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Assignment 3

Hardas Sidhu


Marketing Essentials

November 4, 2022
Assignment 3: Consumer Behavior

The COVID Pandemic has caused many problems in society and even led to a great
change in people's lives. However, there has been a huge change in consumption by the
people as there has been a shift in their preferences related the food products and fashion.

With the growth in COVID, there has been growth in the usage of fresh fruits and
vegetables as the health of the people was the most important concern; everyone wanted to
keep themselves healthy and ensure that they wanted to eat healthier food which would keep
their body healthy. Consideration of healthy bodies has been playing a large part in
purchasing decisions. People have been seeking increasingly healthier food to keep them fit
and not let their bodies catch the virus. This has also been related to the Maslow Hierarchy of
Needs as the people preferred their Physiological Needs and Safety needs more than anything
as, at that time, everyone preferred to keep themselves safe rather than anything.

To prioritize needs, people started cooking their meals at home. They refrained from
eating any outside food as they faced changing their preferences. Rather than junk food, they
preferred healthy and homemade food. This led to a great shift in the demand for Quick
Serving Restaurants as people were going less to these places and just cooking their food.
This also impacted the country's economic growth and led to a loss in the GDP.

Even though there has been an increase in the changing needs regarding the fashion
preference of people due to COVID, there was an increase in the change in human
consumption in the fashion industry. Due to COVID, the stores were closed worldwide, and
sales have been a huge decline in sales. Not only that, but the fashion industry's supply chain
was also in pieces due to stoppage over import and export. Not only that, as businesses were
closed in Canada, there was a reduction in the income of the individual, which reduced the
purchasing power of the people and forced them to purchase only required goods such as
food and shelter. Due to COVID, consumers have seen a huge shift in their lives. Rather than
just purchasing some luxury goods, they have spent their money on necessary goods.

Therefore, there have been many changes that COVID has brought about in the food
and fashion industry. This has changed Canada's demand and supply and led to many
problems in the economy. The Canadian Market will take much time to get back on track.

Durrell, K. (2020, July 24). COVID-19 drives healthy eating behaviors in Asia, reveals
Innova Market Insights.
Granskog, A., Lee, L., Magnus, K., & Sawers, C. (2020, July 17). Survey: Consumer
sentiment on sustainability in fashion. McKinsey & Company.
Statistics Canada. (2020, July 24). Retail e-commerce and COVID-19: How online shopping
opened doors while many were closing.
Sunstrum, K. (n.d.). How COVID-19 is affecting the eating habits of Canadians | Research.
Keenoa-blog. Retrieved November 4, 2022, from
Thomann, Z. (2020, June 24). COVID-19: There is hope for fashion yet.

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