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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no.1 only.

1. The term rehabilitation entered the official jargon of corrections in the

Philippines in 1955. This was when the Philippines was a signatory to the United
Nations Standards on the Treatment of Prisoners during the –
A. Geneva Convention
B. Italian Convention
C. American Convention
D. East Asia & the Pacific Convention

2. Rehabilitation was first applied in medical practice. It came from the Latin word
“habilis”, which literally means –
A. fit or suitable
B. restore to sound operation
C. reestablish the good reputation
D. all of these

3. The Muntinlupa Juvenile Training Center caters to juvenile offenders. This was a
project spearheaded by the BUCOR in cooperation with –
A. Howard League of Penal Reform
B. Amnesty International
C. Japan International Cooperative Agency (JICA)
D. Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines

4. The College in Prisons was established in ___, though a tri‐partite agreement

between the Rotary Club of Las Piñas, the University of Perpetual Help Las Piñas
and the Bureau of Corrections.
A. November 1984
B. November 1994
C. November 2004
D. November 2012

5. It is a concept used to describe a number of positions and movements that seek to

challenge the existence of prison as the answer to problems of crime and it
advocates the correction of dominant culture rather than prisoners.
A. Factionalism
B. Abolitionism
C. Determinism
D. Activism

6. What law can be considered the second Probation law in the Philippines which is
intended only for minors?
A. PD 968
B. RA 4221
C. PD 6425
D. PD 603

7. What year can be best used to describe the period of enlightenment, a transition
from corporal punishment to imprisonment and reformation of criminal offenders?
A. 16th Century
B. 17th Century
C. 18th Century
D. 19th Century

8. In prison, these are disciplinary hearings for breaches of the prison rules,
involving coming out with sanctions according to available punishment outlined in
the prison rules. Which one of these?
A. Evaluation and Analysis C. Disciplinary Board
B. Adjudications D. Sentencing

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9. What is the authority of the President to suspend the execution of a penalty,
reduce the sentence and extinguish criminal liability?
A. Power of Parole
B. Power of Pardon
C. Executive clemency
D. President’s Prerogative

10. Among the following government agencies, which one does the B.J.M.P is being
A. Department of Justice
B. Department of Interior and Local Government
C. Philippine National Police
D. Bureau Of Corrections

11. The correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for vocational
or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties is called –
A. Private prison policy
B. Furlough or work release
C. Getting tough policy
D. Placement

12. There are casework techniques applied by the parole officer, which one is not
A. The trick and treat techniques
B. The executive techniques
C. The guidance counseling and leadership techniques
D. The manipulative techniques

13. The free-will doctrine is one of the fundamental foundation of the old school of
penology known as -
A. Penology school
B. Neo-classical school
C. Classical school
D. Positivist school

14. As a reformative measure, which one of the following helps the prisoner/detainee in
the resolution of his problems?
A. Meeting
B. Recreation
C. Working
D. Counseling

15. This branch takes charge of the financial matters especially in programming,
budgeting, accounting and other activities related to financial services. It
consolidates and prepares financial reports and related statements of subsistence
outlays and disbursements in the operation of the jail. Which one of these -
A. Budget and Finance branch
B. Property and Supply branch
C. General Services branch
D. Mess Services branch

16. A person can be considered an inmate if -

A. he has committed a crime
B. he has not been elected as barangay official
C. he is a bodyguard of the jail warden
D. he is the informer of the police

17. An operation conducted by the BJMP wherein a prisoner maybe checked at any time
such as his beddings, lockers and personal belongings may also be opened at any
time, in his presence, wherever possible. This practice is known as -
A. Check and Balance
B. OPLAN Inventory
C. S.O.P
D. Operation Greyhound

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18. He introduced the Progressive or Mark system of penal management which granted
privileges and good-conduct-time gradually culminating to the offenders release and
an improvement of the ticket of leave. Who was he?
A. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise
B. Alexander Maconochie
C. Sir Walter Crafton
D. Zebulon R. Brockway

19. The first international organization to achieve international cooperation with

respect to the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders in 1875 is the -
A. American Correctional Association
B. Philippine Correctional Association
C. Correctional Association of the Philippines
D. International Penal and Penitentiary Commission

