutes across the country. Based on the previous experience as above, we propose that an all India contest be announced for students from premier institutes as follows, + Project papers (not exceeding 3000 words) shall be invited from the students of all premier institutes viz. IIMs, ISB, IISc, IITs and other leading / prominent institutes of our country. ‘+ Development of strategies to achieve long term objectives under Vision 2030 in Retail shall be offered as project topics for the contest to the students. Our team of functional experts have identified five business areas to be considered for study and submission of project papers by students which are derived from our Vision 2030 objectives in retail business segment and restated for bringing both business and academic perspective for the purpose of learning by students as listed here below, 1. Innovations in customer management for marketing of petroleum products in retail segment. 2. Innovative measures to gain customer loyalty in urban, rural and highway markets. 3. Innovations in management of retail network and dealer channel. 4, Role of Non-fuel activities in petro-retailing, 5. Innovations in infrastructure development for efficient & profitable operation of retail outlets. The contest shall be open for a period of 6 weeks for the students of select institutes. All the activities involved in the contest including announcement of contest and its details, registration by students, validation of students by institute, selection of topic, group formation, queries by students and their resolution by HPCL, submission of project papers, enrolment of faculty/ HPCL officials as evaluators, evaluation of papers at different stages, publishing of results etc. shall be managed online through a portal custom developed for the contest by HPCL. LSE] <- First level of screening of all the entries shall be done at campus level through couple of faculty members enlisted from respective campus and / or functional experts from HPCL. A shortlist of top 20 entries shall be prepared through evaluation by experienced subject matter experts (SMEs) at HPCL. Short-listed entries / students shall be invited for a final presentation to HPCL. Please refer Annexure-lI for further details on evaluation process. A formal reward and recognition for final winners has been instituted for the contest by HPCL which would instill a competitive spirit amongst all the participants. There shall be 2 prizes at campus level and a total of 11 prizes in the final round as detailed in Annexure I ‘We look forward to your support in this effort to create student-industry interface at your campus by giving permission to conduct HPCL_Retail@YourCampus and look forward to following and support, Permission to conduct HPCL_ Retail@YourCampus2016. * Consent to to conduct HPCL_Retail@YourCampus and announcement of the contest through institute's email to students, circulatgni the link to contest portal + Publication of the contest message through institute's bulletin boards/ message boards at campus. * Help in validating the bonafide status of students registering for the contest from your institutes by nominating one official to review the registrations and / or share the address string of authorized email id of the institute ( to auto verify the same. * Advise feasibility of enlisting faculty participating for evaluation of papers at campus level. We are planning to launch the said contest by 4th week of September 2016, accordingly we request your confirmation for above latest by 14” September 2016 to help us plan accordingly. Our DGM Highway Retailing, Shri K. Srinivas ( , +91 987 340 1508) and Sr. Manager Retail Strategy, Shri Pradeep Kumar Sharma ( , cell:+91 961 966 1323) from Retail SBU, HQO shall be coordinating the entire contest and may be reached for any further information in this regard. View above we look forward to your kind confirmation of support for launch of the contest at your campus as above With Best Regards, Very truly yours, Yr og ie Hoe fAshis Sen General Manager — Capability Building Annexure | Detailed description of Project Topics 4. innovations in customer management for marketing of petroleum products in retail segment. ‘Objective: Enhance customer engagement levels and brand loyalty. Focus Areas of Study: + Different customer segments & buying behaviors in the context of petro-retalling, ‘+ Customer value propositions and development of a strong petro: retailing brond. ‘+ _ Innovations for enhancing engagement of customers in urban, highway & rural markets, * Opportunities to adapt technology / new solutions in customer engagement. 2. Innovative measures to gain customer loyalty in urban, rural and highway markets. Objective: Enhiance customer brand loyalty of customers in individual and flet segments. Focus Areas of Study: * Role of customer loyaty in petro-retaiting and diferent forms. + Innovative approach to CRM / CLM implementation in petro-retailing ‘+ Opportunities to adopt technology / new solutions for gaining higher share of customer's wallet for fuel spends in favor of brand, 3. Innovations in management of retail network and desler channel. (Objective: Achieve market leadership and growth in sales. Focus Areas of Study: ‘© Efficient management of retail network both existing and new. Engagement and productivity of dealer channel + Productivity of network contributing both low volumes and profitability. 4, Role of Non-fuel activities in petro-retalling, ‘Objective: Boost overall profitability of retail operations. Focus areas of study: + Synergy of non-fuel and fuel sales a retail network. ‘© Opportunities for new tie ups. ‘+ Innovative business models and approach to non-fuel activities 5. Innovations in infrastructure/facilties development for efficent & profitable operation of retail outlets. ‘Objective: Achieve market leadership in terms of cost and efficiency in retail operations Focus areas of study: ‘+ Design and process innovations in development of infrastructure and facilities at retail outlets '* Opportunities to incorporate technology and design advancements in construction of new outlets and customer delivery process. Annexure - Il ‘The contest shall be conducted through an online portal / web application to manage different activities of the event and broadly summarized here below. Registration / participation: ‘+ Registration for the contest shall be on-line through the portal for contest. We shal share the portal details on Confirmation of the contest from the institute. ‘+ Student/s shall be mapped to an on-line support from HPCL based on topic selected by him / her for any specific details that may be required from Corporation. ‘+ Students are encouraged to participate in a group (max. 3 students) to bring in the aspect of team work in their efforts. ‘+ Submission of Project Papers: + Duration of the contest shall be 6 weeks. However, it can be extended by one to two weeks to accommodate the regular _academic schedule / exams of different institutes for achieving higher leve of participation / meeting the interest levels of students ‘+ Students/ Groups shall submit their project paper/ entry through the portal + Screening and Final Evaluation of Project Papers: ‘+ First level of screening of all the entries shall be at campus level, by faculty from respective campus and / or Functional ‘experts from MPCL. The objectives of frst level of screening shall be as follows, ‘Qualify the entries from respective campus meeting threshold requirements of project papers. ~ Evaluate and select the Top 2 entries for each campus. ‘+ A shortist of top 20 entries shall be prepared through evaluation by experienced subject matter experts (SHES) at HPCL. + Shortlisted entries / students shall be invited for a final presentation to HPCL at our Management Development institute {at Nigdi, Pune, The stay arrangements shall be made at the venue and expenses for travel by air (economy class) from the location / city of institute shall be reimbursed to students based on production of actual tickets. We would be keen to look for participation of faculty members from the institutes to reflect on work put up by their students. Evaluation of project popes shall be primarily based on the following parameters, Usderstanding of statement of purpose forthe topic. ‘Gorty of opproach and objectivity displayed in different elements of project. Significance, novelty of proposed ideo, opproach or solution. Higher relevance to real-ife business contexts. ‘+ Rewards and Recognition to Final Winners: ‘Aformal reward and recognition for final winners is also instituted by HPCL for the contest which would instil a competitive spirit amongst al the participants 2s follows, Prize Prize Amount (Team) No. of Prizes 1 Prine Rs2 Lakhs 1No, 2 Prive eA Lake Nos. Price s.0.50 ky Nos. Total 11 Prizes In addition to above final prizes, iis proposed to reward Top 2 entries from each campus @Rs.25,000/- per entry (team) ‘as an acknowledgement of their efforts.

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