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Rudolf Steiner was a true adventurer. Few were the evenings, when he did not go out from his room in search of the unexpected. The most interesting thing in
life seemed to him to be what might lie just around the next corner. Sometimes his love of adventure led him into strange paths.

One evening Rudolf was walking leisurely along a street in the older central part of the city. Crowds of people hurrying home filled the sidewalks.

The young adventurer was rather good-looking. He wore his tie drawn through a 'topaz ring instead of fastened with a stick-pin. By daylight he was a salesman
in a piano store.

During his walk a violent chattering of teeth in a glass case on the sidewalk drew his attention to a dentist's sign high above the next door: A giant Negro,
strangely dressed in a red coat, yellow trousers and a military cap, was handing cards to the passing people. This way of advertising was a common sight to
Rudolf. Usually he passed the Negro without taking any of the dentist's cards, but to-night the Negro managed to give him one. Rudolf looked at it indifferently
but was surprised to see that, instead of the dentist's name, the words ―The Green Door" were written on it. He picked up a card that some passer-by had
thrown away. It had the dentist's name and address on it.

The adventurous piano salesman stopped at the corner of the street, turned back and joined the crowd of people again. He passed the Negro a second time and
carelessly took the card that was handed him. Ten steps away he looked at it. In the same handwriting that he saw on the first card the words ―The Green Door
were written on it.

Rudolf walked slowly back to the place where the giant Negro stood. This time as he passed he received no card. Standing aside from the crowd, the young man
looked at the building in which he thought his adventure must lie. It was five storeys high. A small restaurant occupied the basement. On the first floor there
was a millinery shop. The second floor was the dentist's. Above this there was a chaos of dress- makers', musicians' and doctors' signs. Still higher up curtains
and mill-bottles on the window-sills told of domesticity.

After he had finished his survey Rudolf walked quickly up the stone steps into the house. Ile went up two flights of steps and stopped at the top. The landing
was dimly lighted by two pale gas-jets. He looked towards the nearer light and saw a green door. He stood hesitatingly a moment, then he walked straight to the
green door and knocked at it. The moments that passed before his k lock was answered, were moments of true adventure. What might not be behind this green
door! danger, death,- love, disappointment…

A faint rustle was heard inside, and the door slowly opened. A girl not yet twenty years old stood there, white-faced. She swayed weakly, groping for the door
with one hand. Rudolf caught her and laid her on a sofa that stood by the wall. He closed the door and glanced around the room. Neat, but extreme poverty was
the story that he read.

The girl lay still as if in a faint. Rudolf began to fan her with his pat. This was successful — for he struck her nose with the brim of his hat and she opened her
eyes. And then the young man knew that the frank grey eyes, the little pert nose and the curly chestnut hair were the best reward of all his wonderful adventures.
But the face was very thin and pale.

The girl looked at him calmly, and then smiled.

"I fainted, didn't I?" she asked, weakly. "Well, who wouldn't? You try going without anything to eat for three days and see!"
"Good God!" exclaimed Rudolf, jumping up. "Wait till I come back."

He ran out of the green door and down the stairs. In twenty minutes he was back again with both arms full of various things from the grocery and the restaurant.
He put the things on the table—bread and butter, cakes, pies, pickles, a roasted chicken, a bottle of milk and a bottle of hot tea.

"This is ridiculous," he said, "to go without eating. Supper is ready." He helped her to a chair at the table and asked: "Is there a cup for the tea?" "On the shelf by
the window," she answered. When he returned with the cup, he saw that she had taken a big pickle out of the paper bag and was beginning to eat it. He took it
from her, laughingly, and poured the cup full of milk. "You must drink that first," he said, "and then you shall have some tea, and then a chicken wing. If you
are very good you will have a pickle to-morrow.
And now, if you allow me to be your guest, we shall have supper."

He took the other chair. The tea brightened the girl's eyes and brought back some of her colour. She began to eat greedily like some starved wild animal. When
strength returned to her, she began to tell Rudolf her little story. It was one of a thousand stories that happen in the big city every day—the shop girl's story of
very small wages, of "fines" that go to enlarge the store's profits, of time lost through illness," and then of lost positions, lost hope and—the knock of Rudolf on
the green door.