20. Pardon cannot be extended to one of the following instances.

A. Murder
B. Rape
C. Brigandage
D. Impeachment

21. This service provide the most intensive diagnostic and treatment activities which
generally includes the function of psychiatrists, psychologists, social worker and
auxiliary personnel, particularly to offenders with deep seated emotional problems.
Which of these?
A. Diagnostic services
B. Medical services
C. Case work
D. Clinical services

22. Generally, it refers to commission of another crime during service of penalty

impose for another previous offense. Which one of these?
A. Recidivism
B. Quasi-recidivism
C. Delinquency
D. Concurso de delito

23. In 1524, a fortress was built on a rocky islet near the French port of Marseilles.
In 1580 it was taken into use as a state prison for those convicted of serious
political and religious crimes. Which one of the following?
A. Chateu de islet
B. Château d'If
C. Latteu Island
D. Marseilles de port

24. A person who is detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not yet been
convicted is considered as -
A. Detention prisoner
B. Municipal prisoner
C. Provincial prisoner
D. City prisoner

25. When may a prisoner be given passes or leaves from jails or places of confinement
from the following instances?
A. Recognizance is on process
B. When he puts bail for his temporary liberty
C. Upon the order of the city or municipal mayor
D. Upon instruction of the fiscal handling the case

26. The person responsible in carrying out the treatment programs of the prisoners in
jails is the -
A. Warden
B. Classification committee
C. Chaplain
D. Disciplinary Board

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27. What model of correctional system focused on the safety and security of inmates
than any other emphasis?
A. Family model
B. Penitence model
C. Custodial model
D. Community-based model

28. Which of the following is not a form of Executive Clemency?

A. Recognizance
B. Banishment
C. Probation
D. All of these

29. What camp or jail detains minimum custody offenders who are serving short sentence
with constructive work programs?
A. Provincial jail
B. Ordinary jail
C. Workhouse, jail farm or camp-house
D. Lock-up

30. What pillar in the administration of Criminal Justice System charge with the
responsibility for the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of convicted
A. Conviction
B. Penalty
C. Corrections
D. Punishment

31. The pardoning power of the President cannot be exercised in one of the following
A. While serving sentence
B. After conviction
C. When transfer to a colony has been scheduled
D. Before conviction and before trial

32. After undergoing all the tests, interviews and examinations, an inmate appears
before a staff to plan out with him his tentative program of activities that
prisoner should undergo. This process is called -
A. Admission procedure
B. Guidance and counseling
C. Exit conference
D. Staff conference

33. The feature of this prison system was confinement of the prisoners in their cells
day and night. It was called the solitary system of prison. Which one of these?
A. Auburn Prison system
B. Pre-classical Prison system
C. Pennsylvania Prison system
D. Secular Prison system

34. A person who is sentenced to serve imprisonment for three years to life
imprisonment is considered as -
A. City or municipal prisoner
B. Insular or National prisoner
C. Provincial prisoner
D. a colonist

35. An early prisoner system which was noted to be more advantageous for prisoners
because they can finish valuable items when they work in groups than working along
in their individual cells. Which one of these?
A. Maison de force
B. Pennsylvania system
C. Auburn system
D. Secular Prison system

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36. What kind of discipline applied after an offense has been committed by an inmate
that offers great advantage over punishment?
A. Positive discipline
B. Negative discipline
C. Strict discipline
D. Leniency type

37. Generally, it is a compensation of good behavior. Which one of the following?

A. Amnesty
B. Probation
C. Good conduct time allowance
D. Delayed sentence

38. This was in form of group vengeance as distinguished from retribution, where
punishment is exacted publicly for the purpose of appeasing the social group. What
is being described?
A. Protection
B. Penalty
C. Deterrence
D. Expiation

39. The central goal of Probation Administration is to enhance the safety of the
community by reducing the incidence of criminal acts by persons -
A. to be convicted
B. previously convicted
C. has just been convicted
D. not yet convicted

40. In prison, it is commonly thought of as a procedure to prevent escapes, riots, and

disorder and the punishment of those involved. Which one of these?
A. Punishment
B. Control
C. Preventive discipline
D. Discipline

41. Among the following, what instance can justify the act of punishing people for a
wrong doing?
A. Retribution
B. Deterrence
C. Expiation or atonement
D. All of the above

