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1. May I have your attention please!

Our program will start in about a minute,

please find yourself a comfortable seat to settle down.

2. After all the hindrances, the pandemic that came in our way, finally today, we
managed to make this event possible. Today is not just a wonderful day but we
will also make it a day full of learnings.

3. To our highly respected and versatile school principal sir Chris d. Pomoy. To our
Guest speaker sir Archie S. Otero. Fellow Teachers my warm morning greetings
to each and everyone. I am Isabelo Alferez your host for today’s event.

4. To formally start this program, let us invoke the presence and guidance of our
lord to be led by ma’am Jemalyn H. Lasaca, and as filipinos, to signify our unity
as a nation, let us stand proudly and sing loudly our Philippine National anthem
to be conducted by sir Rheyner F. Salvame.

5. To kick-off todays’ program, we are pleased to have with us our Asst. Principal
for Operations and Learner Support in Junior High School ma’am Ma. Lourdes E.
Mojica to deliver her welcome message. A big round of Applause please.

6. Thank you so much ma’am for that warm and wonderful remarks. At this
juncture, to deliver the statement of purpose, let us lend our ears to our ever
humble and commendable Guidance Advocate, Ladies and Gentlemen, please
join me in welcoming ma’am Carol P. Calaque.

7. Thank you, ma’am. At this point may I call on our energetic school nurse for the
recognition of participants.

8. To make the beat a little bit faster, let’s witness the intermission number of the K

9. There you have it! That was truly entertaining. At this juncture, let us be
emboldened with a message from our school principal, Mr. Chris D. Pomoy.

10. Thank you so much sir! And just like a meal, I know you are all excited to
go to the main course and heart of today’s event, to introduce to us our resource
speaker may I call on ma’am Aimee H. Lasaca.


11. Thank you so much sir ARCHIE for sharing to us your knowledge and
expertise. That was indeed an insightful and relevant presentation. Your thoughts
are going to stay with all of us.

12. At this point may I call on our Dedicated and passionate Asst. Principal for
Operations and Learner support in Senior High School ma’am Maricel P. Pomoy
for the teachers’ performance evaluation, performance rewarding and
development planning workshop.

13. Thank you, ma’am and sir, I hope you’ve found this training informative and
useful. Thank you for spending your day with us.

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