But to Rudolf this story sounded as big as the Iliad!

―To think of you going through all that,‖ he said.
"It was something awful," said the girl.
"And you have no relatives or friends in the city?"
"I am quite alone in the world, too," said Rudolf, after a pause.
"I am glad of that," said the girl; and it was pleasant to the young man to hear it.
Very suddenly her eyelids dropped and she sighed deeply. "I am awfully sleepy," she said, "and I feel so good." Rudolf rose and took his hat.
"Then I'll say good-night. A long sleep will be good for you."
He held out his hand, and she took it and said "good night." But there was a question in her eyes, and he answered it with words.
"I'll come again to-morrow to see how you are getting along. You can't get rid of me so easily."
Then, when he was already at the door, she asked: "How did it happen that you knocked at my door?"

He looked at her for a moment, remembering the cards, and then he decided that she must never know the truth. He would never let her know that he knew that
she had resorted to those cards."One of our piano tuners lives in this house," he said. "I knocked at your door by mistake."

The last thing he saw in the room before the green door closed was her smile.
At the head of the stairway' he paused and looked around him.

Then he went up to the floor above, then went slowly down. Every door that he found in the house was painted green. Wondering, he went down to the
sidewalk. The giant Negro was still there. Rudolf went up to him with the two cards in his hand.

"Will you tell me why you gave me these cards and what they mean?" he asked.
With a broad, good-natured smile, the Negro pointed down the street.

"There it is, sir," he said. "but I am afraid, you are a little late for the first act." Rudolf looked in the
direction the Negro pointed and saw above the entrance to a theatre the electric sign of its new play, "The Green Door."
At the corner of the street in which he lived, Rudolf stopped for a glass of beer and a cigar. When he came out, he buttoned his coat and said to the lamp-post on
the corner:
"All the same, I believe it was the hand of Fate that showed the way for me to find her."
This conclusion certainly shows that Rudolf Steiner was a true follower of Romance and Adventure.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of man was R. Steiner? What was he?

2. What did he look like?
3. Did a giant Negro sell or advertise anything? How did he do it?
4. The main character received a card with the words ―The Green Dentist‘s‖, didn‘t he?
5. How did R. Steiner find the green door?
6. Who opened the door to the character?
7. What did R. Steiner bring from the grocery and the restaurant? Why?
8. Did the young girl have any relatives or friends in the city?
9. Why didn‘t R. Steiner tell the girl how he had found her place?
10. What turned out to be ―the Green Door?

II. Translate into English (you can find equivalents in the text):

1. Последнее, что он увидел в комнате перед закрытием зеленой двери, была ее улыбка.
2. Тем не менее, я верю, что именно судьба привела меня к ней.
3. Через двадцать минут он вернулся снова с руками забитыми разными вещами из
продуктового магазина и ресторана.
4. Внутри раздался слабый шорох, и дверь медленно открылась.
5. Там стояла девушка, которой не было и двадцати лет, с белым лицом. Она слабо покачнулась, одной рукой нащупывая дверь.
6. Ему казалось, что самое интересное в жизни может произойти совсем скоро.
7. Стоя в стороне от толпы, молодой человек посмотрел на здание, в котором он думал, его ждут приключения.
8. Этот способ рекламы был обычным явлением для Рудольфа.
9. Было мало таких вечеров, когда он не выходил из своей комнаты в поисках неожиданного.

Class activities I
The Green Door

I. Complete the table with the Past Forms of the verbs:


II. What's the difference?

Drag VS Draw VS Pull


Lie VS Lay

Aside VS Next to VS Nearby


Stairway VS Staircase
Storey VS Level VS Floor
Faint VS Dim VS Disrepair VS Fade

III. Complete the following table:


violence violate
leisured -------
carelessness --------
domesticity domestically
brim --------
strike strikingly
--------- frank

ridicule ---------
enlargement ---------


Verbs to Noun Suffixes: -al, arrive - arrival; -ance/ -ence, attend – attendance, prefer - preference; -ation/-tion, inform – information; -sion, decide – decision;
-ure, depart – departure; -ment, agree – agreement; -acke, pack – package; -ing, bless – blessing; -ery, bake – bakery; -ty, safe – safety;

Adj to Adverb: -ly, quick – quickly;

IV. Correct the following sentences:

It is essential to transport passengers safety.