42. Prisoners who cannot be trusted in open conditions and pose less danger to society
if they escape can be classified as -
A. Minimum security prisoners
B. Medium security prisoners
C. Maximum security prisoners
D. Detention prisoners

43. Probation is an a judicial function because -

A. it is the President who grants it
B. it is the convicting court that grants it
C. the applicant is not yet convicted
D. the petitioner has already serving the sentence

44. In determining whether an offender may be placed on probation the court shall
consider all information relative to the following, except -
A. Antecedents and environment
B. Character
C. Mental and physical conditions of the offender
D. Political affiliation

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45. The duration of penalty which is from twelve years and one day to twenty years is
called –
A. Reclusion Temporal
B. Prision Correccional
C. Reclusion Perpetua
D. Prision Mayor

46. Another condition before a prisoner may be entitled for parole is that he must have
served the ___ period of his sentence.
A. 50% of the sentenced imposed
B. 60% of the sentenced imposed
C. minimum
D. medium

47. The amendatory law that removes the additional 1 day in the 6 years and 1 day
maximum imprisonment in the qualifications for probation is –
A. PD 968
B. BP 76
C. PD 1990
D. PD 1257

48. Historically, the earliest workhouse in England dated about 1557-1576 was the -
A. Singsing prison
B. Bridewell
C. Alcatraz
D. Walnut street jail

49. What measures or body governs the conduct of inmates in terms of discipline and
A. Disciplinary board
B. Custodial Force
C. Office of the Director
D. Executive Secretary

50. Which one is the so called Jeremy Bentham’s prison design?

A. Singsing Prison
B. Alcatraz Prison
C. Panopticon Prison
D. Walnut Prison

51. The idea that punishment will be given to the offender by showing to others what
would happen to them if they have committed what the offender has done. Which one
of these?
A. Protection
B. Enjoyment
C. Deterrence
D. Stoning

52. For a convicted offender, probation is a form of -

A. punishment
B. enjoyment
C. treatment
D. incarceration

53. For amnesty to be granted to a group of prisoners, there should be -

A. recommendation from the United Nations
B. application by group
C. recommendation from the Commission on Human Rights
D. concurrence of Congress

54. As per its mandate and the organizational structure, the highest official of the
Bureau of Corrections is -
A. Director General
B. Director
C. Deputy Director
D. Prison Superintendent

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55. What is the purpose of the waiting period in granting absolute pardon to restore
the political and civil rights of the offender released from prison?
A. To give time to the offender to think of his mistakes
B. To let the released prisoner suffer for the consequences of his criminal act
C. To give the offender an opportunity to demonstrate that he has established a
new pattern of good conduct
D. To give the prisoner time to plan for his next legal remedies

56. It is a penalty wherein a convicted person shall not be permitted to enter the
place designates in the sentence, or within the radius therein specified, which
shall not more than 250 and be not less than 25 kilometers from the place
designated. Which one of these?
A. Fine
B. Segregation
C. Destierro
D. Imprisonment

57. In general, the suffering inflicted to an individual for having committed an

offense is termed as -
A. Sentence
B. Penalty
C. Retribution
D. Sanction

58. _____ of prisoners is aimed at preventing the moral or physical contamination of

one group by another and to prevent unnecessary custodial risk.
A. Classification
B. Solitary confinement
C. Segregation
D. Evaluation

59. The period of deducted sentence granted to a prisoner who escaped on the occasion
arising from conflagration, earthquake or catastrophe where he voluntarily
surrendered with 48 hours following the issuance of a proclamation announcing the
termination of such disorder. Which of these?
A. 2/5 period of sentence
B. 1/4 period of sentence
C. 1/3 period of sentence
D. 1/5 period of sentence

60. It is a form of slang, sometimes unique to the prison but normally borrowing from
external cultures, which describe the world from the perspective of the prison.
Which one of these is defined?
A. Prison Argot
B. Prison Rules
C. Prison Discipline
D. Prison Gang

61. The purpose of the decree on probation is to -

A. Provide an opportunity for the reformation of a penitent offender which might
be less probable if he were to serve a prison sentence
B. Prevent the commission of offense
C. Promote the correction and rehabilitation of an offender by providing him
with individualized treatment
D. All of these

62. It is a condition of penalty that no one can assume the suffering for a crime
committed by others. This is the condition of -
A. Justice
B. Legal
C. Personal
D. Certain

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63. The following are factors considered in diversification, except -
A. Birth date of offender
B. Age of offender
C. Sex of offender
D. Medical condition of offender

64. Article 70 of the Revise Penal Code provides that in applying its provision, the
duration of service of sentence of life termer should be:
A. 30 years
B. 20 years
C. 40 years
D. 15 years

65. Under the law, when should probation order take effect?
A. Three days after issuance
B. Three days prior to issuance
C. Immediately upon its issuance
D. 78 hours after issuance

66. Which of the following branches of prison or jail administration takes charge of
the preparation of the daily menu, makes foodstuff purchases, prepares and cooks
the food and serves it to the inmates?
A. General service branch
B. Budget and finance branch
C. Mittimus computing branch
D. Mess service branch

67. Under Article VII, section 10, paragraph (B) of the Constitution, pardoning power
is vested with the -
A. Department of Justice
B. Chief Executive
C. Judiciary
D. Legislative

68. Early punishments included transportation, indentured servitude and economic

sanctions, public humiliation, pillory, stocks and ducking stools. In what year
transportation was prevalent means of punishing criminals?
A. 1700’s
B. 1600’s
C. 1500’s
D. 1400’s

69. Through archaeological diggings, scientists have acknowledged that the first law
system in the world belonged to the Mesopotamians, specifically the Sumerians Code
known as -
A. Code of Ur-Nammu
B. Code of Namuh-Muh
C. Code of Inlamut
D. Code of Nak Tukinnog

70. A more popular version the Sumerian laws which chronicles the rights of citizens,
marriages, successions, property rights and penalties was the –
A. Code of Lipit-Isthar
B. Code of Ur-Nammu
C. Hammurabic Code
D. Code of Eshunna

71. During the 1700’s, the two very famous prisons were the Hospice of San Michele and
the Maison de Force.
Inmates were whipped and had to adhere to the rule of silence. These prisons were
considered to be ideal models of the prison institution at the time. The Hospice of
San Michele was in Rome while Maison de Force was in _____.
A. Spain
B. Belgium
C. Argentina
D. Italy

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72. Who was this Christian activist who fought for prison reform in which he inspected
jails in order to ensure that prisoners received humane treatment?
A. John Howard
B. Alexander Maconochie
C. Manuel Montesimos
D. Demetrios de Demetria

73. In the early years in England, jails were called, ___ operated with few inmates and
under a fee system.
A. the Hulks
B. the Galleys
C. the Gaols
D. None of these

74. This law repealed the Code of Draco and allowed capital punishment only for a
limited number of serious offenses, such as murder or military or political
offenses against the state. It also gave the right of representation, of every
person to claim redress on behalf of another to whom wrong was being done. Which
one of these?
A. Solon’s Law
B. Baker’s Law
C. Hammurabic Code
D. Justinian Code

75. Who was this woman prison reformer, who, in 1813 worked to improve conditions of
women who were imprisoned?
A. Elizabeth Gurney Fry
B. Hellen of Troy
C. Ma. Augusta Dejeneros
D. Mother Theresa

76. In 1876, what prison adopted a prison system designed to house young men where
academic program was put in place and athletics was encouraged? The silent system
was not used but rather a rewards system was used.
A. Auburn prison system
B. The Bridewell workhouse
C. Elmira Reformatory
D. Tiger Hill Jail

77. ___ was a shoemaker who advocated fair treatment of criminals and his effort made
the legal statute for probation passed first by Massachusetts in 1878.
A. George Washington
B. John Howard
C. John Augustus
D. Frederick the great

78. How many death convicts were executed through the Lethal Injection when the death
penalty was re-imposed in 1994?
A. Four convicts
B. Only one convict
C. Seven convicts
D. Fifteen convicts

79. What was a succession of consolidations of the criminal laws in China, developed
during the Ming Dynasty of 1368-1644?
A. Ming Code
B. Tang Code
C. Wong Code
D. Man code

80. This group consists of chronic troublemakers but not as dangerous as the super
security prisoners. They are not allowed to work outside the institution. Which of
A. Maximum security prisoners
B. Minimum security prisoners
C. Super security prisoners
D. Medium security prisoners

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81. A Sumerian code which forbids accepting money or objects “from the hands of a
slave” or making loans (that is, any transactions with a slave). Moneylenders are
likewise forbidden from taking hostages, whether free men or slaves. Which one of
A. Code of Ur
B. Code of Eshunna
C. Hammurabic Code
D. Code of Draco