The develop of mobile phone networks in many poor countries has benefited their economies
Continuing violently in the south of the country has slowed development.
Male elephants will sometimes show aggressively towards human beings.

V. What’s the difference?

You did a good job. VS You did a job well.


You smell good today. VS You smell well for someone with a cold.

VI. Translate into English:

1. Наконец он лениво поднялся с дивана.

2. Я не знаю, как избавиться от всех этих старых вещей.
3. За курение в общественном месте Вас могут оштрафовать.
4. Такие ситуации – обычное дело в больших городах.
5. Если ты продолжишь сидеть на этой диете, скоро начнешь в обморок падать.
6. На тротуарах стоят машины, поэтому пешеходам приходится идти прямо по дороге.
7. Она глубоко вздохнула и продолжила свою тяжелую работу.
8. Еще одно такое засушливое лето, и они будут просто голодать.
9. Я услышал слабый звук, потом все громче и громче, и вдруг раздался страшный гром.
10. Простые люди ничего не хотят знать о геополитике. Они просто хотят, чтобы война

Further Reading
Types of stores in English

I. Read the definitions and write the shopping vocabulary in the spaces provided.
1. A person who buys things in a store. _____________
2. You place the things you are going to buy on here when you pay. _____________
3. A shop that sells medicine. _____________
4. You give this as a present to someone to buy things in a certain shop. _____________
5. Money which is returned to you when you pay for something. _____________
6. You use this to do a lot of shopping. It has four wheels and you push it. _____________
7. A shop that sells alcohol. _____________
8. The things you buy in a shop are called this. _____________
9. The piece of paper they give you in a shop after you pay for something. _____________
10. The place in a supermarket where you pay for the things you buy. _____________
11. A person who takes your money when you buy something in a shop. _____________
12. A shop that sells bread and cakes. _____________
13. You carry one of these to put your shopping in. _____________
14. You go to this place to try on clothes before buying them. _____________
15. A person who helps you in a shop. _____________
16. You ask for this when you're unhappy with something you have bought. _____________
17. A shop that sells fruit and vegetables. _____________
18. A black and white strip which is scanned when you pay for things. _____________
19. If you didn't bring any money, you can pay for things with one of these. _____________
20. Something in a shop which is excellent value if you buy it. _____________

Asking for things

"Do you have any...?"
"I'm looking for..."
"I wonder if you could help me...?"
What the shopkeeper says
"I'm sorry, we're out of stock."
"I'm sorry, that's the last one."
"I'm sorry, that's all we have left."
What a sales person says
"Can I help you?"
"Are you looking for anything in particular?"
Your reply
"I'm just looking, thank you."
"I'm just browsing, thank you."
Asking about things
"Do you have this in another size?"
"Do you have this in another color?"
"Is this made of leather / silk / plastic...?"
"Does this come with a guarantee?"
"Is this fully refundable?"
"Can I bring this back if it's not the right size?"
"Can I bring this back if it doesn't fit?"
Paying – what the shopkeeper says
"Do you have anything smaller?" (If you pay with a large denomination note.)
Paying – what you say
"I'm sorry, I don't have any small change."
"I don't have anything smaller."
"Would you have change for this?"
"Can I have the receipt, please?'
"Can I pay by credit card?"
"Can I pay in cash?"
"Is this on sale?"

II. Complete shopping conversation questions with shopping vocabulary and use the questions to interview a partner.

Student A
shopping retailers product experience online
customer window grocery brand counterfeit

1. Who does the ___________ shopping in your household? How often do they do it?
2. Have you ever bought any ___________ products like fake designer bags or clothes?
3. Do you ever go ___________ shopping with your friends?
4. Where do you prefer to go ___________? Why?
5. Which ___________ names do you like the most? Why?
6. What is the worst shopping ___________ you've ever had?
7. If you are buying an expensive item, do you compare prices at different ___________?
8. Do you shop ___________? What kinds of things do you buy?
9. What is the best ___________ you ever bought? Why was it so good?
10. How important is ___________ service when you go shopping?
Student B

prefer e-commerce haggle loyalty supermarkets

bought spend faulty sales credit card

1. Have you ever taken anything back to a shop because it was ___________?
2. When you go shopping, do you usually pay by cash or ___________?
3. What is your favorite ___________ website? Why?
4. How do you feel about ___________ people following you and helping you when you shop?
5. Can you name a few ___________? Which one do you like the best? Why?
6. What was the last thing you ___________ for someone else? Why did you buy it?
7. Do you ___________ going shopping alone or with other people?
8. How much money do you usually ___________ on food each week?
9. Do you ever ___________ over price? Do you enjoy it?
10. Do you belong to any ___________ programs? Do you think collecting points or stamps
are worthwhile?

There are extracts from two shopping conversations. Decide which conversation each extract is from. Write 1 or 2 in the spaces provided.
Conversation 1 - A customer calling a customer service representative.
Conversation 2 - A customer and a shop assistant talking in a shop.

It arrived in a damaged box. ___ Here's your receipt. ___

In cash, please. ___ It's a bargain. ___
Would you like a bag? ___ I was charged for something I didn't buy. ___
I'd like a refund please. ___ When I tried to use it, it wouldn't work. ___
I paid by credit card. ___ It's supposed to be a secure website. ___
It's on special offer. ___ How would you like to pay? ___
I'll take it. ___ An extra charge has appeared on my statement. ___


Student A: You bought something online. When the Student B: You are a customer service
product arrived, it was faulty. You have also representative. Sometimes goods are faulty because
been charged for something you didn't buy. they've been damaged in the post. There shouldn't
be any problems with credit card fraud
because your website is secure. Be as helpful as you
Student A: You are a shop assistant. You have a Student B: You are a customer. You see something
number of special offers at the moment. Try to at a great price. You'd like to buy it for your
sell the customer as many things as you can. friend's birthday. You don't need a bag. You have
your own.

Homework_the green door

I. Choose the correct option. One or two options are possible.
1. Brighten
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb
2. Entrance
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb
3. Swayed
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb
4. Chestnut
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb
5. Poverty
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb
6. Adventurous
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb
7. Enlarge
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb
8. Starve
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb
9. Pleasant
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb
10. Grocery
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb

II. Complete the following table:

Translate adj / adv adj / adv Comparative Superlative
Молодой young younger the youngest
Равнодушно indifferently more indifferently the most indifferently

III. Translate into English:

1. Пока они ругались, я стоял в стороне.

2. Она нерешительно положила свою булавку в шкатулку.
3. Мы живем в 10 этажном здании без подземной парковки.
4. Уходя в даль, она испарилась в толпе.
5. Улыбка исчезла с его лица.
6. Когда я вышла на лестничную площадку, он уже ушел.
7. Когда я вышла на лестничную площадку, его уже не было видно.
8. Тяжелее было затащить дорожную сумку в такси.

IV. Match the stores with their functions.

1 department store a a shop that sells food

2 grocery store b sells paper goods.
3 drugstore c a store that sells many different items in different
4 stationer d sells newspapers and magazines.
5 flea market e sells fresh bread and cakes.
6 pet shop f sells fresh meat
7 newsagent g sells glasses / contact lenses.
8 baker h sells medicines and toiletries
9 optician i for pets and pet food.
10 butcher j a group of stalls selling old furniture or clothes.
When we talk about shops, we often put an 's on the end. For example, "I'm going to the chemist's / greengrocer's / butcher's / baker's / news-agent's /
fishmonger's / optician's."
We don't use an 's with these shops: supermarket, hardware store, petrol station, department store.

V. Complete the shopping items with the container words from the box. You can use the container words more than once. Several items may have
more than one correct answer.

bar bottle box can carton

case crate jar tin tube packet

1. a ______________ of glue 11. a ______________ of jam

2. a ______________ of beer 12. a ______________ of milk
3. a ______________ of coffee 13. a ______________ of toothpaste
4. a ______________ of cereal 14. a ______________ of orange juice
5. a ______________ of soap 15. a ______________ of chocolate
6. a ______________ of tuna 16. a ______________ of Coke
7. a ______________ of noodles 17. a ______________ of biscuits
8. a ______________ of crisps 18. a ______________ of honey
9. a ______________ of water 19. a ______________ of cigarettes
10. a ______________ of chocolates 20. a ______________ of eggs

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