82. The view that the low female crime and delinquency rates are a reflection of the
leniency which police treat female offender is known as –
A. Chivalry Hypothesis
B. Chronic Female Offenders doctrine
C. Broken window
D. Consensus view of crimes

83. A program of graduated release designated to reduce the severity of abrupt release
into the community from institutional life among inmates. This is called -
A. Reentry program
B. Conjugal visits
C. Group counseling
D. Psychodrama program

84. The oldest known prison can be traced to the Ancient Rome. Originally designed as a
cistern for water. Which one of these?
A. The Hulk
B. The Galleon
C. The Mamertine
D. The Galleys

85. It is one of the earliest devise for softening brutal severity of punishment
through a compromise with the church. It became one of the forerunners of modern
probation system. Which one of these?
A. Mark system
B. Irish System
C. Benefit of the clergy
D. Judicial reprieve

86. A recipient of absolute pardon is ____ from civil liability imposed upon him by the
A. Partially exempted
B. Conditionally exempted
C. Exempted
D. Not exempted

87. The belief that capital punishment creates an atmosphere of brutality that
enhances, rather than deters the level of violence in society is known as –
A. Broken window effect
B. Brutalization effect
C. Boot camp effect
D. Conflict view

88. Stopping or reducing crime by convincing would-be offenders that they stand a
significant risk of being apprehended and punished for their crimes is called –
A. Stack effect
B. Deterrent effect
C. Diversion effect
D. Anxiety effect

89. When the death penalty was in effect, what facility was designated as the site of
the Lethal Injection Chamber?
A. New Bilibid Prison
B. Camp Sampaguita
C. Camp Bukang Liwayway
D. Mandaluyong City

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90. In 1852, the most notorious prison in the world in terms of the harshness of its
regime and position was built in an island situated in the Atlantic off the coast
of French Guiana (N.E. coastline of S. America) and was in use from 1852 to 1946.
Which one of these?
A. Island de Guineau C. Devil’s Island
B. Alcatraz Prison D. Turt Island

91. What is the crime committed if a public officer or employee detain any person for
some legal ground but failed to deliver such person to the proper judicial
authorities within the period prescribed by law?
A. Illegal detention
B. Delay in the Delivery of Detained Persons to the Proper Judicial Authorities.
C. Illegal Arrest
D. Arbitrary detention

92. Which of these laws influenced mostly the French and German laws as it was
published about 475 in Burgundy?
A. Code of Draco
B. Burgundian Code
C. Roman Laws
D. Sumerian Laws

93. The prison is located on an island in San Francisco Bay. It was built for the
military in the 1850's and used by them, as a fort and a prison until 1933 when it
passed to the Department of Justice and became a civil prison until it was closed
in 1963. Which one of these?
A. Island de Guineau
B. Alcatraz Prison
C. Devil’s Island
D. Turt island

94. In what year did the Correctional Institution for Women Mindanao became
A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2008 D. 2009

95. What is the award given to a prisoner who has loyalty to serve his or her sentence
under circumstances of calamity or natural disaster by coming back to the prison to
continue serving his sentence after clearance of such calamity or disaster?
A. Good Conduct Time Allowance
B. Loyalty Award
C. Special Time Allowance
D. All of the above

96. According to the Bible, the death penalty was inflicted upon Jesus Christ by the
Romans, which was affected by –
A. Burning B. Beheading C. Hanging D. None of these

97. Who among the following reformist established an agricultural colony for delinquent
boys in 1839 providing house fathers as in charge of these boys?
A. Auguste Demetz of France
B. Auguste Comte
C. August Vollmer
D. Walter Crofton

98. What crime is committed by a prisoner serving sentence and escaped the prison by
breaking the roofs using picklocks and false keys?
A. Fugitive Offense
B. Evasion of Service of Sentence
C. Deceit
D. Conflagration

99. Bonus – C

100. The good conduct time allowance is a privilege granted to a prisoner that entitles
him to a deduction of his term of imprisonment. During the first two years of his
imprisonment with good behavior, he should deducted –
A. 3 days for each month
B. 5 days for each month
C. 8 days for each month
D. 10 days for each month

-End of Exam-

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